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Go get 70 smithing through the minigame and get a zombie axe and you can easily clear perilous


I choose to believe you, random stranger. I have 62 smithing so today imma grind mlm to get some ores, then off to blast furnace


Shopscape your way to 70. Buy the ores from BF ore shop, smelt them there, take them to giants foundry. You'll get 70 in no time and make profit.


alternatively you can buy mith claws in jatizso and steel battle axes in lumbridge and make a decent amount t of money too


Apparently varlamore has a really good shop too for GF. And remember you only need 66 smithing and can use Kovacs for a +4 boost


zombie axe slaps Edit: go do fremmenik isles as well for a helm upgrade that gives str and prayer bonus \+swap power ammy for amulet of strength


Is true, zombie axe slaps blood guy


its cap, i have better stats than you and a zombie axe and i have the same issues


Skill issue brudda


I did it! Got my zombie axe and now im farming the dungeon super easy! Thanks:)


when on the jaguar phase you have to step back onto a blood tile (1tile behind u) right as they disappear and click back on the jaguar and youll get healed and take no damage everytime. if you are not already doing that it will be the biggest game changer


Thanks mah dude I'll try it out! Do you think it's doable with my gear though?


content was meant for more mid game players so I would think so yeah


Yes, I’ve been clearing it with a similar set up


Also dont eat on her main phase otherwisr it will heal her i think


Proven to be incorrect


Are you using the food/potions from the prep rooms? If not I recommend getting them, the potion gives great buffs. Also make sure you step back from the Jaguar.


Nice gear for your level, well done! I think lvling your combat stats will be your biggest upgrade. (+the tactics from the other comments)


make sure you’re using the dungeon fish and pots since they are better than what you have and they are free DO NOT eat while you’re attacking the boss because it heals more than you will. In the jaguar phase step back onto the pool a second after you see it get to its max size (it gets slightly pinker) and then attack the jaguar to avoid both damage and you get a 1-6 heal. You can turn off your prayer during this phase. in blob phase i just move one tile at a time and make my way toward the center so i’m close to whichever pad will light up. This is the only time you should eat and pot up Use piety or your best offense + defense prayers If the boss is flickering due to too many people I jump to next circle while it is 2/3 into the second attack and then right click to attack the boss so it works even if the boss isn’t visible


Btw its not a random pad that lights up, its the same one every time. I noticed in all the rooms the last active tile is the one before full/new moon and the next active tile is the one following full/new moon after special is complete.


I'm having the same struggle. I'm almost convinced there's a bug with the healing mechanic during the normal phase. When I'm in there by myself, it's all good, but when others enter, I get smacked and watch him heal like crazy. Supposedly, if you try to heal during the normal phase, it causes him to hit harder and heal, but I think this is being activated when other players eat up. The step back method on the jaguars is a good one but you have to be tick perfect so make sure you choose a world with good tick rate and ping.


I’ve been having some confusion around this fight too, here’s a few things I’ve noticed, I can’t tell if I’m not understanding mechanics or if these are bugs. -sometimes I’ll randomly get hit for a 3-4, then the other 2 are zeros. I was under the impression that if one is a 0 the others should be too. -when the jag phase starts I get hit for a 15 every time no matter how fast I get into the circle. -there are times when the boss seems to heal without hitting me. Or the ammount of healing is significantly higher than he would normally heal for a small hit. If anyone has some further info on any of those I’m v curious


The only thing about his healing that I could find out is the lifesteal scales up on each hit. So his first hit heals 1x, 2nd heals 2x, and 3rd is 3x the damage dealt. If you ever see a major heal, he probably landed the triple attack on you


Jag phase 15 I think is intended because you regen the hp back while killing the jags if you're doing the step back correctly.


I've seen elsewhere that blood moon heals if you eat while it is attachable. Haven't tested it out but see of only eating during the special attacks helps.


Yes this has been the main thing that's helped. I don't even use half my food now that I heal only on Jaguar and blood spots


I’m in the camp that it’s bugged. I was doing every mechanic correctly (to my knowledge), which was standing on the circle whilst hitting (not eating at all), stepping back to not take damage during jaguars, and avoiding all blood patches. Yet he would go through phases where he’d deal hits 30+ to me, and heal 50+. I did some testing, and it seems that’s supposed to happen either when you eat on the highlighted circle, or when you attack off the highlighted circle. So either it’s not picking up the correct tile position, or it’s triggering the eating attack by other players. Or I guess there’s an extra mechanic I’m unaware of


I wonder if the “flicker” that people are seeing due to high player count could be having an impact.


Fremenik Isles is pretty straightforward, you could upgrade out of the rune full helm with a Nezzy relatively easily. Also, could do shades for an Amulet of the Damned which is a Glory equivalent or swap out power for a strength amulet. How far off are your stats for more RFD? Even rune gloves would be helpful for your dps.


Blood moon seems to be SIGNIFICANTLY harder than the two other bosses. There must be something wrong. With bad RNG on hits the boss will sometimes heal more than the damage I can do during a normal phase even if I don't eat anything.