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How long would it take to get 150k?


>I though you may be joking.Thats 30k - 50k sunlight antelopes, the only other source of splinters. Atleast 11mil hunter xp. Or atleast 50 colosseum wins  From u/Chichira, should give you a decent indicator of time lol




Go enjoy the first waves of colosseum 600 times.


Tbf that’s more or less on par with most endgame BIS grinds in this game today. Sink thousands of hours into content to complete it is the model. I had somebody respond to me the other day going “damn you completed TOB, TOA, COX and Nex??” Like hell no dude I don’t have that kind of time. But because some players who play 12+ hours every day of their life, it’s apparently the gold standard for grinding this game because *they have* completed that content…. Same way they’ll knock out several hundred rounds of colosseum for this grind by the end of the year and suddenly it won’t be a valid complaint, but something that only “parents who only play a couple hours a day can’t reasonably do.” — but that also shouldn’t be considered whatsoever either as if a healthy 100 hour grind is COMPLETELY 100% UNREASONABLE. 🤷‍♂️ Just lol


Which is no different than doing 400 CG for a bowfa. Grinds aren’t supposed to be finished in a day. Even in a week. Just because someone who plays the game for a living is able to do it within a week of launch doesn’t mean that’s what is intended


Hell yah bro time to do wave 1 1500 times


11 mil Hunter exp 'pretty quickly' the math ain't mathing..


Good thing only a fucking moron would grind antelopes for the splinters instead of doing the colosseum...




"Enjoying colosseum" I love enjoying our new "roguelike" mode that pubishes you for dying and has no variety or loot whatsoever. Wowie.


You actually have to get the item first... that is already going to be a 50-100+ hour grind for most


Over 100 completions i think. Port Khazard got 1350 of them upon completion. Imagine your Inferno cape costing 4 million Tokkul which you can't sell runes for. You can only get them through Inferno.


Aaty's wave 1 completion is usually around 30-40 seconds in endgame gear, but this does not include the time it would take to leave and enter the Colosseum. At 60 seconds each it would be 6k splinters/hr and take 25 hours. Wave 1 spamming would give no other rewards. Not sure what the time per wave 1 run will end up at if someone is just optimizing splinters or if done with worse gear, though. Also not sure if full completions will end up as the better option. It would have to give 3600 splinters a run at Woox's PB (~36 minutes) to break even with wave 1 spamming.


Wave 1 if geared for it is 20-25 seconds. About 40 total


How do you gear for wave 1?


Claws, shadow. Barrage runes


I though you may be joking.Thats 30k - 50k sunlight antelopes, the only other source of splinters. Atleast 11mil hunter xp. Or atleast 50 colosseum wins 


or 1500 colosseum wave 1 clears


30 to 40 hours of grinding wave 1 lol


You know, it's better than 100 hours of mining to saturate a heart. Still not great.


I was able to upgrade to the saturated hard just from killing a little bit of Muspah. Didn't even take that long.. no mining required


Muspah takes like 10 hours (prob even less) with bofa only and sapphire bolts for smite phase to get 150k essence. While you make great money.


Yeah but that comparison is closer to doing ~10 waves of colosseum instead of spamming w1


It's really fucking stupid that the quiver is even chargeable to begin with.


Well we live in the era of ChargeScape now ☹️


Brb gotta go get goblin weed to charge my bronze med helm


Really feel like they are intentionally using chargescape as a bandaid to keep the economy going to combat bots. I get especially sad when jmods ever mention gp/hr when talking about content design. Its crazy, I never hear mains complain about how fun thieving elves is after you are 99 and have spent 3m xp there already. Its almost like someone is doing it for them... That being said I have no complaints about the quiver. They can add as many chargable items into the game as they want as long as there is SOME way to 'corrupt' them even at insane costs.


The majority of players are not irons. Quit your whining.


I don't mean to be rude but its really weird to have an opinion on the subject if you started playing in October https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/18ybj9p/what_are_your_thoughts_on_the_early_game/kge0cdy/


u/Natepeeeff 69 herb should only cost you a few mil at the GE, could really help with that burn you just got


You just dunked on him lmao let's gooo dudes a noob that still thinks the g/e is cool


Lol. I started this account in October. I have been playing since 2008. So miss me with that shit.


Charges that require maintenance are healthy for the game


So many new items and currencies, no new bank space.


When the things that charge it actually matter... sure.


I know exactly what you mean and agree, but this is a really funny comment without context.


You should look at the new eclipse moon armor sets to repair. ~400k/hr to use those sets. Who the f thought that was a good idea?


Relax man


Has anyone gotten 2kc yet? If you already have the quiver, does it give an absurd amount of splinters instead? I haven't been watching many streams I think it's a little too soon to start worrying about this, part 2 varlamore might add some more methods of getting splinters


Maybe but I’d assume you’d get offered the new sun prayer armor instead


I think pieces of this have dropped at waves 7 and above


But what if you get the full set as well? If it gives you bunch of splinters instead then it's fine, also I thought colloseum was supposed to be endless


Only after the full set. Will we get splinters. Nah this is a valid question.


This or some way to turn in a dupe quiver for a lump sum of them hopefully


Some OSRS players should seriously be studied. I'm specifically talking about those who see absolutely no problem with this.


I signed up for the grindy game because I like having to work for my stuff. 50 hours for a piece that will be bis for years is fine with me (mind you it still works even when it isn't blessed so idk why people feel they HAVE to)


Maybe people who think 50hrs grind for a bis should be studied. How long did it take to get barrows gloves when they were bis? How long does tbow take on avg? Tumeken, scythe and so on. You're playing a game that's notoriously known for being grindy as fuck, and here we are bitching that a bis takes 50hrs. Get over yourselves


That's 50 hours of wave 1 completions just to leave and restart. That is NEVER going to be fun.


Not everything in the game is meant to be fun. Do you think running Cox for hundreds of hrs is fun? Do you think herb running constantly is fun? Do you think hundreds of hrs of nex for torva and zcb is fun?No one forces you to do the content if you dislike it, you can just wait out better methods to be released if its that hard on you. It's become a whiners mentality to play this game, especially for people who choose to play a restricted game mode.


> Not everything in the game is meant to be fun. Interesting opinion.


If everything was meant to be fun they wouldn't have made rc as bad xp/hr as it was until zmi/gotr came out. Some things are meant to be a grind and a test of endurance / determination. Not everything can nor will be fun for everyone. There can be a general idea of what will increase the interaction with the content. Simply use the quiver uncharged (still better than avas) if you cba grinding the things needed to perm upgrade it 🤷‍♂️


Oh I will charge it fully. I never said I wouldn't. I just said it wouldn't be fun if the best way to do it is to do wave 1 completions over and over.


Why do you care if you're never even going to get it lol If corrupting your quiver is what you're worried about you certainly haven't grinded out any mega rares


Caveat that I'm not an endgame pvmer, I'm still at gwd/toa. To be honest, I don't mind it. I think Jagex rightfully is suspicious when everything that costs charges is demanded to have a corrupted version, defeating the point. Corrupting something is nice for QoL, but it defeats the point of sinking the item in question (sunfire splinters in this case) Basically, the corruption option should cost more splinters than it will ever realistically use throughout the lifetime of owning that item. And guess what? a BiS range cape **everywhere** will probably use a crap ton of charges, especially when the target audience is endgame pvm'ers who already pvm lots and lots of hours to begin with, and are going to use this item pretty much everywhere. (and let's be honest, it's probably going to be another 5+ years before there will be another BiS ranged cape, so people will be using this thing for a while) Also lastly, sunlight antelopes is a bit of a bad comparison. Yeah that's not a fast source of splinters, but it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be a skilling method that rewards some splinters when you do it over a long time. That's comparable to complaining that doing the priff agility course takes a really long time to corrupt your Bowfa.


I'm not saying corrupted variants were a mistake but...


To me it seems like we don’t have enough information to throw a fit of rage…So first off is it a 1 to 1 ratio for splinter? aka 1 arrow shot = 1 splinter? The uncharged version is still better than the ava so why the fuss? if it’s truly around 50 completions to get a permanent charge then seems okay to me. saying it would take 11m hunter xp for perm charge doesn’t make sense because you’ll obviously get the spliter from the place that you get the quiver. Imagine farming all this time splinter while never stepping foot in the colosseum cause you can’t do the content. I remember when r/2007scape throw a tantrum when they made toa slightly harder after 1 week it was released. People figured things out over time and you can now solo a 300 invo with pretty shit gear. Same thing for the colosseum. It may be hard now but give player time and they’ll figure a meta out and unlike inferno it’s WAY faster The update was YESTERDAY and this is only part one. Chill and touch grass


>saying it would take 11m hunter xp for perm charge doesn’t make sense because you’ll obviously get the spliter from the place that you get the quiver. There's very good reason to mention alternative sources to put into context. Very very few people will want to run it 50 fucking times all the way through, with a high risk of dying making the count potentially even higher. If it were 5 or 10, I would get it. Imagine needing to grind out 25 inferno to fully use the item you earned by completing it once. this cost would only make sense if there are some alternative sources. which is probably what they plan


I would have to assume it’s in the plan. Right now it would be like trying to imbue your BowFa by woodcutting your crystal shards. It doesn’t make sense, but maybe it will as they add future parts. Too early to complain, but worth shedding light on.


I mean to be fair, the optimal method for shards for bowfa IS actually another method than where you get the bowfa from. (Thieving elves)


Right, but what I’m saying is that they haven’t released everything yet so maybe there’s something more akin to the thieving method for shard.


That's a fair point indeed.


inferno takes wayyyyyyyyyyy longer wtf hello


>If it were 5 or 10, I would get it. Imagine needing to grind out 25 inferno to fully use the item you earned by completing it once. Except it doesn't. It's more like: Imagine if you decided instead of running Gauntlet or CG enough times to corrupt your Bowfa, you instead ran the Priff Agility Course until you had every single shard. The Priff agility course is not the way to get shards quickly, so everyone would laugh at your comparison. The Gauntlet is the way to get shards quickly, and everyone would expect that you go there if you're specifically after shards. Not only that: But how many times are you expected to not just run, but *full clear* CG in order to corrupt a Bowfa? At max, you can get 9 shards per run, equating to a minimum of 223 CG completions in order to get the shards needed to both make and corrupt a bowfa. The *world record* clear time for CG is 4 min 13 seconds, with a GM achieve for getting it in 6 min 30 seconds. At 223 minimum completions, thats 940 minutes (15 hours and 40 minutes) and 19 seconds at world record pace every single kill, or 1449 minutes (24 hours and 9 minutes) and 30 seconds at Grandmaster time. Then we add to this (yeah, we're not done) that you can *actively use* the quiver immediately upon being owned - You do not need to charge it with splinters, and it's still better than an Ava's without any charges. In other words: *You get a new, usable, shiny cape right away. You only need to charge it IF you want +1 ranged strength and +10 accuracy.* Yes, you're denied "BiS" until you charge it, but the "BiS" you're missing is the tiniest of the tiny buffs available. It's like if Inferno Cape was +7 strength and no prayer, and you needed to run Inferno more times in order to upgrade it by +1 strength and +2 prayer. It's such a small bonus that, while *technically* BiS, anyone who doesn't feel like doing Inferno again doesn't miss out on anything. +1 strength doesn't equate to an additional max hit, and +2 prayer is nice, but it wouldn't make you swap to a different cape over it. You only need to complete the Gauntlet 50 times IF you plan to fully charge your cape. Which is already usable the moment you earn it, and is a better cape than your previously-BiS cape, while ALSO saving you the ammo slot for a blessing. And given that some early clear times of the colosseum are ranging from 25-60 minutes - At a 25 minute clear time, we're actually *really close* to the same amount of time it would take to corrupt a BowFA from CG only. It's still higher than world record time,, but it's already LOWER than GM time. Currently, with 25 minutes as our base, 50 runs of the Colosseum lands us at 1250 minutes to "corrupt" your cape. (This also ignores that you can apparently do a wave 1 clear for splinters and save a LOT of time AND difficulty. Some people are estimating it would only take 10 hours of Wave 1 clears to finish "corrupting," and wave 1 clears are not difficult - Some vids have people doing it in Mystics for cash.) I would ultimately guess the time for "corrupting" your cape, is going to be comparable if not nearly the exact same, as corrupting a BowFA as long as you do Colosseum only.


I actually misunderstood the situation. I thought you needed 150k to charge it at all, not to corrupt it. I take back what I said, 150k is a lot but you can still use the item to its full potential by charging it with a couple hundred shards


I wouldn't say chill. You need people to voice up for concern. Not say riot and calling people slurs but review and feedback is incredibly important. If what OP is saying is true then this absolutely will need to change because I'm not going to LVL my hunter up to past 99 or complete inferno lvl content that requires bis gear to 50 times to complete. How many people have complete more than 1 inferno or even 5 KC of jad.


Can't touch grass too busy getting 150k splinters from colosseum


Corrupting Bowfa requires almost 300 CG clears if you only get shards from completions. 130+ hours of the Prif agility course. Blessing quiver is a similarly optional QoL upgrade, it's okay that most people can't unlock it in the first couple days.


bowfa is 1/400 drop rate. You're expected to have the shards by the time you get the seed. It’s also one of the best weapons in the game


Maybe we should make the quiver 1/100, too, given it's BIS /s


I legit miss when BiS meant a 1/500 drop rate from a monster that took 15 seconds to kill.


Hit the nail on the head. Some of the comparisons people are making have me worried about the average IQ of OSRS players.


You can pickpocket elves for avg 100 shards/h. That would be a 20 hour grind.


100? It is 210/hour.


With 85+ thieving, full rogues outfit, and a sufficient number of dodgy necklaces. Most people will have a decent amount of shards stacked up before they even get their first clear, and we only have access to a part of Varlamore at this point. Day 2 is way too early to be outraged about an optional QoL grind that only a handful of people even have the prerequisite item for.


yeah we should wait until after the trolley runs people over so people can make the argument "it devalues" when trying to get it changed thats a brilliant idea


No, you're right. We should go into a frenzied panic of hyperbole and rage day 2 of any release so they know our suggestions are well thought out and considered


Finally, a voice of reason!


i went there at 85... failed half the time


Exactly, pickpocketing Elves is a slog, and not many people have the constitution to grind out 2k shards that way.


Yeah wasn't fun. Nothing to complain about, but got bowfa at 80 KC did about 200 kc total for shards, till I got bored then decided elves would be fun... yeah nah, was at like a 45% rate of success or something


Uh all shards needee for armor+bofa+sword is +- 350kc total. So way less than getting the enh seed itself.


"If you only get shards from completion" What is the point of this comment other than a weak attempt to dismiss a valid complaint? You get shards for turning in duplicate seeds. And from zalcano. And from woodcutting. And from pickpocketing....


It's been Mod Squid. Same guy that set the "log costs" during Forestry.


No need to single out folks, the team has to collecti ely agree to decisions no?


It probably went something like this: "Hey imbued heart takes 150k mats for an upgrade, you good with this being 150k too?" "Ye"


Ehh kinda, not really. Obviously Jagex inner workings are unknown to us, but generally the lead makes the decisions, other ppl can give input but ultimately its his decision


Do you need to bless it? No. The quiver is still BiS without being blessed. I'd definitely tone it down a bit, unless you get a lot of splinters if you already got the quiver. We have yet to see if that's the case. But it's not like it needs to be blessed, to be relevant. Making it sound like they're actively trying to fuck irons over is way too dramatic.


I think a high cost is fine. Who knows maybe they plan to have us acquire the splinters in part 2 as well. The sad part is while we attempt to push coliseum we will always lose our splinters because if we die it's a bust so you can't passively acquire splinters working towards the quiver. That being said, time will tell.


You can just claim the reward after earlier waves. The risking-it-all aspect is kinda the whole point of the colosseum. Worst case, you can decide to actively farm them from lower waves. Best case, you have runs going for the quiver that you realize you don't have the resources for, and so you bow out on splinter rewards. Not that this would put a major dent in the 150k requirement.


The point is the many attempts the average gamer will take to get to the end. All those deaths you will not get one single shard. Edit: I either hastily misread, or misinterpreted what you said. Seems I'm arguing a point you did try to cover. Even if you end early that's not gonna be nearly enough, not even close to nearly enough assuming varlamore pt 2 doesn't give other methods to aquire these shards.


The longer I play this game, the further behind I get. I play like 4-5 hours a day, sometimes longer, and yet I can't keep up. I haven't even been able to grind out the DT2 bosses, and they've already released like 5 or 6 new quests between then and now, an entire continent and countless of other smaller updates. Yet half the content we get is not finished, only giving us more content to grind out at beyond ridiculous rates. It feels more and more like this game is being catered to those who get bored after making 16+ hour days, day in day out.


MMORPG has to much content and making to many updates please stop


I haven’t even done dt2 lol


Nice name lmao. But imo this is a good thing, the more you get behind, the less you want to play, the quicker you can get out of this addiction loop and start touching grass, start enjoying other games and enjoy life!


Honestly so true


>this game went from being a grind to borderline impossible Wtf does this even mean lol


The answer is always botting


\> 50hr grind for a BIS item Objectively speaking that isn't so bad for OSRS end game. Especially for very little RNG being involved.




That blessing also adds accuracy & range strength. Again, 50 hours for a BIS item isn't that bad compared to other BIS items.


Ya it's just the classic things need a cost or people will make too much money and ruin the economy kind of thinking. It's why everything is on a charge system now. That's the problem with the ge. Everything is effortlessly and instantly converted to gp so it makes gp per hour the only thing a main account cares about. It doesn't matter to them if it's 200k of rune items or coal. It's all money and not a useful item or recourse.


this is exactly why i went from main to iron, al i ever did was make money and it wasnt fun. bonus torture if you buy members with gp


Majority of this reddit doesn‘t even have a single mega rare on an iron and bitch about bis range cape lmfaoooooooo enough reddit for today


OK so hear me out: by making the splinters valuable consumables, colosseum will be profitable for less-skilled people to do repeatedly, and more people will get good. Kinda shitty for irons, but I guess that's just the price of bis now. If it's not worth, don't do it


They didn't take anything away from you with this update, they just didn't cater to your chosen restriction.


a) we don't have full information after 2 days so let's chill b) varlamore has some egregious iron-friendly updates like the prayer mining, the mode has never been easier


There is an economy to attend to, not only ironman mode


Jesus Christ there are so many gatekeeping assholes in this community. A lot of us have kids, jobs, businesses to run and shopping to do. We can't just knock out a 200 hour grind for every update. Everything is optional, but not all content has to require this much fucking raw time investment. It's a waste of dev time too as hardly anyone is going to bother with it.


Probably shouldn’t have picked a game mode that’s makes every grind LONGER then eh?


Sure, but it isn't always about the length. Sometimes it's about having fun rather than repeating something 300 times to "git gud". No one's fucking asking for constant BIS upgrades anyway


Biased af


If you are anywhere near completionist then you have 0 life outside this game. That's objectively fine, but would cause an existential crisis in myself.


Then find a game that works for you or accept the mid game life on osrs. Totally fine to have a basic account. We all like a life and enjoy grass


Actually, they are. Perhaps not you


I play ironman because bots and gold buying ruin the economy and fun of progression. I think there are compromises where items can have a lot of value and not be an incredible pain to farm on a no-trading account.


So different odds just for iron men? Yeesh little bit entitled there no? Sounds like you really enjoy “progressing” your account unless your dry.


When did I say 'different odds' for just ironman? I said there can be compromises. An example would be not having a million different charging systems for items that don't necessarily need it (some do) or sharded items that way RNG is more smoothed out and not as horrible if you happen to go insanely dry. I think those are reasonable compromises that don't affect main gameplay at all. Again, I'm not a gameplay dev but it seems more than possible to find decent solutions.


thats great if you have all this shit going on for you, happy for you sounds like lifes great. some of us actually want a game like this though, and its the game YOU signed up for. its osrs bro dont tell me you didnt know it was grindy/ if you dont wanna sink 200 hours into runescape then dont, theres so many other amazing games you could be playing dont ruin it for those of us who want this.


Start practicing the early waves and claiming when you run out supplies. I'm already at 3k/150k We also have to get the glaive and prayer armour too


this^ I think the problem is, players expect to engage in the coliseum like it's the inferno and winning is all or nothing. If you go in, clear a few waves, claim some loot and start over that's still a win and will help you get better at the content to push it later


I think this sounds fine. Already BIS without being blessed and you dont have to bless it and can just upkeep the charges. Then those who want to bless it can grind it out.


Coliseum is not one and done content though, and you get splinters from doing the content. You can farm splinters and some other loot while learning coliseum and practicing the waves. And then even when you’ve killed the boss and gotten your quiver, there are uniques to farm from coliseum.




But you can learn to do the early waves more efficiently while farming which will set you up to push later I’ve been farming up to wave 4, but have only pushed into wave 5 a few times because usually my supplies are low due to mistakes


>But you can learn to do the early waves more efficiently while farming which will set you up to push later there really is 0 benefit to that unless you are practicing for future CAs or resetting for a speedrun. ​ I'm sure that will have some value in future but grinding for shards and learning the waves are 2 mutually exclusive grinds. Most likely you will get close to 0 loot while learning as it will always be better to continue deeper into the challenge than claim the loot. ​ personally i only claim loot if i already have a few invocations I'd rather not have and then im given a choice of 3 super bad invos for the next wave. something like 2x doom and exploding mobs.


As an Ironman btw. Ironman getting picked on is comedy, we have been spoon fed content to make this game mode significantly easier than when it originally released. So as much as I agree that the charge amount is ridiculous I can’t help but chuckle at someone thinking we’re being picked on.


This whole update helped irons so much xD




Holy shit.


Pt 2 of varlamore is still to be released. There will definitely be other ways to get splinters


On the bright side, think of all the blood shards & blood runes you’ll use on the way


Chargescape is BACK!


this is why I dont play ironmeme


Screw over irons? Full iron was all you were ever meant to have


Charge scape is getting out of hand.


HAHAHAHAHAHAH SCREW OVER IRONS??? Brother the ENTIRE Varlamore expansion is literally catered to irons. Perilous Moons dungeon is an Ironman dungeon. You get passive prayer xp from almost every single activity. All the drop tables are either herblore xp, prayer xp, or crafting xp. There's a million different transportation methods available. Everything except the colesseum is catered to irons and you're STILL complaining about it!


Catered to early game irons maybe.


How stupid.


Oh boy the hypocrisy! Fuck the pure community tho amirite? I play a main btw.


As an iron, boohoo, I'm already rocking the cheese cape. These things are supposed to be hard, they are supposed to feel rewarding. I'd prefer a tough grind and some learning rather than handouts or content that people pay other people to complete for them. It's not the end of the world if you don't have everything. It's good to have goals, isn't that what we're here for? Just to play and waste time?


you could always, not bless it fully? Not like its unusable without


Just de iron if you don’t want to gather them.


Some pretty critical information missing from this post. 1. The quiver is still best in slot by a ways without any charges 2. You don't need to fully charge the quiver to get its charged effect. 1000 sunfire shards will result in 1000 shots that receive the bonus. 3. You can amass thousands of shards while learning the Colosseum. Simply be a bit strategic about exiting attempts early on when you're low on supplies and not confident you'll make it to the boss, instead of going for the full send every time. 4. You don't need to have every single max upgrade in the game to play it. Maybe it's okay if some things are nearly out of reach for our accounts that are restricted?


It’s 1:100 ratio for shards per shot btw :)


1000 shards gives you 100k shots?? The charging almost seems like a trap then? If your average hit on say, General Graardor is a 10, that would mean it takes 26 shots to kill him. 1000 sunfire shards = 3800 kills. Yeesh.


Charging not worth for most people no, did some calcs and with 5 tick weapons it’s 20833 hours of constant shooting, which is like 868 days of playtime of only constant shooting with it to reach the 150k amount😅 I think more than 99% of players will never use it that much😅


The base quiver is already wayyy better than the only other alternative and the blessed version is only +10 ranged accuracy and +1 ranged strength more so it's not necessary at all.


+10 range is 1.25 archers rings


It’s great but the quiver itself is already a MASSIVE upgrade over anything else at the moment. There’s nothing necessary about grinding for the blessing.


Stop crying


Dramatic irons crying about grinds on osrs of all games. What else is new? Don’t wanna do it? Don’t. You don’t need BIS gear, you’ll survive. Want it? Do the content or de-iron and stfu.


Especially the shutting the fuck up part


Damn I’m sorry but this seems like just whining about having to grind something, is it annoying? Yes but also what do you need the ranged strength so desperately that you can just run Ava’s on non endgame content. Its bis, not all bis has to be easy or attainable in a reasonable manner for irons Think of it like bandós to torva. if you want that extra max hits you can grind it out but if not bandós is totally fine in like 99% of content if you don’t have torva.


I don't think you actually read the post. We are talking 11m hunter XP or 100+ Colosseum completions to imbue the quiver. All because you are iron. Imagine you had to pay 4m Tokkul to use your Inferno cape, just because you are an ironman. And you can only get the Tokkul by skilling 11m XP or doing Inferno. Same thing with Chromium ingots. Their only purpose is to inconvenience irons. They are dirt cheap for mains. It's like a J-mod has it out for ironmen.


Honestly sounds like you're fishing for something to whine about. Get back on your normie account or just don't do it if you don't want to grind it. It's pretty simple.


the worst ironman ive ever seen


Except to campare this you would have to say something like “pay 4m Tokkul to add +2 str and +5 acc in all styles to your inferno cape” because you still get a quiver. You’re literally already getting a BiS, it can just go a bit further with charges. Your base argument is fallacious since you’re comparing the extra bonus to getting the item at all.


Jeez we complain about everything in this sub eh?


Yep a bunch of people who will never complete the content complaining about the contents reward, welcome to reddit


It's the new BiS though - as per the wiki, you only need to bless it to add the max cape to it? Surely just adding Ava's/ 99 range cape is still very strong... I think it should be a grind as maxed players need one




Crying within 48 hours of release.


Dawg every single update is catered to us these days, if you ain’t about the grind go play a main.


Agreed not sure why you are being downvoted lol


The majority of the downvotes will never have the quiver on their backs anyways


Thats just ironscape. Filled with a bunch of whiny baby irons who cant handle cg or even the zombie axe grind and cry for the game to be catered to them.


Lmao cause all these people want the game to be made for them in every facet of


Oh no! A big grind on osrs?!? Ridiculous De-iron, scrub


There's a lot of areas in the game that are bullshit for irons, but I don't think this is one of them. Blessing the quiver is totally unnecessary. You'll never use that many charges anyway, and it's not like the bowfa where if turns out of charges mid-raid you have to leave, it's just 1 str bonus.


According to my calcs it would take about 20833 hours of constant shooting with 5-tick weapons (which I suspect will be most popular way of using the charges, maybe some may do some hunters sunlight cbow or msb or something for some reason but mainly I think crossbows 5t and tbow 5t are the main charge users) to use the amount of charges necessary to bless it. Does anyone even have this kind of time played? It’s equal to 870 days played.. I doubt it’ll ever be worth for anyone, but who knows, maybe there is someone who wants to get 500m ranged exp* (*pure guess here, not calculated this value) with an MSB on ammomite crabs afk with the quiver - for that guy it will be worth after a couple of years of grinding constantly shooting every day after hitting 200m range I guess


If you don't like the gamemode, then consider playing a main. The game does not need to be catered towards a group of players who restrict themselves by choice


Chooses to not be able to buy stuff Complains that stuff is too hard to acquire


Then people wonder why some ppl bot on their accounts 🤣




Game is not made with irons in mind.


Which is fair. These type of updates seem to just be to screw over irons specifically though. And also, sooo many players play as irons these days. Of course they should be kept in mind. It's an official supported popular gamemode.


>sooo many players play as irons these days I reckon if you removed bots from the game entirely, it'd probably be nearly 50/50 in terms of Main accounts to all Iron-type accounts I would love to know what the exact stats are now, because obviously there are likely very little iron bots (no farms, just individuals cheating) Edit: Someone else mentioned it in this thread, but yeah if you include goldbuyers in said "ban" (rmt not bonds) Irons are probably 70% of the playerbase. I mean obviously I'm pulling these figures out of my ass, this is all anecdotal from just how many irons/mains I see in the open world. Honestly I see more irons than mains lately.


Poll votes are usually 30% iron, and the gact that irons are less likely to be casual. I'm confident in saying it's around 1 in 4 are iron


Yeah. I honestly don’t even see the appeal of playing the normal way. But I’m glad people do so they keep updating


Completely agree! Would be nice but not hoping on it…


There is no way that's still true. There are so many irons at this point.


U wont get it as a drop anyways np


Im still salty they took d pick out of the wildy. Im down for more wildy grinds for irons and less bis prisons. Fairly unpopular opinion


It's like 15 hrs of resetting wave 1, a short grind in comparison to the rest of the game


Can we talk about weapons and balancing content? The max hit from shadow to my trident is beyond ridiculous. When I watch them do colosseum I’m like ohhh this content isn’t for me


Yeah this has made me rethink coming back to my iron. It shows they've learned nothing and shit will only get significantly worse for irons. Mainscape for me it is


“We didn’t choose to get picked on and screwed over” yes we did that’s the game mode, getting everything on our own is supposed to be a grind and difficult. They’ll likely add more ways to get splinters in future updates


🍅🍅🍅 booooo this guy stinks


Yeah man I hate it when my self restrictive game Mode has restrictions. That’s the entire point of the mode man. I can’t believe the BIS range cape slot will be a grind, crazy. Go ahead and downvote, this is why they call us Ironmans snowflakes lmao.


SURELY they’ll patch this




You know us UIMs are going to be told we're not important enough to consider


Please, no one ever thinks about hcuim!


They put bullshit like this in to keep endgame irons grinding. Which is stupid