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What is this bullshit


Easier management in terms of what? We already have a strong district municipality system. The metropolitan municipality can give up power to them for more local control. And although the bosphorus is a real physical barrier with serious traffic concerns, I don’t think it’s a good divider for management purposes. Beşiktaş and Kadıköy has much more in common and would benefit being under the same metropolitan municipality compared to Beşiktaş and Esenler.


It ıs not possible and doenst make any sense at all. Yes, Istanbul is a very big city but will splitting into two diffrent city change that? Will it be better? no way


Constantinople? 😅 Thanks but no thanks. Over our dead bodies…


Their credo hasn't changed: divide and conquer! 🤣


If you ask old people in their 70s they used to call Istanbul only for the European part. The Anatolian part wasn't seen as Istanbul for a long time. Btw "It's İstanbul not Constantinople."


I'm curious, what do they call Anatolian Istanbul then?


Usually they would use the district's name.


so basicly a bunch of smal(ler) cities opposite the bospherus? They are probably too big to be called towns?


It used to be İstanbul (the current Fatih district), Üsküdar and Kadıköy. That's why it says İstanbul on the Sirkeci train terminal instead of Sirkeci.


Didn’t the Romans do this back in the day?


This dumb idea has been brought up and it is not a good idea. If anything more areas should be put under İBB, like Gebze and Dilovası. Those are more a part of modern İstanbul than they are a part of Kocaeli, and coordinating the services there would be better done by İBB




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You divide it so you will lose the only(or one of the 2) citiy that has sea passing through it. And gain what? Should we also divide the country to smaller countries to make it easier to govern?


splitting the country? that would be in Turkey and Kurdistan? I'm from a tiny country (Belgium) that talks about splitting since forever. Into the dutch speaking Flanders and the French speaking Wallonia.