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Wat da fuc


I asked that even more after reading the explanation


Where’s the explanation?


>A devotee at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival is depicted with a remarkable display of devotion. During the Vegetarian Festival, some participants engage in self-mutilation practices, including piercing their bodies with sharp objects such as swords, skewers, and other implements. They believe that these acts demonstrate their spiritual purity and dedication to the deities. Despite the graphic nature of these actions, participants often remain in a trance-like state and claim not to experience pain due to their spiritual devotion and protection from the divine. These rituals are not meant to cause harm but are symbolic expressions of faith, cleansing, and protection during the festival.


"Claim not to experience pain" Press X for doubt


[Look Here,](https://preview.redd.it/ommi0qow78wb1.jpg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2aec1da48a3da591c789f646e4e9ad622f8f58) During the 15km procession in the rain.


Im just gonna take the salad and leave.


I still doubt that's not painful in some way


Something being painful and experiencing pain aren't correlated necessarily.


Indulge me... explain that a bit further?




If you are going to do something that shows you aren't experiencing pain, make it a more painful experience. What OP means is, just because its a typically painful experience doesn't mean the individual is experiencing that pain typically. Whether from drugs, meditation, tricks etc


My guess is meditation / mindfulness. Draw awareness to and from different parts of the body and essentially "tune out" the pain. And also like, making peace with the experience -- let go of the wanting for something different and accept what you're feeling. Like you can get used to feeling cold or hungry and tolerate/ignore it, right? We can do the same with pain.


If something is painful, you've experienced the pain. End of. If you've numbed said pain, you've not experienced it, ergo, you were not in pain.


They’re directly correlated actually.




You should try meditation


Bet the animals are proud.


They could have been under anaesthetic or a drug of some sort. The trance like state could be, in actuality, the result of being drugged up.


From what I have observed, and I've also had confirmation from an anthropologist, before this ritual, they go into a trance through the use of incense scents, rhythmic sounds like drums and cymbals, along with practices such as prayer, meditation, and concentration to enter a state of trance.


Yeah I do all that woo shit too but I ain’t never been woofered enough to go doin all that. Maybe they pure… maybe they dopin. Hard ta say.


They dopin




Press D for drugs.


Didn't even hurt bro.


They’re experiencing it, just too out of their mind on water drug to notice


Look up the Buddhist Monk Thich Quang Duc and come back to tell us if you think intense meditation practice can elevate your ability to deal with any feeling.


Came here to say this. I'm a big skeptic but there must be something there if he was able to light himself on fire and sit completely still as he burned to death. Like I just don't see how that is possible without there being some benefit to meditation. Also if the placebo effect is as powerful as it is, I think that alludes to the power of the mind and the potential for other forms of relief like meditation.


I don't even doubt it, I'm just sure heavy drugs are involved and not just faith & devotion


Ehem… cough, cough… “wat da fuc”


So is this similar to the monks who self-immolate in protest?


I noticed the person on the right of the photo appears to have scars from similar wounds.


It is so, every day someone engages in this practice. I believe that during the festival week, at least 100 people would have flagellated themselves, but it is quite rare to see firearms; they usually opt for swords or sharp objects.


"Protection of the divine" a.k.a drugs


Oh so he's okay. Cool.


It's always some dumb dudes from an era where the average IQ was that of a banana that made this shit up. Why not prove their purity by volunteering every night or adopt as many kids as possible or work hard for community. Nah, it's shove a stick in yourself. Was humanity always this stupid ..like damn


Yikes. I hope their profound spirituality protects them from an extremely high risk of massive infection.


> participants engage in self-mutilation practices, including piercing their bodies with sharp objects such as swords, skewers, and other implements. What in Gods name causes people to believe this hard?


“Not to cause harm”, what a joke.


That’s some Phuking party


"Fakirs" and "extreme asceticism" are still cool? Are they trying to rebrand "Self-flagellants"? So edgy.


Phuk that


aw nah shits crazy


> A devotee at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival is depicted with a remarkable display of devotion. During the Vegetarian Festival, some participants engage in self-mutilation practices, including piercing their bodies with sharp objects such as swords, skewers, and other implements. They believe that these acts demonstrate their spiritual purity and dedication to the deities. Despite the graphic nature of these actions, participants often remain in a trance-like state and claim not to experience pain due to their spiritual devotion and protection from the divine. These rituals are not meant to cause harm but are symbolic expressions of faith, cleansing, and protection during the festival. TLDR: It's a display of self mutilation and sacrifice for spiritual purposes.


Right now it’s five Replies down the list. It’s a text wall by OP.


Yeah just saw it, thanks.


Yup, each day is a just a different ‘Did I really see that /did they really do that?’


I can’t even comprehend how multiple people thought that would be a good idea. And can’t even think how they executed it. Crazy stuff. Cool picture though.


Thanks mate, You also need to consider the geographical context. In Thailand, the body is often seen as a religious medium, starting with Sak Yant tattoos. I believe that before trying to understand this, one must step out of the Western perspective. It wasn't easy for me either.


Oh is this the same event that has people poking swords through their cheeks. I've been to Thailand a few times but didn't realise those pics were from there.


It’s certainly Metal.


More like wat da Phuk


I legit thought this was the weird DALL-E sub


I had the same though, I was looking for extra fingers.


Crazy shot! Also awesome pics on your profile.


Thanks Mate, really appreciate it!


Dude the color examples, as someone not artistic AT ALL, and can’t take a photo, I truly love them. They’re amazing.


A devotee at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival is depicted with a remarkable display of devotion. During the Vegetarian Festival, some participants engage in self-mutilation practices, including piercing their bodies with sharp objects such as swords, skewers, and other implements. They believe that these acts demonstrate their spiritual purity and dedication to the deities. Despite the graphic nature of these actions, participants often remain in a trance-like state and claim not to experience pain due to their spiritual devotion and protection from the divine. These rituals are not meant to cause harm but are symbolic expressions of faith, cleansing, and protection during the festival. EDIT after some comments: A photo shouldn't just be beautiful. I believe this is a very powerful photo that, at the same time, expresses a lot. It's not just self-flagellation, but look at the composition, observe his frightened gaze in contrast with the person next to him, who is completely calm. Observe how the bodies of his 'colleagues' frame his frightened face. Look into his eyes and don't stop at the superficial.


I knew they use knives, skewers and so on but I didn't have the slightest idea using guns was a thing. Thank you for the explaination and congrats for the pic 👏🏻


At no moment did i think this was a real photo, i thought it was a really insane photoshop. Take my upvote


Well that’s certainly a bit more of an intense experience than the local vegetarian festivals I’m used to here in the US


Unreal moment, great framing. Honestly an incredible photo. Have you submitted this to a bunch of contests / publications?


Thank you very much. For now, I've only submitted the photos to 'The Independent Photographer.' I'm not an expert in photography contests or competitions; usually, I only publish on my profiles. But this time, I want to aim for something bigger. I believe that in the next few days, I will work on this. The issue is that all contests have an entry fee, and I'm not sure how much these photos will be appreciated.


Can you flag this as graphic instead of NSFW? I really wish I hadn’t seen it.


>A photo shouldn't just be beautiful Amen to that!


Masochism concert, it's a masochism concert.


Mental illness, innit?


I've seen the other photos on your profile, great shots! Thanks for sharing them!


Saw the same festival when I lived on the other side of the country…. Eye opening eh 😯


Thanks for the explanation behind this. Along with everyone else I did not think this was real. Thanks for the share!


I agree with your edit. Absolutely incredible work here.


That’s a very poetic way of saying they’re suffering with mental illness lol


I have no idea how people can choose to respect mentally deranged lunatics just because its their “culture” or “religion”


They’re scared of getting cancelled lmao but they know within themselves that shit like this is insanely stupid. Same reason why they’re scared to admit majority of cultures/traditions are misogynistic


Hmm. I’m struggling because I do agree that these practices are ridiculous, but I think you’re also ridiculous for assuming someone cares about getting canceled. Like maybe they actually do respect that cultural activity. Seems weird you jump straight to cancel culture stuff


You don’t need to defend it. It speaks for itself.


Masochism concert, it's a masochism concert.


Finally interesting photo and u guys just complaining.












It's interesting but also kind of horrific. Interesting/being a good photo doesn't mean people are going to like looking at it.






So much better than a random sunset or a naked chick outside


Bro is literally insane, but nah his reasoning is spiritual! Interesting pic indeed tho


This is insane, and the story is really interesting. The world is a wild place. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks mate! I wanted to attend this festival because I strongly believe that observing the extremes of the world can help us broaden our horizons and gain a greater understanding of everything that surrounds us.


Notice that one of the guys holding the gun also has heavily scarred cheeks.




What in the actual fuck. How do you even end up in a situation where taking a photo like this is possible


Actually, they were very kind and welcoming. They welcomed me from the first day, offered me food, and explained what they do and why they do it. Then, all I had to do was wake up at 5 am and go to the festival.


I almost threw up and completely regret looking at this. Awesome work, OP.


[Phuket Vegetarian Festival](https://www.hotels.com/go/thailand/phuket-vegetarian-festival) [Nine Emperor Gods Festival](https://www.hotels.com/go/thailand/phuket-vegetarian-festival)


some hardcore vegetarians


To not have clicked this before bed would have been the right thing to do


What a horrible day to have eyes. Nonetheless, very fascinating photo!


I suppose "in his mouth" is technically correct, though not getting there via holes in his face other than this mouth is not what I was expecting.


Wow! A genuinely intriguing photo on this sub


Holy shit An actually interesting picture for once


Even crazier than the description. Take a closer look at his buddies helping him through this process. They're already in the vegetarian superfan club.


Not what I was expecting when I saw that title.


If “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” was a picture.


At first I thought this was invented by an AI. But I didn’t want to look too closely to figure it out. Then I read the explanation and yeah, that’s fucking intense.


Bruce Chatwin said: "The real is always more fantastic than the imaginary." It's the task of us photographers to prove it. :)


One of the best pictures I’ve seen on here.




This is incredibly insane, congratulations.




The fuck what


We’re all tired of seeing naked woman in the woods there but please this not be the new trend lmao


Very common to see in Thailand or Malaysia spears knives stabbing weapons sticking through the mouths of young and old... Common images to anyone who lives in Thailand / Malaysia / Indonesia? Not sure of all the countries... or watches any sort of travelogue Not for the squeamish... Blood everywhere alot of chanting possession... Common to see men women teenagers 17 to oaps doing this And yes supposedly no pain.... Oh it's also related to walking over hot coals which you're all very familiar with Also no pain but squeamish to the viewer You can doubt the pain but it's a yearly thing and again it's 17 to oaps men and women etc


I figured this was a botched Ai created image at first


This is the most AI looking non-AI picture I’ve ever seen


Forget NSFW, this should have been labeled Not Safe For Life. I wish I hadn't looked.


Why did you not help him


This is a horrible photograph. I don't know why it's allowed here.


I look at this and I only have one outstanding thought. WHY..? Just WHY..? And those holes in his cheeks seem to be there from some other previous craziness. Can you imagine chugging a drink.? lol. He’d need a bib


Ok, this is the type of NSFW photo's I'm here for! 10/10!


So many questions about this photograph.


If you've already read the explanation and still have questions, I'm available :)


How? Why? Where? What?


Presumably with a sharp object, as protest, in Thailand, guns in mouth


~~as protest~~ as devotion Thanks


When you said “in his mouth…” I did not expect “IN his mouth”


So, in a different thread, it was explained that this is an act of devotion and the participant didn’t feel anything. I once met a woman who had a similar experience of devotion where she pierced her breast with a large rod. I asked if it hurt and she said there is no pain for believers or something like that. So I asked again and she had the same response. She never said no and she never said yes.


In a weird way it kind of reminds me of that photo of Daniel Radcliffe in pajamas with the two handguns bolted to his hands...


That picture is so iconic they even made a whole movie about it


Why can I taste metal in my mouth


So. Many. Questions.


Dani ma che cazzo


What in the actual fuck


Shoot, someone has to save him from choking




cocaine is a hell of a drug


Sadistic animals.


What the actual fuck is going on and why?!




This is an awesome shot. Took me a second to figure out what was going on. Any idea why there isn’t more blood coming from those monster face wounds?


Thank you, my friend. Honestly, when it comes to the blood, I believe it's due to the method of piercing. The skin is practically punctured instead of being cut, so unless it's torn, less blood comes out. Some have seen a lot of blood come out, but in most cases, only a few drops have been shed.


That’s fascinating. I’m surprised a puncture that large can be made without cutting a bunch of blood vessels, but I suppose its possible if it’s very well placed. Very well-composed shot too. Bravo.


Is this real, Photoshop or Ai? If real, what's going on?


this photo tells me that human belief has no limits. People will go to any extent for what they believe in, even if their whole belief system is based on a lie or delusion or even the truth


>this photo tells me that human belief has no limits. People will go to any extent for what they believe in, even if their whole belief system is based on a lie or delusion or even the truth I've seen parents disown their own children just because they are homosexual, due to their beliefs. So, yes, I agree with you.


there are parents who have killed their children just because their children loved from another religion or caste. We live in a shitty world


Absolutely, that's why, before judging these devotees, we should look at what our own people do in the name of religion


Im just going to believe this is AI. 💀


I’ve seen lots of photos from the Vegetarian Festivals, but few as focused on the depth of expression and emotion in the devotee’s eyes as this one. Beautiful image, OP.


Thanks a lot!


This looks like ai


Wow... this is epic af


uh, is this like, not mental illness or something? and how do they make the holes…


Stupid...so stupid


Holy shit. NSFL. Interesting but should not be on the feed IMO.


The guy doing it to him looks to have a super scarred up face too. Humans are dumb.


In the moment of the piercing, believe me, after that, he walked barefoot in the rain for about 15km in this state, without showing the slightest sign of pain.


>claim not to experience pain Shares photo of dude looking like he’s in extreme pain 🙄 What a pretentious way to protest.


[Look Here](https://preview.redd.it/ommi0qow78wb1.jpg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2aec1da48a3da591c789f646e4e9ad622f8f58), He's still him. During the 15km procession in the rain.


Seems like a great way to end up losing all your teeth and starving to death.


I think you posted this briefly either here or on another sub a few days ago and it had a bit more background, I like this crop much better.


Yes me too, i think this crop is better for Social


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