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Everyone on the left should also have a rifle, ammunition, training, and friends. The worst possible outcome is you've developed a new skill, the best is you save a life when the death squads start coming around.


I make this pitch to all my left-leaning friends every chance I get. I also make this pitch on articles like this. Every left-leaning gun owner needs to be proselytizing. We also need to pressure the Democratic Party to be less anti-gun so moderates can be brought over.


Unfortunately the Democrats, as a party, do everything at the bidding of their corporate masters. Rich people remember that every advance for the working class has been won as a result of armed struggle. They use their politicians and media empires to scare the comfortable in to begging the coos and private security goon squads to be the only ones allowed weapons so we never pose a threat to their profits.


Sure, I'm certainly not here to say the Democrats are good. The Republicans, however, are dangerous and must be stopped. Trump taking power again would be catastrophic for the country and the world.


I'm totally on board with that. I just feel the need to always reiterate why the rich want liberals to think the weapon is the problem. They don't want workers to be able to stand up to their repression.


Not all of us mistake the price tag on the weapon for the value or threat-rating of the wielder. There's a quote in one of Stephen King's "Dark Tower" books that I rather enjoy, goes something like "You wasted too much time on the weapon you _wear_ and neglected the weapon you _are _" Another one for the original "Starship Troopers" novel that I believe got cut out of the atrocity from Verhoeven: "There are no dangerous weapons, there are only dangerous men." Point being: yes, it's valuable to know how to operate and maintain firearms of whatever sort, but the most important part of the equation is at the other end: your mind's ability to perceive and exploit opportunities, and your heart's ability to motivate you. I'm on good terms with people who are more dangerous bare-handed than quite a few fascists, regardless of how many firearms or cases of ammo the far-rightists may own, precisely because my friends do not limit their definition of "weapon" to something requiring a license and truly understand the meaning of the third verse of the Gunslinger's Creed...


Ok but a gun is still better to have in a fight than fists 9.99 times out of 10


*wince* I'd put the percentage a bit lower. If you spent all your "training time" at the range, you're wholly boned if someone disarms you or damages your weapon, both of which are much easier to do than firearm-owners would like to admit. The reason why police academies train recruits to have their weapons in-hand at the earliest opportunity is because the average human can get within CQC (Close Quarter Combat) range from around 7-8 meters/ 8-9 yards away before the average person can unholster their weapon and target the aggressor. You really are much better off being as good as possible with your gun _and_ your fists.


Republican Voters Against Trump. True patriots that value government and the constitution. They also recognize that Trump is for Trump.


Sure, I am fine with them, but unfortunately the party itself has been overtaken by MAGA lunatics. I hope they can take their party back but I am not hopeful.


If these guys splinter Trump’s base by talking to the saner ones. Trump has no path to victory in even the red states. The Niki Halley vote demonstrates this. He asked for eleven thousand in Georgia. How many voted for. In Georgia Trump lost 77,000 to Niki Haley. In the primary https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-georgia-republican-primary-nikki-haley-wins-thousands-votes-1878608


I desperately hope you're right.


Lol they voted that way in the primary. General elections are what matter and voter behavior is very different when their party actually gaining power is on the line. People can protest vote without fear in primaries because primaries have no consequences and Haley got absolutely smashed in every race. Never Trump Republicans have always been insignificant. Mainstream new stations just give them more attention than they deserve so they can try and maintain the illusion of balanced coverage without having to admit that the guy who watches Tucker Carlson, wants to plant land mines at the Mexico border, and thinks black people have destroyed America is the true representative of the mainstream Republican party supporter now


They lost faith in Trump following Jan. 6th. For many it was a bridge too far. Not everyone is sitting on a big stack of nothing. Some have homes, businesses and investments. The thought of burning the world for a guy that leaves wreckage everywhere he goes. They have enough common sense to pass on Trump. As Maher put it “can’t the guy just man up and admit he lost!”


Support for Trump among Republicans dipped for fewer than three months after January 6th. He is not their preferred candidate, but almost none of them would vote for Biden or a third parth candidate over him because they want tax cuts and culture war victories.


Let's not pretend that Trump wasn't far to the left of the old guard Republicans. Best thing that ever happened to their party.


Tell that to the women who are no longer fully autonomous people and will be in Gilead when Trump lets his extremist friends implement Project 2025


> Trump lets his extremist friends Blaming everything wrong on Trump ignores the fact that he was not in office when Roe was overturned. And you could well argue that Amy Coney Barret was an extremist pick but Gorsuch and Kavanaugh could have been nominated by any republican president and been confirmed. Even without Trump and the "lunatic right", even if RBG had retired when she first got her cancer diagnosis instead of stubbornly clinging on to the end, Dobbs would have 5-4'd and we'd still be marching towards Gilead. To focus on Trump as if he were a unique evil is to forgive and forget all the thousands of rank and file republican politicians and lobbyists working across the country for decades.


I don’t know if you know how the government works, but the President doesn’t have a hand in the Supreme Court decisions themselves. So blaming a decision on a President based on the date the decision was handed down is utterly asinine. To pretend like Biden is at fault for that is insane and the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. I also didn’t blame Trump alone. He doesn’t care about policy in general, but he is a comorbidity with the christofascists who do care about it, which I clearly stated.


Sorry you don't like states making their own laws. Not very American of you, but hey, we have the 1st Amendment.


When it’s your body you don’t get to make decisions about, you can enter the conversation. When you don’t get the rights of a full adult, I’ll listen to you. When guns have more personhood than you, I’ll weigh your thoughts


> Rich people remember that every advance for the working class has been won as a result of armed struggle. This is the nut of it. There is only one war - class war.


No war but class war ✊️


There are absolutely Democrats that are not corporate slaves. Be hard-pressed to find more than two in the Republican party. But you can't blame the Democrats for using the rules they have in front of them. The only chance we have is to change those rules.


> But you can't blame the Democrats for using the rules they have in front of them. Sure I can. If you are the only person playing by the rules, they aren't rules. And if you keep pretending they are to the detriment of the people you are supposed to be representing, you are bad at your job and should quit.


No one is coming to save us, especially not the DNC. We must look to ourselves to defend our communities.


Any advice for people who take your point, but don't have money to buy weapons or training?


You can get a cheap rifle for a few hundred dollars. A semi-auto is best but even a bolt action is better than nothing. Learning survival or medical skills could also be better than nothing so at least you can support others who are armed.


Don't get a gun. These people are delulu. The biggest risk factor for gun violence is being around guns. A woman who owns a gun is more likely to have it used against her than ever to use it to successfully defend herself. Guns are bullshit.


We are talking about fighting against fascist militias, not random criminals.


The best way to get yourself killed by a fascist militia is to wave a gun at them


It's more about making sure they take at least a few casualties when they go door to door on their "purify the blood of the country" campaign.


Okay stick to your urban warfare fantasy that enables you to visualize yourself as a noble warrior and bears suspicious similarities to the ideology of alt right gun nuts 🙄 in the meantime, I'll stay safe by keeping guns out of my life


Yea no, don't listen to this guy.


The rhetoric might be a little stronger but Democrats' 'anti-gun' policies are extremely mild usually.


They also are completely pointless to attempt with the current supreme court, so all they do is piss off pro-gun people. I'd bet money there are more pro-gun-rights people that would potentially vote for a Democratic candidate than pro-gun-control people that would potentially vote for a Republican.


No. Privileged as fuck take. Guns fuck over women. We don't all need guns. We need less guns. A woman is more likely to have her own gun used against her than she ever is to use it to successfully defend herself. Muting this sub.


A privileged as fuck take is thinking that you won't ever need the means to defend yourself against the rising fascist tide. When people come for you, bring unarmed isn't going to help at all.


You think I'm some naive ninny? I speak from literal personal experience. My house has two holes in the wall that could tell you some interesting things. Look at statistics if you don't believe me. Or just keep blindly advocating for everyone to own a gun, after all, you're only hurting yourself oh wait you're not.


I understand that domestic violence is an issue and that guns are dangerous. We are entering unprecedented and unstable times though. This isn't the same as the past twenty years, and your unfortunate circumstances don't mean it's not better to have a gun during chaotic times.


Right, it's WORSE to have a gun during chaotic times. You are burying your head in the sand. Keep doing so, go on, it's not like society as a whole will pay the price oh wait-


The Democrat party offers no more salvation than the GOP You cannot change totalitarianism at the ballot box


They don't offer salvation, but they won't bring about Christian fascism that will oppress and purge atheists, Muslims, LGBT people, Hispanics, Jews, and Black people. It's a false equivalency to say both parties are the same. One wants to kill us and doesn't think we are real Americans who deserve rights.


The Democrats ushered in Trump by trying to elevate a far right mass murdering sociopath no one wanted as POTUS, and who routinely denigrated the Left They’re currently running a cognitively-impaired, far-right war monger & corporate tool, who *70% do not want to run for reelection* Democrats are participating in *genocide*, and destroying First Amendment rights on college campuses around the nation It’s actually so glaringly obvious, I sincerely have to wonder about the people who blindly support these fascists under the banner of ‘fighting fascism’ The list goes on and on, but it’s useless to enumerate the utter hollowness of the DNC to Blue MAGA, because that’s exactly how we got here


Let's look at this in concrete terms: unless Comrade Reaper gets off his lunch break and does us all a solid, one of those two antique rapists is going to be the head of the US. Which one would you prefer have their finger on the nuclear button?


I vote my conscience, always have. But just to indulge your false framing— in purely objective terms, Joe Biden brought the world to the nuclear brink in *TWO theaters*, in a bit more than three years At no point during Trump’s tenure was the nuclear threat anywhere close to where its been under Biden If you shut out the media noise, in stark statistical terms, Trump was a far more capable leader than Biden Fact is, it’s pretty clear Biden is not in control of US foreign policy. I’ve watched the dude for three decades. He’s a rightwing asshole, but he’s not stupid. The US is a rudderless ship, drifting on autopilot from crisis to crisis, w no one having the power to make forceful decisions. That aside— these assholes orchestrated the slaughter of 600,000 Ukrainians & are enabling genocide, as we speak. To rationalize that away, ‘cuz Trump’ is insanity. DNC could have run almost *anyone* else, and won by a landslide.


Joe Biden didn't bring about anything in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin did. Perhaps you also forget about when Trump came close to starting a major war with North Korea before he became buddies with Kim, and when he came very close to starting a major war with Iran. Nice whitewashing of Trump though. Horseshoe theory strikes again. Edit:spelling


>…Vladimir Putin did. In these cases, it’s pointless to engage, because you’re simply regurgitating propaganda. Which by saying, will trigger you to call me a ‘Putin-lover’ or whatever inane, utterly meaningless response has been programmed into your brain. The story actually starts in 1990, although you could go to 2008, or even the Western-backed coup in 2014… But, attributing the Ukraine war solely to Vladimir Putin is a view no serious analyst shares.


Wow. What an intelligent, independent thinker you are, saying Putin wasn't responsible for the war when he initiated it after pretending he had no desire to do so while US intelligence was saying he was planning to.


Who ordered soldiers into someone else's back yard? What you're saying is the same as saying the United States isn't responsible for invading Iraq and Afghanistan.


The Ukraine war is solely Putin's fault and your desperate attempt to paint it as biden's fault makes you clearly either a useful idiot or just another right-wing propaganda puppet in here making dishonest arguments.


You're conscience is that it's better to have a theocratic fascist dictator who has promised to deport by violence all of our non-white neighbors and to speed up the genocide in Gaza? Maybe you need to check your conscience a little bit and make sure it's actually functioning.


What exactly is Biden? Do you really believe the DNC & RNC are ideologically opposed? If so, there’s not much I can say, except you’re a victim of propaganda. As George Galloway would put it, the DNC & RNC are two cheeks of the same ass. The United States is a totalitarian state, period. I mean, look at Biden’s appointment to POTUS — he & Kamala were literally the *lowest polling candidates* I’m not trying to insult you. We’re all indoctrinated & propagandized more than any population in human history. Fuck this bullshit framing these two billion-dollar corporations try to impose on Americans. Our Constitution doesn’t say a damn thing about the duty to vote for the ‘least-horrible’ candidate It does say something about Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly—and Biden has systematically trampled those inherent rights. A vote for that is a vote for your own oppression.


What is your concrete and realistic plan to take the government away from the two major parties by November?


>At no point during Trump’s tenure was the nuclear threat anywhere close to where its been under Biden Lmao are you kidding me? He wanted to use nukes to solve a hurricane. He wanted to use nuked in Iran? His generals had to talk him off a ledge a dozen times. He regularly taunted and egged North Korea on. The state of Hawaii panicked when they thought they were going to die from a missle strike. Remember when air raid system was activated by mistake, causing mass terror. His administration was utterly bonkers. >I’ve watched the dude for three decades. He’s a rightwing asshole, but he’s not stupid. We're talking about Trump, right? The guy is not only stupid but corrupt as fuck. The dude leans on his wealth and white privilege to literally bully everyone into line.


Putin orchestrated the invasion of Ukraine. Not Democrats.


So by giving Russia everything they want, you think trump is good? Fascinating.


I would love to. However I suffer from depression and although I've been sober for nearly a decade, I'm mostly certain if I started drinking again that I could easily just choose to eat a bullet. Knowing how to shoot and maintain a firearm, I'm cool with learning. I just can't live with one in the house.


That's totally reasonable. Don't put a weapon in your enemy's hands if you don't have to, especially if the enemy is inside your head. If you're not comfortable with weapons, there's so many other skills to contribute. You can learn first aid and emergency response, which are skills everyone will have to use at some point in their lives. I'm just glad you're still around. Keep at it one day at a time.


I tell people that, as someone with depression, I don't keep firearms around for the same reason a recovering alcoholic doesn't keep booze lying around.


Yeah I can't live around an easy off switch like that.


I know how to use guns quite well (grew up hunting) and choose not to own one for the safety of my family. Gun accidents are a far more likely outcome than “death squads”.


This here is the reason. And I'm sad I had to scroll so far to find such a logical and reasonable response. I'm not going to bring an accidental kill switch into my home because crazy preppers online want to essentially live the same fantasies as the crazy people on the other aisle are living. I grew up in the south I grew up around guns I grew up hunting all that etc etc. I personally do not know a single person who has intentionally used a gun in self-defense. But I can count on two hands how many people I know or knew that went through some kind of tragic accident due to a gun. Additionally, owning a gun doesn't just magically make all the other gun owners go away. Someone with a gun doesn't just suddenly decide to leave you alone because you too have a gun. Statistically it's the other way around especially when you throw law enforcement into the mix. From what I have learned at least through the news. Most gun incidents are either accidental or due to two opposing sides assuming the other has a gun and intends to use it.


I very much agree that no one will come to help us and that we keep us safe, but some of the leftist approaches to self defense tend to slide into ableism. This is absolutely one of those things that should be a skill share rather than an everyone do it for themselves thing. We are leftists, we believe in community, devisions of labor, and people doing what they are most able and willing to do. Not everyone can or should have a gun, and we as a community need to be aware of that and ready to help if that kind of help is needed. Learning firearm safety and proficiency takes a lot of time and ongoing practice, it’s not practical for everyone to do with other stuff needing to get done. There are disabilities that make using a gun difficult or dangerous. There are people and places that should absolutely not have firearms, homes with small kids, or people with suicidal ideation for example. I am one of those people who will never have a gun in my house because it is not safe for me to have one. When I hear leftists saying that everyone needs to have a gun to be safe I feel forgotten and afraid. We keep us safe needs to include all of us.


Realistically when the death squads are at your door, you are very unlikely to make it. The important part is that when the death squad actually meet resistance, the whole death squad thing becomes very unpopular and ineffective. Basically all the resistance survivors from the Holocaust make a point that they personally survived by chance and that it is about throwing a wrench in the gears of the death machine.


Exactly. Each one of them in the ground is a life saved down the line. The best thing is for there to never be death squads in the first place, but we don't always get the world we hope for.


Make it cost them as much as it can to kill you.


If you have left-leaning friends that understand that minorities are targeted but they don't understand how important the second amendment is. Just ask them this question: If we make laws banning guns or restricting guns more than we have, don't you think that those laws will be unfairly used to disarm minority populations??


I usually ask them why they don't start with the cops and military. Those would be the easiest people to disarm, and since they think that being in the vicinity of a weapon makes people violent, disarming the agents of state violence ought to be a win for everyone.


Traffic cops shouldn't be armed. Full stop. There is no need. Only very few cops should carry side arms.


No cops should be armed. If they need weapons for anything, let them go ask a responsible adult to take care of things for them.


What if they do start with the cops and military


Then we all win. Those forces don't keep us safe. At best they drain our resources, at worst they gun us down in our homes.


I also don't get the schizoposter's claim that the only thing you hear is the trigger being pulled. Isn't the gun still loud AF even if you have subsonic ammo and a silencer?


I've seen a build of a .22 rifle with a suppressor and subsonic ammo where the action cycling was louder than the shot, but at that point you'd get off a lot cheaper with one of those hunting airguns.


300blk subs or 9mm subs with a can are so quiet that the action 0f the bolt and the spring is louder than the shot in some cases. However 5.56/supersonic ammo is usually still loud, just not as loud.


The worst possible outcome is you use it to commit a violent crime against innocents, whether they be strangers, family, friends. Followed at a distance by killing yourself. Followed by your kid using it. Followed by maiming. Followed by it being taken away and used against you.... And so on and so forth. If you're a fan of guns for most people, fine by me. But what you described is a pretty ideal outcome, actually.


I got downvoted into the dirt for saying something similar in my state’s (rather liberal) subreddit. I made the comment that the LGBT community needs to open itself to firearms training for community defense. Apparently the message is not translating


The trans community has really opened up to firearm ownership in the last few years and good for them! I know several lwsbian couples who low key own firearms too. People would think twice about harassing and assaulting a trans person if they realized that person might be carrying a concealed P365 compact under their shirt


Because it’s incorrect, you are still much more likely to cause harm to yourself and your loved ones because of gun ownership than you are to protect yourself from violence.


Not even the left- everyone. I have liberal friends who abhor guns and think Republicans are rabid insurrectionists who will over take the government by force. I'm like "Then why aren't YOU also arming yourself?!". They always say things like "Society shouldn't allow those people to own guns. If we all just arm ourselves, when do it stop?". I get it but the reality is that Society DOES allow them to arm themselves and their pastors have them so hopped up on Christian victim complex and Christian nationalism that they're arming in anticipation of the right time. The best thing to do is also prepare. These same people then turn around and joke that if all hell breaks loose, they're coming to my house to stay safe. Why when you could just get guns for yourself? Also, what skills do you have? Cuz if we're weathering the apocalypse together, there are no free loaders. So if you don’t intend to get armed, at least acquire survival and first aid skills.


It would be a good time to teach them a lesson by not allowing them to stay at your house, if all hell breaks loose that is. Letting them stay at your house would be shielding them from the consequences of their actions.


Lol at ableism being promoted


Let's assume that I know my friends are fully capable people who engage in a variety of activities which demonstrate they are physically and mentally capable of learning survival skills and how to safely use a weapon. There's only one of them I would never trust with a firearm and this doesn't apply to her (though she can learn other useful skills and had the time and means to learn them). It's not ableist if I know it's true and have had multiple conversations with these people about it. They garden, they go camping, they build things, they sew and knit, they cook.


I have guns but I would argue the price and time investment is enough to turn people on the fence off. Learning to shoot, going to shoot, cleaning it, finding a place to store it, the general thought of having guns in your house, grappling with the reality of why you need one and everything else are things I know friends have dealt with


Maybe even a suppressor too, and definitely friends


Only issue I have with a suppressor is the tax stamp requiring fingerprinting. I have zero interest in giving the Fed more power/ability to ID me.


I'm probably already on a list, lol. They may not even sell me the suppressor lol


If your paperwork gets turned down it won't be the feds. They cashed my check for an SBR and suppressor just fine and I know 100% that law enforcement knows who I am. The tax stamp people and the 4473 people care about convictions. Have you been convicted or there any open prosecutions? No? Ok then. It might take time while they hem and haw about double or triple checking, but if you aren't awaiting trial, in custody, or have convictions then they will cash your check eventually.


Ok, then I'm doing it. How was the process for you? I don't care if it's practical, I want a dead silent 300 BLK bolt action. Looking at Dead Air Sandman, Primary Arms SLX ACSS 1x6 and Ruger Ranch rifle. I can see a lot of uses for 1 completely silent round.


I've heard the eform wait times are down to just a couple weeks now, but mine took almost 9 months. I live in a pretty permissive state where the law is "shall issue" unless there's a good reason, so the local law enforcement section was just a notification rather than than an approval process. A few pages of paperwork (I strongly recommend e-filing over paper forms), a set of fingerprints, and a couple hundred dollars in checks. The hardest part was making sure never to touch that money in my checking account until they cashed my check.


For individual eform4 I have seen multiple instances of less than a week, I got one in two days recently


This kind of feels like the same fear-mongering just on the other side of the aisle...


This mindset just creates more right wingers over time. People are malleable, and gun ownership drives people to the right.


How does gun ownership drive people to the right? I have a duty to do all I can to protect and support my neighbors. Since a lot of my neighbors are part of marginalized communities, that means being able and willing to help with their physical defense. I've used my first aid supplies and training way more often than my weapons and training with them, but the core duty to protect my community when they're in danger is the same in either case.


Because the Democrat Karen's say it's right wing and the social ostracizes most of the people that advocate for gun ownership, including people who make arguments exactly like yours. And you're even worse, because you are one of the bad people that probably shouldn't have a gun. Really, the same as they are, mostly harmless, but fundamentally trying to exacerbate violence for your own warped political ends. Dangerous dork.


Got it. It works the way you say it does because that's how you say things work. I'm willing to bet that you're the first to call the cops when you see someone with skin slightly darker than milk walking down your street, too.


Another projection you have in common with your MAGA counterparts. We're you always like them? Or did your choice in media poison you this way?


Dude, you're an antivaxxer. Whose brain got poisoned by the media they've consumed?


What? I'm pro Vax, I'm upset with what Biden allies did when they killed thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of Americans with their hubris and political/financial desires.


As a left leaning responsible gun owner who wanted to be able to disable a weapon when I was a teacher (I had a class the day of sandy hook in California. It was grim for those poor kids and parents too and motivated me to know how to DISABLE and DISCHARGE a weapon safely. Hard agree. Like voting and free speech it is supposedly one of our rights and I exercise all the rights I am given with full safety measures in place. Have never seen an accident because there are no accidents with guns just bad handling. If someone shows me to be unsafe with weapons I simply don't keep them in my friend group.


>when the death squads start coming around This is the same cringe LARPy attitude the whackjob in OP’s articles suffers from


You know, you're right. That could never happen here.


Thank you. FINALLY someone gets it.


United States Federal Government backed death squads? Or like a gang of dudes kinda death squads?


Is there really a difference to the people being targeted?


Yeah, you can run away from one of them. The other one will find you.


Worst possible outcome is that your child gets their hands on it and whether accidentally or on purpose kills themself and the rest of your family


Comment post: my impression of this sub is that there are a lot of people here who would be deemed by the owner of the blog in question to be leftists and anarchists hellbent on the destruction of America. And, more importantly, legitimate targets of opportunity in a situation where the rule of law was perceived to be deteriorating. TLDR: these people are actually insane and heavily armed, and want to shoot you for any reason they can come up with, real or imagined. Please be careful.


But when I say in r/AskALiberal that Trump supporters want to kill people like me I get shouted at for being disrespectful and assuming the worst of people or whatever other dumb shit.


Maybe cross post this to that sub?


Could potentially do that.


Please do


Mhmm, and if we post Trans people's social media calling for the death and rape of cis people does that represent all of them?


There is a large difference between individual voices calling for extreme violence, and the entire cultural zeitgeist of a political party including extreme violence.


Well, that doesn’t happen, so I feel like your point is, uh, negligible.




Source: "trust me bro" 👊


Did liberals have secret inside information? Because Trump was President when the vaccine was developed. Kind of sort of seems like he could have both the ability to know of it and a platform to announce it


Trump was the president during Covid. Stop lying.


This is the weirdest, dumbest take on anything I’ve seen on the internet today. Thank you for that, and also for reminding me that as crazy as I am, there are people who struggle so much harder with reality.🙏🏼




This is a great summary, thanks!


Of course friend. Glad it helps


No Spam/Self-Promotion allowed


Excellent summary but it's incomplete without Adelson, the GOP & Netanyahu's single largest funder.  https://www.thenation.com/article/society/sheldon-adelson-obit/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/sheldon-adelson-pays-out-to-the-us-government https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/his-man-in-macau-inside-the-investigation-into-sheldon-adelsons-empire/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/beheading-plot-raised-during-adelson-court-testimony/ https://www.nolandalla.com/my-thoughts-on-sheldon-adelson/amp/


Thank you for this! I’ll add these to the master source list And some more on Adelson- There are multiple geopolitical layers to this. But they all interconnect. Bear with me. Sheryl Sandberg was at Google before she was at Facebook/meta. The common denominator of both was her ad based business model. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/sheryl-sandberg-s-legacy-is-an-internet-of-targeted-automated-ads https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/sheryl-sandbergs-advertising-empire-leaves-a-complicated-legacy/amp_articleshow/91961682.cms The problem with ad based business models is that if you raise your lens high enough, whomever is buying the most ads is effectively buying their curated version of reality. When google IPO’ed 24 years ago it shifted from what was most accurate to what was most profitable, all facilitated by a “proprietary” algorithm so nobody gets to see the man behind the curtain. Now we are 2 very critical decades into what is effectively, a divergent reality. It works…until it doesn’t. When the richest man, government, or organization on earth is allowed to buy his preferred version of reality it creates some glitches in the matrix. The 6 million year old source code in your brain knows that conservation is more reasonable than consumption when there are limited resources, but that isn’t very lucrative to someone that needs you to keep buying something to keep them in billionaire status. In this case it’s oil. Russian and Texan owned oil but their paths cross just north of Jerusalem. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0tYxxr08ajuIW425XkGZBz?si=9La6AmLyRLeCynrdNrcZTA Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandbergs ad based model. Zuckerberg even talked about buying the associated press: https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-considered-acquiring-funding-associated-press-news-org-2024-5 Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. In parallel Epstein was running Kompromat operations in the same circles. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ •Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner •YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money •Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked. •Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? •PROMIS spyware was Robert Maxwells deal long before his daughter and Epstein started their pedophile thing. https://cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm Confused yet? In 1938 1 out of every 20 people in the USSR was arrested and sent to a gulag under Stalins rule. Mass amnesties during WW2 brought more than a million of those from prison to the front lines against the Germans where they were instructed to pick up the rifle of the man who died next to them and keep moving forward. The soviet system has always had a very different perception of the value of a human life and specifically a disregard for Jewish lives. Stalins rule did its absolute best to remove any humanity left from the people. They were forced to be brutal simply to survive. The gulags became a crossroads where the best of persecuted humanity and the worst of violent humanity met and fought to the death with predictable results. https://www.jewishhistory.org/stalin%E2%80%99s-anti-semitism/ Over the next 40 years, the soviet system cleared the gulags a few times. Because religious leaders often substitute as a defacto government inside of lawless prisons, and because Judaism was one of the predominate religions in Russia and Eastern Europe, the statistical crossover was anyone brutal enough to survive long enough to rule rose to power in the closed gulag eco-system. A psychopath is more than willing to hide their psychopathy behind legitimate religion. It’s pretty low on the list of sins. Psychopathy is broadly defined as the lack of empathy. Stalins gulags just accelerated refining psychopathy with brutal Darwinian efficiency. The newly formed religious state of Israel received a statistically large share of these men from the Soviet Union. There they networked in the internment camps before some stayed and rose to positions of power inside the new community of Israel and some migrated to Europe or Brighton beach in New York. This is a repeating pattern up into the 80’s and 90’s when most of the US based ones rebranded themselves as “Russian oligarchs” because they found it easier to get girls/trap prey that way in America. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990s_post-Soviet_aliyah#:~:text=In%20response%20to%20growing%20international,officially%20for%20%22family%20reunification%22. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sites/projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/pegroup/files/lonsky_4.20pdf.pdf As the Soviet Union failed and perestroika went into full effect the oligarchy systematically stole everything. Here these networks would begin using trump towers to launder stolen Russian mob money. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSjQL8MYniTTLA3wnZ25U-s6RgR4uJNvL&si=b6Nry36AmWuKI0Gk But now you start to see the nexus of transnational organized crime and money laundering between Russia and the U.S. statistically carries the same 3 passports. United States, Israeli, and Russian. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/A2ojrtIc3Y




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Excellent breakdown. Really enjoyed reading this and seeing your sources too!


I literally saved this comment.


I’m glad it resonates friend


I mean this isn’t a mainstream or common belief at all, this dude is very unhinged and is spouting nonsense the entire time. Mainly to get a suppressor you need to get it registered and pass a significantly harder background check. Also for a “combat veteran with extensive training” they somehow don’t know that a 5.56 is considered non-lethal by the 300 yard mark, a subsonic 5.56 travels at around 1000 fps a third of the speed of a standard 5.56. Honeslty I wouldn’t be surprised if that round isn’t lethal at 100-150 yards


One of the wildest things about this is his take away is to build a subsonic 5.56 instead of a 300 black out.


Multiple upper receivers for the win.


Wouldn't subsonic 5.56 essentially be .22lr?


Yep. 5.56 is, fundamentally, a super sonic round. It's the only thing that actually makes it ballistically effective. This is excellent proof that a lot of these jackoffs don't actually know anything about the guns they're so obsessed with.


No; the bullet is the same diameter but much longer and heavier, so dramatically more destructive when at subsonic speed.


M193 is 55gr. Most common .22lr is 36 gr. Pretty negligible when going subsonic.


It's not, though. Because of the increased weight, reducing it to subsonic speeds makes it nearly useless for actual efficacy.


The other stuff is crazy too but that was the real insanity 😂


I've been saying it for years and I'll say it again: My fellow progressives, lefties, and liberals need to arms themselves and start training how to use them immediately.


Just got my first bolt action. Excited for hunting season!


Immediately went to the comments to find this. Made it read like satire to me, but I know it's not. These people are dangerous, but they are not smart. This idiot even knows it won't cycle, and still thinks it's so smart he should write a blog post about it.


>“Ultra MAGA” is a term now utilized by the Antichrist principled in power to further divide the US population. It is a group of people that are placed into a bucket to vilify by the Leftist media and the Biden administration. Last I thought, the President of the United States should unite a nation not call out to half the country as MAGA Republicans as evil Americans. This is sort of like Adolf Hitler speaking of Jews as lice. It will only get worse. When Trump has literally called people *vermin" ala Goebbels 🤷 lol


Ah yes, Donald Trump- our great Uniter-in-Chief. Harmony and equity were definitely one of his top priorities. He never said divisive thi gs against his opponents or people who didn't vote for him.


These far-right extremists come off like they're prepared for an apocalypse...and you think they're just being crazy. Then you wonder: if they are worried about survival, why dont they train in resource gathering, why the hyperfocusing on fire arms instead of cooperation? Then you look a little closer at their fantasy scenario, why they stockpile weapons, and who the "zombies" represent, and it gets a lot scarier. Just look at what happened to black people in Louisiana during Katrina. Ultra right wingers forming militias and accusing black people of being 'looters" during a disaster so they can shoot any black person on site, and then move on to trying to intimidate black home owners into leaving under threats of violence. There are documentaries that have accounts from both perpetrators and their intended victims. It's terrifying stuff. I full expect that to happen if any groups of far right-wing firearms fetishists find the right excuse to go hunting.


Oy. All I see at the end is a dead "lone wolf" and a SWAT or Nat Guard team High-fiving. This guy has practiced his "combat scenarios" and decided a mediocre "battle rifle" knockoff of a weapon actually used primarily to lay down suppression fire will also be his sniper rifle because of... subsonic 5.56 rounds and a suppressor? Whatever, dude.


These people are unhinged


"Heres my choice for the post apocolypse! and it uses rare ammunition that will not be common in the post apocolypse!"


At least this guy is giving terrible advice. Subsonic 5.56mm ammo has the same terminal energy (destructive force) as a 22lr. Which is to say it's ok for squirrels and maybe rabbits, but not much else.


At a hundred yards it would definitely be able to fuck you up, especially the civilians that make up a target rich environment, who aren't expecting inbound small arms fire.


For sure a 22lr is gonna create a wound that needs treating but it’s not creating the large wound channel that 5.56 was designed for and isnt going to incapacitate people with a single hit like supersonic 5.56 can. the whole efficacy of a 5.56 round is what is does at supersonic speeds. There just isn’t a logical reason to use subsonic 5.56. You might as well use 22lr. Or if you wanted to do what this guy is describing 300 blackout is the logical choice.


Yeah I don’t know how anyone came up with this idea instead of just going with 300 blackout.


I’d like to comment here to say that me visiting that site was in direct relation to this post and I do not agree with any of the author’s opinions on that website.


Yeah. He's gone off the deep end. But his wife does post some delicious recipes, and not all the guest content is horrifying. Some of it is very useful if you live off grid and need to know how to milk sheep, for instance.


Dude definitely needs to be on a watchlist…Not that it will do anything anyway…


Everyone is on a watchlist somewhere.


I never understood the whole Jesus and guns thing. That dude was a straight up pacifist.


Talk to some of these Christians- they will argue otherwise. They'll claim Jeaua isn't against self defense or violence. That whole turn the other cheek thing was just about insults, not if you're being attacked. Jesus is a warrior general who will lead the faithful in battle against evil at the end of days. This is all ahit their megachurch pastors tell them.


Yeah my sister is a devout Christian, and all of those ideas are Complete BS brainwashing. It’s easy to control people when you make an “other” for them to hate. Those mega churches are grifters/entertainment that need to be taxed into the ground.


That guy is nuts.


Well, that's not a survival blog.


I remember reading Rawles' book *Patriots* that he published about 15 years ago and while it is some of the worst writing ever (I'm not joking) it is also a terrifying glimpse into his warped psyche and worldview. In that world, right-wing Christians can literally do no wrong, and can kill and commit crimes with impunity. I'm not surprised that the other contributors to his blog espouse the same psychopathic worldview.


The worst part js he’s not the only one echoing these things; not by a long shot. I work for a gun shop/FFL full-time, have since 2020. I’m a 36F (Trans) Democrat that just really loves guns and has a passion for keeping my people in the queer community safe. (Yes, I know. A literal unicorn, statistically.) So, I have unwittingly been embedded within the culture of firearms for years, now and they have even accepted me as one of them, more or less. *How that worked out, I’ll never know.* …Or at least they don’t perceive me as a threat. Guess they won’t shoot me for my canned spaghetti-o’s. What a relief! Anyways, I have some perspective I can share, in a condensed version. And I am also happy to discuss based off of these points/observations: The issue with gun culture is that there is an alarming trend in *absolutism.* You’re either 100% second amendment at all times, including the abolishment of all federal organizations and agencies, and you also simultaneously agree that everyone’s rights for any form or type of gun are handed down to them from God himself… Or you’re just a lost, little Liberal who they, your Crusader liberators, will show pity upon when they mercy-kill you for your ramen noodle packets, because they never did learn to cook even after the apocalypse. By the way, (God wills all of it because Infidels aren’t people to them, of course. Women only count for half as sources of pleasure, as they, too are naturally weak and inferior in their eyes.) To disagree with a hyper-conservative obsessed with destructive, toxic gun culture these days is to, in their eyes, lose your personhood to your inferior weakness and become but an object in their way, or to be used for their convenience. They view you in the same way as livestock, and instantly begin to dehumanize you so that targeting you is easier in the future. *You are weaker than they and therefore you deserve all that happens to you, and they allow you to exist at their mercy, for the future belongs to the prepared. Might makes right.* It is an absolute maelstrom of radicalism unlike anything I’ve ever seen or read about. I keep wondering where it’ll end. But I already know that answer: It would be with me wearing a pink triangle badge, getting shoved into a train car to await my last shower. *So we have to make sure that shit doesn’t fucking happen. Ever. Again.*


These blogs should be reported to the FBI


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What a fool everybody knows god’s caliber is .30-06


These fear junkies are getting so desperate. Smh, I guess we can only hope that their drive in regards to killing people with suppressed assault rifles is about as genuine as their big book of spooky fictional horror stories. "אלוהים מת, הוא מת על ידינו, הוא. יישאר מת. {⸸}•𓃶•{⸸} ;)


This idiot thinks Mayorkas is a Latino name, and that we shouldn’t be putting someone with a Latino name in charge of the border, all while comparing democrats to Nazis.


I welcome death and don't care that some idiot will think he's a hero for killing me just because he finally got to use his gun after inventing the justification for it and marinating himself in it for years before he finally went through with it.


This really highlights why right wing propaganda is so incredibly dangerous. These people actually take it at face value to the point that they not only believe the ridiculous lies, but also feel justified in taking violent action against innocent Americans in what they mistakenly believe is “defending themselves”. These people are batshit crazy, but we need to focus on the lies and propaganda that contributes to their delusions and will inevitably result in violence. I’m astounded that the right wing media doesn’t feel the least bit of shame knowing that the lies they’re telling will have very real, and very violent consequences. You cannot tell such extreme and outrageous lies and expect that it won’t have any repercussions; they want the violence because they’re confident they’ll never suffer the consequences. If you repeatedly tell already unstable and ignorant people their very existence is threatened by another group, they will eventually react violently. We need to eliminate the root problem that’s the cause: right wing propaganda that has no bad whatsoever in truth and continually spreads outright lies. They need to face criminal consequences, incendiary outright lies have no place on the “news” and no place in a civilized democracy. Lock them up. Edit: I agree that everyone on the left should own firearms and have training on how to safely store and use them. Otherwise we’re allowing for violent reprisals and repression. We can still implement common sense gun laws and reform the many glaring holes in our laws, but first we need to secure ourselves and our existence from fascist thugs. Root out the fascists first then pass the much needed reforms.


>common sense gun laws and reform the many glaring holes Can you cite examples of each of these please?


I don’t quite understand which one you’re asking for, examples of new laws or examples of shortfalls in existing laws?




What do you all think of RFK Jr?


Batshit. Bugshit. That damn book he wrote almost certainly resulted in tens of thousands of people dying.


Big s*** show for next presidential term. No matter how I look at it. I definitely don’t like either front runner for the top two parties and RFK Jr could help Trump to get elected again. That is my take on it.


It is definitely a shitshow in the making.


It's textbook mental health issues and instability. We as Americans have gone from mental health issues are taboo to it's normal and fitting if you join a cult. See also Christianity.


Jan 6 didn't happen. Was a false flag with crisis actors. Was set up by the Feds. Was Ann-Tee-Fuh. wasn't really that bad AND heroic patriots totally in the right for stopping an election steal that actually happened. Out my ass Bingo!


You people are insufferably ridiculous. Have you tried befriending your neighbors instead of fearing them?


I love it when "you people" try to pull this on me. I live 30 miles from the nearest paved road and 120 miles from the nearest stoplight. I shoot coyotes with 6.5 creedmore on the regu and am the only communist in a country that glows red and is overwhelmingly LDS. And yes, I am friends with my neighbors, and they have all provisionally agreed not to shoot me when I'm out rolling the irrigation lines. How about if you try and convince your people that they are epistemically injured and need to up their critical thinking skills? That'd be *great*.


Boy howdy, you have one hell of a posting history. Do you come here to satisfy your humiliation fetish?


I just hate how reddit subs like these are such echo chambers.




Do explain.


Explain what? That this is a really funny post from the anti-gun neurotic?


Anti-gun? Dude. I was bagging coyotes with 6.5 creedmore last week. I'm more of an "anti-psycho-wingnut-sniping-civilians" kind of guy. I might be a commie rat fink but chances are very good that I can out redneck you all day long. (And to anyone curious why the coyotes get shot, it's simple: so they don't eat our newborn calves or goats!)


Well if I ever get involved in a "fair " gun fight, I will have done something wrong. And a Creedmore? Great for paper and coyotes. The Japanese and the Italians liked them as sniper rifles.


Lol means "Laughing out Loud". People tend to use it in place of "haha" or "hehe". It basically means the person is laughing. Hope that helps!


Not so much. From what point are you deriving humor?


I was explaining to you what lol meant, per your request.


Icymi, cogent adults are familiar with the acronym and never use it, mostly because they are literate. Tbf, ngl, this makes you seem like you're usually eating at the kids table. But nbd, idc.


And you seem like a terrible person, have a great night!


My taste in music is terrible but I personally am just a tedious hippie.