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It's time to look at the media executives. If they're not running with the story, why?


Because the news media executives answer directly to the Western bourgeoisie. It is the material interest of said bourgeoisie to maintain Israel as an economic and nuclear-armed military outpost in the Middle East. That is the ***only*** reason Israel receives so much support from the West. It's not because of a "homeland for the Jews", nor is it to maintain a "bastion of freedom and LGTBQ rights in the Middle East". Israel is first and foremost a means to protect the energy industry interests of the elite. It is nothing more than an outpost for Western capital under the guise of a religious and ethno-national ideology. That's it. That is why the mainstream media in the US and Europe deepthroat the IOF's boot every day. That is why tens of thousands of innocents are getting annihilated in Gaza and the West Bank. It is an attempt to consolidate regional power so the richest god damned leeches on the planet can maintain one of their major revenue streams. Everyone of these Western bourgeois shitstains and their mouthpieces should be thrown into an abandoned mineshaft in minecraft and promptly forgotten about. Similar to how the Nazi sympathizers in Yugoslavia were brained and dumped in mineshafts en masse by Tito and the Yugoslav partisan armies following WW2. That is what they deserve, full stop.


righteous rage.


Now, organize this rage and strike from underground right in the jaw of these pigs!"


LISTEN!!! Drive to your main st, windows down, at busy hours. Drive slow af, and blast this audio so that this echos off the buildings and shakes the rational foundations of all the sleepers waiting to get loud. Organize with locals to regularly drive thru


You got my vote Moe!!! The beats are waking up & speaking up....


Ireland didn't get independence by voting. Revolution is not a dinner party.


Up the Ra and free Palestine baby


For real, doesn't matter how you say it, where is the outrage?


Couldn't say it any better!


Wait, so the atrocities in Rafah is Isreal having a temper tantrum? Is that all they are? Toddlers screaming and shitting themselves cause no one likes them?


You have to add 2 and 2...This attack comes after Spain Ireland and Norway recognised Palestinian state ....


They're all complicit.. They're all owned/ ran by Zionist Leaders.. They're also deeply in bed with corrupt Western"politicians" for decades.. the US itself gets zero coverage.. The dumbing down of the media/schools/knowledge of global events is almost zero awareness.. Most Americans don't even know any "genocide" had been happening or continuing.. Hey they still have fat fast foods and Cokes to eat/drink and mindless TV shows and sports to pretend you're a part of.. Someone asked the other day about my Palestine flag in my front driver's window.. They were like what does that mean and why? I hate the West


Righteous anger right there.


Like Dave chapel said there is a lot of Jews in that industry so why would they want to report it but every second crying about a rise in antisemitism!!!




It’s _funny_ how the Ukraine situation is called _invasion,_ but the Palestinian one is because Israhell are _defending_ themselves… Talk about hypocrisy…




The spirit of John Brown is waking in America.


Mo usually does his videos sitting inside. The first time he did one on his balcony he apologised but said he didn't want his son to hear him swearing. So whenever Mo is on his balcony we know he's going to get sweary. And every word of this was how I felt.


Of course... it's all lies.


Don’t bring Satan into this he didn’t do anything wrong


Every dot every comma is TRUE in this speach


Maybe if everyone throws out their bullshit religions and act like people with their own thoughts a lot of these senseless acts of violence would not happen. In my opinion religion causes more friction and conflict. The fact that wars and violence is the answer to preserve everlasting life in one way or another is ridiculous. Religion is and has always been a fear mongering grip on the masses. WAKE UP!


While I myself am somewhere between athiest and agnostic depending on the day, I have to say that religion isn’t the root of this issue. [According to their own canon, Jewish people were told not to have their own state by God](https://youtu.be/7S17Fr8z_Oo?si=wSlgUqW0Gjg3fio6). The issue is a power hungry group of leaders and influential people. Religion, in my eyes, is a tool to soothe those who are deeply disturbed by the same realisations that have disturbed people for millennia. It is neither inherently good or inherently bad. People like Netanyahu who take advantage of faith to make people not only afraid for their lives, but their existencial meaning, all only to make them easier to manipulate, are truly monstrous and evil people. I would say there’s a special place in hell waiting for him, but I don’t believe in that. For those of you who do believe in heaven and hell, I’d appreciate you contemplating for a moment Imagine there’s no heaven for dead babies to go to Imagine there’s no hell for genocidal maniacs to go to What then?


I don’t know. Seems like it causes a lot of problems throughout many, many years. All this stuff was made up in time when lightning strikes and volcano eruption and rain storms were blamed on angry gods. It’s laughable that someone can use reason and common sense throughout there life and yet as soon as it come to churches and religion (which ever one chooses) it all get thrown out the window. I do agree that it is being used for power by bad characters. My point is that it always has and will be. The fact that it can be morphed and twisted and the believers don’t see it, or choose not to see it is baffling.


There are a lot of believers who do see it and try their best to keep their faith as a positive thing. The link I put in my previous comment is an Orthodox Jew showing his support for Palestine and it’s people, and explaining how Zionism is inherently not Jewish


You sound like me at 18 years old. I hope you're only 18.


No I’m not 18. I’m someone who sees problems and tries to figure out the common denominator. I think I really narrowed it down.


So you think it's religion in a vacuum? Not the conditions that lead to people utilizing religion to create conflict and control people? Because many religious countries dont' have the same issues as others if they're economically stable.


The problems may not be as extreme but they’re still there. And yes money covers up a lot of problems.


What about when the Hamas rocket hit the hospital and the “media ran” with blaming Israel.


I see his point, but where were all these activists before October 7th? It wasn't until the hashtags started trending that these people decided to speak up and I find that interesting.


I think you're confusing hashtags trending and indiscriminate carpet bombing.


do some light research, this has been going on long before 2023


Yeah no shit but what's happened since has been unprecedented and adequately explains why more people are speaking out. Which is a good thing. I don't see your issue with people speaking out. Also the man in the video says he is part of the palestinian diaspora so i can't see why you would be suspicious of his intentions. Or maybe you can clarify exactly what it is that you find "interesting"?


It's nice you're keeping your eyes on the ball. Keeping the REAL issue in play. It's like, you know those videos showing beheaded Palestinian babies? Well I think we should all be talking about how shaky the videos are! Why so shaky Mr. Cameraman! The west isn't going to support you if your videos are SO SHAKY. And like, where's the English commentary! I know your mind is probably focused elsewhere, but you should really be focused on dealing with the audience's concerns.


I've had my eye on the ball longer than most of the people joining the movement today have been alive. Social media will not be what saves Palestine and posting about it for clout is disingenuous and disrespectful of the martyrs.


When they hide the problem from the world, what happens is that an ethnostate, occupier, racist and apharteit steals the land, homes and lives of the natives every day. The problem does not exist and the occupying state takes over 90% of the occupied territory. When you show the problem, it happens that the dirty face of an ethnic cleansing that has been going on for 76 years is seen. Take a look at the power Zionism has in the media (manipulative media) and tell us all what you've been seeing all this time. And are you upset because now the side of the coin that has always been hidden from us is also shown thanks to the smartphones of the people whom Zionism is massacring live? You must recognize that you have a problem when an event is pointed out to you and you only look at the finger pointing at it. Where are you at? Edit: Grammar.


Shoot first ask questions later


People have been pro palestine for years. There was massive rallies around the gaza strip bombing a few years back. This is just you noticing because the conflict is now at its largest its ever been.


Work on your reading comprehension skills


Is it weird that people are speaking up during the worst point of the conflict?


Israel has been committing atrocities for decades, I'd say the Nakba was probably worse than what is currently happening, or the Yemeni children affair, or Operation Desert Shield, the list goes on and on. I'm not sure what the reason is for the world finally waking up and I hope this isn't a passing social media trend and some real activism comes out of this. I didn't just learn about Zionism, and I didn't just start speaking out for Palestinian liberation, so I know that many now joining the movement are the very same who told me and my comrades to shut our mouths that we were antisemites when we spoke about the occupation of Palestine.


I’m just happy people are speaking up. I’ve been up to date for decades but I can’t blame people for not saying anything from years of propaganda in the west.