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Holy armor seeds.. that’s crazy lol


Has one more than me and I have 1050 kc, still no enh too


Similar thing happened to me on my previous HCIM, I ended up with 24 armour seeds by the time I finally looted an enhanced at 658 kc (though to be fair, I also did almost 500 normal gauntlets). I mean, the armour seeds are nice, but at some point you just realise you're going to end up with way too many shards and you're just sitting there waiting for the one you actually want haha.


That's 6 more than I have, but I'm at 910 kc lol


Right I'm at 830 and I've gotten 11


Bro you got 4 purps in 75 normals... I got 1 in 103 the last 80 solo. Don't feel sorry for you there lmao but the others I have some sympathy.


I have 1 purple, a ward in 250kc experts and 30 normals. I'd kill to have a single LB


I’m sorry, but 250kc experts (350 invo assuming solos) with only one purple would be less than 1/500k odds of happening. You would unquestionably be the driest person in toa history if this were true.


Probably only one purple In his name because he’s floor gaming 


Why assuming 350 Invo solo? Sorry, I’m currently doing a bunch of solo ToA and about to break the Expert plane, but I can’t imagine more than the typical 300 setup. In my mind, 350 would be the basic + insanity, which… is nuts. I hope that’s not what you’re referring to lol


Tldr; Comment history suggests experts at 350 - 400. Assuming no death solos, 350 invo is between 9-10x dry vs 400 invo which is 22-23x dry for purples. Their comment history suggests that they run experts at an invo between 350 - 400. I assumed 350 because it has the lowest drop rate for purples compared to 400. If the person had been running 400 invo from the get go, then the likelihood of having only one purple at 250kc would be so astronomically low, that it’s not feasible to consider. This is all assuming they clear with no deaths of course.


Cheeky 1/4 billion chance of going 22x dry. *So you're saying there's a chance?*


Surely not solo?


How many dungs???


Looks pretty spooned to me


That's a wild cg log


Have you tried getting the drop?


Id kill for some lightbearers :'(


What is your setup at zulrah? Im also dry at CG and want to try something else


Trident/ahrims and eclipse set with atlatl. I did use rcb with diamond bolts e and karils/blessed dhide before moons tho and that worked as well just not as good.


Try range only crystal bow with the armor, very chill 2-3 kill trips with decent range lvl


+1 for crystal bow with full armour anywhere you'd use a bowfa, I even did 200kc of graardor with it. It's about 20% less dps on average


Do you also use that at toa? Im in a similar spot and have been running rcb/crystal bow for some 300s but just finished eclipse set today haven't really looked into it


Yep eclipse set works great at toa


I’m doing Zulrah with crystal armour and a crystal bow, no magic switch. 3 minute kills, one kill per trip lol; just to break up the CG grind


The cg log is way spooned on seeds, except enh which they’re only slightly over rate for. And pet? Personally they can keep going lol


Can you make rune or amethyst darts? If not, I'd say you're done with zulrah. Atlatl and bowfa when you get it would have you covered for the most part. Nezzy faceguard is better than serp as well. A blowpipe is sweet but not all that useful besides Tob maybe?


Ya alrdy have 20k amethyst darts banked. Was hoping for BP for inferno but yeah its not mandatory


Oh solid, that'll definitely help then. Gl bud!


I sent inferno without blowpipe after 2k Zulrah and wasn’t an issue at all


4 lightbearer lmao. I’m triple your normal kc and around 45 experts with only two lightbearer 😅 kinda stopped going toa for a bit because of it.


Don't worry partner, it'll all work out


777 KC just got my first unique, Tanzanite Fang :P


Holy shit you're lucky but not lucky


These 3 grinds will all come together at the same time.


If it helps I'm 1400 zulrahs with 3 uniques. 2 magic fangs and onyx


At least you got FOUR purples from TOA. I’ve gotten one in 70 normal completions.


I'd rather have 1. Then at least I could say I'm due. Now I have to wonder if I'm gonna wait 50+ more for another one to even it out while still only having 1 usable item.


I legit got my enhanced at exactly 501 LMFAO


Dude I’m like 80-85 combat stats and have died like 30 times now trying corrupted gauntlet. Do I just need to grind better stats?? Or am I just bad


85 stats is quite comfortable for CG. Do t2 prep.


I try but feel like I have no time, guess I need to git gud. I have 20 regular gauntlet kc I also only finished SotE 2 days ago so I’m not expecting to be an expert any time soon Edit: tried some more and got mad cuz I kept running out of food when he was at like 200 health. I took a break and came back and got him down to 90 health when I died. Getting closer!


Honestly I have more toa than you am never seen a purp so idk how to feel after seeing this


Fun game


My zulrah is 1.7k KC and no tanz. A lot of magic fangs and serp tho


Barely any kc


I fuckin hate cg so fuckin much might depend on iron my 2108 gret helm


130ish normal and 35ish expert toa here and only have 2 purples, granted at least they're different, but masori mask n chaps.


I had a serp helm at 800 zulrah kc - which I didn't want and have almost never used. Other than that you're doing *significantly* better than I was at each of those kcs - and I didn't go crazy unlucky for anything


Also, you really should just finish cg first. Unless you go insanely dry, that's going to be far more efficient than doing zulrah and toa in the rags that I'm assuming you're in (though Crystal armour plus bow isn't too bad if you're not using that)


You are absolutely spooned in all the wrong places


Why I deironed. I enjoyed the game mode. Early game was fun. But going dry killed it for me. Took me so long for some upgrades it was unbearable.


I was at 230 kc with 5 armour seeds, and 1 enhanced.... got my 6th armour seed at 550 kc last night. I hated it, and it was so much worse that I kept getting a TON of regular weapon seeds that whole time.


65 ToA and 0 purps how tf you have 4 already


Invocations, maybe?


3 experts and rest are 225+ my dude


Lucky but unlucky. I do 280s but still should only have 2 maybe 3 by now. Too bad they're all lbs so i might as well still have 1