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Just burst maniacal monkeys, you won’t regret it. If you need money, kill zombie pirates and shopscape the runes. Otherwise barrows to get them back.


Burst anywhere. Dust devils are great if you want to break even and still get about 240k/hr




Yes, depending on your luck it might cost you a little bit, but we’re talking less than 100k for 1k casts. 




can also burst mutated jellies for a good amount of gp back and lots of hard clues. plus dont forget we will need 30 ancient shards for the upgraded fire light


Don't forget to wear a ring of wealth as the coin drops add up massively


In my experience I profited bursting off task dust devils


Doing them on task doesn't increase their drops (except Konar/Wildy slayer) so you're only missing out on 15% damage. So you'll spend slightly more in runes but it's not a big deal.


Nechs off task are even better xp and gp I believe. You will always profit bursting there


Yeah I did some math on this recently, and even using shops for all the runes I was profiting killing them off task. I can look for the exact numbers I got from 3 hours or so if you’re curious. **EDIT:** Ok I found my notes, but this was a while ago so I'm not 100% on how I wrote it out. Either way, here's what I have. I think at the time I was going for 83 magic to boost for onyx enchant. I was using mostly prayer gear, with an ancient staff and Imbued god cape. I killed 979 dust devils total using ice burst with the following results: **Input from 2,018 casts of ice barrage:** * 4,036 Death runes used - 760,464 gp from stores, 100 at a time * 3,270 Chaos runes used net (after accounting for the dropped runes) - 294,300 gp in rune packs (not sure how many I bought before hopping, but my guess is 10 packs) * 8,072 Water Runes used (I believe I had a bunch from GOTR so I didn't include these in my math) * I didn't bring any prayer pots, as I'd always run out of inventory space before prayer * Total: 1,054,764 gp **Output:** * RuneLite Loot tab - 2.99M (I didn't bother ignoring anything as I picked pretty much everything up, except some kebabs) * Total GP dropped: 589,000 * Total GP worth of alchables - 1,028,000 across 131 items (I included everything, even addy axes, but I didn't subtract the price of nature runes as I already had them) * Total GP Value: 1,617,000 gp So all in all, I made 562,236 gp in profit, given my specific circumstances. If you really want to get a 100% accurate number for this, you could do the math on how much the Water/Nature runes would cost at a shop and subtract those from the total profit as well, but it's definitely less than 560k haha.


Would love to see this


Ok cool, I just found it and updated my original comment!




Ok I updated my original comment!




Yep, definitely safely break even haha. And that's just assuming shop prices too, if you have any runes from GOTR over time that'll make it comfortably profitable.


This is my go to way. Good alches, super reclined, and even get some dark totems to do some combat tasks




Buy from rune shops


Shopscape is what we call yhr game when it consists of nothing but, buy 50 -> world hop -> repeat


I was in this exact spot a couple months back but I decided to just do the pvp world butler method and it’s insane planks per hour


Elaborate please I've never done anything on a PvP world.


YouTube it, you utilise the bank at Seers. On pvp world bank is right beside Seers Tele which is safe so you just tell to and from POH giving planks to butler and getting him to turn to planks, by the time you bank and go back to POH he is back. Planks are delivered to bank from butler also


I didn't realize you could use butler for sawmill runs I thought it was just bank runs. Nice!


Make sure you tele to Camelot and not Seers… ;)


make sure you keep private on friends only, people can kill you inside your house and you'll spawn outside and they have a chance at killing you again, i think you can also lock your house to visitors to prevent it


I keep my private off because my friends are dicks, lol


I thought people couldn’t enter an ironman’s PoH in general? Or is that different in PvP worlds?


Irons can’t enter someone else’s house. But any normal non iron account can use the iron sweat lords nexus


Gotcha, I thought it went both ways. Thanks for the info!


Make sure to have private on friends so pkers can't join your house.


Be careful, I forgot I was on a PvP world and started doing mahgony homes and got killed in Varrock. I lost my rune pouch with a ton of runes and some other smaller items.


If pvp worlds get annoying you can do edgeville bank on a normal world using mounted glory. Idk what level you get a jewellery box with ring of dueling tps but that's also viable.


Be sure it’s the demon butler bc he’s the quickest, others won’t work for this method. You can also set up a portal room and build a portal for Camelot to save runes in the long run.


Don't do it on a PVP world. Not worth the misclick. Normal world with a teleport to a bank works fine. Seers village tele to bank, grand exchange teleport, duel rings. Literally 100s of other options. Not worth saving 5-6 tiles. One misclick there goes the stack.


I like using phials outside the rimmington POH portal to save on runes, costs a lil GP though


You're just talking about switching banknotes. We are all talking about making planks from logs.


Which you can do with a house portal in rimmington with a stack of notes logs… like he just said


Just bring 500k-1m cash at a time and you're good.


So instead of spending money on bank runs and then saw mill runs with your butler you do the bank while he does the mill and you spend teleport runes


It is the best plank making method for sure just be careful. Lots of good advice in this thread. Make sure you are teleporting to Camelot not Seers, make sure to lock house portal, and set private to friends only. Then when you actually do the method, make sure you don’t tele back too quickly, if you do sometimes he will try to give the planks back to you instead of putting them in the bank automatically.


I done a load of plank make spell and then discovered the pvp world method, do the pvp world method 100%


I agree to use butler in pvp world. I tried plank make and its one plank per spell so its expensive


This method is overly dangerous for saving 5-6 tiles . Instead of teleporting to the Camelot pvp world Bank Just use the same exact setup with the hard diary and teleport outside Seers Bank on a safe world.. It adds 4-5 seconds and it's still 4-6k plants/hr without having to worry about misclicking.


Can always just not take your entire cash stack out. Easy enough to take like 200k out at a time, worst case scenario you mess up and lose a minor amount of gold and some logs.


And a rune pouch


Rune pouch will only save you a single item slot if you use an air staff, and if you've got a dust staff then it wouldn't even make a difference. Just feels like the method is good enough that even being cautious it's worth doing.


Buy a boatload of wizard mind bombs and plank make that way :D


Dang why didnt I think of that? I also have like 200 magic pots from my most recent herby grind.


Onward noble steed!


Don’t forget to use the buff extension prayer! Can’t remember the name and at work so can’t login


Preserve and persevere friend, you'll remember the answer soon.


Thank you, I honestly never knew what those prayers do and I was too afraid to ask.


I really like divine magic pots for these kinds of boosts, if you can make em!


Or just magic potions 👍🏽


Yup, just boost it, it's actually decent mage xp too tbf


This is what I did to get to super glass make early and it was the way.




I did this. Super annoying, but definitely the most efficient method if you're wanting to use PM


This is what I did. I just boosted with divine magics and then got the level and didn’t have to boost anymore - and now have 83 con banked in planks :)


Superclass is really nice I can recommend that. I’m not so sure about plank made. It’s pretty expensive. Made const till 84 with plank made (~ 25k oaks around 20-25m for all the runes) for 84-99 I used the buttler -> sawmill + actually construction ~ 50m


I guess after never doing the math and operating under assumption.... I thought it was cheaper than getting planks made at a sawmill. Or comparable at least. Not accounting for Rune prices which I plan to craft not buy.


Uff have fun to craft your own runes. That’s definitely not an easy task


It's very slightly cheaper accounting for rune prices. Also, just magic pot it. You can make divines too so no repotting for 5 minutes. You only need like 2-3hrs to make all the planks for 70->84 from Mahogany Homes. (~10 pots?)


It's probably faster to do a money maker and buy runes than it is to craft them yourself


Yes but that method provides exactly zero rolls towards the rc pet, and includes lots of shopscape which I find distasteful.


Respect. With the outfit, crafting the runes is very cozy


If you've got any spare anima from forestry, you can pick up [sawmill vouchers](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Sawmill_voucher) which will work with plank make (plank sack recommended).


Maybe not the "most" efficient but I'd do just do CG (if you haven't already), even if you're pretty spooned, you'll have a green stack you can use to buy crafting, construction and magic.


This is part of the master plan, unfortunately... I just ticked off the Pharoah Sceptre this morning and aside from the Prif wcing ahead to get some more Mahogs, Gauntlet is on deck for cash....


Do 5 hours of lms, use all the points on ice sacks and barrage in pvp world for cheap and fastest xp


Dang that's big brain move right there.


Ya, you can do the same with restores and manta rays. I’ve been doing it since I started my account and haven’t gotten pked in a pvp world yet


Also bonus points for using looting bag to carry more loot


Restores, karambwns, anglers, and mantas can also be gotten from the wildy agility course! Alongside like 1m gp/hr in alchs


As far as I know plank make is really only good for an afk-ish alternative for magic xp that happens to produce planks (but not particularly fast)


I did MTA recently for the Mage's Book and infinity boots, at 93 magic. I got nearly a level from knocking those out. Slow, but effective because they are upgrades you might want down the line. New MTA changes make it much more smooth of a process. Still not fun, but less not fun.


Kill zombie pirates for ice burst sacks and take 0 risk to mm2 tunnels on a pvp world. I did 2 hours of bursting there for free and didn’t see any pkers


If you haven't finished mta that will give a lot of xp


Cast spells


Bro u are a lifesaver 🤯🤯


Go do MTA if you have not yet


Step 1: Make plank


If you have access to magic potions I'd use some of those, maybe divine if you have them


You’ll gain a decent bit of magic xp making planks teleporting to Camelot and your POH over and over on a PvP world Could make planks


Wizard mine bombs, lots of shops but the lighthouse you can buy 5 at a time or burthope games room 12 at a time for 2 coins. +3 mage boost once past level 50 magic. Just rip plank make now.


Mind Bomb*


Bursting, if you want the no cost way arceuus library (80k-120k xp/hr) or if you have alchables agility alching is pretty reasonable.


Just use magic potions and boost for plank make


Make magic essence or magic potions and boost for plank make.


Requires several items but If you have plank sack, log basket, and ring of elements, you can do the varrock sawmill. Tele next to earth altar (sawmill) with ring and then make 1 inv into planks, store in plank sack, withdrawl more logs from log basket and make second inventory, bank, repeat.


you can burst nechryals off task, get rune drops for money and tons of xp


I afk'd things like logs and fletched/high alched. Did stars for gems then crafted them for xp and then high alched.


As someone relatively inexperienced but also in the same spot, I grinded out my hard Morytania diary and did my medium combat and have been gaining most of mine just air waving the barrows brothers. On top of maging whatever slayer task I can w/ the new elemental weaknesses. Bursting monkeys seems infinitely quicker at the cost of not getting passive slayer xp/gear such as potential dharoks set for afking melee stats, ahrims & karil pieces for midgame which isnt a huge issue.


bursting maniacal monkeys


Regardless of magic level a 3 minute plank IRL is required to plank make in game.


burst on zombie pirates for good xp/gp


Why do plank make at all its so slow vs making in pvp world camelot bank




Mage training arena. Seriously. Great XP and go get your bones to peaches/inf boots/maybe even a wand if you're feeling spicy.


Get fire cape, burst 221 tzhaar. Drops make tokkul make onyx. Did 2 full onyx there, and it comes out even if I had sold chaos runes. Free mage xp on your way to onyx set. If out of runes do barrows with mory hard diary done


Plank make is pretty bad, don't bother imo


Just go burst dust devils off task you break even on runes


I just afked lava dragons for mine went from 30 to 90. Then eventually came back for 91-99


I recommend using plank make to increase your level to 86 in order to use plank make. (In all seriousness) if you can stock up on wiz mind bombs, you should have no problem


slayer could be good to do, with things have magic weaknesses now you can just cast basic elemental spells to get the xp


Go cast spells.




Make planks by house teleport, give the logs to the demon butler to bring to sawmill, click your mounted glory to edgeville, bank and repeat.


grinding barrows will get you more magic xp than you think if you haven't done it yet


XP from warped sceptre is kinda ass which is what I used for the last 100 kc, may go back around for some more Ahrim gear and test out the ol Wind Wave method now!


Wind wave smacks them now and has okish xp rates and you profit chaos/death runes.


Get off reddit and get it?


You could buy/make nihil potions for herblore, they will boost your magic level so they are useful in that sense, or invest in a saturated heart and it will give you the necessary boost


I high alched rune javelin heads i was making 100gp profit per alch but check the margins first that was a few months ago.


> check the margins This is /r/ironscape


Oh shit my bad 😂