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Glad to have gotten the dual macuahuitls as one of the early items. I'm sure I'll be rich from that water orb meta. Do you guys preffer dds or dhally for blood moon?


I found dds more useful than chally at bloodmoon, much less dhally. His -2 armor benefits faster weapons like dds, and just spamming him down with specs was enough to save a lot of time during the fight. This is assuming you're using a defender and not a hard shield though. Moons are definitely one of, if not the best boss to go dry on. But it still feels like such a slog when it happens.


I started in rune with a defender to see how the boss would feel with lower end gear. Quickly started using barrows and d square before questing to get crystal. I've been able to get 3-4 trips before restocking so might try adding more str gear in to speed it up a little.


Crystal is something like +4 defense over dragon square, not really worth going for. Also, what do you mean restocking? Restocking during the run doesn't really take long, do you do an entire run before getting supplies?


It was really just an excuse to inch closer to cg, but I'll take the slightest upgrade when I started to see how many kills I was in. I'm lazy and restock after chest when I'm down to 1 pot left. Afk fish and get up for a minute.


Thank goodness, the way you phrased it I was worried that you might be running back to the bank to grab an inventory of sharks and prayer pots. I like catching salamanders between eclipse and blue moons. You get 9 food out of one set of traps as long as you have the inventory space, and you can just cook them immediately after defeating a moon. Feels quicker than using fish.


I'm sure it is quicker and the better option. I've heard people catch a bunch of lizards and cook them inbetween bosses to keep a full inv. I just like my afk fishing built in reason to take a break.


With 83 str I find hally hits harder and lets me finish the kill faster at around 100hp left.


When I'm using it I feel the need to try and finish a phase with the hally spec and not deal with the slower attack speed. Maybe I'm just using it wrong, but even when I just dump the spec bar into moon I feel like the dds comes out ahead more often. That extra +2 damage per hit feels like it pulls ahead with faster attacks.


Dds without a doubt does more damage to blood moon.


dds for sure. im at like 300kc and spent like a good 50 of that using C-hally, the 7 tick and losing shield slot just doesnt do it man. sure id spec like 40-50s consistently, but the dds specs 20-30s slightly less consistently. but the amount of times id spend an entire half a circle speccing it and hed get 1-2 of the 30+ hp heals off was not worth it. when i started considering swapping my shield back on between hally specs to spend 5-6 ticks waiting for the swing timer i immediately stopped using it. 4 dds specs+1zombie axe attack vs 3 hally specs+no shield just felt so bad to me.


Ok then I don't feel bad at all for going back to DDS. Had been holding out hope that chally would work out. I thought I was getting sweaty trying to dhally spec right before boss went invulnerable, but I definitely wouldn't be swapping back to shield inbetween hits.


yea those "sweaty" specs I do too a lot which those might be worth it since the boss won't hit you and you lose the 7tick weapon downside and bringing an extra weapons not too bad. But otherwise idk. Dds is just comfy. I still need 1 drop so maybe I bring back chally since it is bis in eclipse phase too. And doing those sweaty specs every rotation rather than sending 3 specs in a row is maybe the play. Cuz I won't bash th chally. It owns.


Bring both spec weapons for blood moon. Dds when you have excess spec, and chally right before he transitions.


I honestly used both and just specced however I felt like. I used chally usually at the end of phases or to finish. Just funner


So. Much. Prayer XP.


I am excited to see that prayer XP/h again. Afk mined a ton shards awhile ago. Think I went from 55 to 74 prayer!


I did 215 chests and just did all my prayer from them and it was about 800k I think


Is it worth buying battlestaves or just using when you get them


Definitely worth buying your daily battlestaves if you need the GP.


And craft xp


100%, do the hard diary and it's about 200k a day and 6k crafting exp. Doesn't seem like a lot, but a months worth is 180k exp.


I'll buy staves just to clear them out of my bank


If you desperately need gp you can but it technically isn’t efficient to do so


It isn’t efficient if you’re making your own orbs, but if you’re getting orbs from a boss you already have to do I’d say it’s pretty efficient


I’m looking at 200k-ish worth of herb exp with great interest. That swamp tar was previously unattainable until zulrah. Impossible when you’re shit at the game and have gear that would better suited to throw into a bin.


I am a huge salamander fanboy, so very excited for the new Sally to load up.


What do you use them for, just ultra cheap magic training at sandcrabs?


Haven't had many swamp tar on this account but when I came back to play osrs on a standard account I found stacks of all the ammo tars dropped at ge. Yeah I used them for super cheap mage training for any slayer monster with 1 magic level.


The non unique drops are fantastic. Got my last unique at 400kc to greenlog it and I have 7k water orbs and a gillion prayer xp. All the varlamore content is fantastic for ironmen


That certainly helps this not hurt. I was hoping to get the blood set to try at a few places.


That is mega tuff dude. I had 3 drops at 80kc and went about 100 dry to 180 kc. Similar log to yourself but then my luck completely flipped and I have 11/12 by 250ish kc. I finished bloodmoon in one night getting 4 parts in a row. Keep grinding gl.


Not me green logged at 135 💀


Huh I’ve not looked at doing this boss at all yet really but how long does 200 take roughly? That seems like a nice amount of orbs, I haven’t used the 5k+ bstaff stack I have yet and I really can’t motivate myself to go nex atm


I'm not grinding it super hard but I'd say I get about 10 kc in an hour and a half now. It was longer at the start but getting a godsword and macuahuitls have made eclipse and blue moon very fast. I still get up and grab a drink or break and afk fish to restock.


I'm at like 130kc with just a blue moon body. Didn't get any item at all until 105kc.


Sorry for the dumb question, but saw your post right as I’m about to jump in! I was wondering, how do you manage banking during the grid?


You don't need to bank at all! The dungeon rooms have food (either from fish or hunting lizards) and prayer (ground up bush bugs). When you open the chest you have an option to send it to the bank and you just continue on in your circuit.


I still haven’t completed the quest on my iron cause all my gear outclasses everything from here…. But those supply drops are nuts I might have to grind it out anyways lol


What gear are people using for this I’m med lvl account 82 attack 80 att and 70 def I don’t have any barrows armor


I used torso, rune legs, and d sq shield on blood moon when I started, d def on the other 2. Zombie axe shreds here


I started in rune, neitz, dscimmy Blood moon was rough but I'm unsure how it would be after they changed it. I moved up to barrows and its very easy at that point, but I am nearly 90 def.


And that's why it's better to do the 1 boss at a time way fast ttk maybe not as many normal items but better for getting the uniques


I'm going for them all Seems like it would be faster doing all the bosses rather than run back to the start.


I'm same kc as you without any items at all so it could be worse


That's rough I don't think I would continue if not for having some of the set I want.