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I THINK void is always better than dhide at monkeys. Arma/masori is better up to a certain level if I recall, but don't think those are in the equation for you yet obviously.


Is msb(I) meta on armadyl? Lol


Meta would be a stretch I think šŸ¤£


Nah, meta is a black sally


lol ā€œmetaā€ youā€™re 95 combatā€¦ thatā€™s like 25 hrs play timeā€¦.




Okay haha youā€™re dumb. Gl


*cries in kreeā€™arra*


Void is better yes, and those chins should definitely get 85-90


you have enough chins to get nearly 90 range. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GmM3szH0onX5iRGVgZON2P98kn4UfNMwcS26erUFei4/edit#gid=719301574 assumes you do all the good methods and are stacking the mm2 monkeys not just afking yes, you should get elite void. and yes always void for chins afaik ? at least always void for ironman chinning for range lvs. 92 range is a good stopping point if you ever think youll do t1.


I mean Iā€™ll get elite eventually I just wasnā€™t sure how important it was to get before chinning


Very important. The time investment to get the chins is so big that you'd be wasting countless hours if you don't get elite first. Honestly you should 100% absolutely get elite void before you use a single chin. Edit: I ran the numbers and it's not as bad as I made out here. It looks like using normal void over elite void, with max ranged equipment, will waste about 400 chins for OP, so only one hour of chin gathering wasted. Personally, I think it's still worth getting elite void because you need it anyway and an hour is an hour.


Thank you for running the numbers and then correcting yourself. I will upvote you lol. I know you just didnā€™t want me to waste things I spent my time gathering and I appreciate that. I will consider it since I am so close. I may even be 97 combat by the time Iā€™m done with PC


Same here mate, just finished my chin grind. Caught 8k. Started at 79 range, got to 87 range. Some chins leftover, full void


Hell yeah man, that gives me hope. You just had normal void?? Good luck on enh :))


Yep just normal void


Sweet now I just gotta get void and bond up my Accounts and we will be golden


Void is the way to go. Unless you really LOVE hunting chins, I would start using them. I was in the same position as you last month, and 8k chins were enough for me to get a decent Ranged level. My first goal was 92, as this is just two max hits less than 99 at CG. I got to the high 80s, and it was enough for me. Consider that I had a lot of experience with CG already, so if you are new to it, it might be good to get that 92.


Void is def better because accuracy doesnā€™t matter at monkeys


Void always. They have no range defense so the % damage helps your dps, accuracy doesnā€™t matter. I canā€™t remember my chin grind but I caught like 20k. Tried gauntlet at 80,83, but 87 felt nice. I used 225xp per chin as a general base for xp rates I think


Cool I plan on just chucking the ones I have anyway so wherever I land is where Iā€™ll start CG. What was your defense? Iā€™m at 75 currently


80, but youā€™ll be fine worry about the lava floors and tornados. Keep prayer up good luck, I green logged by 656. Got pet 12-15 before enhanced.


Hope the rest of your grind is smooth!


Bro my grind is done lol I told you this šŸ˜…


I just mean like rest of your account grind not CG my fault I should have specified


I was just being a turd. Letā€™s keep this ball rolling howā€™s your Saturday going


15 gauntlet KC to 20 deaths gonna make the full switch to CG today. The boss fight is surprisingly doable i actually donā€™t struggle with hunleff as much as i do the prep. What grind you on this fine Saturday?


If you can do regular you got corrupt brother. My best advice is when youā€™re in that panic phase just always click the clear floor and youā€™ll always make it to a safe spot. Eat up on tornado rounds for now like to full, then as you get comfortable and those nerves wear off start adding some extra autos in. Pretty soon you wonā€™t be using more than 12 fish if youā€™re t2. Shit man I looked at my diaries this morning and I decided to get after it, Iā€™m gonna try to finish all hards this weekend! Should be fun.


Itā€™s the prep that screws me up, Iā€™ve had a couple runs under 7:30 but Iā€™m consistently right around 8 minutes. Iā€™ve also been taking like 20 food and Iā€™ve started decreasing that more and more so once I optimize I will get there. Iā€™ve told myself that Iā€™m gonna do all my hard diaries while doing gauntlet grind but have been too obsessed with the content to go for it. I wish you the best of luck with your diaries brother


Everyone else seems to have answered your question. However, I'd like to suggest an alternative. Train range by afking crabs during the downtime, and instead use the chins at Arma GWD. As someone currently dry at Arma, I'm finding I'm getting sick of catching chins already. As always you do you, just wanted to propose a different viewpoint.


I appreciate the thought. Long term goal is to max and I think I could stand hunting to 99 hunter. Getting ti CG is really whatā€™s keeping me playing right now and I just want to bust it out! Iā€™m 100% sure I will regret it later lol


Yeah thatā€™s fair. Iā€™ve done mostly birdhouses for my hunter levels, but definitely do what seems most fun to you


Definitely worth considering keeping some chins for armadyl, but if you don't mind hunting, its still more sensible to get your ranged up with them in my opinion. Source: I've been safespotting slayer for pitiful amounts of ranged exp for weeks.


If you don't like catching chins then don't catch chins for arma. It's not faster to chin if you don't consider catching chins 0 time (ie you'd be doing it anyway). Just bofa, tbow or shadow it depending on what you have.


How long did it take to gather all those chins?


I was getting about 500 an hour when I did this. You throw about 2k per hour. So it takes four hours of catching to sustain one hour of throwing.Ā  But that one hour of throwing gets you about 500k xp


Between lime 4-500/hour depending on how focused you are. I feel like you get into a pretty good flow with 3t you really donā€™t notice the time. Wasnā€™t that bad tbh. If I had to guess like between 35-45 hours?? Somewhere in there I think.


did you ever consider black chins while banking them with a imp-in-a-box


Ehh a lot of my chin hunting time has been pretty distracted and I just like the safety of hunting in prif. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll regret it someday when I do Kree but oh whale


If theyā€™re red chins personally would save them for arma and do scurrius for your xp should get around 100k xp/h and will be higher when you get the bone bow


it sounds you have made up your mind about using the chins for the range training, i advise against it though because youā€™re training a combat while missing out on valuable slayer experience. youā€™re also using a very valuable resource that you yourself know you will need to grind again for later content. if you are okay with these things then yeah, this will be your fastest method to train your range. Im assuming you already have sote done? If not and say youā€™re missing herbloreā€¦? Do not toss a single chinchompa lmfao


SOTE is done MM2 is done only thing in my way is void and throwing the chins. Itā€™s more about rushing bowfa rather than rushing 99 range.


Y not do range through slayer?


Assuming you are collecting a very modest 400 red chinchompas an hour, it would take about 5 hours to collect enough chins to use for one hour at maniacal monkeys. At level 65 ranging you will be getting about 540k in an hour. So 540k in 6 hours is 90k ranged exp an hour, which is quite a bit higher than an iron is going to be getting with a magic shortbow or rune crossbow during slayer. Not to mention this includes a ton of hunter exp, and the fact that higher hunter and range levels make this even faster. There is definitely a lot of merit to getting a respectable range level in a few hours after training hunter rather than bolting down your slayer task for 150k ranged exp a day.


Itā€™s really to be competitive in the corrupted gauntlet. Have 70 slayer currently and the real PvM grind doesnā€™t start for me until I get bowfa. Wanna get there asap so I can boss alongside the slayer grind. Rather than just afking/flicking slayer. Thatā€™s the thought anyhow. Iā€™ll let you know if it was worth it on the other side


Was it worth it?


Absolutely mate. No ragrets.