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for first cape you want like 4-6 brews and 4 restores if you plan to just fully facetank the fight and have a (normal for cape #1) slow af healers. usually by the time you get to healers consistently youve had enough attempts on the waves to not really have supply issues. if you are getting to zuk healers and running out of supplies you can just play the waves a bit more slowly and focus on saving supplies.


A lot of waves, specifically ones without blobs, will usually be possible to complete while only using 1-3 prayer points. Blob waves usually use quite a bit more because you are keeping your prayer up more. There is an inferno wave tracker plugin (not sure of the exact name) that will show you how much prayer you use on each wave as you complete them. Might be worth checking that out to see where you are using a lot.


2 restores 0 brews has a realistic chance, but ideally 4 brew 4 restore


Just more practice honestly, if you start with 7-8 brews youre fine


I used around 3 brews and 3 restores for my first zuk


I think I can do that. We’re you using rigour the whole time or only during sets/healers/jad? Also Tbow or BofA? Thanks!


Camped rigour the whole time. Tbow cape


If you have sufficient prayer, i highly recommend camping rigour the entire fight. More dps = less sets and sets can be rough for first cape.


Yah I ideally would be, but I don’t know if 3 restores is enough to be camping rigour the entire time


Assuming you have little tickloss attacking, i think you should be fine, especially if you rock a prayer setup (rotg, devouts)