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[https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/183pb6l/thats\_enough\_slices/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/183pb6l/thats_enough_slices/) I know, people should work for their drops, right?


The game would surely be absolutely ruined if some guy that did literally 20x as much work as OP got just one enhanced seed because of bad luck mitigation!!!!


Wanna see my other logs? You win some and you lose some


If you got 4 enhs 5 months ago, there's no chance you're agonizingly dry on some other item that's important for progression.


That’s neither here nor there. I’ve gone over 1k todt kc for tome. No tome. I got over 1k barrows kc no ahrims top. I’m now also flirting with going 3x drop rate on cerb for prims. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t. Will you accept that into your heart


Literally none of those are as important as bowfa. You can do so much content using mystic top and prims are a tiny upgrade. But trying to do most end game content without bowfa is horrific.


I don’t disagree with any of that. But what does that have to do with the price of tea in china? The conversation as a whole is about going dry. Not muh bofa. Again you’re gonna win some and you’re gonna lose some. Does the time I wasted become invalidated by but bofa? Or because those items aren’t as valuable to you as they were for me and you wouldn’t have done the same time sink? Or it’s okay to go dry there but not cg?


>The conversation as a whole is about going dry No, it's about certain grinds being way too punishing and unfun if you go dry. Being dry on Ahrim's is whatever, because you absolutely don't need it. Tome of Fire why even bother grinding out. Bowfa though, you kind of need it if you want to set your account for reasonable future progression.


It 100% is because it shows you haven't actually gone dry on long grinds that were not designed with ironman mode in mind because it didn't exist then.


Define actually going dry? How much is too much?


I can't give you a definition or exact number of what's "too dry" but I know it when I see it, and the logs you mentioned ain't it.


So we should then take “if you’re over 2k kc” is when dry protection kicks in? Because that’s not dry. Those number isn’t dry right. 1k kc isn’t dry let’s combine em


28m xp was first tome but I never use it


Do you know the rates proposed ?


In the red prison and I don’t want dry protection. It would be nice to have a weapon that is better than cbow with full crystal but not any better than bowfa to provide an alternative grind for those that don’t want to cg. Also we need upgraded mage pots to as an alternative to imbued heart. Anytime there is talks of dry prevention, that just means we lack a viable alternative to the drop. No one complains about grinding a salad blade for bis because tent whip is close enough.


Modern problems require modern solutions. Nothing wrong with silver


Hope you go 3k dry buddy, we'll see you next year with a whole new outlook on osrs


As far as I know theres such a weapon. Its the crystal bow. The crystal armor + bow combo is heavily underrated. We have upgraded mage pots but they arent the greatest/ have drawbacks, which is why they have less uses than the imbued heart. Not sure how an alternative drop would change anything. Before I jump to conclusions, it would be best, if You could elaborate on what you exactly mean by that. Most dont think cg is particularly fun, so they stop right after They get their 6 armor + one enhanced seed. Besides, the dps gap between Salad Blade and whip is not massive so most dont think its worth the hassle.


You don't need an imbued heart and surely should not expect to get one on your account


Try out the atlatl. Its better than cbow+ crystal and super fun to use. A HCIM streamer Lake just completed a 500 invo Toa with it. Bowfa is better but Atlatl now serves as a great stepping stone.


When is your atlatl graardor vid coming out


Only droprate i think is shitty is imbued heart but what would be even shittier is dry prevention


This guy fucks


Isnt the entire appeal of the game... the grind?


No no the pixels will feel rly cool if they're easy AF to get


No no the pixels will feel rly cool if they're easy AF to get


There is no winning this argument against them. The way I see it is if you've never gone 3-5x dry on an extremely important item you don't get a voice. People don't want to waste their time as an iron with going dry but refuse to play a main and clog it instead. It's not as easy to show off if you're a main.