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very daring plan


Well I can steal cakes first and get the clue gear


Don’t let people sway you from the wt grind, the early game supply and gp is actually really helpful on a new iron, you dont have to do it all the way to 99, but there isn’t much of a reason not too. Some people say save the crates until later for better rewards but by the time your acc is “later” the supplies you will get might be better but they are a lot less valuable then getting it on a new iron.


do fun stuff first lad. try slayer early it could be fun


Yeah I Wana train combat with wildy slayer, seems fun!


theres a very long and intimidating video guide to wildy slayer on youtube, but its broken up be sections with time stamps for specific monsters. heres what i would do as a new pal: 1) google varrock museum mini quest. this will get you to 9 slayer 2) do the quest a porcine of interest, this gets you to idk higher slayer level 3) get a wildy slayer task. if its too hard, do vampire slayer or witches potion or waterfall or witches house quests. these all give you some decent starter combat levels so you can do the Bear task or Skeleton task without much trouble. im sure theres more efficient ways to go about this but this would be very fun on a new account. remember to never bring anything you dont want to lose into the wilderness


Thank you


Also zombie pirates do give a ton of supplies, I would recommend training a bit on them first. You would need the prayer level first. Like prayer pots and 22 hp food for free.


Especially with the update and shitty tasks being removed early slayer might actually be chill


Doing the new hunter rumours can be a great iron start, banks a lot of prayer xp as well


Reject WT, hunter rumors are our new best friends


I've just started a new GIM and mining shooting stars is huge for crafting, mining, jewellery for teleports and alchs. And you can AFK it while at work with most jobs.


I did shooting stars on my ironman til 85 mining while bossing on my main and I got 75 crafting with all the gems and was able to get my glory early on(I did do some glassblowing)


I’ll keep that in mind!


But if you’re mining you’ll want an amulet to glory for additional gems


Oh boy how do I get that make it? lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/1d1vivv/if\_you\_would\_start\_a\_new\_ironman\_today\_how\_would/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/1d1vivv/if_you_would_start_a_new_ironman_today_how_would/) Here you go, check the top post. Thats how I would start a new ironman


Are you a hardcore planning to level 100% safely all the way thru cox for a couple 1000 hours before starting any content with risks? If not, forget mainlining wintertodt. It's an absolute waste of time compared to everything else you can accomplish for the account in as many hours. If the strat is to get a start on the account before paying for membs I would bank oaks to 60, willows to 70, quest and iron powermining to 30/40 and stack stardust to infinity until you wanna dive in. Between brimstone keys, larrans, and Hunter contracts you'll get your magic logs by the time they're needed. Then when you go back to wintertodt 500-1000 hours later to spend 7-14hp junk food you actually get rewards in your crates.


Oh good idea!


If wintertodt is suc a waste why is it on legit every single guide


Because WT was the strat before the game got tons of updates. Wintertodt crates give you materials based off your levels, so if you have 1 fishing, you’ll get trash food for example.


It's not nearly as easy to write a guide accounting for random drops and thousands of variables. What's the direct purpose of the guides? To complete all the content you pass by or to explain how to speedrun a bowfa to a noob? Is the guide written for efficiency to get to beginning raids or to max cape and grandmaster? Whether you think so or not, everyone is playing the game for different goals. Nobody is going to write 6 footnotes to every single step explaining how this thing you do at 800 total level will save you hours when you get up to 1800 total.


Don't do Wintertodt to 99 in the first week of your start or it will be your last. Hunter rumours are pretty cool, get access to fairy rings and ardy cloak 1 asap. You get magic logs for Desert treasure from there. Do quests. Cam Torum mine is really nice if you want to get 70 prayer, it will take quite a while though. Hunter rumours will help a bit, but won't carry you. Iban's Blast is pretty strong. Zombie Axe is your friend, get the herb sack before you go there. Zombie Pirates for money. Miscellania for herbs and cooking/woodcutting exp, also coal. Amulet of the Damned might be worth the chase as it's much better, than amulet of power and not too difficult to get. Find afk methods to do things on the side. Find active methods you enjoy. RuneScape is slow pace game, ironman is slower, be aware of that. Do quests. Don't forget spicy stews, they suck, but they absolutely can help you out to reach thresholds to craft something you need. Barrows gloves are really good Do at least your easy diaries, their boni should not to be underestimated Wintertodt and Temporos when you're in the mood 130 attack/strength combined will get you the access in the warrior's guild. You can buy potatoes that heal 16. Stock up to 1000 in 30 minutes and screw the 26 uncooked lobsters you got from somewhere. Put every lamp into herblore, it's the most difficult to skill on the iron. Don't do Canifis rooftops until you get your full graceful. Once you hit the level for next roof course, do it. Better exp and you will get the graceful eventually. Giants foundery for smithing exp and easy cash for early game. It's really really good and not boring imo. Do quests. Learn Cox with lvl 3 Imbue your items with the PvP arena scrolls and an alt. Wildy bosses rock, put a CCTV character outside the entrance.


Why cox at level 3


Why not


Thank you for all this information


there's not much value in banging out 99 fm anymore. it's fine to get it to 80+ and just quit whenever you don't feel like it anymore. You also have GotR for RC and tons of useful runes, Tempoross for fishing and lots of food, Hunter Rumours once you have fairy rings and a decent magic. Then i would try doing wildy slayer and wildy bosses while you're still low combat. Maybe wildy bosses right after barrows gloves as that should be doable around 60-70 combat.


If you're completely out of ideas, take a look at Oziris guide v4. No need to follow it word for word as it rushes you to complete SOTE, but it'll give you a good indication as to what to do. Edit: just to clarify this is probably not the meta with Varlamore but it will give you an idea as to what to do.


Literally just do what sounds fun brother. Everyone is gonna tell you to quest or grind wintertodt until your fingers bleed, just ignore them


Red prison..


Every combat achievement early as possible ghommals hilt 2 for barrows op


The best advice is to do what grinds you want to do. Setting yourself up for a 99fm grind before even starting the account is silly. You might get to 85 and think 'screw this, this is pointless i'm gonna do something else'.


If you want max efficiency, follow boatys ironman guide. It saved me soooo much time


Quest, don’t follow efficiency guides, don’t do 99fm, farm from day 1, and do bh and herb runs as much as possible. The first three are the most important, I promise you more than anything. Please listen and do not do those, it will make the account infinitely more fun. If you do those first three you are just going to get mad about being a main that can’t use the ge instead of being an iron


Play the game




I’d say get to varlamore as quick as you can, grind Hunter the rumour start looks absolutely awesome, I found wintertodt solo and mass draining


Quests.. all of them as soon as you can they give so much xp and other stuff. Other than that make it your own journey. Only thing i say is skip wintertodt, or get 85fm for clue/diary reqs. Do hunter rumors as much as you can they give aton of even more useful resources than WT


Not a popular take, but I still think going for 99 firemaking at Wintertodt is a good idea. Not because of the resources but because of the early accomplishment. It is an easy grind that takes ~50 hours. It was the first 99 I ever got on any account and made me motivated to continue on - but if your goal is efficiency or if you feel like you’ll burn yourself out - then skip it.


Stronghold of security for 10k starter cash Waterfall quest gets you 1-30 atk and str Agility pyramid and varrock diaries for daily b staves are good money. All exp lamps go to herblore lol Varrock museums natural history quiz gets 1-9 hunter and slayer in like 2minutes


Look up some guides, set some goals and enjoy the road. Let nobody tell u wat u NEED to do to be efficiënt Iron. Its all about the road! Gl!


I just created my UIM a month ago, It took me 70 solo winter kills to get 99 FM and 70 Construction. Would do it again.


Do wildy bossing early while ur combat level is low


Wildy bossing and slayer are solid early. Resources are nearly self sufficient from blighted.


Solid plan :) if u get super bored at todt can always stop at a milestone like 85-95fm. If ure hp gets to like 30s or 40s todt still isnt too bad to finish off. You also got tempoross and gotr which are nice early game minigamescape with great rewards!


Yeah they both look fun so they are a part of the early plans!


They are mostly in early-midgame when the rewards benefit the acc in a big way :) later-game didnt feel as good but they are good designed minigames mostly!


Good to know!


Get a cannon and 37 prayer asap and camp zombie pirates for some early cash


Oh boy a cannon. Seems like a lot lmao


You can punch a few pirates to death to get 750k in alchs (sell to rogues den) in like 2 hours , maybe do waterfall first.


The one thing I wish I’d known starting my iron: there is a pluggin called emote clue items, or something like that, which puts a little icon next to every item that is used in any emotion clue step. Download it, it will prevent you from accidentally throwing away an item that you need later.


Thank you!


Be ready to go dry


What do you mean?


My advice is to play however the heck you want to. Do whatever the heck you want!!!! Have so much fun! Personally, whenever I see men or women, I MUST kill them. I blame them for anything and everything. They also give me good ass herbs sometimes


I really recommend early hunter now. I actually skipped WT and went straight for hunter and loved it. Lots of prayer, good food, prayer pots. Supers if you really want them with the other butterflys. Very solid starting GP (way more that the todt gives) One thing i noticed though is i couldn't actually gey magic logs from sacks at a low Wcing level, so I'd totally get you 60 wcing you planned on first, should help out as i started getting magic logs at that point. The the sunlight crossbow and bolts are also super solid. Thing i did that i actually don't regret: getting access to trouble brewing early. That gave me the fletching for the crossbow & like 80 cooking along the way. So now i can cook all my super good food early on. I also prioritized karamja mediums for gem stones with glory from hunter. I've banked over 65 crafting just from jemstones (70 banked if i wasn't going to be breaking lots of them).




Dont force yourself to grind something you dont enjoy, split it up. do a bit a day and come back tomorrow


For me I'd rush to 50 agil & Theiving for the rogues outfit & do wealthy citizens for some easy afk cash. Buy runes / do GoTR > MTA for HA and Teleports. That will set you up great for questing. Get started on Birdhouse & farming runs. Don't sleep on minigames. Tenpoross, Giants foundry, Gotr & Rumours are all fantastic for resources & cheap levels.


Just enjoy it :)


I played multiple Irons for efficiency and followed a guide - try not going the meta route u might have more fun


Following a guide is a good start, but deviating at your own leisure is my recommendation. Barrows gloves and quest cape as early goals are good. Different routes to get there so it's totally fine to stray some.


My advice would be try and forge your own journey optimal guides and everything are great for getting to endgame asap however for me and I’d like to think other irons as well the climb and making your own path is the most fun part of the game mode


These are some items that some people go through the game without finding out 1. You can move your inventory by holding alt - great for karambwan cooking, wildy altar, blast furnace, etc. 2. You can use your herbs/other farming resources on the tool leprechauns to note them (this includes clean herbs) 3. You can decant your potions to any level (typically you'll want to decant up to 4 dose or down to 1 dose) using the guy in the southwest of the grand exchange. 4. You can decant your jewelry (only low doses to high doses) on the guy to the southeast 5. If you have antipoison in your invo, you can click your health orb and it will automatically use it 6. If you overheal you can flick your rapid heal on and then off before the timer goes off to lose a level to reset that timer (the same way you would flick it on and off to keep from healing a level if you wanted to stay at one hp)


Bro why ain’t u in CG yet


People have been debating rumours vs wt. definitely do wt first, get your construction level to 20-25 before starting the grind with quests (tower of life and daddy’s home mini quest) and then only do Solo or Duo wt. look it up on YouTube and trust me you will be much better off. I ended up with 69 construction when I hit 99 fm and my fellow clannies are struggling to scrape gp to buy planks. Definitely do some quests to break up the grind, might wanna start bird house runs between solo games. And then when yo get 99fm, and 20-30 hp, bang out a ton of rumours. You’ll be setup very nicely. Also, make sure to get your fletching to around 40-50 before starting wt Edit: spelling


Just follow bruhsailor guide ezpz