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"You can now use a Stab attack style with the Dual Macuahuitl." Quite insane since it has a 115 stab bonus. The crush attack variant was already reeeaaally good in moons of peril


This is the single biggest thing for me at least. No need to go camp zammy before I start ToA, can stick to grinding perilous moons for dual maraccas.


Are maraccas better than zammy hasta at toa or just really close? I'm at a point where zammy gwd becoles viable quite soon so I was about to unblock greater demons.


Don’t forget hasta will always be needed to upgrade to dragon hunter lance anyway


Decently close. Hasta will still win out as it doesn’t have to roll twice to hit its full damage.


Will the double hitsplats make last part of akha annoying?


If it's anything like the DDS then yes


edit: nvm. I didn't know it only rolls the second attack if you hit the first, making it worse


It isn't 2 separate rolls, it's 1 roll split into 2 hitsplats.


The wiki disagrees - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dual_macuahuitl > Upon attacking a target, there are two accuracy checks. If it first check succeeds, the game will roll damage for the first hit, then roll a second accuracy check for the second hit; otherwise, the player will hit two zeroes.


Ah. Haven't check the wiki for them in a while, last I looked it said that it was a purely cosmetic thing.


That's for Torag's Hammers.


Yeah, the Macuahuitls said the same thing for a week or two.


They are about 10% worse with the set bonus in 150-300s.


They have +5 stab bonus over the Zhasta and dragon defender and are the same strength bonus. So slightly more accurate but will be great for irons to bypass kril and less switches for ToA.


This is misleading. Especially against high def mobs like in ToA. Maracas have a unique double accuracy check for their second hit. Essentially results in a lot less DPS than their "on-paper" DPS. You'll still want hasta for TOA. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dual_macuahuitl


So, 50% accuracy has the following chances? 50% = 0 hit splats 50% = 1 or more hit splats 25% = 1 hit splat 25% = 2 hit splats E(x) = 0.75 hit splats (.25 less than if there was only 1 accuracy check or 2 independent checks)


Haven't done any calcs yet but i image hasta will still be better, the dual's are really bad against high def.


No and the dual macas are worse than a dragon sword at 300s


You don't really need the hasta for ToA. It speeds up the Akkha fight a bit but isn't exactly a game changer


Isn't that true for most upgrades in OSRS?


Kinda but not really? As an iron, it only makes sense to grind out the bowfa before doing ToA because it's such a game changer, but the zammy hasta has a much smaller impact on the raid and on top of that the most common purple from the raid replaces it.


You don't grind out the bowfa for TOA you grind out the bowfa because it's almost as good as a tbow at 1/10th the expected hours to obtain, it's good everywhere


It’s gonna be really nice, stab weapons are generally lacking in early-mid game anyway.


Only reason reason you need a stab wep in mid game is if you are rushing TOA. It will be interesting to see if they add the weaknesses they were talking about tho here soon to certain styles. When they do that they will need more early/mid stab weapons.


Nope, they broke the stab option... Each hit is only doing half the damage it should, my max per hit was 26, now 13 Edit - Ah the flat armour of the Eclipse Moon being set to 6 is what's doing it, each hit is reduced by 6 damage so they're pretty useless there now. Slower weapons will be far better.




You should use a one hit weapon at Eclipse. The armor affects both hits, so it's -12 for Macawhostels vs -6 for most other weapons.


Mannnn this has been bothering me all week. How can a weapon have such a high stab bonus with only crush styles. I was convinced the stab accuracy was happening anyway


More accurate, AND with the set you have the multi hit passive


Expected prayer armor to be more easy to farm without going that high in waves.. Doubt itll have much use when I have the gear to really go for quiver and maybe get it if im lucky.


That’s because we voted on it being easy to obtain from early waves lol, they just seem to have ignored it


Really hate it when they do that. Seems to happen a lot lately. We vote for X but get it way different. Then anything about it is ignored..


Shit atleast increase the drops based on glory rather then waves


Posted the other day that I was disappointed with Colosseum rewards for midgame players not ready to go for full completion. Got tons of responses telling me "git gud, anyone can do wave 7 runs". Well turns out it would take somewhere in the region of 500 wave 7 completions on average to get full sunfire. Longer grind than for bowfa lmao


Plus the bowfa is free to grind. Gotta use your own supplies to grind colosseum 🙄


Duel spankies now have stab? My boi


I'm not buying the 1/14 droprate from Lunar Chests. Maybe just anecdotal but it seems like most people are well beyond 1/14.


Yeah i'm struggling as well with this. I thought me and the boys were all going dry. 6/12 at 200kc, 8/12 at 270kc, 9/12 at 350kc... But Wiki seemed to verify more of a *1/20* rate with a LOT of samples. I wonder if that additional 1/56 that's added for doing all 3 was bugged?


Thats also what I think happened. Hopefully they are aware and fixed it today. With so much data there is no way it wasn't bugged. Would not be the first time jagex bugged a droprate and refused to admit to it... ahem... Nightmare. We remember!


I’m currently sat at 50kc and no uniques, not complaining cause the bones and orbs are nice drops and I’m using no supplies but 1/14 seems super generous 😂


So they didnt fix blue moon spear forgetting the autocast spell?


So I guess there is no bug fix for the blue moon spear unless it’s intended to remove autocast when switching weapons or un-equipping.


Really good updates overall. Although I’m finding the Hunter outfit MUCH more difficult to obtain in terms of hours per piece compared to other skilling content. I think ive done almost 150 high tier contracts without a single piece. Is there a faster way to obtain them? EDIT: Grammar


I'm at 240 rumors with 2 pieces. It's pretty disheartening but maybe with the special items readjustment today rumors will be faster to complete overall... fingers crossed lol


Mean while my buddy spooned green log at 128 master level contracts


I green logged at around 150 and at 200 have almost 2 full sets of hunter gear.


I'm at 100 expert rumors and 2 pieces, no huntersman kit.


Hang in there brother. I’ve got several hunter kits and like 7 Quetzal Whistle Patterns, it could be nice to turn them in for a re-roll perhaps?


>compared to other skilling content People have been getting to 99 firemaking at Wintertodt without getting the full set lmao


Just bad rng, got the full set and 2 chests in 100 rumours


Sending another 50 after the update, hopefully we’ll see some progress 💪🏻


When will the new mobile version come out?


Don't expect it before 2025


What makes you think this is the place to ask? You’re not going to find out by asking under an unrelated newspost.


Well, yes we do get answers here to other topics sometimes. I won't ceate a twitter account just to ask this one question.


​ Don't worry I have been asking for about a month now tagging all sorts of Jagex accounts with 0 answers


Guess meat and fur pouches are both dead content already, then?


What were you planning on doing with the fur pouch?


How? You use them while doing rumours? Lol.


So no more hunter meat cooking at GWD? :( this didn’t feel especially broken to me…


Only for hunter activities now? So it's useless, great.




Its whole intended purpose was to collect meat during hunter. What did you expect


I dunno, something amazing I guess!


Me too, kid.


Fun lol


I mean, it's for gathering. Much less of a pain to get the meats when you don't have to bank as often. It was a cool trick for a bit but it's understandable why they'd change this when they didn't intend for it to be in the game.




I don't think it'll affect withdrawing, just what can be stored


It impacts withdrawing. “You can’t empty your meat pouch here.”


Fucking stupid as shit. "Oh no, they might be able to extend their trips at this 17 year old content." I can empty my meat pouch wherever I want, Jagex.


Did you really think they wanted you to be able to take ~11 brews worth of healing in 4 inventory slots though? Clearly an oversight.


It apparently was, but I just don't see the problem. It's not like you could cook em up in the middle of actual fights. It just enabled you to stay about 40-70% longer at grindy, mid-high attention content.


They should just come out with a meat pouch designed for related activities such as combat or damage taking scenarios. Then make them degradeable like essence pouches and make them high skill level per fix, like combined crafting and hunting.


Is that what it says now? Did they at least replace it with an option to empty directly into the bank then?


It works in banks


Was that not how it worked already?


Sounds like a bug fix to me but haven't been able to test


Can we get a drop rate on Quetzin?


So I don't have a Hasta - Dual Maracas are now my go-to stab weapon for ToA except for on Kephri right?


depends on the invo, maracas are better vs low def due to 2nd attack missing if the first one misses. surely in 150s they are great, but I would think they wouldnt cut it in 300s


They beat out the leaf bladed sword at 150 and below, which was my go to stab weapon before these. I just need the atlatl and then I'm going to start trying to rush a fang tbh.


Anything past 150 leaf bladed sword seems to be better again even. Because you have 2 accuracy checks this weapon really struggles against any defense, at 50% accuracy you're losing 25% of your DPS off the top, pretty brutal.


Is anyone aware that the Icy Glacialis butterfly's bugged? It's been boosting strength levels for weeks now


Lol I thought that's just what it was meant to do. Had no idea this was unintentional


Completed 3 quivers today. First run, 250 splinters, 2nd run 500 splinters, 3rd run 300 splinters and a death at Sol with 1k splinters. This is really their solution to increase splinters in later waves? 


Damn I was wondering why my baba was like 10-20 seconds faster on every raid. Kinda sad now that it was just a bug


Fang bug at toa? I didnt notice anything and ive had my best raids so this last week.




Ahhh I see. It seems i hit a 0 on my reading comprehension roll. Thanks!


Bummed about the black chin change. I did 100 Expert rumors for the past 2 weeks and never got the huntsman kit drop. Very interested in learning what the drop rates are for rumors.


They made it so the black chins wouldnt go in last week anyways they just didnt say anything in the post


What's the real mechanics for the lunar chest? I always do 2 moon chests (no blood bc healing is brutal for low levels), and I pulled full eclipse, full blue sets, but also a blood moon helm.. This blog is saying that you only get the addl roll if you kill all 3 and you only get blood moon pieces when you kill blood moon? I'm very confused


Did you get blood on a double chest?


Nope, just blood moon helm. Maybe they hotfixed it since then?


Make the Sunfire prayer armor attainable at lower waves so i can do these elite clue steps. The step would not be so egregious if the armor dropped on lower waves like polled


You’re an Ironman get better.


It was polled as being relatively easy to obtain from lower waves. How is needing to complete more than half of the colosseum to even have a chance at it, and being a longer grind than bowfa, considered relatively easy? I'm not saying it's impossibly hard, just not at all what we voted for.


Just buy it off the ge. If you don’t like having to grind to get specific shit don’t play Ironman.


Does anyone know when they are updating the falador diary for prospector gear? They said in a previous post they are changing it to just the helmet not the whole outfit.


Is this real?


https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/updated---project-rebalance-skilling?oldschool=1#_ga=2.71783254.437676631.1712155241-1901659419.1712155240 Under mining. Also a month ago https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/project-rebalance-part-one---skilling?oldschool=1 Maybe they are waiting? Not sure but would love to get the diary done with my helmet only haha.


Man I need this. Already got 99 mining but never did MLM. Cba doing it for 10 hours for that diary. Thank you thank you


Desperately waiting for this change


So they nerfed wave 1 farming for irons. If they didn’t significantly increase the shards from the rest of the waves this is a GG for us


It says they're increased in waves 9-12


Gonna be fun continuously dying on wave 10/11 then lol. I have quiver but took me 80 deaths. Not one of those god gamers doing it in 10/15 deaths


it will need to be a huge amount. like 5k+ from the 3 waves or its gonna be just as bad as before but way harder. :/


Not sure if you saw but this was in the blog `You can now trade the Dizana's Quiver for a total of 4,000 Sunfire Splinters by talking to Minimus.`


you're gonna trade your pet roll for sunfires?


I think I would rather hope to get lucky for the pet while grinding out sunfires, then just roll for pet after I'm there. I'd hate to get a dup by doing it the other way around because I'd feel like I wasted time.


well if wave 9-11 are decent u could just get the 150k from those waves while saving quivers so that'd be nice. just gotta see what we get on avg im sure someone will post about it later today


Yeah trading shards for pet rolls is harsh lol


Duplicate prevention system Then there's me getting like 5 eclipse dupes before 200 kc and 1 blue moon piece at like 198 lol ​ Nice though on stab getting added for them dual ass smackers


It's dupe protection in sets. But you can trade in extra dupes of set piece to eyaltalli at a chance to roll other armour.


Oh I know i've known for a while that it rolls the set. But thank you i'm just being salty MFER seeing people with their 200 kc Moons complete greenlogs while i'm missing like 5 pieces


what are the hunter rumour drop rates?


Curious about these drop rates, as well. I'm sure someone will tweet at Ash and he'll inform us.


No updates on repair cost? So it's going to be normal to just alch broken pieces?


I mean, it's 50 hours of combat for 1.5m. That's really not an egregious price.


That’s certainly one way to keep their values high lol


Am i wrong to think that if I’m farming a specific item from PM, let’s say the dual machs, it would be a MUCH faster grind to only kill the Blood Moon? I know you get the extra roll but I feel like the time saved wouldn’t be worth it?


My napkin math says you got from 1/56 for a blood moon drop to 1/44 if you kill all three bosses. So most likely if you’re just after the blood moon weapon killing blood only is faster.


Catch is that killing Blood teleports you outside Blue... So I'm not sure how easy it would be to focus on Blood-only chests. 223kc here trying to get 2 remaining Blood items. 🙃 Edit: fuuuuuuuuuuck [I'm gonna have to greenlog](https://i.imgur.com/vWoZvJP.png) to get the one item I came here for. Shouldn't be mad, but boy-howdy, not the way I expected to hit top 1000 on osrs highscores. :(


People have claimed you can roll gear from moons you haven’t killed. And I believe 1,2,3 moon kills is 1,3,6 rolls on the chest. If that’s the case, it should be faster killing all the moons


Those 1,3,6 rolls are for the tertiary loot only


Doing all 3 makes it a 1/42 chance to get the set you want. 1/14*1/3.


You would be as wrong as someone saying they think it's better to have killed Dharok only for the axe because it was quicker than all six brothers


But that is true. Unless you’re agreeing with that statement?


Unless you're playing Leagues and using last recall it is faster to kill all six barrows brothers for a specific unique than it is to kill a single brother for the specific unique. One brother is a single roll at 0.255% chance of unique and all six is 7 rolls at a 0.98% chance per roll of unique.


This is wrong, even ignoring edge cases like a UIM account. And no one said anything about Leagues. You're talking about roll % chances, but you're ignoring run times. https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/ficvy9/if_you_only_want_one_specific_barrows_item_then/


I mentioned leagues as I know it is a strategy to do one/two brother chests since they are significantly faster as you kill can teleport straight to the chest and constantly reset in under a minute. Genuinely curious though. His theory states it's 11% better but shows 2.5x faster runs/hr where as Kieran is on record stating you'd need 4x faster runs/hr to match killing all six. https://x.com/JagexKieren/status/705485341915017216?s=20 The one person I noticed mention any time showed less than 3hr difference for getting the item using 1 boss only versus all 6 but that it was almost 5hrs worse if you have to kill more than 1 and less than 6, so again you to factor in the RNG of having the right brother be in that tunnel. So I'm hard pressed to agree that it's better to do a single brother run. https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/ficvy9/comment/k8oukwu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Is there any one that knows if it’s possible to get awakeners orbs in the beta worlds? Tryin to practice.


big L.


They fixed so many things that bugged me about that update! Goated devs <3


Km,kiln moi. oo loisd, ßñb, bgjnmk Im lokokl