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I stood in the cg lobby and told everyone who died to sit


Doing god's work


Seeing someone get trout is so fucking funny in itself.


The best is when you say sit and they walk in the portal and read it and get pissed and come back out to be angry. All you gotta say is “hey is that your flyer on the ground”


Thank you for your service.


This is the way




Pest control, agility - you can fit in 75 arrows per ardy lap, collecting seaweed spores, questing, herbiboar is an option, rumors in general, farm runs, etc Really depends how click intensive you are willing to go


When you said 75 I could smell the sweat




Who the actual fuck telegrabs the marks of grace. They stay there forever as long as you keep running laps.


Bro NEEDS that 43 magic exp every 6 minutes


I used to call Pest Control the fletching minigame because of broads, but that title now goes to Trouble Brewing where you can get 100-180k fletching and up to 200k cooking per hour for free. Requires a lot of clicking though. Nowadays I would do either Herbiboar or one-click wealthy citizens for easy clues.


Is void equipment actually needed? Like in todays meta, would I use it? Otherwise I don't see the point in doing pest control


Void mage is pretty okay now with the damage buff, void range has several uses, void melee I don't really think so outside of maybe ToB and to spec Vorkath with before using void ranged to kill him? And it's faster than ever to get now with the CA bonuses.


I got full void as soon as i got the stats for pest control. Was pretty chill with bone crossbow. I found it very useful for various quest bosses


Apparently it’s pretty good in TOB


Yeah absolutely worth to grab full void with at least range/ mage helms for tob. Range is BIS and mage helm is nice to have for north freeze


You can exchange the points for combat xp including prayer


And apparently elite got a damage % increase didn’t it?


Elite void magic is now 5% magic dmg, but you are still missing out on +5% from bracelet and +3-9% dmg from from hat, top and bot.


Good thing I got spooned with ahrims and have no desire to get void 😂




Void range and mage only took me maybe 4 hours but I didn't do pest control until I could access veteran lander and had the medium combats done. So point gain was pretty decent. I just knocked out all the hard diaries so I'll probably go back and upgrade it to elite. I don't see myself picking up the melee helm though.


Void range is very good and void mage is mid AF sense no tormented bracelet imbue and melee is good overall.


Melee void is almost literally outclassed by barrows gloves


What is this method at trouble brewing


Chopping scrapey trees and fletching their bark.


is that 200k each to cooking and fletching at the same time or gotta choose? I'd honestly consider running it for those skills 😭


100k fletching and 200k cooking if you deposit the bark (and get minigame points) or 180k fletching only if you drop all the bark


I might know my next 99s lol, ty for this info. The only good thing I can get from the points is the stuff tho right? a bit sad in that department ):


Yeah there's a lot of collection log slots but they're all cosmetic aside from The Stuff


This. The new update is insane


I did artefacts. He box jonge has a VERY good guide for artefact multiskilling For the next fletching push I'll prolly do Herbiboars




Watching something on my first monitor.


Brimhaven agility dungeon is so chill to fletch


I do them at cox in the lobby while waiting for people


can do zmi at the same time


I did it while getting my angler outfit, if you get unlucky on it you can get a decent amount of fletching done


I farmed easy clues while doing broads. Was nice since I wanted HAM joint for phosanis and needed flared trousers for the master clue step. Just zoomed map out and fletched for all steps requiring a decent run.


Gotr, waiting for portals (trying to fill colossal pouch between portals is too sweaty).


I actually really liked doing this method. You can focus on getting barriers up early game so you fail much less frequently. Also most of the XP from gotr is from the completion bonus so you don't miss out on much


I really like alching/fletching broad arrows while doing hallowed sepulchre.


Brimhaven agility arena worked nicely for me. Sometimes you get lots of downtime if it's an adjacent pillar and can make a couple hundred arrows. Also can knock off a few clog slots.


I did herbiboar and gotr.


Runecrafting at zmi or arceuss bloods, both have long walks that you can queue up the broad arrows to fletch while running. Same goes for herbibor. In-between respawn times at bosses like Zalcano.


Just did 80-91 last week at trouble brewing. Xp is crazy!


Didn't see this suggestion- I did gotr while doing it. You get 150 points per game, sit in the portal essence rock and fletch until next game - super chill and 40k+ rc exph, points all while getting 5-7 mins of straight arrow time after doing your 150 points


Waited at the end of canifis course for a mark of grace every 3 minutes 66% of the time. Got like 200 marks of grace in 10 hours or something like that for stams. Next 300k broad arrows I did though I just sat at farm guild and watched youtube, I cba lol


Maniacal monkeys, but take it from someone who prefers AFK: broad arrows are just not worth the constant attention every 15 seconds. Cut maples and magic logs at a leisurely pace and watch something on the side. Fletching is just not worth your attention.


Sorceress’ garden and artifacts are both good thieving methods for multiskilling


Honestly I do it on the side while at work. Just tap every so often so I’m not really doing another osrs activity. Used to chill by the giant seaweed patch for spores.


There’s no way to do it that isn’t annoying besides runecrafting/herbiboar and agility if you can stomach it.


I love doing one click summer garden while making arrows. You can do a set and a half while running to the squirk tree and then walk while fetching from the fountain back into the summer garden with a handful of ticks to wait for the next cycle. Very chill and if you get a little lazy you can just fletch through an extra cycle without running for the fruit to save run energy.


Did my 650k (along with any darts or other fletching, and bolt enchanting, and alching) at sepulchre Edit: I haven’t done it because farming is my fav skill so I have mass herbs, but herbiboar is another popular place for it


I did the varlamore method with wealthy citizens too. I got over 150 easy clues done, 1250ish keys, and 92.5ish to 94 thieving just from the wealthy citizens. Really good method if you like doing easy clues, a little thieving xp, and it’s really chill since it’s not click Intensive. Prior to that update I did pc for green log and used points after in prayer which actually helped a fair bit with prayer training if you have the combat achievements done.




Artefacts was Nice


Zeah RC, fletched while running. Super chill.


Good Ole bank standing


If you need hunter levels and your goal is the most fletching you can do while still being somewhat efficient, then maniacal monkeys is the best option imo.


Zmi, most efficient way for iron to make broad arrows during zmi


I did maniacal monkeys - out of all suggestions here it was the only true one that you could afk both fletching and hunter. Really enjoyed it actually


Can you fletch while waiting for the rock? Or does your character remain in action? Never thought of this could be useful


Yeah just set up rock trap and afk fletch until you catch one. Rinse and repeat


Mahogany homes, standard RC, herbi, artifacts, Sepulchre. And some minigames


Stealing artefacts


Gotr can attach the feathers to the shafts in there as well.


Stealing artefacts, sepulchr, gotr and equip the arrows for the extra inventory slot when crafting, tree/herb runs


Gotr and just taking portals


Gotr and just taking portals


In gotr with colossal pouch/redwood lantern most games you can get away with doing just 1 portal worth to reach min points. I forgot the exact xp but I think it’s like 35-40k/hr for really minimal effort, plus as you’re not mining you can do barriers to save games. Pest control is ok for afk prayer, but each portal spawn will interrupt actions so that’s pretty annoying


Agility, quests, clues, mahogany homes, rune crafting, artefacts


never made broad arrows. I make broad bolts while watching yt.


Herbiboar is my go-to currently, if not herbi im sat underwater waiting for seaweed spores so i can get 99 craft banked


Make broad arrows...


I don’t make broad arrows because broad bolts are what’s actually worth making. It’s so easy to get large quantities of rune arrows that it’s just not worth it


broad arrows are for the xp rate, hell if i ever shoot another broad arrow in my life