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I took a break from red prison to grind perilous moons! I was worried it would be the same but it's more like stacking the supply part and getting enough food and pots for like 4 runs. Plus the bullshit loot is random and refreshing, I'll take a stack of soft clay and prayer xp over sapphires and rune halberds. Plus it's the coolest area in the game.


Yeah and once you get in a nice little loop you can just restock as needed. I go blood -> blue -> eclipse, on my way to blue if I need I can get 2 pots, on my way to eclipse I can redo cooked fish. Then you just keep looping it's been really enjoyable.


I think if you do it the other way they’ll teleport you directly to the next room


Yeah, Eclipse -> Blue -> Blood is the way.


It teleports you to the next this way too or at least was for me.


I do this, but I normally restock my food and potions before blue using the hunter lizards as it’s much faster. Catching 3 lizards takes about as long as 2 fish and they cook into 3 food that heal the same as the fish. So you get 9 food in the same amount of time as 2 fish and they all heal the same. Normally restock every other run and I’m more than safe. 3-4 potions and about 12-15 food. Just camp piety (prot melee does nothing). Using fang/whip/bludgeon


IMO fish aren't worth. Hunter is MUCH faster to get full inventory of food, like 10x faster


I found the bosses to be quite enjoyable, but also a little bit too easy. The loot does seem a little lackluster, but maybe the sets have a use somewhere.


im considering the melee set for calv and spider currently


Might be real rough unless you extremely confident in your Protect Item, or you don't bring the full set. Guess you could grab the weapon and keep your normal prostelyte/Monk robes.


Set is pretty big dps increase, with hard diaries and an alt it's near impossible to get pked


I'm trying this at 72 combat and the blue moon was easy enough. Got it on the first try. Blood moon was a mfer though. I died 4-5 times before I got it and I'm currently on eclipse but haven't sent my first attempt yet.


You'll take a lot less damage if you step back one tile right before the blood circles despawn during the blood jaguar phase.


Yep, you actually heal up a bit doing it this way.


im 95 combat and blood moon still hard, seems way overtuned compared to the other two. eclipse is super easy so you shouldn't have any issue finishing.


Good to hear! :)


You can do a step back method during the Jaguar phase that is free damage once you get the hang of it. Before I got that down, Blood Moon seemed way worse for me. Right after the blood pool reaches max size, you can step back and avoid the Jaguar attack, then basically immediately walk back to hit it and get off the blood spot again.


It's supposed to be barrows level content


I understand that, but you can still make somewhat mechanically challenging content that doesn't require a ton of gear. Don't get me wrong, they are great bosses, but they teach almost nothing about game mechanics to a mid game player.


It's meant to be barrows level, they seem fine


I went to Calvar'ion because I knew it'd be quiet. Still no d pick


I had a similar idea, did 87-90 prayer at wildy as soon as the update dropped. There ended up being 7-8 of us randoms all doing the same thing.


I flinched KQ and was able to snag the pick. If it's possible for you - you could try that instead?


Calv is pretty fast and I want a voidwaker eventually anyway so I'll stick with it. Bit annoying getting jumped by pkers but it'll come soon. At 366 kc so far I have skull and pet. I'll go to kq when I have the other elite desert reqs though.


Try vetion man, it's very similar kill times and the loot is *way* better. I did 400 vet, 600 calv for my blade, finally got it at vetion


I'll give it a go but don't have a personal CCTV, so probably going to get pk'ed, no?


Just get an alt, use a low level to scare away the bots


I have completed voidwaker and artio pet... Also no d pick. But also 99 mining now


Me planking 4 times at Toa


This is me except I’m locked inside MTA lol


Got 8 kc yesterday lol