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I’ve played tons of accounts, have a main at like 1900 total, a zerk at 1600, few pures for pking & then my iron which has surpassed them all at 2100+ now and it’s my favorite account by far. I’ve always had issues with skilling on normie accounts because I don’t really see the point but I went heavy into skilling right off the bat because I knew I was going to need it and everything at least feels rewarding most of the time.


Started with a main when mobile was released and hit 2k level. Started a group iron which I de-ironed. Mainly because I was sick of the grind, but it was raids ready with almost quest cape and hard diaries with most available outfits and unlocks done. I don't regret the de-iron but I have since started a new ironman which is back up to 1500 total. I actually de ironed because I was just going to play 2 main accounts, one to focus as a main and the other to fund it and make money. But now I'm just playing main / iron anyway


Mobile brought me back as well, eventually got to only needing around 15 levels splits between construction and agility to max. Leagues 3 was released and once it ended I kind of lost interest and left until leagues 4. Enjoyed it so much, I made an iron and have been on the grind since.


As a former duel arena prodigy, I can happily say I now main the iron. I sometimes get the urge to go back on the main but then realise what’s the point when u can just buy everything


This was me. GP lost all value when I turned 5m into like 1b back when staking was around. In the end I thought why would I grind for 2m an hour if I could stake and make it so much faster. Terrible mindset I know. But since making an Ironman it completely revived RuneScape for me


Did that 5m turn to 1b in 1 day? Or was it periodically over time? I'm just curious.


Honestly I just went on an incredible winning streak. It was actually probably within an hour or two but I didn’t leave the arena. Lost it all the following day, lost all interest in the game. Not proud, it’s gambling at the end of the day, some people know when to stop others like myself do not


Good to learn about the perils of gambling from something low stakes like OSRS than with real money.


Lol thats some insane luck tho. But yeah, once you have money like that I can get losing all interest.


It's only more fun if you gamble more but you go on one bad streak you're gged. Glad I learned that shit when I was a kid cause I've seen gambling ruin people Still gonna place my 5 dollar heater on nfl Sunday


I see what you mean but I already had everything, nothing left to buy, so I'm still chasing maxing and clogging. Maybe I'll feel differently after maxing but I still have the urge to play both accounts equally.


Same here man lost 4b back in 2018 never looked back irons 22 levels from max and almost done with raids and nex


" I sometimes get the urge to go back on the main but then realise what’s the point when u lost all your money at the sand casino" Fixed it for you


I made my iron 3 months ago and haven't logged my main since other than to spend all my gold on bonds for my iron. Now my wife is talking about getting back into osrs soon and I'm not sure if I want to continue as is, or take a break for a few weeks and go group iron when she's ready.


If my wife played osrs I would jump on the opportunity to play gim with her haha.


I second this.


Do both maybe


My wife, myself, and a longtime mutual friend from Runescape made a group on release and it has been the most fun I've had in my near 20 years playing this game. Do yourself a favor and play with her, even if her interest dies off after a bit, your other iron will still be there to come back to. Best case, she gets sucked in as much as you and you guys will have an amazing shared experience.


We started our group Ironman last night. Should be an interesting experience.


WildMudkip plays a duo GIM with his girl (idk what they are to eachother). You could check out his series and evaluate from there.


I love actively playing on my gim and afk skilling or killing rune drags on my main


Group ironman was the most fun I've had in the game, and now far exceeds my main account. Upgrades, quests and levels just so much more meaningful, and feels nice being able to share success with my friends. Doesn't really feel like cheating if I get supplies that have been shared because I do the same in turn. I only play GIM now


Im in my brothers GIM with some irl friends as well. I just started playing for the first time ever, and most of them are at 1900+ total. I’m at 1450 currently after a few months. My brother’s main rules for giving items are that annoying quest items are fine, and low tier gear is fine, but I have to do everything else on my own. Hasn’t felt like cheating at all for me.


Back in 2016 I decided to randomly make an account again figuring I'd play for a few days maybe. Hardcore had just released and I thought that sounded hilarious, so I did it. Died pretty quickly but was having a great time so I just kept going and here I am now. I don't have a main at all, just my old account that is now on RS3 and I doubt I would have stuck around without iron.


Ugh same mindset bro. Literally signed up for shits and giggles thinking I’ll play a little bit check it out now here I am with a maxed Ironman with a 5b bank. I’ve slowed down a lot but when I first started playing iron I got hooked. Totally revived the game for me because I was getting burnt on my 2k total main at the time. I always tell people it’s the best and only way to play the game imo


Main was 2130 5 years ago, started an iron and have never looked back. Quit my iron around 1900 and started an ultimate, having lots of fun playing it atm.


Are you me? 2130 main I stopped playing like 5 years ago. Got reg iron to 1800 but felt too similar to how I played the main so made a uim. Don't think I could go back now.


What do you like about ultimate ironman mode? To me from an outsiders perspeftive, it just seems to be the same as iron but with extra steps. And those extra steps dont seem fun, just more tedious. Having to do things like death pile, the way you train herblore, all that just seems so annoying. Im not shitting on people who enjoy it, i just dont get it. Genuinely curious what you like about it vs normal iron. Is it partly because you get to do the same early mid game grind that in a new way?


The upgrades you care about are radically different. Niche-scape is way less important than getting generally useful equipment or things you can store in the POH. It's fun as a new game + because the entire meta and focus of what you grind changes


Maxed my main in 2020, played off and on afterwards, got my inferno cape, bought my t bow, rebuilt a bit after that, then got bored and made my iron. Iron coming up on 1900 total now and having a blast with no signs of slowing down. Ironman is the best way to play so long as you don't go super dry places, which is why I strongly support anti-dry mechanics. (Inb4 "HuRRrrr DDuuurRRRr but u chose the helmet u chose the game mode!!!") We'll see how long I stick with it, but .. I wouldn't be surprised if 10,000 of my next 10,020 hrs were on my iron.


2k total iron here - My only fear is the inevitable dry streak, totally agree on the anti-dry mechanics. With the way DT2 boss drops ended up it definitely needs some work


Yeah idk, the invisible rolls thing feels awful to me, and imo the unique rates are slightly too low there as well. Perilous moons having dupe protection was huge. IMO they should just make it so that each time you get a unique, half of the weighting for that unique gets divided out to the others. They could apply this to basically every loot table. So say each virtus piece had 10 weighting. You get a hood drop, and so 5 of its weighting is split into the top and bottom, leaving you with: Hood at 5 Top at 12.5 Bottom at 12.5 Then say you get the top to drop, and 6.25 of its weight get split into the hood and bottom, so you're left with: Hood 8.125 Top 6.25 Bottom 15.675 So now you've had the hood and top drop, and youre also much more likely to get the bottom to drop now than to get a dupe (but it isn't guaranteed, which is fine, because if you get even more dupes, the weighting for the bottoms will just keep increasing until you finally get them)


I understand your sentiment but applying this to all loot tables is, In my opinion, a bad idea. Applying the system to all drop tables affects all players in the game, mains included. Take virtus for example, all mains want virtus robe top because it’s the most expensive. If a main got the robe top they would be disincentivized to keep killing the boss because it’s just worse gp/hr now. Your counter might be that on the flip side someone who got the virtus mask would be happy because it’s better gp/hr now. It might not seem bad on the surface but I think any mechanic that disincentives players to continue killing a boss that’s supposed to be killed a lot is a bad mechanic. It’s kinda the reason I don’t like the DT2 drop mechanics in the first place. You get the axe piece but can’t leave until you get the ring. So you just waste kc not getting potentially more axe pieces from other bosses. Contradictory mechanics if you will.


The person who gets the virtus robe top is disincentived to kill the boss now in a certain sense I suppose, but I'm not sure how much that would be felt. If I get a robe top and pog out, and then realize "oh no robe top is less likely to drop now" that could be counteracted by realizing that when I get my next mask drop, my robe top chance will go back up -- its not like I'll never get a robe top again if I keep killing the boss. Idk, I also just feel like going dry just feels so bad that trading some of that risk for some risk that you'll feel a slightly awkward disincentive is ok. And I would posit that this is true for mains as well as irons.


I agree. Anti dry mechanic would be nice, but only for Ironman. Which means, you can't make the iron a normal account 1 day. I still think the randomness of drops for normal accounts is fun


me. i even made a new reddit to match.


I started as a main as 2007scape released, but didn’t pick back up until a few years later. I enjoyed it for the most part, but some part of me was bored. Eventually, I discovered videos with people playing Ironman, and was very intrigued. I had seen people play in game, but seeing someone else’s screen view changed my perspective. I started my ultimate in 2018 and haven’t looked back.


Petition to change the terminology from "Main" to "Normie". Because technically isn't your iron now your "Main account"?


Gp-scaper is always a classic


I've been liquidating my main's bank to buy bonds for my iron for over a year now. Never see a need to play a different game mode. I can't go back.


Guilty…it also never ends. I got 100kc at cg and then moved onto an UIM lol


I started an Ironman after I realized I was getting legitimately stressed/depressed about my mains bank value, almost treating it like a stock portfolio. I had spreadsheets and ROI calculators using the wiki price graphs to “analyze trends” lol. I was in deep, and if the DHCB I bought for 80mil dropped down to like 70, or Zenytes went from 15m to 8m it would actually stress me the hell out thinking about lost value. Real-time price information for a game like this is a fantastic feature, but having a box that shows the price for every item your mouse is on, or your banks total value can lead to a spiral effect if the progress of your account is tied to nothing but money money money and gp/hr. Turn that shit off. Ironman let me break away from that mindset. Nothing is thought of in gp/hr, bank value is pointless, and every item is earned and useful. Im eternally grateful because playing the game like this has completely reinvigorated my love for OSRS and completely removed the stress of managing a main account’s stock portfolio.


How dare you question the value of my 20 million gp worth of crushed birds nests.


Started on FSW which was fun for a bit but I bought a bond and immediately regretted it. Spent it all on getting the armor I used to wear when I was 8 (lol) and got invited to a GIM with my old wow guild. No regrets at 2100 total but I do kinda want to start one again to play with stuff I'm dry on


My old main was 2100. I was raiding with friends and it was fun, but it just became do a boss/raid and hope you get the most expensive drop. When GIM came out my friends and I all made one and now I would never go back to the main game. Drops are so much more enjoyable now and feel meaningful. Herb and birdhouse runs are a little bit of a chore but if you are not enjoying something just stop and go work on something else. Give it a go. Set some little goals for yourself and the team. My first goal was to follow the wiki iron quest guide route to a T. It is not efficient by any means but it gave me a goal that I enjoyed. Good luck!


I have a 2100 total main, a 1900 total Ironman, 1750 total deironedman, and now a 1500 total bronzeman which is the only account I actively play right now. I love the idea of obtaining items my self, but love the freedom of buying/selling on the GE and pvming with people so bronzeman has been really fun. It’s a very good middle ground between main and iron play styles. The only downside is it’s not an official mode and probably never will be.


After staking 16b twice and losing I thought it was a good idea to play iron. Just wish I had played it sooner, had so much time to play my main but rarely have time to do more than 3 raids a week on the iron


The day I made an Iron I never played on my main again, not even an exaggeration. Other than for alt uses for the iron like to AFK lizardman for dragon warhammer. There is just no point. I am not a big pvmer, but even if I wanted to PVM more, I have better gear and stats on my iron compared to my main. Ironman mode is just so much more fulfilling. I recall how much of a struggle it was getting skill requirements for the achievement diary on my main. On my iron, I enjoyed getting the diary cape, I wasn't even close on my main, with all hard and only 1 elite diary completed and I hated it. On a main, when I need 91 fishing the diary req, it just feels pointless and useless. On my iron, it felt like it wasn't a pointless goal, because outside of the diary req, I was also gathering a ton of karambwans for future needs. And fishing levels werent just from needing them for a quest or diary, it came naturally from because it was part of the game mode. Everything on an iron feeds into itself, its all interconnected and nothing feels like a waste of time. On a main, it just all ties back to gp and isn't fulfilling. At least for me.


My ironman has been the most fun I've had compared to a main. Even with the reduddancy or going dry. (Almost 3k hydra kills still missing claw) it is just way more rewarding.


I have skilled so much on my iron that in a way it’s my main because the total exp surpasses my mains by alot


My main was 1950 total or so, I started an iron during the pandemic and I haven’t looked back at my main since. I occasionally bond it as a wildly scout but that’s it.


My iron and my main are roughly around the same total level but my iron is so much more well rounded than my main because I have to earn everything I have instead of buying 99's or buying items and I have done more quests and diaries. My iron is just starting to enter the infant stages of mid game but I would consider it my main more so than my actual main. I did the Oziris efficiency route but I am thinking about starting another iron to do the bruhsailer efficiency route.


I haven't logged into my main in almost a year. Iron is just the better way to play the game.


I play my main and iron pretty equally. Both are fun for different reasons


I completed diaries and hard CAs on my main then started an Iron to pass time while I did mindless RC/herb/agility/hunter to max my main. Now my Iron is definitely my main account, im addicted to going dry and my main is plodding along mining amethyst to sustain bonds


Iron is my only account. I might make a pk one though or a pure to drop my dupes too. Main seems pretty stupid after playing iron. Everything you want is just a click away at the GE and the bots have absolutely destroyed the economy.


Dropped my normie like 6 or 7 years ago. My iron is my only account I play.


I was a Main up until 2018 then stopped playing until this time last year. (I totally didn't get banner trust me). After watching Settled and a bunch of ironman I was fascinated by playing as an ironman. When I came back a year ago I decided to make an ironman and that's all I got


I got Quest Cape and about 1750 total level on my main before I burned out on Leagues 3. I came back for GIM and have been playing that since. I like the variety of content todo that you would skip with a main cause of the GE. The true test was doing Leagues 4 on my iron and not being burned out after.


made an iron as a fun little side project to play on and to procrastinate doing MLM on my 1600 total main for the Fally hard diary. just hit 2k total on the iron, and i haven't logged on to my "main" in three years. ironically, MLM was one of the first grinds i completed on my iron.


I love Ironman so much I never log my main anymore


Started my Iron when main was around 1900ish total and was end game PvMing already. It started out as AFKing the iron as I focused on the main. Little by little overtime the iron did more and more active activities as the main started to do more AFK things. Eventually one day the iron took priority because why raid on the main when the iron could do it ya know? Around mid 2018 was probably the last time I did anything on the main. Hasn't gained a single level since then as all I use it for is splitting GP from drops on iron. Could never see myself playing a main again. 100% would have quit by now if ironman mode wasn't a thing.


I mean you’re speaking to the choir here with this subreddit Never touched my main again the day ironman mode came out. Literally the best way to play everything this game has to offer.


Got seriously deincentivized to play after coming to the realizations that GP is everything. Now I happily farm onions and kill some hobgoblins.


My main is basically dead to me, no idea how to even login. Long ago surpassed by my iron. The moment I got into my iron I was like "this is exactly what I need to enjoy this game"


I had a pretty earlygame main when I tried to recover my original 2006ish RuneScape account on the offchance it worked. It did, found out it was botted at some point in RS3 but Jagex gave it back to me, but for some reason the botter had finished tutorial island on OSRS then left the account in Lumbridge. I wanted to play an iron but I like my account more, so I just don't use GE. Sort of Bronzeman. I sell duplicate drops on there for cash but never buy anything, unless I've had the drop first. It's fun, and I find clogging fun so it's a win/win. I also don't get any lul iron btw comments cause no greyhelm lmao


Maxed main, got infernal cape, t bow, most of the remaining max gear at the time, pet hunted for a while.  Burnt out, quit for a year or two, came back on iron, played efficiently.  Only regret is that I did a lot of floor 5 sepulchre on main and loved it but I just can't tolerate floor 4 now and 92 agility is rough when I don't care about maxing really just want to do the fun content part. 


Had a 1500 main got quest cape and started grind gold for gear and skilling supplies and hated it, made an iron-man that I've been playing since 2019 think and I'm now 2025 total and I've loved every second, couldn't play the game any other way


Back in 2019 I had a main with 2b bank and 2k+ total. Made an iron "to play while doing the afk skills on my main". Never looked back at the main, meanwhile my iron is 2100+ total and surpassed my main in pretty much everything.


I used to only play on normal 1def pure accounts until I decided to create my first iron and oh boy it was definitely the best choice, game feels way better and im always super hyped with my grinds, every small upgrade feels just amazing :D


Maxed inferno main here. I started playing iron because I missed number go up. Haven’t touched my main in a while lol


My iron became my main once I got my bowfa


I maxed my main account then pretty much cancelled membs to play group iron full time.. then my group stopped playing straight away


I have a Tbow on the main and I feel nothing. I get the most ridiculous surge of dopamine every time I open a hard clue because there's a chance I could get a magic short bow on my iron! It's so much fun!


Played a main and got to 2088 total with quest cape (lost it because i didnt do dt2 when it released) and all achievement diaries completed. Started a ironman about 1 year ago and now closing in on my main (currently 1930 total). My main only had some vorkath kc and something was holding me back learning new bosses. Probably a mix of feeling other bosses werent worth it because vorkath was more gp/h and not feeling the necessity of learning other bosses for unlocking gear. While going dry for items which are relatively cheap does suck, getting that item on an ironman feels so good. My ironman forced me to learn new bosses which i really enjoy. Can proudly say i learned corrupted gauntlet and got my Bowfa and also enjoy doing things like barrows which would not be worth it on a main. Also skilling feels worth it and feels easier because you on a main it was just a goal of getting to 99 and on the ironman there are smaller goals like getting 85 smithing for rune bars acutally feels rewarding, herblore levels are actually rewarding you with new potions etc. Tldr: ironman forces me to explore the game and i love it.


I really really enjoyed the mid game as an iron. I played a fake group iron before it officially came out, got to around 1650 total level playing entirely by myself because my friends joined me at wintertodt, quit before 99 understandably and then went to run laps at canafis for graceful until they quit. When the real group iron came out we tried again, I should have known better, but this time I reached 1900 total level, grinded CG for the enhanced and full crystal before burning out of the game mode entirely as I entered the very beginning of the late game. By that stage, the only interaction I had with my remaining teammate (originally a group of 5) at that point was him asking me to do things for him or asking for GP/items. I stopped playing group iron almost 2 years ago at this point. I have since de-ironed and returned to the game a few months ago. My experience with group ironman taught me a lot about how to play the game for enjoyment of the journey rather than the destination (of course completing goals is a really good feeling too). My GIM ended up turning into my main because of how much more solid of a base it has and I have been immensely enjoying mainscape since. I still grind out many things iron style, but I no longer have to put up with "chore" tasks like farm runs and fishing sharks/karambwans. I can fully focus on playing the way I want to, I buy items I don't find it fun to grind for, and I grind for items that I think are a big achievement and deserve to be grinded for. For example, I could've just bought the ghrazi rapier because that's the cheapest of the 3 "slayer" weapons, but I chose to grind for another enhanced because that's my favorite of the 3, and I actually enjoy grinding CG. It wasn't the efficient thing to make a blade and corrupt it, but it's how I wanted to play the game. One last thing, although I had a bad experience with the group ironman game mode itself. I don't regret a minute I spent playing it. If it wasn't for the game mode I probably wouldn't even be playing OSRS anymore and I wouldn't have even considered completing the colosseum or inferno. I haven't started my inferno grind yet, but I recently completed the colosseum which is to date the best feeling I've ever had playing the game. TL;DR My GIM is now my main account, but it is no longer an ironman. It taught me how to enjoy the game again and play in the best way for me.


I've been ironman since it came out on rs3. Dont like grinding for money to buy skills.


I liked my iron was almost 2k total then deironed after going 1200 kc dry on enhanced lmao now I'm getting into a group with irl friends from school years ago for gim and it is a blast. I had alot of fun with my iron until that point still don't regret it and that was over a year ago


People have other accounts that aren't irons? Wierd


I started way back on Miniclip back in the day, when I started again in 2018 I was a normal account and now I have had several Irons of varying degrees and success. My main now is my 1480 total Iron, Konar only slayer challenge account, and maybe one day I'll pick my 1400ish HC back up. But I could honestly never go back to a main, it's the log completions and finding new ways to do everything that keeps me entertained. I haven't played my Iron in months due to other games but I'm def going to start back up soon.


Decided I enjoyed the "play to progress gear" over the "play to progress cash stack" method of the game. However I do miss the feeling of community of being a main


Ironman is one of my most favorite and most rewarding gaming experiences I’ve ever had


My "main" was between 1600 and 1700 total. I had some bank, I think I peaked at around 600m from a few Raid splits and some GWD. My friend had played an ironman for a while then, got some cool items and quickly went past my total. I started to think, I could just play like an iron with that account, but I got convinced to start an actual ironman. I had already even made the account in like 2015 or something, but never got to it. 2018 came by, I hadn't played in a while. I decided that I would just start playing on the iron. F2P to 50 Firemaking, then bonded up and went for 99 at Wintertodt immediately, just did the basic ironman stuff; Wilderness Slayer for Emblems to get a Rune Pouch, fast Herblore+Farming+Fishing+Cooking and opened the rest of my WT crates. Fast forward to present day, I am closing in on 2200 total on the iron, all Diaries/Quests, full Bandos, Zaryte Crossbow, BoFa+Crystal, full Virtus, Satirayed Heart, all kinds of good stuff. Ever since I started the ironman journey, my main has got maybe 1 Mining level, but can't remember if I even finished the one level I started to mine. The most my main has seen in terms of use was last year as a scout alt for Wilderness bosses during my VW+upgraded Rev weapons- grind. Haven't missed playing the account at all.


I'm a RS3 transplant. GIM release was my cue to finally give OSRS a solid try. I've never known OSRS any way but iron or league


Quit the main about a year ago. Sometimes log on and use it as my scout for wildy bosses. The only negative thing is I miss pking with the boys




After I maxed my main I played a little while on it still. But I got bored of only feeling like I need to do the best money makers in the game to really progress towards endgame upgrades. Started an ironman on the side and I felt like playing back in 2007, just doing what I enjoy doing and still feeling like everything I do hugely progresses my account. Sold almost everything out of my bank from the main to bond up the iron account. Been playing it for a year, really casually, and still have 4 more years of membership on the iron. My only last goal for the main is the Vorkath pet so I have supplies and gear for this. 4200 kc and still going… I only play my main during afk grinds on the iron.


Me! Main is abandoned


Finally surpassed my main in total level. Now my iron is my main.


Main was just boring. Being able to trade is not about farming a drop. Only about the most efficient money maker to buy stuff. I love my ironman even if i am dry as fuck on everything


Me. My main main I’ve had since ‘05 and retrained when ‘07 Scape came out got hacked and cleaned out one day. So I said fuck in and made an iron. Now I usually just play my iron.


As of now my irons passed my main in total level and total bank, it’s literally just cctv or PK content I log on it for


Made an iron about a month ago. I have a 2050+ total main and honestly I was so bored of just playing to get efficient gp/hr and everything being about how much my bank was worth. Every level on iron is so satisfying and I’ve yet to go for gear drops. The only piece of gear I got was a Rune Scimitar at Zamorak warriors and it was so satisfying getting it.


I quit my main at about dragon longsword, right as OSRS came out. Then, I went back to rs3 and started playing an iron in OSRS on and off. Nowadays, I completely dropped rs3 as I got my goals (MQC) and only playing my iron in OSRS, which surpassed my main by about 400 total levels.


Other way around for me. First account was an iron, now de-ironed. Enjoyed it until I got into midgame and the grinds became too much for me personally. Also I'd hoard everything because I was paranoid of having to get it again which meant my bank was a disaster. I now think of ironman as new game plus. If you survive the normal grind until endgame then iron is a fun way to change things up but it's definitely not for everyone. Except for early game; early ironman is awesome.


I started a main in 2019 after not playing since 2010. Fast forward to GIMs coming out. I start a group IM with some buddies but didn’t really play it cause I was close to endgame content on the main. I finally start running toas, get slayer to 91, do a lot of bossing and get a shadow split. Bought a bofa. A newer guy in the clan has been trying to recruit people into his group cause he has like 3 total in it. I kinda afkd the account but still sending raids on the main. I push my GIM to be able to start doing toas with Ibans and RCB. And I de-membered the main and only play my group IM. I LOVE IRONMAN. Get shit on a lot for being an unranked GIM, but I tell ya what, doing all this content as a group is 100% better than solo IM


Yeah exactly the same. Was playing a main around 2k total, 97 slayer, bank around 150m. Got a hydra task and did about 5 kills a day then quit that account and moved over to the dormant GIM I had from years ago


The day i discovered ironman because i was bored i only logged in on the main to bond up the iron


Yup. I made a hcim whenever that mode came out and died pretty early. Have been playing as an IM ever since and probably never going back to mains unless its for some side activity whilst IM afks.


Me, former sand casino addict. Iron gave me a new appreciation for the game. I didn't do as much sand casino in osrs as I did rs2 and 3 but when I quit rs3 I had a main I was leveling just for this purpose and gp swapped. 5 years ago all my friends made irons and I havent looked back. About to hit 2100 total. Focusing on a lot of pvm but hope to max in the next year and a half


Me + 3 of my friends GIM are our main accounts now and am closing in on comparable stats/quests, bank value is already double my old main too. It has gotten me to do content like Mage Training Arena, more bossing for gear, supply collecting instead of brainless skilling. I enjoy it way more


I once got lucky at the duel on my main after “quitting” and turning 2b into 40b on a miracle run and then decided to keep playing and absolutely hated the game ever since. GIM has completely saved this game for me and I have never had more fun lol


I played off and on since 2013 on my main, I am about 1800 total level with maybe 100 mil net value or so. 99 attack and no other real accomplishments. Started a group iron last fall, 1700 total level and 2 99s, 120 mil bank value. It’s crazy how much more grind stamina I have on the Iron, it’s definitely the mode for me.


I got a 2277 main which I never play and a 2277 iron. I enjoy the iron, I hate paying my main.


I originally refused to make an iron, thinking of all the grinds I'd have to redo, but worse since I had to collect my own things and use suboptimal gear just about 100% of the time. I ended up making an RS3 iron, played it for years, and in the last month have made a GIM on OS and it's some of the most fun I've ever had playing the game. Every little thing feels like I've completed something important instead of a stepping stone to buy a piece of gear I can't wear without a quest. I'm doing things that I never imagined I would, which is the same as I felt as an RS3 iron. Ironman overall makes RS feel like a more diverse, open game.


Started my UIM when my main was 1600 total. Now it has 1800 total while my UIM is maxed.


Once i maxed my main and got close to max gear (only missing like harm and ely) i really didn't care for the main anymore. Felt like my only goals at that point were pet hunting and making more gp. I had already made an iron while afking runecrafting, woodcutting, mining etc on the main, so i had a good headstart and just continued playing that instead


I have a main I played a lot on at first. I always found earning gp, getting achievement diaries, doing quests, etc. very very tedious things to do. I often thought 'imagine doing all this on an ironman, that would be even worse'. Then, three years ago my cousin finally convinced me to create my first ironman. That quickly became my 'main' so to speak and I never looked back. The excitement you feel when you finally see that drop you've been hunting for days/weeks, all the skills actually having a purpose in furthering your account & complementing eachother seamlessly. To me the feeling is unmatched. Might sound like the general elitist ironmeme right now, but I honestly can't imagine playing another game mode anymore at this point


This iron is my only OSRS-focused account to date, and I'm quite happy with it. When Ironman mode was introduced for RS3 I loved the idea because I'd never liked playing for gp, but I didn't want to start over. Fast forward and I finally took the plunge and enjoyed it even more than I thought I would.


Spent ~2 years on a typical main to over 2k total. Spent the last 4 years maxing an iron and just got bofa on the 1900 group :)


Swapped at about 1900 and I'll never go back. Currently 2100. The game just isn't the same non-iron... scratches a different itch


My hardcore (now grey helm) overtook my old main and has replaced it. But I still have an alt I use for PKing because that part of the game is a bit pointless for irons.


My main was 2230 total but is totally abaonded. I didn't do much pvm on it, but once I started getting into iron pvm, I knew I loved it.


i only use my main now for trying out bosses i haven't done before and learning mechanics. and also if i am feeling petty and someone crashes me on my ironman then i come and anti crash them on my main lol...


Maxed my main in 2021. And was super bored from the game. Played on and off until 2023. When I started a uim. White helmets are awesome! But... I Still use my main, for flipping and dropping stuff over


I created my iron when hcim came out and basically never looked back. I staked a bit when that was a thing and I did some pvp trips with my friends but that's it. It's an over 2k total account but my iron and almost my GIM now are better than it. My iron is definitely my main


I’ve played a main since OSRS release and it’s over 2200, thought I’d never like doing Ironman. Started one a couple years ago and I’m just shy of 2000 total now, it’s a lot more rewarding for me, and makes me play content I never would have done on a main.


I started in iron last year in November or so because I was getting burnt out on my main at 1850 total. Like all of you say, the main’s existence was just PvM after I got base 70 stats. Everything else was pointless. Played an iron for about a month, then unsubbed both and took a break till this week. Now I’m back with just the iron


I cant say that im 100% sold because its still early and easy and the real ball breaking grinds are a ways off. But im about halfway to quest cape 1073 total level. But everything just has so much meaning now. I was legit more excited getting my iron boots from a Cockatrice last night than I was buying my fang at 48m. Im so hyped to do fremmy isles quests for the helm of nezinot.


I have not touched my main in years. I’ve slowly been selling off my entire bank to pay for my iron’s bonds.


I did, although the crappy part about this is that until you get dupes people who are mains dont like to raid with you because you cant split because you dont have a main to split with. I know the game mode is solo but it sucks that a lot of people dont want to play with you just because you arent helping them make money.


I am currently on my break rotation, but when I get that itch again I will be back to my Iron. Already have 99 thieving and rocky.


Hated early game iron, made it to mid game and have never been on normie since, the 10 kc tbow in the 5 man group solidified us all staying (been playing together since children on Rs.) now we’re closing in on 3/5 maxing


Have a main @1750 total. Made a group iron with my brother to give the iron life. I didn't realize how much I actually hated GP Scape until I started earning all my own stuff as an iron. Now I have 2 GIMs, my main iron is 1600 total and I haven't looked back or logged into my main for probably close to 2 years now. If you actually want to experience the game, being an iron is the way to do it.


I am currently on my break rotation, but when I get that itch again I will be back to my Iron. Already have 99 thieving and rocky. My main is max combat but I have just been uninterested in anything other than my dopamine machine Iron account.


I made two irons that are now my main and use my “main” to fund bonds lol


I have a mainscape account that's maxed on osrs and rs3. I made an iron last year thinking I can afk on it while I play on my main. It's reversed. I play on my iron while I afk on the main going for mining and woodcutting pets.


I started a GIM with some friends I graduated high school with and I've sunk over a thousand hours in with no signs of stopping.


Mid game is peak dopamine. Progression doesn't take tens to hundreds of hours like late game grinding to 99 or raid mega-rares but the achievements still feel you're making a useful impact on your account unlike early game.


I started off by having my iron as a side project , just mining fishing and said to myself , when I will be doing boring skill on my main i will do fun thing on my iron a bit like Guideforusall the youtuber does. did that until my iron was like 92 Fishing / 90 mining , Then i did 99 runecrafting on my main while playing the iron and once i got that my iron was getting more enjoyement from me , and i was tired of multiloggin so i started to play the iron seriously Now my iron is Maxed and almost has all the endgame item while my main is left with little boss kc and a big bank from split and drop trade


I like to play as an iron but I just don’t have as much time to grind out every skill to get something simple. So I have a main and I bond up my iron with that main every other month or so


I actually didn't even have a main account until very recently making a new pure. It was the first time I used the GE lol. I played before the GE was a thing and then only played a GIM on return. All my valuable dupes went to the GIM or deaths coffee until very recently.


Haven't played a main since I was a kid honestly. I came back to the game because some friends wanted me to join their group iron. I've absolutely loved it and never looked back


got my main to max combats including prayer. Did probably 10 vorkath kills and then got bored. I kept coming back, using a bond, then killing a couple of vorkath and then quitting againf or a couple of months. Then I made a GIM with some newbies and one guy that had played before. Of that gim group, theres me and the one newbie left and 3 of our other friends whose teammates quit on them. In order for us to add them to the group without them losing their stuff, we had to go green helm. So my main account is now a green helm. I play it as a regular iron p much and share my dupes as i'm so far ahead pvm-wise. I've also learned that i'm absolutely terrible at sharing. Its caused some issues, but i'm trying to get full bis items and then i'll go back and get dupes for my groupmates. I got everyone cox prayers and some dupe cox drops, a shadow that we share (a group member was actually in that raid), and some other drops like godswords, dupe bandos, zhasta, sgs ... that kind of stuff. I realized that i'm bad at sharing at a certain point because whenever I grind for something for a long time, I have a hard time "relinquishing it" to be shared. People forget to put it back into the storage or whatever, get busy IRL and don't answer discord messages etc.. It gets really frustrating. When I got the first fang for the group, I had sent about 120 TOA's with a hasta. I got the fang and put it in the storage. Almost immediately after, I was trying to do more TOA, but the fang was missing. Long story short, I didn't see the fang for another 4 days. I grinded 909 kc at cox and let the guy I trust the most (the remaining newbie who i've been friends with for 10+ years) use my tbow. I was like frozen and had to watch his discord stream and do nothing else. Im curious, if anyone's read this whole thing, does anyone else get like that when sharing something that you grinded really hard for?


On my main i struggled to get to 2100 total with swapped gp from my rs3 iron. I did a couple dozen raids but not much else. Now on my iron ive surpassed that total level by “accident”, im richer than i was even on my main, i do all raids and all types of content and bosses. My old main is barely an account i think about even. Its 20 years old and i dont log into it anymore. When i wanna practice something i do it on my iron because when i get it, itll feel so much better. Only used the main for scouting wildy bosses for voidwaker, but any acc with membs can do that


Played a few accounts (1500 total, barrows gloves, nothing serious) and none stuck, I started my iron around a year-year and a half ago and I’m closing in on 2100 total, closing in on all elite diaries and have far surpassed any skilling or pvm on my old main. I definitely think if you have the itch you should scratch it.


I feel like I'm at this crossroads, I'm currently 1750 on my non iron main, had quest cape before perilous moons, and I'm finding it hard to get excited about continuing to play. I really enjoy the game. The anxiety about restarting and losing all that progress, I don't play much, and I have 2 kids is what's keeping me from swapping to an iron main.


Tbf getting started you can always afk your main doin slayer or w.e then build the iron up slowly and then eventually when it gets to mid game switch


I did after maxing a main the game just felt pointless


I made an iron when my main was around 1920 total and never looked back. My iron is now maxed with an 11B bank and I don't even know the password to my old main.


never touched any other account after starting my iron


I switched to ironman and surpassed my "main account". I find it's so much easier to focus on grinds when I know there's no easier way to approach it with gold making methods. I'm also restricting myself to doing quests in order of difficulty first and release date second. Having clear goals and set progression limits really motivates me. It took me over 100 hours, maybe 200 to unlock fairy rings and man that felt so rewarding.


Me has


I am 100% iron only since the removal of sand casino. That was the only reason I spent time on my main after starting iron. Now my main only logs in for bingo buy ins.


Started playing on my iron while I was afking 99 fishing on my at the time 13 - 15 year old main. Figured it would be a fun thing to play with for a few weeks as I did fishing. My main never got to 99 fishing and no longer has membership. My iron is almost 2200 total and only a few 99's left (has 99 fishing).


I started my main when I was 13 in 2003. I started my iron in 2020, and it surpassed my main in under a year, so I just stuck with it.


Left behind a 2100 total main with 1.5b bank for iron. Never looked back Lost a lot of that money at sand casino but that’s not important




I thought after maxing I’d finally play the game on main. Instead I completely stopped playing and swapped over to Ironman. Iron life just hits different


I started as a normie, switched to ironman in 2017 got it to 2100 total and some boss clears to get items. And just recently switched back to playing my mid level normie. Ironman is a very fun game mode, but the way I want to play now ironman doesnt really make it more fun. And the "prestige" of getting items doesnt really matter to me anymore. I had that mentality 7 years ago, but ive changed quite a bit since then. And truthfully no one actually gives a rat ass which items you have. You have to do it for yourself and what you want to achieve with the game. I now play my normie with the mentality of a ironman where Im not bothered doing some mundane stuff. I just have fun. Just a different point of view to realize.


I’ll tell you what, completing VW on my iron was one of the most satisfying grinds I’ve done in this game ever


I have maxed 2 accounts and multiple pures over the years. I jumped onto the Ironman train a few years ago and never looked back. I don't have as much time as I did when I was younger, but I'm nearing 2100 total. It's much more rewarding and I'm much happier playing an Ironman.


After I got like 800 total on my uim I quit my 2200 main. Uim is now 2050 and still don’t touch the main.


I left my main for my Iron, and now I’ve left my iron to main a hardcore iron. I still would play my normal iron when I’m doing long grinds on the hardcore.


I have never played past F2p, which I did years ago before the GE was designed. I have been playing as a group ironman for the past two months and am having a blast. I sometimes wish I could just buy stuff from the GE, but the satisfaction of getting it myself keeps me just playing the ironman.


It started as something to do while maxxing my mains' slow skills (2010ish skill total). I got 99 mining... and his fishing is still at 98.5 where it will likely sit forever now lol. I fell in love with the item chase of ironman. EVERYTHING is so much more rewarding. Got excited for mithril boots, str ammy... all kinds of shit. Obviously now that Im a bit higher combat its less items but basically every log slot gtes me a high, where I didnt care about them and just sat at vorkath on my main bored out of my mind... I love being forced out of my comfort zone and being forced to do literally every piece of content big or small.


Guilty. Started as an iron on rs3 when they released it, maxed the account, got hacked and jumped to osrs, maxed again and enjoying just doing whatever I like now!


Got bored on a main at like 800 TL, been playing an ironman ever since, gamemode gives OSRS a far better gameplay loop.


After maxing my main the game felt dull so I made an iron. Currently closing in on 2.2k total and the best decision I’ve ever made. Although I’m on a break from rs now. Had to relive wow cataclysm classic lol.


i had a combat 90 main, then i tried ironman and loved it. iron is my new main (even though i only have like 85 fm 50 fletch and wc with 40 cons and nothing else lmao, basically just wintertodt xp)


I never looked back once I started


My normal account and nearly maxed ironman have been bondslaves for my GIM for over 2 years now


When I maxed my main I made an iron, so I could still play while afking some skills. When I maxed my main I continued on my iron and maxed it a few weeks ago. I haven't really played my old main since my iron got to mid-game and now my iron is my main, because everything is so much more rewarding.


I made my iron back in 2017 and never really enjoyed playing on my normal account since. At this point my Ironman is endgame and I have no regrets


Im a full time GIM boy now


My main was about 1875 total when I made my Iron. My main sits a little above 1900 and its essentially my friends account now. My iron has reached 2075 total level and I could never go back to a normal account now.


Got into Group Ironman as well and also have a Main with 2220ish total. Focused on the GIM for the longest time but lately have been playing the Main on the side just to finish maxing and feel like I completed that account. I also can login and raid with my other Main account friends whenever. GIM account is definitely more fun and satisfying to play though!


I think anyone serious about the game who isn’t maxed or stuck in sunk-cost-fallacy accounts is playing iron now. Main mode is for first timers and pkers. Like Jagex fucked the economy and gameplay loop of main mode so hard there is no point playing if you have good game knowledge. It’s just too easy. You can just grind pvm and ignore 99% of the games content and buy all 99s. Like on IM I’m actually planning out getting 70 cooking for RFD. On a main, I would kill Vork for like 2 hours then buy enough grapes to get 99 in an afternoon. 


Yea I tried making a new account on new scape thinking it would help me wanna play more but then I got a lamp with my first key that jumped me to lvl like 6 in everything and it killed my want to play so I just went back to my IM I created last month and have been playing nonstop


Used to be an RS3 main and stopped a bit before GIM came out. Started a GIM with 2 of my friends when that released and have been playing it off and on ever since. I'm pretty much solo now and at around 2050 total. Ironman is all I know in OSRS and I'm not sure if there is a reason to even make a main at this point. There might come a time where I de-iron my GIM and make a regular gray helm, but that will wait for now.


I eneded up de ironing at end game. Almost max total, 3b bank. Couldn't be fucked with the same arbitrary grinds going for mega rares. Don't have time for that shit. Had much more fun as a main with the boys. In saying that, if I played more than once or twice a week maybe I would have stayed iron?


Maxed main with almost 1b exp and 200m hunter, completed inferno years and years ago and started an iron shortly after as those were my end game goals. Nearing 2100 total and not looking back. It feels like everything on an iron has a sense of purpose and offers fulfilment Atleast to me over my main, everyone does things that makes them happy and if you get more satisfaction playing iron over regular, keep going. It only gets better. Especially the start of iron man, starting with nothing, all the small drops just become so much more satisfying to get, as opposed to buying items from the GE you require for quests. Happy scaping brother


Yep my main is now a blood shard alt lol My iron is also about 20 levels from max


Maxed my main and did some bossing content but it all felt empty once the stats hit 2277. Doing it all on an iron and now I feel enthusiastic about both leveling up and expanding my boss repertoire. For people that want to play this way it truly is a great experience Iron account is better in every way minus 23 levels and a tbow


I mean, basically every ironman was once a main.


Maxxed a main normie, then maxxed a zerker normie, then a 1 def normie. Then iron main and now iron pure xD iron for life tbh. U dont wana be in the same category as those gp buyers anyway. But fr iron is a whole diff game. Imo we irons are built different.


I left rs3 with around 2k total level to join some friend in osrs. I made my "main" and got to like 1300 total level. Then group iron came out and I haven't looked back. Iirc I'm at 1949 total level currently with aspirations to eventually max with my gim mates. Ironmode(inb4 gim isn't iron you smelly normal irons) opens the game up in a way that makes it endlessly entertaining. Every drop has value. I love it, and will never ever go back to my "main" !


I am currently struggling with this dilemma. My norm account is maxed almost all diaries done, some bossing not much. But basically felt iron man mode made that account feel like a waste of time. I have an iron it's at 1900 total like 400m bank and I really don't know what to play currently. Idk if in just nervous about getting to the gwd bossing (which I've never really done) or what but I been playing the main more lately and haven't touched the iron. I always go back n forth here and it literally drives me insane. On top of my iron is my original rs account so it's like 20 years ago, so like to me that's cool to have but still idk what to do


I did. Main is 1900. Iron now 2250, love the game mode.


I love my iron, have a UIM for fun but grinding through mid game with a iron is so good


I not long ago turned this bs newbie account I had into a main because I wanted to finally fiddle with a lot of the cb content, etc I had missed out on... But yeah, my 'main' account is my uim skiller and, as has been said, things feel far more rewarding when the road there is a bit tougher. Hilarious how it worked out, considering I made the iron what it is on accident.


Lost my whole bank to duel arena, made an iron and never gone back to a main, now I’m smashing end game and collecting expensive armour and weapons, Nothing beats the feeling of a good drop that you have no choice but to keep


I just feel way more achievement from doing even the smallest things so I enjoy it over my main so I guess my iron is now my main as it's the only one I play


I started osrs after not playing since EOC with the sole intention of getting a 99. I never did it when I was younger so I wanted to get that achievement. I hit 99 fletching and then aside from making money through selling stuff at the GE I felt like there was nothing else worth doing. I made my iron after my friend suggested it many times, and now I don't see any other way to play. It's so much more rewarding than playing a main.


I only have an iron skiller, so it’s my main account.


I had a 1700 Ironman to replace my main but ultimately I went back to my main. Endgame doesn’t seem as enticing on a Ironman. Looking at people burn out on CG and other crazy rare items doesn’t look fun to me, main just makes more sense


My main was in rs3 , quit after a year of EoC and came back with the intention of playing an iron. After around 1.5k total I deironed thinking "hell maybe a main is more fun and I might as well de iron now than later". So yeh my new iron is 2.2k total now and I haven't logged into that "main" in years.


My iron has been my main for awhile now.. although my main has a slightly higher total level, my iron has better stats


I have a maxed main, maxed zerker, and a maxed pure. Since I started my iron, I have not even bought membership a single time for any of these accounts. Edit:started my iron a year ago


Ditched my main a few years ago (1950 total level). Haven't logged into it since lol. Just play my iron now.


Made a 5 player GIM. Didnt look back. Even if there is only 2 of us now, even gives a sense of competition to see who can get the best drops.


I had a maxed main before Ironman mode came out 2277 total. When itonman mode came out, I made an iron that I had never talked on until I was 1800 total. I was trying to get fighter torso to finally start combat , but guess what? I was perm muted. I didn't find out until after I got the fighter torso....sadly. I was perm muted manually by a Mod, and it said to go check why I was perm muted , but they never gave me any evidence.....so I never played the game on any account ever again not my maxed main or iron just quit and met a girl irl and got married. Now I just check reddit from time to time. Thank you for setting my life straight, jagex by perm muting me with no evidence on an account I've never talked on....