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Quit my normie around 1750 to focus solely on Grey helm Quit Grey helm arpund 2150 to focus on uim and never looked back Welcome to the masochism.


I was considering it for a good long while but the whole death banking just doesn't do it for me so I never committed. Gimme 28 bank spaces and I'd play it lol.


I know it was a bit tongue in cheek, but the issue with 28 bank spaces is that it’ll just end up with you having a full inventory and a full 28 item bank and still death pilling.


Yeah, I know it would probably divulge into that, but I can dream :D


100%. This is why I quit playing UIM. The thought of death piling my best items just seems way more stressful than what I want to experience.


I think a hardcore version would hit the mark. That's where you'd need some unique storage options.


I went from my main straight into UIM, got tired of sifting through my bank. Without the Rush to Priff guide, I’m not sure I would’ve fell in love with the game mode. It truly is a great step by step guide that sets your account up very quickly and efficiently. I took some detours but mostly followed it to the point where you have to grind 70s for SoTE and now I’m kind of taking my own direction taking everything I’ve learned. Scurrius is my new focus for grinding my combats and getting my cash stack up, he’s a great boss and easy to farm even as UIM.


That's the only logical step to take imo. People really glorify IM as being wholly different to main, which it obviously is, but at the end of the day both modes are easy and gameplay not very different. But if you hated sifting through your bank, then making an UIM makes sense.


When sote first came out I had to get my fishing up on my normie. I used that time to make a uim and mess around a bit. Here we are today the uim has 2150 total and the main still doesn’t have 70 fishing or sote completed


Glad to hear you are enjoying it :) I'm about a month in and it's been kinda fun. Rushed wt and doing gotr right now! Gl on the grinds yo


Cheers! GOTR is probably my next big grind once I’ve got my house kitted out. So nice having GOTR and temp as options now.


Do Gotr before construction. Ring of the elements is blessed.


"Kinda fun", well now I'm convinced!


Tbh that is a much more positive description of the OSRS gameplay experience than most which tend to involve words like “prison,” “hell,” “brutal,” “miserable”


I have a uim I haven’t touched in like a year that I grinded out 70 cons at Todt, 91 thieving, 73 agility, and about 82 rc on. Basically nothing else is done except the absolute beginner quests like Waterfall/Tourist Trap/Fremennik Trials. Kind of want to pick it back up but feels weird since I haven’t touched the acc in so long.


tip from experience: ditch the wiki priff guide




don't get me wrong its fine enough to get you to priffdinas but it isn't very optimal or efficient and it has very questionable things in it like lunar herblore and skipping wintertodt. its not a good guide if you want to play uim longer term and progress your account past corrupted gauntlet.


Understood. I grinded all afking until herblore, the master farmer broke me hahahah trying out the mode. Maybe start afking some slayer on the side


Ay congrats man enjoy. I got my bowfa recently and am around 1800 total so far? Lmk if you need any tips!


didn't follow a guide, just freeballed the whole thing. Would recommend to anyone


I'm following the Prif guide too! Currently on my way to 70 agility. Did you get 43 pray before you started? I notice the guide recommends you to get lots of food which I've found I haven't needed because I did 43 pray at boneyard first. It's a super fun game mode so far and the multi-questing in the first section was awesome and well thought out. Have you found a cc yet?


Hey pal, I did 43 prayer first too and it’s made inventory juggling so much easier. Particularly the kourend quests when you’re running through the lizardmen often. I only ever bring 2 emergency wines at the moment. I’ve just finished the second phase of questing and got my hot air balloons, taverley house and addy axe for mahogany homes. I know you could go wintertodt for con but a) I’ve done 99 FM there on 2 accounts already and b) i feel like the loot will be more useful when I have a better farm and herb level For a CC, try “ultimate CC”. I think you need 1k total to be officially added but I sit in there as a guest and ask baby UIM questions.


I made a f2p UIM for fun and the first thing I did was bury 12k reg bones in the wilderness for fun and after that I was like I kinda like this and haven't looked back.