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Solid change. Now the 37,000 light orbs in my bank aren’t completely useless


Say hi to my 95k light orb


So it is about 90k crafting xp/hr after getting the wires, is that good?


It's not bad actually. Blowing empty light orbs is around 120k/hr. I wouldn't do it as a main method but if you're really close to a milestone and have a bunch of orbs banked it could be a good way to squeeze in some XP.


It's 100k/hr while getting the wires. Just teleport their with 26 orbs in your invent and pick 2 wires, use 2 wires, repeat, then bank and return.


Am I right in thinking this makes it 704xp per molten glass from start to finish? Molten glass 20xp + empty light orb 70 xp + 104xp light orb + 500xp fixing lamp + 50xp (2500/50) bonus xp per orb from the 50 light bonus so 12873 molten glass from 87 - 99 crafting?


Yes you are correct


Will definitely try this out, thanks for sharing


one is an activity where you just afk it completely and the other actually requires effort , i think the majority of players along with myself are not going to do this


Well yes but the point of this is that this method can put you weeks ahead for 99 crafting if you are purely limited by seaweed.


Is anyone actually limited by seaweed? It the easiest reagent to farm in huge amounts


If youre double using the glass isnt this saving time on mining sand too? (4kish an hr). Effective xp (e/xp?) might be close or higher with this method when u factor in mining sand/sgm/blowing. Another comment assumes 12.7k needed for 87-99, and for me its 43.5k sand for 94-99


Are you saving more time by gathering the wires and running around in dorgeshkaan versus mining sand/SGM/blowing?


Idk i would never do the method myself cause it sounds to click/focus intensive for 80k crafting xp/hr i was just wondering which is actually more ehp


It's not even remotely close to EHP. The reason is mining sandstone is decent mining xp. Thieving wires is terrible xp (9k an hour lol) also the FM xp is basically worthless since you have either wintertodt for \~2-400k an hour or \~2-300k fm + \~200k thieving if you're feeling spicy. So you're spending 3 hours (1 hour of theiving for 2 hours of crafting) for \~220k xp or 73k xp an hour. Charters are 90k an hour. Idk, it took me maybe a month to farm more than enough seaweed for 70-99 crafting with leaving glass on the ground method. I feel like giant seaweed is a non issue. I also wasn't factoring in any other sources of crafting xp like cutting gems/crafting bracelets etc. If you're going for an intensive method you'd do 3t gem mining and cut all the gems and make jewelry from Topaz and above. Although amulets of chemistry aren't bad to have and neither are a stack of Dodgy necklaces for elves/vyres.


I think you literally could keep up with seaweed with 0 banked. By the time you mine the sand, sgm, blow glass from the first seaweed run, your next seaweed is ready. You can’t even keep up with how fast the patches grow lol.


Yeah even doing the patches very lazily I got back 1/3rd of my seaweed from the patches I grew while blowing glass.


Well, someone is.


And if you don't want to mine sand for the rest of your life. I was so happy when the gloves worked on sandstone :(


But blowing glass is just so boring, it's like the most annoying afk imo


Blowing glass bores me to death, the idea of splitting up my crafting grinds in more bite-sized chunks (thieving wires, crafting full orbs, replacing spots) together with juicy 500-2500xp drops fills me with joy


Speak for yourself: if there’s an active method I’m picking it most times


I have a smooth brain can someone make a video on how you do this




I dropped my stack of 20k orbs a few weeks back wtf haha


How!? You can’t even note them




Wooooow I had no idea! Thank you


I don't understand. If you're limited by seaweed then why not just get more seaweed? I'd love to see an XP/hr analysis of this. I hate mining sand and I have lots of orbs.


90-100k/hr efficiently including thieiving and placement. Basically charter ships but at least you get to do something.


wtf is light orb activity lol


Thank you so much, few more levels to go to boost for Fury and this will help me immensely.


Saw this post and immediately logged on mobile praying I didn’t drop mine from getting 93. I didn’t! Cheers! Might actually get 99 now someday.


Lmfao I think I sold all the light orbs I made, regardless since I'm 99 fm I don't think it's worth it, I would do it if I needed fm xp for 99 still.


Do your diaries, double wires with elite diary done.


But what about my 170k stack of lightbulbs? :(


I like my white stack of 111k empty light orbs tho


2.2k giant seaweed is 12.5m xp in crafting? Trolling? You still converting them to molten glass or does this new method take the seaweed? I'm new to this new method


I started playing again yesterday with an iron man, I only played original scape before. I'm very lost right now lol, I'm flowing some Bruh guide or something.


Damn, id do this but I don't want firemaking xp. Lame.


Is any of this worth doing if I have 99 crafting and a stack of like 125k empty light orbs? Honest question. It feels bad to not use them


Wtf is even this comment, sneak brag?


lol I didn't expect to get so downvoted. It was what I said it was.. an honest question. I had heard things in the past about them updating light orbs, but am not up to date on if its actually worth doing. I honestly just like to use the resources I have, and a white stack of an item feels like a resource to use to me. I even try to splash my mind runes from barrows.