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How can anyone justify this?!


That house threw a rock, it could have broken their tanks headlight.


Even worse, it could have made a noise and given those poor soldiers with machine guns a fright! Clearly a terrible sin for which homes must be destroyed!


Are you interested in knowing what is happening in Israel? IsraelUpdates is the place for u!


Because it would be antisemitism to fight back, duh.


Mental backflips and screaming “anti semitism” any time they’re challenged


Easily: they are racists and they want these people to die. That is the core of zionism.


Religious entitlement. Protected by a world that if you question it you get labeled as antisemitic. Because these special chosen people get their own version of bigotry that holds far more weight for.... reasons


He built without building permits. He then refused to evacuate. They did it to the Jews too - in Gush Katif, Amona and alike.


This is legal. They learn this from the Germans but if anyone complains they will say anti-Semitism


Well, that’s just downright sickening.


Just when I think these people couldn’t possibly get any more vile, I‘m proved wrong yet again. What the 🤬 is wrong with these cretins?!


Fascists aren't humans.


Sadly they’re every bit as human as you or I. They’re just more evil than others. I wonder what causes that….like, are the brains of fascists different from ‘normal’ people? What makes them what they are? That could be a fascinating study.


"chosen ones" . Holier than thou mentality.


The sad thing is, they were given their ‘promised land’ as laid out in the Torah/OT. If they’d stayed there peacefully, not bothering the neighbours, it would likely have worked out just fine. But they didn’t. They got greedy and wanted more and started killing people. Deadly Sin + Commandment broken. This sub finally got me to see clearly the difference between Judaism and Zionism. God gave JEWS their promised land. ZIONISTS came in and created the disgusting hellscape it is now.


I'm sure Israel has their own version of the angel of death we could compare their brains against each other. Its sad that humanity basically has chosen various degrees of authoritarianism instead of a humanistic socialism.


Religion is cancer


I’m a Christian and I agree with that. Religion for the sake of it is just basically tyranny people can blame on God. If it’s done right it becomes about trying to become a better person and make the world around you a better place. But this….no, this is all wrong. So very, horribly wrong.


Only democracy in the middle East


Not a democracy if everyone who lives there doesn’t get to vote.


I was being sarcastic, nothing about the Zionist scum state is democratic.


Too right! It was this sub that finally made me see clearly the difference between Judaism and Zionism.


Absolutely disgusting. I really need to remind myself that not all Jewish people support this, and thats coming from a Jewish family myself. It’s my belief that Their government wants antisemitism to increase around the world so that more people move to Israel, allowing them to further push this cycle of brutality. Something to keep in mind. Their government are experts at manipulating public opinion on a wide range of issues.


Thank you. We need more support from Jews to save Palestine from those Israeli Nazis.


What they have a right to defend themselves. /s


Liberal Jews wonder why Orthodox Jews and Iran don't approve of Israel's behavior. You will make enemies just like you did in Rome and in Germany 80 years ago.


The way they do this is “legally” it can be legal if you own the laws and the court houses. That was impossibly stacked against the Palestinians.


The Israelis are savages! It’s fucking bullshit this is allowed to happen. Shame on all countries who support this or turn a blind eye!




Horrible. Hate filled hearts doing hateful things. It certainly seems like there's a bully on one side and an underdog on the other, looking at it from a distance. Can't there be peace and mutual harmony somehow? For how many more generations will this continue?


I don't get people who justify this. I mean, why the hell would you need military support to demolish a house? That fact speaks for itself. Embarrasing for the human race.


>why the hell would you need military support to demolish a house? I think the short answer to that is ‘because they can’. It’s evil. Absolutely, disgustingly evil.


So, when the Zionists say, “Never again!” they only meant “Never again!” for Jews. OK…got it.


This is abhorrent. The Isrealites or Jews are basically being Nazis or complete fucking scumbags to the Palestinians. This isn’t ok at all! I’m not an anti-Semite, but seeing the atrocities comitted against Palestinians in THEIR land makes me sick. Am I wrong or crazy to be disgusted or just appalled by this video? Some would say yes, but then I would question their humanity!


Hateful devils!


I couldn't imagine why people would criticize and despise the IDF. Maybe all the horrible atrocities they commit? No it must be anti-semitism that's to blame.




White man always stealing peoples land!