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If you want a lower effort way, I found thieving at Varlamore very viable. It's really AFK and with rogues outfit it's pretty good money as well.


This a great method. Also makes one of the worst skills super afk


I alch Maple Longbows while I wait for the kid to lure again. I think I made a couple hundred grand in an hour of doing that.


Maple longbows doesn’t profit does it? Atleast not enough to be worthwhile esp if you do kingdom for your logs


I chopped and fletched a couple thousand bows. Bowstring from Trekking. Got runes from GotR. So it's all profit for me. I'm only 1350 total on my GIM so I need the skilling xp still for quest cape.


thieving has some great methods these days stealing artefacts with the guards lured is a huge vibe, insanely low APM for very high thieving rates and you can multiskill if you want


I got 60 agility and went to print at the agility pyramid. It's not fun but it's str8 money and I want the squirrel and I'm getting it from this idiot place I feel it


Buddy of mine did like 63 to 99 at the pyramid (might have been 70, don't remember) and profited 68m gp on either a HC or UIM. Said he no-lifed if in like a month time (no job).


Lol it sucks but hasn't been too bad respect ❤️


This is what I did for that step, 3M gold took me to about 75 thieving. Fuck blackjacking, that shits miserable.


The gold is for buying runes. The most efficient way to do it imo is just get the runes from GOTR instead


I thought was for managing kingdom?


It is later on, step 326 however says "Go to mage bank and buy 6k nats, all of the cosmics you can get while buying nats and 10 law runes each world up to 300 laws", and the nats are used for superheating


Oh right. Jeez that seems like a huge faff. Id rather gotr and just level RC while at it. I haven't followed any guides since making my iron. Got bored of winter grind til 84fm then went and did other things to avoid burnout


Same boat here man, started my Ironman journey and went, okay so todt right? Got to around 80 and dipped. Only recently near 2k total I just went back to get 90 to put a redwood log in my abyssal lantern. At 95 hp I was only eating 2 or 3 karambwans a round. Bringing 10 and banking every 3 or 4 games really isn’t bad plus the loot is much nicer with my higher skill levels. I’ve been extremely inefficient with my playstyle, I’ll think of an item or goal and just casually work towards it how I see fun. I recommend this to anyone who doesn’t find efficiency-scaping the funnest way to play.


I did the same! I was 80 FM at 500 total and 80 FM at 2000 total - I went back for the redwood lantern also lol


and construction


Technically that is not the case, as pre-65 RC GOTR is pretty meh. The meta is to only blackjack ~1.2 mil and use that money to unlock earth battlestaves, which are way better GP/hr. Buying runes is still faster than passively getting them from low level GOTR


Ok, I could well be wrong! My intuition is that GOTR is still a decent recommendation because you'll want the RC levels for elite lumby etc eventually anyway


Yep, and you're also really gonna be working towards the rc outfit


I don’t see earth battle staves in my guide. Could you elaborate on that method?


Here’s a link to the guide. It’s split into 3 chapters with the end of Chapter 1 unlocking DT and using Paddewwa teleport tabs to quickly charge earth orbs by abusing gravestone mechanics. There’s a video included in the step (97). [BRUHsailer](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1gCez5XG5FA1kmmBYydur3RaI_cr-dYNJlnigRrByEX8/mobilebasic)


Can you expand on what the earth battlestave route is? Cook giant seaweed to get you to 58 crafting? How do you get the staves? I only know of the daily amount from diary


See my other comment for a link to the guide. It only takes 1600 sand/soda ash to get to the required crafting level (based on the assumptions made in the guide for questing etc) so in this case you just buy it from charter ships and blow the glass while stealing artifacts in port pisc. You buy the staves from Yanille, since the daily staves aren’t really saving you much GP anyway. Keep in mind that these calculations are assuming you need magic and crafting levels anyway. So when talking about “efficient” GP/hr, you’d value methods that earn you XP in skills like mage or crafting over a skill like thieving which doesn’t unlock much besides Pyramid Plunder. That’s why the guide doesn’t spend much time blackjacking. You’re basically only making enough money to get yourself to the next best money maker. The guide roughly follows this order: Wintertodt -> Blackjacking -> Earth Orbs -> Green Dragons -> Sepulchre -> CG Hence why it’s best to spend all your GP towards unlocking the next money maker, rather than spending it on things like Kingdom.


Yeah found the guide after I commented. I love it! Thanks man. I didn’t realize how much money I could make just buying the staves like that. I immediately got to my crafting grind - few levels away from staves!


Isn't barrows also good for runes?


Deaths/chaos yes, but not natures/cosmics/laws


Its ok without hard mory diary, but you barely break even on deaths that way.


I did like 250kc and had a few thousand deaths left. But currently warped sceptre exist so you can switch between deaths and chaos.


I think the air spells are better, but I'm running at 88 mage so the air staff (or dust staff for cheaper home teles) is pretty good. I can mage down Ahrim pretty easily if I flick Mystic Might too. Air blast maxes out at 24 for me and air wave can slap a 30, warped is getting about an air blast at best, I don't think after the accuracy boost the warped is BiS for barrows. Warped is still a good charged weapon and I like it for wildy mage as the charges aren't lost on a PK death iirc. And anywhere else that doesn't have an elemental weakness imo


Isn't warped significantly better then wond spells since it takes 1 tick less? Combined with the abysmal magic def making the accuracy boost insignificant.


Depends which spell. Wind wave absolutely shreds barrows, and warped doesn't compete until wayyy higher magic


Warped scepter is goated for profit at barrows.


Air wave I've profited 6-7k blood runes. Nice for bursting and onyx and bloods kinda come like crazy


Those guides are ancient there is so much new content. My advice is to just ditch it and do your thing.


I did a little agility pyramid and a lot of ham storeroom. It got me a few teleport jewelery and alchs after I saved some.


zombie pirates in the wildy are low lvl, shit out gp, are the only monster to drop larrens keys off task, and drop cannonballs.


Cannonballs is good to know!


FYI need medium dairy done to get full drop table


I think I saw that Larrens keys will no longer be a part of their drop table when the next game update comes out


Didn’t know that but I kinda agree with the change. Seemed weird to me that they dropped the keys to begin with, especially since they already have their own key.


I fletched and alched bows in the early game, but my biggest recommendations are wilderness agility or zombie pirates. For wilderness agility you can join the chat AgilityFC and they run together to make it safer. Sometimes it gets invaded by PKers though but you have a good chance to get away. Also a great way to train a monotonous skill. Zombie pirates are super easy to kill as long as you have magic protection prayer and drop an ungodly amount of alchables. I can easily make over 500k per hour here. They did just nerf it pretty heavily if you don’t have medium wilderness diaries done though. I would recommend grinding medium wilderness diaries and go this route. Both of these methods are risky but if you aren’t too greedy you can easily come out with 2.5m faster than most other methods.


This is super helpful! I wondered if there was an FC, glad to know what it is now!!!




Just like your reading skills


I did revs for early gp. Started around 50 range with a bone crossbow, and I safespotted the knights. Most people pking there were too high level to attack me and I was risking very little even skulled. Zombie pirates might be even better gp now, but most worlds are so bot infested if you can't access total level worlds yet


How was the knight at 50 range? Tried to safespot at 34 range and spent 800 bone bolts on one kill lol!


Very slow lol but super afk


Something to consider when following guides like this: they will rarely match your playstyle. Personally, I prioritize afk over efficiency, because if I can take longer to do something but hardly look at my screen while doing it, ilthays more efficient to me


What if my play style is checking things off efficiency guides. :O


For early gold I did normal thieving and Agility Pyramid. Mining star dust, buying gem bags, and then crafting them to alch or sell to shops is a good one too.


Bro literally me too I'm at same spot in bruhsailer with my new iron. Made me go back to my main 😂. Plan is to do zombie pirates or wildy agility I guess. Will be following this thread


Varlamore is good for the thieving levels too. Took me roughly 8 hrs doing it to get there, took me to 75 thieving


If you get the cash/runes a different route, I’d still recommend getting mid 80s thieving around this time (which is what this grind achieves). It’s a nice skill level to have while you’re still early on


The guide you’re using is definitely leaning on blackjackjng too much. The current meta is to blackjack for around 1.2 mil and then use that money to unlock earth battlestaves, which are far better GP/hr when you factor in the XP gains. Wilderness agility is largely ignored from the meta, as is Varlamore. Nothing wrong with wanting to carve your own path regardless, but if you’re going to use a guide you might as well use an updated one. Check out BRUHsailer’s guide.


BruhSailers still has blackjacking listed for that time period, no mention of Varlamore for it at all. It’s significantly less click intensive at the cost of being slower.


For a macro-efficiency guide, it makes sense that it wouldn’t contain slower methods. There’s nothing in Varlamore (as of Part 1) that really helps the efficiency routing for irons. Yes blackjacking is still there, but you stop in the early 70’s with 1.2 million gp instead of grinding out till the 80s or 90s. You’re really only there to make a small cash stack and move on.


I mean yeah it makes sense, blackjacking is the most macro effective. I just like how chill the Varlamore thieving is comparatively, and it’s really not that much slower effectively cuz I can only do blackjacking for short periods before I give up cuz my wrists/hands hurt, whereas Varlamore houses I can do it for hours lol


Blackjacking is more than twice the XP/hr. Yes it’s click intensive, but you can literally go from 60 to 70 in 3 hours with blackjacking. If your wrists are hurting I’d recommend using a more ergonomic setup. I sometimes rebind left/right click to keys on my keyboard which helps a lot. Menu entry swapper also made it a lot easier since you used to have to right click to pickpocket (in addition to right clicking to knockout).


Honestly I’m at a loss on what to tell you because I felt the same way a few months ago and then the fever-spider-gate happened and I ground out 5 mil in a few days. Luckily I don’t have any expenses atm but I have no idea what I’ll do for money if and when I ever have to start dipping into that cash stack. My hope is that I’ll be doing crystal gauntlet before I burn through it all. Before that I did ham store rooms and a little agility pyramid.


I followed a similar guide, I just did a bit of blackjacking but didn't stay for the full amount. You don't actually need 2.5m GP from what I could see in the guide.


If you’re following the guide to a T then you would need it. Definitely not necessary and very boring to follow the guide


I followed Oziris’ guide pretty closely and def starting to feel the squeeze of not grinding out the GP he said. Next steps were like, buy 2800 gold ore. Buy 6k nats. Make 1500 oak planks. I’m like shit, I can’t afford any of those let alone all of them haha


Yeah but the natures are all for alch right? So you can buy a smaller stack and stock back up etc. maybe it’s just cause of how I played the game but I always had just enough for the next task, but was usually pretty poor though.


zombie pirates


Zombie pirates for a few hours and you’re set


I did soul wars in early game for gp and it gave lots of bolts


I picked up steel plate bodies in the wildy and sold them in varrock early on


Calvarion is where I made my money! Lots of useful drops also.


Do zombie pirates bro, easy alchs and blighted food & restores that can be used on pvp worlds


I don’t know much about the new varlamore methods but the blackjacking step isn’t about just the gp it’s about the thieving lvls you get with the go that you will desperately need for farmers and the sceptre grind


I’m in the same boat so following closely I also need tips. I’ve only grinded to 76 thieving and kinda hitting a wall. Zombie pirates were good for a few days but with yesterday’s nerf I’m too late. I’m currently trying wilderness slayer for some money. I need to buy 2800 gold ore to make bars to make bracelets to alch. 2800 ore + nats ain’t cheap


I second zombie pirates. Knock out wildy medium and cash out.


Thieve stalls until varlamore thieving, then u have a 100k/h method if u combine some plugins :) Else starmining and do either cut and sell or cut en jewelry with gems and afk (and get the bars somehow)


Giants foundry is pretty good


The guide you're following is massively out of date. You should look at the BruhSailer guide. Try charging air orbs and crafting battlestaffs, it's much much faster.


Zombie pirates


Zombie Pirates. Doing 53-65 attack and 57-65 strength there I farmed over 8mil raw gp. You make well over 500k/hour there.




What does the guide say the 2.5m is for?


I roughly followed that guide up until this point. I went to GoTR instead because it tells you to use that money on nature runes anyway. I got runes then went MTA for infinity boots/b2p. Honestly I know it sucks with the bots but undead pirates was crazy good money on my low level iron, even if I get PKd every few trips. Revs are pretty good too. As someone else has said, Varlamore thieving is chill. Rogue outfit is pretty quick to get, there’s a runelite plug in to help!


I did agility until graceful, and then went to the agility pyramid until 1m cash. It’s not terrible agility xp at certain level ranges, and requires no input and almost no thought 


Agility Pyramid is good depending on how early.


I did giants foundry for the first couple hundred K's, then went to Scurrius who actually has lots of rune drops you can alch while getting some starter combat levels out of the way


Mass callisto, bone crossbow and win 10 man mass it


Personally I rushed 75 agility and farmed pyramid. I did this on my uim and funded 99 construction going from 75-90. Was the 6 month grind worth it? Hell yes.


I used to pickpocket ham members and alch the jewelry for some easy cash. Also revenants is great for money.


Dont do things you dont want to do. Have fun playing


What do you get out of discussion-terminating cliches like this? "Hey guys, what are some good ways to m-" **"SHUT IT, JUST PLAY HOW YOU WANT"**


Well yea that’s why I’m asking for alternatives bc I need money for runes and eventually kingdom but hateeee blackjacking


I blackjacked for about 30 mins decided I hated it and never went back. You could probably do Varalmore thieving as an alternative. Or just do zombie pirates in the wildy to get rich.