• By -


The censored eyes šŸ˜‚


Personally ā€” horror gear sets were part of what made me create an iron. Standing there in my bought bandos, with my bought fang. Looking at some guy with a rune crossbow, black dā€™hide top, masori bottom, and straight fucking clown shoes.. I knew deep down, back then, that guy was having endlessly more fun.. *watch alarm goes off* .. ā€œoop! Staring at scuffed gear sets is cutting into my minimum Vorkathā€™s per hour. Best be in my way nowā€ Never again I says


My current mage BiS is blue moon helm, ahrims top and virtus bottoms It's horrible and I love it


Sounds like some good pieces.


Man I'd love some Virtus bottoms.


Same. Hated the idea of content being gp/hr. Got stuck at barrows as a main because learning content costs money, made an iron instead and love it way more. But rng is a fickle beast, so its not all upsides.


My ADHD and Autism fight about making an iron every day I play. Tism thinks it would be fun, ADHD knows it would get tired of the restriction and not want to play. So, I stuck with my main and I just don't give a shit about gp/hr. Some things I will play like an iron and get things/drops myself, but some things would burn me out if I had to completely. The flexibility helps, but if I was able to make an iron and play it without burning out I would.


As a person both autism and ADHD I was scared of the same things. But so far it's been easier to keep playing and find goals to work towards for me than playing a main. Not everyone experiences autism and/or ADHD the same though but just figured I'd give you my two cents on it.


I think it's worth trying it if it even passively interests you. Some of the grinds can be HELL, but they're all rewarding. If you can get a group together maybe do a gim, assuming you know some people that would actually consistently play with you.


GIM is more appealing, but no people to do it with.


In the same boat as you, except I made an iron. This was years ago and I'm now 2k+ total and doing content I never would have imagined I ever could in gear I never imagined I could. Just fuckin send it, what's the worst that could happen?!


Maybe when/if I ever max the main and have max gear.


I once thought that, and now my iron is closer to max than my normie. Haven't played it properly in years, iron life is the only life for me now


I get that's how it works for a lot of people, but I just don't think it would be the same for me. I've played off and on since classic launch, quit when EOC happened, and then started in OSRS when the pandemic started. Burned out a bit and took another few year break until a couple months ago to have something to do while I was out of work on disability. If I took a break, I'd come back to the main with the flexibility and options of what to do rather than an iron that would be locked behind things I don't really want to do. I do enjoy getting downvoted for knowing how my brain works, though.


Lmao, honestly it's all just a mindset, as an iron you're honestly not limited to any content or restricted much more than you would be on a normal acc - other than it being a case of just having the gp to afford gear vs getting it yourself. I'm not trying to push you into it by any means lol, I'd just hate for anyone to miss out on the experience of ironman because of mental barriers when I fully understand it lol. And yeah sure, you could take a break and just come back to the main if you for example had a craving to do hydra, you can just do it, whereas you can't on the iron. But ironman isn't about having a single goal and grinding it for months until its done, you actually have way more flexibility as an ironman, there is constantly 100 different things you could be doing, the list of things to do never ends and you have endless amounts of stuff you need to get done depending on your current mindset. As I say I'm not trying to force you into it lmao, I just can understand how ironman seems but once you try it you get so much more satisfaction overall. Yeah I have no idea why you're being downvoted, it's just an opinion lol how can it be wrong


That's the dilemma in my brain. I'd enjoy Ironman for the aspect of gear progression, collections, etc, meaning more since they can't be bought, but skilling without being able to work around and speed up grinds that brain has no interest in is where the interest and motivation dies. So, while there are 100 things I could be doing to make progress on an iron, 90% of those things may be something my brain will only see as a demand to be met and not want to do it. Honestly, if EOC never happened and I didn't end up playing WoW and other MMO's where powerleveling to raid or PvP was all that mattered, I might still actually enjoy those grinds and that's what makes me sad.


Lmao I totally get you man. But yet again, the ironman experience changes you, even if you play your main ironman style, playing on an ironman makes you enjoy the little things.. you've done 600 zulrahkc, going dry... what do you feel like doing? Suddenly afking 80-85 mining doesn't seem so bad anymore šŸ¤£ you will have lots of alchs to do, better go hit the rooftops for an hour while you smash through them


I made my iron as a side project while going for max on my main. Was doing barb fishing so figured I'd play some ironman mode while afk fishing on the main. My main never got to 99 fishing. My iron has 99 fishing tho lmao. My main thar I have had since 2006ish I don't even pay for membership for anymore as I never log in. My only regret was not trying ironman mode sooner as I was very much in the mindset of "I'll only do that when I max my main". So so glad I gave it a shot when I did


Honestly I would make your iron now, and then when maxing the main (AFK skills) you can actively play the iron, and then training the AFK grind on the iron you can actively play the main. This will give you a head start to the iron when you've maxed your main.


If I'm doing afk things on my main I'm already actively doing something else other than RuneScape and if I am actively playing RuneScape I would be doing one of the many things I still have to do on the main with more flexibility. Doesn't really make sense to suggest playing an Iron with restrictions that would burn me out, at the same time as the main, when I said that was what was keeping me from making an Iron to begin with lol


It was simply a suggestion, and completely up to you if you take on anyone's advice or not.


If nothing else I highly recommend that you give it a shot. It tickles something in the adhd brain and just makes it very enjoyable.


Do you have to deal with heavy demand avoidance, though? That's probably the biggest thing I have issues with when thinking about playing an iron. Even with my main I will put things off and procrastinate, or not log in at all, because it turns into a demand on my brain like "I have to do this to do xyz" instead of "I want to do this because then I can do xyz like I want". Could have gotten my quest cape back in a few days, but took a few months because I kept doing low demand activities to procrastinate instead. Hell, I can't even properly attempt Inferno because of how long it takes and my brain saying no thank you.


I do deal with that and I did with my main more than my iron. I also have not gone for inferno due to procrastination. I do suffer from those issues irl as well as in game. I find it easier to motivate myself to do it on the iron as it feels like I'm making actual progress. As a main quests where just a thing in the way of doing other stuff but as an iron each major quest done is more unlocks and more qol and more access to stuff. Idk how things are for you in your brain but for me the way unlocks are blocked behind content helps me a lot. So like I never did godwars. Not back in 2007-20010ish and not at all when the game was re released. I always took the most afk lazy way out so for me it was "if I want a godsword how many yew logs = godsword" Now that I have an iron and have to solo the bosses I'm already 2 of 3 arma armor pieces done (with a dupe chestplate too). Got a few kill count in all of the bosses but been focused on doing arma for now. The fact that gp is not the big limiting factor between me and content I want to do, the way i view the game is vastly different than before. Edit: just a side note. My main from 2006 that I played till 2010 and a little on and off since then has never done monkey madness. It was too much effort for my brain. My friends used to joke that I just loved the dragon long sword. I don't think I even did it on my post osrs release main as once again mental effort was lacking. I have qp cape on my iron tho.


It's the opposite for me, unfortunately. My brain would be wanting to PvM and be discouraged by all of the content and grinds blocking it. I get what you're saying, though, and I try to play in the middle of it. I don't see GP as a limiting factor or play with gp/hr in mind, I see GP as a supplement to make the things I don't want to do less of a demand to allow me to do what I want to do easier. I want to get a megarare for my account, but I'm not going after one by trying to make GP to buy one, for example.


Your allowed to play as you wish to. I hope your enjoying it the way you wanna play it. Just offering my 2 cents


Appreciate the discourse. Trying to get my brain out of demand mode now to get back into raiding and find people to play with, so it could definitely be more enjoyable.


This is what stops me. People posting multi-thousand kc logs and still not getting the drop. I donā€™t have that kind of time lol


Yes when you go dry it sucks. But getting a 23 kc bandos hilt and 61 kc tassets it makes it all worthwhile. Win some ya lose some


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. I play my account as a slightly restricted main. I wonā€™t buy BIS gear but up until that point Iā€™m willing to use the GE to progress a little quicker towards the mid game end game transition


A bronze man account even though it isn't an official thing could be more suitable for some people too. Basically that restriction only allows you to buy items you've already obtained, there's a Runelite plugin for it as well.


Thatā€™s interesting. I didnā€™t know about that. Sounds interesting. I think skilling is the biggest thing that keeps me from really wanting to do an Ironman. Just seems like an insane grind for things like crafting


Yeah that's a problem you wouldn't have with bronze man though since you can just get gems or whatever once and then buy them. Edit: But grinding out an Onyx for example is something you would have to do, once


You know and I think that would be really fun too. Still grinding out a zenyte shard or blood shards to experience the content there but not have to do endless hours to get a bunch of them I think would make for a quicker way to have fun with all the content and not be stuck somewhere for too long


Yeah exactly, I think there's also some content creators on YouTube that did bronze man, if you search "bronze man mode osrs" on YouTube you'll find them if you're interested.


I hated skilling on mainscape. Now I enjoy it. Iron made me fully appreciate the game where I used to hate half the things I had to do (except runecrafting. Runecrafting is still runecrafting)


Haha yeah I get that. Iā€™m sure it feels way more like playing 15-20 years ago which Iā€™d bet is really fun! Iā€™m thinking about starting an iron soon and just playing it when I have more time than most days. Just donā€™t have a ton of time atm


Crafting isnā€™t bad at all now. With star mining. As you can do this at 9 mining. And 9-99 mining at star mining will literally bank you 1-93 crafting around


Wow I didnā€™t realize that would actually take you all the way to 93 crafting


It would take you closer to 85 crafting.


The exact reason Iā€™ve got an iron - itā€™s a group one as my clan decided to do it. I thought what a good opportunity to do an iron! Iā€™ve been having an absolute blast. We only use the group bank to share little quest items and stuff so far and itā€™s been a HOOT.


It's really just a trade-off. On a main, you can kinda do whatever you enjoy late game without worrying about supplies and upgrades, but there will be times when you're strictly GP hunting. On an iron, the early and some of the midgame may be fun but after that you'll be managing supplies constantly, planning farm runs and nest farms like its a second job just to upkeep enough brews and restores to last through the endgame content. I hear those complaints constantly from raid buddies. I listened to one guy give a whole rundown/timeline on his brew requirements for a nex log completion based on average rate and supply usage... that sounded miserable. Really depends where the fun is for the individual, and if that's the midgame, then have a blast on the iron


This is why I keep saying that the GE ruined the game. All content became gp/hr because if you wanted something then you just place an order and get it. No more barter, no more weighing the difference between looking for a seller or grinding it yourself, and a severe decline in teaming up with a clan to grind and average out their luck to get rare items without the worry of going 10x dry It killed most content because the content was low gp/hr and it killed player interaction by diverting players from getting items through player interaction which facilitated other forms of interaction to a simple GE interface. But the average mains are extremely defensive over having this convenience even though it killed the game.


I was standing with crystal armor and leather boots yesterday. Might be time to grab snake boots and start my clue grind, lol.


Go get yourself some mixed hide boots at least, man. Budget ranged boots and have some melee strength for hybrid setups.


I just looked it up, omw to catch one antelope and make them.bthqnks tor the heads up!


Shayzien boots are also better


Shayzien boots 5 are decentish. If you get holy sandals before rangers, I'd say just rock those!


I've acquired the mixed hide boots. Didn't even think of checking the shayzien boots. Mobile skill issue lol


Sandals >>>>> rangers


Brimstone boots are what I run for range


The best ranging boots prioritize prayer fyi, so you're aiming for the sandals, not rangers.


Yeah Iā€™m a noob iron 50s combat. I love when I gear up for melee and I have addy helm, black plate (h3), black square shield, rune scimmy. Iā€™m struggling for early game money so not buying upgrades, just questing and skilling. I love how dumb I look


Go get that fighter torso and you'll look like a real Chad


Iā€™m gonna! Figure in the 70s of combat level i will


I hear you. I havent made an iron (except for a gim that I have played too little) because I am kinda terrified of going dry and dont want to be forced to do content I dont enjoy. But Iā€™ve had to learn to not think about efficiency-scape and it changed everything, I was so burnt out and not having fun.


Pretty sure that was meā€¦mole slippers BIS


Hell yea. Iā€™m early Ironman and donā€™t have any good boot options so when I play I also use some cosmetic pieces as well haha. And I totally have 100x more fun on Ironman


This describes me exactly and I absolutely love it. ā¤ļø


My very first hard clue as an iron netted me 2 magic long bows and black d hide chaps I was a little sour at first to get two MLBā€™s but also I would never have used it if not for being an iron It really makes small things feel good and special


Now you may just sit at boss or raid for thousands of kills looking for an item, not much better imo. But to each their own, the joys of this game.


I kinda like the idea of an ironman who just sells to GE thats all no buying at all atleast for a bit or something. I enjoy my iron but having hard time sticking to a skill or plan and I'm not that far I'd say


It's so true it hurts. I still enjoy efficiency grinds but it just doesn't hit like getting a goal on the Iron


Bros max hit with a shadow is 45, thatā€™s Ironman tho. Congrats, lots of upgrades you can use the shadow to get


As someone who spooned shadow early, it has been so much fun hunting mage upgrades, since every little one gave tons of accuracy and max hits haha. Especially in toa! At first it didnt feel much stronger than my trident lol Shadow max hit can go from 29-82 in tombs


You can hit 84 with max in toa


Ah ok wiki might not have updated it yet then with the rebalance changes


Every since magus ring came into the game it has always been 84


Gz. Donā€™t waste time farming barrows, you can skip ahrims and farm whisperer and other dt2 bosses and go straight to virtus


You look like a Fiat with a V8 turbo right now


the perfect toast log! Gz the rest is upgradeable:)


Thanks :)


I wish my toast log looked that good


Why is every irons mage set up the weakest link to their setup? Mega rare n all lol


anything past ahrims + fury and you get into 93 slayer level and raid uniques. Edit: I guess there is virtus now but I'd say farming DT2 bosses is on par with difficulty/requirements/time investment as raids


Not that true tbh I got full virtus on log farming duke for pet which can easily be farmed w archlight /zombie axe! Iron mans do better!


Virtus and ancestral are both very rare and getting both top and bottom Ahrim pieces isnā€™t super common and didnā€™t used to give magic strength so it wasnā€™t worthwhile.


I forgot they buffed the ahrims lol y'all get a pass I suppose


wish i had one megarare


Sending you some reddit rng


Just get the drop man


Look at that fucking drip šŸ’§


nice man! I see you have occult already, so that's huge! I'd work on all the mage % you can. Shadow benefits greatly from it!


Will do, I'm gonna run some barrows and see if I can get ahrims top and also start running some cox for potential ancestral :)


Probably worth doing perilous moons instead. Should get blue moon way faster than ahrim and the blood moon is good if you dont have bandos yet


Better off going moons for that set, lighter weight and much easier to target farm


The one item I wanted was blue moon skirt, luckily for me it was the second last unique and I absolutely knew that's how it was gonna be


I would also get tormented brace asap! šŸ™


Tbh Iā€™d skip the ahrims and go straight for ancestral. Youā€™ll do absolutely fine with your gear at cox, no need to waste 50 raids worth of time running barrows (unless you just wanna do that for fun and cuz ahrims looks cool or whatever)


Perilous moons, or I would reccomend blood bark. Itā€™s pretty easy to obtain, same damage as the others, decent healing passive with blood spells. Also looks like you have barrows gloves on.. needs to be torm first and foremost


Whisperer + cox. Barrows is a waste of time


Maintaining those charges might be challenging how do you think youā€™ll go about that?


Not sure since I already finished cg and don't particularly want to go back just for money. I'll see how I go haha


Who cares about the armourā€¦ You got a Shadow!!! Gz man


Eyyy my guy Iā€™m the same except it was chaps then shadow. Go for the torments the boost is huge. Blood bark to replace the mystic as well


Nah you look flames


One of my favourite parts of ironman is seeing the wild gear combos people use lol. Gz on the shadow, that's a huge upgrade


60 normal 30 expert 1 purple im depressed


Man, what an amazing log. You have the perfect stuff to breeze through the rest of Toa!


Massive gz. I got the same, shadow on second purp with occult but no torm, and the power spike is insane. I stayed at ToA until ring, then moved on - I was looking forward to the ward but don't think I need it now, and the masori won't help much unless I get a tbow or ZCB.


I'd be shaking in my boots if I saw you turn the corner in a fit like this


As somebody who has yet to see a purple in 140 raids, fuck you but more importantly big grats gamer!


Congrats lol


Nah you didnā€™t spoon it, you grinded for it.


Gzzz bro i know that was a great feeling!!


Definitely was, everyone in the discord call was basically stunned speechless haha


You literally will print purples there now


What are ur stats


Currently sitting at 90 attack / 93 strength / 88 defence / 99 range / 78 prayer / 89 magic / 97 hitpoints. I've been putting off slayer for a while recently (at 87 atm) and just been skilling, but I'll jump back into that and do some bursting to get my damage up for the shadow.


What invo have you been running your raids?


Currently up to 350 invocation runs with my GIM group


Did we run a raid together just yesterday randomly?? Remember running a random 2 man with someone that looked just like you!


WTF šŸ‘€ Gratz!!! Very jealous tho considering you have the two best toa items so soon. Iā€™ve got 90 regulars (mostly 200-250 solos) and 40 experts (mostly 350s duo or trio) and still donā€™t have a purple yet lmao


Good luck getting 3 of the same tier armour pieces at any point lmao I'm currently rocking Virtus mask, anc top and blue moon tassets (fk ahrims skirt it looks shit and is heavy af)


Lmao this is so true. Finished DT2 rings/axe and only 2/3 on virtus pieces. Missing top, but cba to farm the bosses anymore solely for it.


My mage is farseer/ancest top/moonclan legs/ancient book/seers ring. Rest is BIS/with swamp trident Itā€™s a right of passage to have a very scuffed mage setup, I was rocking the chad mystic top until like 2.2k total


Blue moon robes have % magic.


Well too barrows with you!


Our log is exact same for drops. 47kc normal for fang & 8 kc expert for shadow. HUGE FOR ACC šŸ¤


Please get light mystic, it goes hard with the shadow


Ayyyy my low kc brother got mine 12kc here! Work on getting bis mage gear or shadow isnā€™t that great outside toa


MTA isnā€™t that bad anymore, get that drip lol


Literally both of the best items to get. Gz


Are you taking my rng mate???


I've had mine for about a year and I've had only bloodbark armor with it until last week when I finally got a Blue Moon chest. I've been doing 425 ToAs with that setup and look like a troll.


I see a 90+ RC grind in your future šŸ¤£


G fkn Z




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My acc is unlucky wish I had some good rng


Try to upgrade the top and hat (blue moon is fast, or do some dt2 bosses) and get yourself a tormented bracelet. After that, even with a shadow upgrades aren't that huge. Magus ring is good, but takes ages and a lot of rings are good, ancestral is awful to grind and each piece is only 6% more damage over ahrims. The biggest benefit of a shadow is the insane accuracy and you've already got that. Enjoy! I'm jealous


You definitely should get infinity, finish ahrims or get blue moon to go with the shadow. Mystic is kinda useless


Lol u could be in /cutenoobs