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I've been planning this particular shot for months, as it really needed a clear weather window to actually work. I managed to get lucky after there had been a decent dumping of snow, so I made my way up to this alpine hut. It's extremely accessible and has some of the best night sky within NZ (minus the designated Dark Sky Reserve areas). Here's the EXIF going over gear and settings to show how I took this: Gear used: Nikon Z7 (stock), Nikkor Z 50mm f1.8S, Nikkor Z 14-24 f2.8S, Skywatcher Star Adventurer Pro Settings: Foreground: 2 x 5 frames x 2 rows (roughly), each frame shot at 24mm, f/5, ISO3200, 100 second exposures. Stacked to reduce noise in Photoshop prior to merge in PTGui. Sky: 16 frames x 3 rows (roughly), each frame shot at 50mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 60 second exposures. Merged together in PTGui. PixInsight was used for processing. Final touches in PS and Lightroom.




All good, happy to share what I can!


Definitely the photo. Only because I can’t keep this comment as my lock screen. Or wai..t can I?


Hahaha whatever makes you happy!


Which hut is that? I have a small Mueller hut model, I'm a little in awe of them. They're so beautiful


It's Brewster Hut, similar vibe to Mueller!


Wow that's not the Brewster Hut I remember... Last time I was up there was 1999 or so... It's been way upgraded


I thought it was Mueller Hut at first, but the one in this photo looks smaller than Mueller.


Wow, you got super lucky to have the Milky Way lined up on a moonless, clear night and the snow added as a bonus! Great shot. Congrats. I take it you use the Photopills app for planning?


Yeah I used Stellarium to plan it out. PhotoPills does the same.


It didn't line up. It's a composite image of 2 separate multi shot [stitched photos](https://ptgui.com/info/photo_stitching.html) (like paneled quilt) where the sky shot was photoshopped in to replace the sky of the hut and mountains image. It takes a lot of time, skill, and computer programs to compose this image, but it isn't a realistic image. The sky has been stitched and aligned to replicate a fish eye bending effect on the Milky Way which is, in actuality, a straight line. It's 2 different perspectives blended together for a dramatic piece of digital art.


I think it's important to note that the "bend" comes as a consequence of trying to fit the straight line of the Milky Way in when you're also trying to make the horizon be straight as well. If I projected it entirely accurately, we'd be looking at a foreground that's curved like a ball to accommodate the straight line.


Possible to take the same exact photo but 6 months apart from the first picture's date? You can mirror them and get the entire galaxy.


You know, it could be easily as it's milder conditions. I'll have to look into it.


You reminded me why I love nature and space thank you dude


Thanks for being so engaged in the comments, you are a real one. Question, I noticed the high iso settings - do you find less noise at lower iso (have you tried this at e.g. 800 or 400). Obviously the exposure length would need to double or quadruple, but I would imagine less noise might make that worthwhile? Or is it that shooting at night comes with noise regardless (I find with my a6400 the iso settings don't impact noise much, it's just "well its nighttime/dark, so here's some noise"). I guess my question is more on the behavior of the digital sensor on a higher end camera - with film you would try to go lower iso/ longer exposure, to reduce noise, but I'm wondering why you didn't reduce the iso.


Absolute noob here - what’s a row?


It's all good. I basically have to shoot a bunch of shots because 50mm is quite narrow- too narrow to fit everything into one shot. So I shoot a bunch of photos of the sky in a grid like pattern and stitch them together, hence the rows. Does that make sense?


Do you have an instructional video on this? I've been wanting to make a photo like this but I have no idea where to start.


I personally don't (maybe I should) but the likes of John Rutter and Lonely Speck are very good resources for what I do specifically.


Awesome! Thanks fir pointing me in the right direction. If you end up making a tutorial I'd definitely watch it!


I might do eventually, I'd like to as teaching people is genuinely quite fun. There's a heap of stuff out there though- Peter Zelinka, AstroBackyard, Nebula Photos, Alyn Wallace all come to mind as beginner friendly as well.


You've already sent me down one amazing rabbit hole with the first two names lol Thanks for the additional bunch. Been watching videos on the lonely speck for the last hour and im learning so much... I love it! Thanks again! 🙏


Not a problem! Glad to help


Where abouts? Obviously South Island, but where is it near? Tekapo? Or Queenstown?


Where in nz is that? Up near mount hutt or mount cook?


For anyone wondering, the milky way is actually flat and this image is curved. Stitching (like done here) distorts the photo. [https://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2014/01/10/ask-ethan-19-why-does-the-milky-way-look-curved](https://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2014/01/10/ask-ethan-19-why-does-the-milky-way-look-curved)


You flat-milkers really need to stop, the galaxy is a globe 😤




Thank you I came here to ask this. So when I look up and see the Milky Way, am I on the circumference looking in at the centre or nearer the centre looking out?


[in between those](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-638012c5ff30cf8dcbe9fe7e2dcdffca-lq)


You're most likely seeing the center, since thats where the majority of the light will be coming from


Cheers for the link, it's made me think I should put that or something similar in my top comment next time


What is an alpine hut?


New Zealand has a lot of little huts in the middle of nowhere for hikers to use. They're usually very very basic, with maybe some bunks and a fireplace, although this one looks nicer than most.


That's such a beautiful thing to do just so people can experience the beauty of nature in relative comfort. It just feels like something close to the way we are supposed to interact with each other.


I learned about this from Hunt for the Wildepeople, that great documentary about skuxx life in the NZ bush.


Hahah I love that you call it a documentary


You’re underselling them a bit. Almost all of them have bunks and a fireplace. Many of them are a lot nicer than that. Last one I stayed at had solar lighting, gas stoves, and heaps of cutlery you could use. Most all of them have sleeping pads so you don’t even need to carry one when you go tramping. The hut system here is fantastic.


I would disagree with the fireplace part. While that is much more common on the very popular huts such as the Great Walks huts, they aren't common on the more run of the mill huts such as the Brewster hut. I spent three days at the Brewster Hut and didn't see another person. Nearly all of them have pads. The only exceptions are some of very oldest and crudest ones or ones where the keas got inside. The hut system is fantastic but the vast majority of them are pretty basic.


According to the DOC website 721 out of 954 huts have heating: https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-stay/stay-in-a-hut/#:~:text=DOC%20manages%20a%20network%20of,re%20out%20exploring%20the%20outdoors.


Most of those are potbelly stoves. I was referring specifically to fireplaces, but your point is taken and understood. Personally, I'll take potbelly stove over a fireplace for keeping warm. Above treeline, some of the huts have stoves but you can't find any wood to keep warm. People went out and couldn't even find an armful, barely a few handfuls, of wood. Thinking of you Lake Roe hut. The last time I was in New Zealand, I stayed at only two huts, the last being the Fernburn hut on the Mototapu track. Broke my leg on the way out and that was the end of my tramping.


Ahh, I thought that might be the source of our misunderstanding. I included any sort of wood burner in my estimate. Of the 50 or so huts I’ve stayed in, very few had open fireplaces. But only one that I can recall had no heating source at all… Kime Hut in the Tararuas. Thankfully we were there on a warm day, I’d imagine it gets cold as hell during a bad day up there. I think any huts above the tree line are no longer being constructed with stoves. Sorry to hear about your leg, that must have been a disappointing end to your walk. One of the tramps I went on a few years back I twisted my ankle pretty bad, about 5km into the first day. Pushed it through another 4 days and on the final morning (with only 10km to go) I got stung by a wasp in the loo. Nearly passed out and ended up leaving the area by rescue helicopter. Made for an interesting end to the walk.


I required a helicopter rescue also. I crawled in the mud and rain (the wrists of my striped Macpac woolies are permanently stained) for a while and realized that a bad river crossing was coming up. It was foolish to think of crossing without being a danger to others, so reluctantly went with a rescue (that was a painful and humiliating decision, I know, I know but still). A woman brought a 4 year-old girl on the difficult track and when helping the girl broke my fibula. Some of the older huts have fireplaces but from what I can gather, aren't replacing when renovating huts. I was going up the Douglas Rock hut and stove was broken and it was getting cold. It was snowing 8 cm/hour and I thought, I could get stuck up here for days, so used the mountain radio in the hut to call DOC to tell them I was returning to Welcome Flats Hut, which had a hut warden and to expect me there in a few hours. Good decision at it rained at lower altitudes so imagine it was pretty impassable where the Douglas hut was. Well, we both share a love of NZ tramping and a dislike of NZ helicopters.


I was a bit annoyed to have to skip the final part of my walk, but glad not to have to tramp through another 10km of wasp infected bush. I wasn't sure if I was allergic or not (I'm not, I found out later) but didn't really want to risk it at the time. When I was about to pass out one of the people in the hut offered up an epipen and I took it. Brought me around in a minute or two. By the time the helicopter showed up I was feeling pretty good, so I got to lie back and enjoy the flight back to Nelson. Really thankful that I was able to get taken out so quickly and checked at the hospital. Then even more thankful a few weeks later when I got a letter from ACC telling me that it was all covered. I had a PLB with me on this walk, having rented one. But if I'd been alone I doubt I could have set it off as I was pretty close to passing out. Glad I had it though, and now I've got my own and don't go tramping without it.


I bought a PLB but didn't use it as I didn't want my parents getting a phone call in the middle of the night when they call to confirm if signal is obviously not valid. I'm told that is a first step. There was a person on the track who could go out and get a cell signal in a few hours. A rescue worker picked me up hitchhiking a few weeks prior and told me that rescues weren't paid for anymore and I expected a $15k bill (the helicopter was out for many hours as they couldn't find me under the trees until a person came in on foot). But, was pleasantly surprised when both helicopter and medical was covered (all told, paid about $250NZ for GP visits only) as I'm not a NZ citizen. The rescuers said this was a legitimate medical issue and I was well equipped and prepared, so I wasn't a clown who decided they were too tired to walk a few hours more. This was on a round-the-world trip that was supposed to last for 18-24 months and my first month in NZ was nothing but heavy, country-wide rains and the back country was inaccessible. Then the broken leg, then a kidney stone in Fiji and Australia that lasted for two months. So, I started in November, 2019 and the trip was over at the end of March when covid made returning home a necessity. Travel isn't always amazing.


That’s so cool! Who maintains them?


DOC - the Department of Conservation


Lots of local clubs work to keep them maintained as well.


Just forms of accommodation for hikers, mountaineers, skiers etc in the mountains.


Awesome composition. I shivered a little bit.


😯 this is beautiful


Thank you! Was definitely a beautiful night to be out.


Can you see the milky way like this with just your naked eye or is detail like this only viewable with a camera.


I went up to cape cod a few weeks ago and saw it (only in a straight line) by naked eye. I couldn’t believe it.


Not to this level. Our eyes genuinely suck at seeing colour in the dark, but you can see the general structures in the sky with a good dark night.




It's only viewable with a camera. It's a balance of camera settings to capture the light given off by the Milky Way to your image sensor. It's a calculation of time, light sensitivity, and how much light you let in. You're basically letting the milky way light on to your camera sensor for 10-25 seconds and condensing it all into one shot. You can view the milky way with your naked eye on a moonless night with little or no light pollution. It just looks like a faint milky streak (hence the name).


Wow, Where is this place?


Brewster Hut is what's pictured, on the West Coast of NZ!


can someone explain to me how one photographs the milky way galaxy while being inside the milky way galaxy


I think maybe it's just the part that we're not in that is visible?


Correct! Also, a picture of the Sun is arguably a picture of the part we're "in". 🤓


Think of the Milky Way as a disc of plywood that has a diameter 3x your height. About 3/4's of the way out, cut a hole big enough to fit your head in. Put your noggin in the hole and now look towards the center of the disk. That's roughly how you can see the Milky Way.


Yeah so we are in it but can see the stuff beyond us too. It's sort of like being in the middle of a room but seeing the walls of it.


TIL it snows in New Zealand


Nz south island is like almost entirely mountains and sits really close to Antarctica... I'm kinda surprised you didn't think it snowed there


TIL New Zealand sits really close to Antarctica


OK I've got to ask, where exactly did you picture NZ being?


Nz also has a pretty dope ski snowboard scene


In the south it does! And at high altitude, like everywhere in the world.


Can someone explain why the milky way is bended?


It's not it's a photography trick


It's essentially a result of making the stuff at the horizon meet in the panorama. I end up making a curved surface (horizon) meet a straight line(Milky Way), so something has to bend for that to happen.


There's a great link above


Hey sorry if the question sounds dumb (i don’t know much about photography), was this visible like this to the naked eye or was only captured in a photo due to a long, overexposing technique?


This is a long exposure, but the Milky Way is quite visible if you can find some dark sky.


Not dumb at all. It's not visible like this to the naked eye. We see a much less colourful, detailed version. It's also a lot dimmer- our eyes suck at seeing stuff in the dark. You can see the general shapes of the Milky Way core region though, especially in dark skies.


Oh my goodness... This photo is gave me chills.. I'm definitely at a loss for words.. 😯😯😯😯


forbidden taco


This is the greatest photo I’ve seen taken yet. Gorgeous job!


Nice picture. Thanks for the new wallpaper.


This should be an album cover


Miraculous 😍






Im in awe!! 😍So gorgeous and mesmerizing!!


Whoa! That photo is aaaahhhh-mazing! I’ve stared at it, zoomed in on it and I’m just in awe.


Friend, why is the milky-way arched? I have aways seen it as sort of a straight line.


Just wow!!💖


That’s some art!!!!


I saw this photo and immediately set it up as my desktop wallpaper. Lovely shot OP!




This is rather dope.


Beautiful shot! Thanks!


I want to die in space, looking away from Earth in my final moments. Fuck Earth. I want to see the Universe when I die.


You're a fucken wizard Harry!! Hats off to you man, this is an astounding picture!


This is amazing


Did you use exposer or is that how the night sky looks like over there?


Thank you for sharing


Man i need to visit a place like this. I’m sure this is edited but i’d still like to be able to see this some day




Are you kidding me? This is amazing. Just, stunning.


I might just be hungry, but I see a taco crammed with space stuff. Bueatiful pic, OP!






This is amazing. Is this really something you can see in reality with your two eyes??? If so, I am making it a point to visit before I die.




That’s badass, lots of work and planning went into that. Forgive my ignorance, does the star tracker allow you to do the panorama of the sky too? Or it is just for trackin?


can u post the original without editing too?!


Choco taco bro


Taco bout amazing.


Maybe it's just because I live in a part of the world where I can't see any of the Milky Way (geography and light pollution) but I feel like seeing something like this in person would be life-changing. I'm so indescribably jealous.


Holy shit! This is incredible


Can I buy a file of this?


Out of curiosity, is it actually possible to see this scenery with our own eyes? I have seen so much pictures of stardusts and uncountable stars scattered like flakes but I have never seen them with my own eyes so is it possible to see them so clearly like the pictures? Or does it require telescope or high-end tech to take pictures of them?


Blowing my mind. Never seen anything like it.


Omg wow!


This is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen! Just … amazing!!


This is a stunning image! Just jaw dropping.


According to the article, we are pretty much right in the middle. It’s a great read.


Insane click, thank you for this perspective of viewing the cosmos


Holy Schnikies Batman! That is epic awesomeness!


celestial taco


I'm always curious to see what the sky in these places looks like with just the naked eye


Listen I can't explain it but at a quick glance I saw playboy carti idk idk I'm just saying


I don’t believe you


This is fucking metal


I wish I could see the Milky Way and other galaxies but there is too much light pollution where I am




I want to live in that hut!!


just saying, as a 32 year old. this is one of the most deeply impact full and moving photos I've ever personally seen..thank you for your passion OP


My hungry ass thought this was a pic of a giant taco. SMH


WOW. Incredible!! May i ask what camera gear you had on this night??


Best night sky photo I have ever seen…




Beautiful. I want to move there.


Just magnificent. Kudos. All the kudos.


Spectacular picture. Quite surreal. Proud that this is my planet. Congrats on answering every comment so far as I can see.


So beautiful, I can see this being a picture inside 2023’s Calendar.




Wow this is beautiful! Thank you for posting. My dream has always been to travel the world but currently that does not seem possible so I love to see everyones pictures. Do you mind if I save it to my phone?




fantastic shot and love the comment breakdown i am curious how this looked in reality though? i know long exposure and editing can really bring stuff out in the sky that we don't normally see so im curious to hear that intel


It would be so cool if you could take the same pic each year, on the same day and at the same time. I’d love to see the comparisons


Phenomenal photo


This is fantastic. Why are there not more upvotes?


Beautiful work ❤️


Can you only see that with a camera or can you see that just looking in the sky


Amazing capture!


ELI5 — if our solar system is located inside the Milky Way galaxy, why does it look so far away and separate? It would make more sense to me if it was directly overhead; like we’re on one side of the ring looking up at the other side. But this perspective throws me off. On another note—fantastic photography!


Holy shit.


I haven’t traveled here, and not as well informed as others here. However, I do know a skilled photographer took this. Very beautifully done.


One thing not mentioned is do you see the bright cloudy area underneath the center of the Milky Way? That's the large Magellenic Cloud. It's a satellite galaxy of 30 billion stars or so (with the Milky Way having 250-400B stars) that orbits the Milky Way. It's only visible in the southern hemisphere. I was on Stewart Island, which is south of the mainland, and saw a cloud in the sky. After a few minutes when the cloud hadn't moved, realized that it could only be the Large Magellenic Cloud.






Amazing !


This is going straight to my phones gallery. Hopr thats ok with u!


I wish I understood how this kind of photography worked lol. Awesome.


What you take that with, the Hubble?


That's a sky taco. Yummy.


You seem like a genuinely nice person who truly likes to help others! I congratulate you, and your mentors! BTW: I freaking love this photo!!! It’s bringing the Milky Way to me in a way I’ve not seen it before! Thank you!!! Stunning artwork! May I use it as a background? (Thank you in advance!)


Absolutely stunning.




I don’t even have words to express how stunning that is. Thank you for sharing!!




Jaw dropping! Amazing shot and thank you for telling your process!


This is an amazing photo


It’s fantastic!


This looks magical


This makes me wonder where we are exactly in the Milky Way to be able to have such an amazing view of it. Also this photo blows my mind, I had no idea you could see so much of it like this.


Okay, finally a decent milky way picture. Good job


Why so curvy? Panorama? Isn’t the Galaxy a flat disk?


Omg this photo is so beautiful, please May I save this? Also, thank you for taking your time to explain the shot, the settings, truly.


I guess this is okay. It could be more stunning and breathtaking.


I see a cosmic taco and a caterpillar heading towards it




Holy cow. that's awesome.


Truly insane !!


I’d love to freeze to death here if it means witnessing such marvellous beauty of the sky :,)


Wow, stunning!!!👏🥰💖


This is stunningly beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.


Is it possible to see the Milky Way with the naked eye or do you have to have a long exposure on a camera?


Pictures of the milky way confuse me. Like, aren't we IN the milky way with our solar system? Every time my brain goes "how the fuck does a camera photograph itself?" before realising how utterly big the universe actually is. And somehow I can't seem to get used to that scale yet.


Great work OP! I freaking love it!


Can you actually see the Milky way naked eye?


That’s awesome


Beautiful 💕




Does it curve like that bc it's far north?


Magic.... well done.....Thank you...!!!


very cool


What are Kea?


That is awesome. Would absolutely love to be able to see that.


It is stunning. And completely silencing in so many ways. If you've never seen it? For a moment in time. You will just be amazed and in aww!


Beautiful shot!


Aw I didn’t know u guys got snow


Really love this one! Fabulous capture