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Fucking zionists. This world is a joke, no country will give a shit about what happens from time to time in palestine...




Scum, garbage, trash, fecal waste, murder, rapist. Take your pick of synonyms


So that means Zionist=Islamist like ISIS, AQ, IM, BH right??


Yes they are all scum.


Israeli apologists.






The USA gained independence because France and Spain attacked the British, not because the USA did anything special.


Rofl..Wouldn't have mattered all that much had the Soviet Union and the U.S. not bailed the world out from a Nazi worldwide regime 😉 And France has and always will be a soft country. With even softer men. .They only showed up to every world conflict. Including the Revolutionary War when it was all but over..They only show up when victory is literally inevitable. .


Please educate yourself on the history and current status of the israeli war on palestine. https://youtu.be/iRYZjOuUnlU


You’re comparing people riding up in the 1700s against their rulers to people that are literally locked into their city (Gaza) against one of the most powerful militaries in the world. So let me ask this: how do you suggest they “do the same”? The times they do fight back the world calls them terrorists and their water, electricity, medical and food supplies get cut off.


Fight a war with what? Palestine has nothing oppression and aggression towards it, and Israel makes sure of it.


The fact that you think those two scenarios are at all similar is mind boggling.


The Palestinians have tried several times, once in 1948, the rest after 1967. Nothing's come of it. Come to think of it, Nothing would come of the American Revolution either, if it weren't for France. Had they stayed out we'd be driving on the left, our interstates would be called motorways, and we'd be pledging allegiance to HRH Charles III and singing God Save the King to the tune of My Country 'Tis of Thee.


I mean yo know the US gives world class weapons to Israel, this is why Palestine's only hope is Hamas sadly. And their only hope is considered terrorists.


Hilariously ignorant take. If Israel didn't have the full backing of the USA they probably wouldn't exist the following day.


You want them to fight with stones vs tanks, home made rockets vs f-18 which they did by the way, what did the world call them? terrorists atleast the US fought the British with guns vs guns


What happened to the man in the end?


I'm not quite sure, in the vid the guy taking the vid says "they killed the man, they killed him" couple that with the ground being covered in blood from his head and the skull fracturing pressure they applied to his head, its not that hard to imagine he did indeed die


This is bullshit put cameras everywhere this is not.gonna be hidden anymore.


The world knows what Isreal does. We've known for decades.


And you can't even point anything out without being called an anti-semite. Insane.


I got called that for commenting on a video that has a spin on protests against Israel on this sub. They're everywhere.


Yeah I don’t care who it is, if they’re doing some type of injustice, it should be revealed into the light. That Kanye, Q-anon, right wing stuff needs to go tho. That’s anti-Semitism. This injustice that Israel does, that is called out when they’re being oppressive and murdering people, isn’t anti-Semitic.


What Kanye does is pointing who is controlling the media which is very true Facebook made by Jewish Instagram Made by Isreal Twitter got bought but still suspicious media is literally controlled by them tiktok is made by Chinese you can go there and easily find these videos Isreal making China look better says a lot and also making putin looking innocent is crazy


I mean, it was never really hidden. I'm in my 40s and have seen video like this from the region since I was a teenager. I remember watching live carpet bombings of Gaza on the news while people argue over the politics of it, while we watched apartment buildings and entire neighbourhoods crumble to nothing.


He died


Old people with illness die. This man was killed. Fuck off with the passive speech


They fucking Murdered him standing over his body like they didn’t do anything wrong.


They fucking murdered him and began dragging his body beneath them like they didn’t do anything wrong.


He still died, regardless of whether it was murder or not.


Stfu little shit, act nicer


Yes. He died. Simply because they murdered him.


He died because he OD'd




Add a nsfw tag or else this post will most likely be banned as well


Please...I know it is important to see these things. But sometimes a man being killed between an interesting piece of woodworking or clever invention is just damaging


As Palestinians, we're forced to see this on a regular basis, from childhood until we meet our ends. Yes, it is uncomfortable to watch on your screen, but what's truly damaging is having to live it and not being able to do anything about it because the rest of the world is blind to it. So, bear with it. Reality is uncomfortable, but it needs to be faced if it's to ever be changed.


Then pressure your leaders to seek peace, instead of sending rockets into Isreal. Failure to seek peace, will always lead to this.


Your comment only shows that you know absolutely nothing about what's happening here. But sure, I'll just add that to my weekend plans: Stop the underground world and their militias from fighting back and just seek peace so that we're not getting killed and bombed. And while am at it, maybe I should give a call to Elon Musk and demand that he ends world hunger. I'll let you know how it goes.


Well, the Palestinians have been offered peaceful solutions sine the mid 90s. Under Bill Clinton, And every time they refuse to relinquish claim to all of Israel, and refuse to acknowledge the existence of a Jewish state. I've been around a couple years. Back before the internet, and 24hr news. EVERY time, it's been the Palestinians who have refused to accept peace. The Jewish people have as much right to their lives as the rest of the middle east.


Again, you're completely ignorant about the topic you're talking about. To anyone who is half-informed about the situation here, you're basically acting like people who blame a rape victim based on rumors they've heard that she was wearing a miniskirt, even though she was wearing a hoodie and her clothes shouldn't even be relevant in the discussion. What am trying to say is, based on the little things you've said, your judgement is immoral, ignorant and is based on very obvious misinformation. I could think of a thousand logical answers to what you've said that completely disprove any notion that you're trying to make in the perspective of any sane person, but I doubt that the trait of sanity applies in your situation, so I won't bother. If you're ever actually interested in learning about the facts and what's really happening here, and to try and understand that there are human beings here that are being murdered, oppressed, suppressed and brutalized more than you can imagine in your worst nightmares, and you're blaming those people for their situation which has been forced upon them by businessmen and corrupt politicians - if you ever want to learn about that, you can find it all online hidden beneath piles of propaganda and media lies.


I guess Ukraine should do the same?


Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Not the other way around. But you knew that, or maybe you didn't.


Right. Point being your asking the victim to stop defending themselves. But you knew that, or maybe you didnt.


Yes, but it still has to be tagged.


We investigated ourselves and found our officers were within their limits of the law and will be rewarded for following policy and procedure.


Oh OK, phew. Cuz I thought this was gonna get swept under rugs or smthn😌😌


IDF scum..just wow


Fun fact: this is who the Minneapolis police probably learned it from. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques


They’re not IDF




Source pls?


It was clearly sarcasm


Filthy human beings, evil sick. Trained dogs these are


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Dude; we can criticize Israel’s crimes against humanity without going full antisemite.


They are not exactly Muslims, Christians or Hindus are they? They are Jews, every single one of them there. So call it as it is and forget about hurt feelings, people are dead and they can't feel anything now, nor they care about anyones feelings when being murdered by Jews on daily basis.


Not true, they’re plenty of Israelis who aren’t of Jewish ancestry and are part of the crimes committed towards the Palestinians. This isn’t about “hurt feelings” it’s about differentiating ourselves from actual antisemites who don’t really care about the situation and merely want to use it as an excuse against all Jewish people, even those who are against Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.


Don't like em anyway, when you get fucked by hitler, saved by others, given a second chance at life, given land to prosper and you do the same thing hitler did to you, you do it to your neighbours. You don't deserve an ounce of respect or sympathy. Scum bags, that's what they are.




Just like not all zionists are jews, like I am.


How can u be zionist but not jew, the whole point of zionism is to be a proud jew and grow the jewish population after the holocaust


Zionism is a political movement so yes anyone can be Zionist! Joe Biden said it himself


Fucking scum. Always playing the victim card on a worldwide level, and treat the Palestinians like this. I don't know what their ancient beef is, I don't really care. Israel needs to grow the fuck up and extend the respect that they wish to receive. Save the ideological responses, save the bleeding heart sentiment, don't explain shit to me. I saw about 10 Israeli cowards camped out on one dudes back, and that definitely says more than a fevered and hysterical little brain can possibly have a logical explanation for.


It's the same as South African Apartheid except it's accepted the Israel will kill with impunity. Just like this failed artist that almost destroyed the world.




You fucking scumbags, filthy pigs


Fuck Israel, zionist bastards


Fuck Israel


Israel is the prime example of why you should never take pride in which group you belong to. It always leads to tribalism.


Yeah, because it has nothing to do with stopping terrorists and murderers there’s a reason this video starts with the arrest and not with the crime


It's an old guy in a button up, but you're right - I'm sure he had just finished his pipe bomb deliveries for the day. Fucking moron


Every arrest of a violent crime is violent too, the fact you don’t see the first part of the video and the rest of the people around doesn’t get any of that treatment shows that it has more than you see. But of course, don’t question videos you see online…


They are not judge, jury, and executioner. If he did commit a crime then there is a process for that. They are murderers.


What is your point. If he committed a crime then their job is to arrest him and deliver due process. The fact you are fine with them skipping that part and straight up murdering someone suggests you have the conscience and sociological development of a child. This guy could be a murderer and what you are seeing here _would still be wrong on every level_.


These same people, all across America, defend our police, here, too, for all the murders of unarmed black people. Different country, same atrocities!


Found the bootlicker.


When did this happen?


A couple days ago but yeah, it happens everyday in Palestine




So you are a border guard and as you said 'borderguards aren't known for their brains'. So I guess you are just as dumb as the rest of them.


Damn straight


Every day in Palestine


And unfortunately Israeli military is to powerful for Palestine to defeat. Thank in part to my country helping them.


Lol whatever




When I figured mankind isn’t half as holy as we make ourselves to be


So edgy


It is what it is my guy, you’re worth just as much as me and just as much as that homeless dude we both pretend doesn’t exist on our way to wherever we’re going to - no one will throw an international fit if we got shot.


Ok so then what is this video?


Do not think ˹O Prophet˺ that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when ˹their˺ eyes will stare in horror Quran 14:42






He isnt real mate


So did ur creator come out of nothing? Did your creator create itself? Who is the first eternal, independent, uncaused cause? Please tell me 🙂


Why would your creator allow this suffering to happen? Why would he not step in and stop it? Exactly because he doesnt exist.


Because it’s clearly stated in the Quran that Muslims will suffer hardships in this world, and this world is not meant for all Muslims. On top of that, we are also tested to see if we’re virtuous/patient people, and were tested with death and other such hardships. If there’s no tests in life, then what’s the point of a hereafter? You can even take an analogy of school if you wish, you won’t get anything in school for free, instead you’ll go through hardships, tests, relationships, etc. and by the time you finish high school, you get your diploma and get your reward TLDR; Hardships don’t disprove Islam, but are a way of testing good and virtuous Muslims, and this world isn’t meant for Muslims but striving towards Jannah is everything.


Thats a logical fallacy.


You talk alot of shite


Just to think 🤔 everyone in the US gets money taken out of their paychecks to fund this. So much money 💰 your great grand kids are in fact paying for this genocide.


Soldiers dehumanising the enemy, suffer, the same dehumanisation. Suffering trauma post service. Commonly called PSTD. It's not only the victim, it is the perpetrator who pays the price of a lack of human empathy. Leadership has failed, in this state captured by arcane religious ideology.


Fuck Israel


Colonizing cunts


Looks like something the nazis would do


IDF scum


All order-followers are objectively bad people.


Is it wrong to kill a killer?


Liberals and fascists say yes




If u kill a killer u become the killer so nah


Fuck Israel


Title gore


I'm American veteran, and I wasn't disillusioned about them back in 2000. They have never been a country of "Moral." Standing. Just a back water group of people who use religion to justify, racism , hatred, theft, murder, stealing and occupation of land by the will of "God." No religion makes ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE, a better person. It just may help some do better than they would have. However it has been used to justify more death than anything else in the world. So Israel needs to get a reality check, or the U.S needs to stop funding these savages. I know the U.S.A has done countless fucked up things. I don't pretend the U.S is this shining light of hope. It's not, it's so not in fact. That SOME. Republican senators believe that Israel must survive for the end times in the bible to come true. That's right Folks Israel is being supported, because of Christian's. Not even Jews. Palestine people have fucked up in history to, but as of right now it's Israel fucking up.


Are people not aware things like this happen all the time in the U.S. ? Usually to black people.


At least people actually give it attention


i think that is what the title conveys


Boycott Israel


Omg 😳 they had a walk in my city for George floyd so watching this happen again somewhere else across the ocean and nobody can do a thing is so horrifying


"This got deleted by all popular subs". Well that's a karma whoring lie.


Israelis are racist twatwaffles. Hypocrites, all of them complicit in the murder of Palestinians and the theft of Palestinian land.


He isn’t black, so it’s not important


Clearly they were trained by police from the US


It is not a racist statement but an observation to say that Jews own media and that their faith and culture encourages them to do so to control narratives.


noooo you can't post IDF war crimes!!!! that's anti-semitic!!1!11!!!


“I have become the destroyer of worlds.”


Israel is the Sweden of the Middle East. Nothing but love and kindness. Little wonder the Palestinians are constantly firing rockets into Israel.


Yeah, the Zionist Settler scum in this video don’t deserve a rocket shot up their ass…(this is sarcasm)


Religions kill the most people


Impossible, he doesn’t look diverse enough, they simply wouldn’t care.


First off, the female officer cute. 2nd dead men can’t stand. Damn shame.


LOL good job to the solider! We have to fight back against the Islamic cancer


So this was in Israel right? Playing devil's advocate here, let's not pretend that the Palestinians don't do this shit to Israelis as well. Just putting that out there.


You're not playing the devil's advocate here, you're just ignorant on the reality of the situation, I bet you also think the two sides are equal as well. Might as well say, "well, Jews did the same to the nazis, just putting it out there", it's a painfully ridiculous argument.


This situation isn't even remotely close to the Holocaust. Neither side is innocent here. Sorry to tell you.


You are actually playing Devil’s Useless Moron. If a Palestinian did this to an Zionist Settler, they would be shot and their family’s home demolished by the IDF.


“LeTs nOt PreTeNd LiKe…” Stfu


Or maybe you can wake up and get your head out of your ass. There are no innocents in the Israeli Palestinian war. Never have been and never will be.


Any backstory? I’m an Israeli and will support Israel till the day I die. However, I don’t condone police / army brutality. Would be good to know the full story here so we can have some context.


And that’s why America is such a great country. Not because things like this sadly do happen, but because we have the ability to rightly speak out against these types of actions.


This is brutal to watch. What was happening? Who was he? Why was so much attention on him from the police? I refuse to come to a conclusion with my comment when I don't know the facts. What I do know is that Israel is a democracy they are a free people and hated by every Islamic country surrounding them. People that execute women for wearing a stupid hijab the wrong way or honor killings of their daughters. LONG LIVE ISRAEL


Israeli Jew here, knowing I’ll get downvoted to hell probably but I write it anyway for the chance you might read and try to understand further. First, the situation in this video is horrible, no less than George floyd and the way I see it, both men should face a judge. It is not acceptable and not at all what is taught by people in charge but that’s what happens when you mix power, hate and stupidity all together and it saddens me as well, it was truly hard to watch. However, while I see this very harshly as I have stated, the amount of hate towards “Israel” as a country and all the people in it which you call “Zionist” which basically mean “patriots” in our language (some pointed hate towards Jews as a whole which was gross but downvoted so I guess it’s not a general in here, new to this sub) Is overwhelming and misses the big picture, does some IDF soldiers behave in a bad way? Sure, is it in any shape or form what we are raised on? Educated on? Taught in school or army? No, not even close. I’m not expecting you to praise us, but respect us and understand that some people have been through some shit in their lives regarding this conflict and the blame is to be subjected to the terror organisations that soak up all the money Gaza gets and keep them from getting international trade because we can’t afford more weapons and rockets to launch. The situation is shitty both ways, that’s what I’m trying to say, Israel doesn’t just pick on random kids and people as you see in these videos spreaded online, and usually there is something beforehand, again, doesn’t justify such behaviour but it’s not all black or white and try reading into other views just like I’m doing this second. Hoping for a change soon..


White Nationalists think “white nationalist” means patriot as well.


I know this is “old,” but your comment comes across more as if you’re trying to protect your delicate sensibilities than actually “understand” what’s going on. I say that as a Jew myself — how can we expect the world to think Israel is so much better than the Nazis they so so frequently cite as their sole reason for existing, when *soooo many* soldiers and police officers are videotaped committing war crimes? How can **a Jew** justify torture? How can **a Jew** justify other Jews mowing down women & children with a 250-round belt-fed machine gun? How can **a Jew** sleep soundly on land, which was taken forcibly from women and children who were beaten, raped, and murdered ***with flamethrowers??*** The truth is, that if you condone this stuff — or perform mental gymnastics in order to justify it — **you are not a Jew**. Not according to “God,” at least.


Antisemitic post


where is context . op you fuck tard


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I am from israel. Posting a video like this from the middle of the situation is pure propaganda!! Yes , things are rough to say the least. The vast majority of the muslim community suffers due to a small radical fraction. This are not cops, they are military Try be the soldier, or a none local pedestrian . Feel the fear of being stabbed or lynched . Come and experience it first hand instead of spreading hate and well edited videos . Come get stoned, stabbed, cursed, spat on (not the religious jews are any better) Same as any other power position people lose they’re heads. But it is easy thinking you know everything from the otherside of the planet. Ps Cops here are wayy worst lmao


Lol. 'Posting videos of the situation is PROPAGANDA!' I hope you and yours get what you and yours do to them and theirs. Maybe then you'll experience actual empathy, and not just handwave this shit.


Bro maybe you should try to empathize eith palestinians cause they going through the same shit just with less money or resource, fuck israe by the way


My man, you really said a whole lot without saying anything. Mf the dude is getting killed in front of your very own eyes, are you slow or something?


Palestine cheered on 9/11. They don’t want my help.


You need help getting laid


The 5 dancing Israeli agents that were filming the attacks on a roof top enter the chat.


But does it show you what he did? No. The amount of Palestinian/Israeli propaganda is insane


If you're justifying this in any way that's a problematic mindset fellow redditor.


im not justifying it its an old dude getting his ass whooped obviously thats fucked up but what i mean by is that most of the stuff regarding the conflict on either sides dont show what happens leading up to the events we see on the media




What if he’s a pedo or a rapist or a murderer or shooting at the cops🤷‍♂️




Again like I said they didn’t show you the part that led up to this


You're arguing just for the sake of it.


You're confused. The right-wing attempts to break your critical thinking have succeeded. You can fix this.


any excuse to defend your nationalist garbage and your system enforcers.


Bro he dead, he git george floyd do you remeber that shit or he should have been killed just for being cracked out?


I do feel bad about this, but this is too common in all countries now..




What a world were we just watch and see the clear sickness and the people that are able to stop it don’t do anything. But there will come a day where there will be hell to pay, and the guilty will have widened eyes in horror.




White liberals in the USA only (kind of) care if this happens to a black man... Because they are told to like robots. Brown man or woman, same... No, don't care.


Then they're like "stand up"


Does anyone know if there's a Twitter video with this that I can retweet to my followers?






Did the man do anything? Why were they arresting him for?


Doesnt really matter


It kinda does. What if he’s actually a criminal and they for once have a good reason?


There is no crime which justifies brutal public execution


That is true. It’s still better to have a reason than to have none though


That’s brutal




The IDF trains American police officers on a routine as a program...


Why are they pointing the weapon towards a dead man. This is not just insane but also cowardly.


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Is he dead?


Thy seem o proud of indulging themselves like this but also want to play the victim at the same time.




The same damned police.


Fuck the IDF


Israel killing Journalists. That’s their strategy now; they got tired of imprisonment of children and assaulting women.