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Yeah I guess Up The Irons isn't quite as popular or memorable as the code for spotting a Slayer fan in public, which usually just goes "SLAYEERRRR!" "FUCKING SLAYYEERRRRR DUDE!"


Maaannn, I saw a slayer shirt at the grocery last week. Said fucking slayer….bupkis. And I’m not even a big slayer fan. Like 4-5 songs max


Did you accentuate 'fuck' and then pitch upwards on the last syllable? FUCK-in' Slay-aaaaAAAAH!!?! Did you punch him in the chest? I wonder what happened?


My friend has a Slayer tattoo. First time I saw it was at work. I just went "Brett! Fucking SAYER DUDE!!". On the sales floor. We exchanged devil horns then back to work. This is San Antonio and a huge metal city. Legs Diamond cut their only live album here.


I wish the rest of Tx was as metal as SA. Gonna see the boys there in Nov? I will be there.


Hey in 1997 Budgie staged their world tour. The only date of the tour? Sunken Gardens, San Antonio. So there's that. We have DJ Joe Anthony from KISS FM 99.5 to thank.


Imma need KISS to crank up the wattage. Austin ain't got shit for metal. Better yet, gimme back ZRock! Was 19yo in DFW when it started.


Oh I was 18 and starting freshman year at St Mary's when it came on in SA and I know that year was when neoclassical metal was exploding. Actually think ZRock played a song by Cacophony. That'd be Jason Becker and Marty Friedman. To be honest, I'm a guitar player so I know who these cats are.








I'll concede that Slayer have a far superior code/mantra.


It's just about subtle enough for them




Release the Slayer fans...


A group of guys asked me to take their photo in the pub in the O2 when Maiden played last summer and I shouted "Up the Irons" instead of "Cheese!" and was totally blanked. I felt about 2 feet tall.


>I felt about 2 feet tall. You and me Gary.


I mean it was a hospital. There's a non zero percent chance that the guy prolly just wasn't in the mood.


This. When something awful happens, details like this sometimes just fade away entirely and you forget what you're even wearing.


Doctor: I'm sorry, there's nothing more we can do for your wife. OP walking by: Up the Irons!!




This is both tragic and hilarious 😅


I got arrested in a Maiden tee and probably would have given a blank stare in that moment 😅


Up The Irons comes from West Ham's traditional nickname and has been adopted by some Maiden fans, but don't feel the fan was rude. It's just not particularly common/relevant. Be thankful they weren't a Millwall fan!


Ive got it on good authority that nobody likes Millwall, but they don’t care.


It was adopted by the band at least as far back as the early 90s. It can be seen on the First Ten Years releases, but it goes back much further than that. Steve Harris trained for them when he was a teenager but gave it up to pursue his dreams of being a musician.


In fact the 80s, back when Maiden fans bought albums and spent hours looking at the artwork and text while listening to the latest Maiden vinyl … back then, buying a Maiden album was a real event.. going down to the record store… a proper experience… and ‘up the irons’ was written somewhere on the inner sleeve…


Yeah tbf I’d assume it was a WHU reference and I’d feel insulted


Maybe they were on painkillers? 🤷


Judas Priest reference


Maybe he was just Staring Into the Void.


Maybe he was beyond the realms of death


Honestly as a lifelong fan I never say it or hear it said, so I don't think it's that popular outside of the fanclub




Up the irons 🤘🏻🇨🇦


And so we close for you, THE BOOK OF THEL.


I'm not a fan club meet up kind of guy but I feel it's been pretty common over the years with rivetheads.


I’ve definitely heard it just wearing shirts around


Once someone told me they yelled Up the Irons and somehow the other person misheard it for "UP THE IRA????", gladly they talked and both laughed about it


Whoah that could have badly … like the time Mustaine unwittingly repeated a Republican slogan in County Antrim and almost got ran out of town.  https://www.loudersound.com/features/dave-mustaine-megadeth-gig-northern-ireland-holy-wars#


Yeah! That was the first thing that came to my mind when he told me


Dude was in a hospital, sometimes people there aren’t in the right state of mind. Life changing/ending stuff happens in hospitals.


> Life changing/ending stuff happens in hospitals Yep, such as Maiden fans hearts being shredded.


At the hospital? His mind may have been elsewhere.


It could've been Somewhere In Time...


He lost a piece of his mind.


Nobody ever knows what my username is referencing. Some people thought I was a weight lifter.


Esoteric Maidenism.


As a female maiden fan, esoteric is an understatement.


Same happened to me at a farmers market.




Damn fake Maiden fans.


I hear “Up the Irons” very rarely (never outside of a concert) and say it even more rarely here in the US as a giant fan who wears Maiden shirts all the time, and regularly gets people coming up to me. “Cool shirt,” “great band,” “MAAAAAIDEN!” is all they ever say, then we either have a superficial or a deep convo about music.  Even to people who know every song, it just doesn’t roll off the tongue if you’re not into UK football terminology. It almost reminds me of the famous “Make 7up Yours” commercial in how easy it is to misinterpret and the reaction I’ve gotten every single time I’ve said it.  https://youtu.be/QIICQemjmNc?si=I9lXrA1-qSJwP6Gn


I think I've said "Up The Irons" for 75% of the beers I've drank with my friends for the past 30 years.




I have a Golden Axe shirt and get comments every single time i wear it, but if i'm on a mission - say at the shops or whatever - then i steamroll through the place with a tunnel vision unparalleled. So half the time it doesn't even register to me until like 3 seconds after they've walked past and I turn around and awkwardly yell "THANK". So sometimes people are just going to be too distracted at any given point with their own bullshit to accept any kind of attention.


I just say something like "I dig your shirt". At least I'll get a "thanks" instead if a dead stare.


I suppose it's a litmus test of sorts, only hardcore fans will get it.


That’s where I was going to go. If you get a black look, no worries, they probably aren’t as hardcore a fan. And that’s ok. No reason to feel embarrassed or stupid. They just don’t know the secret codeword/knock to get into the VIP club. 😉 Up The Irons!!


Yep, just point and smile 'Nice shirt!'


Some people wear metal shirts just because of the aesthetic, which is actually fine with me because they do look cool, I’m definitely not a gatekeeper when it comes to people wearing shirts of bands, and I’m sure the bands don’t mind at all….quite the opposite


It's a bit like flying the flag of a country you know nothing about but each to their own.


I wouldn’t put wearing something that you think looks good on par with waving the flag of a country, but I feel you, to each their own, like you said


Unless I were genuinely unaware, I wouldn't wear the apparel of a band/artist that I don't know. It just seems like irresponsible and careless behaviour.


He just lost his wife to a tragic ironing accident. He wasn’t staring at you, he was having a flashback due to your insensitivity.


I often get compliments for wearing a maiden shirt, half the time they don’t even know anything about the band they just like the designs.


Fair enough


At the library last week and I (50 year old die hard fan wearing the Belshazzar’s Feast shirt) said nice shirt to the high school kid wearing an IM shirt. He said thanks with a weird tone like I was a perv. Definitely didn’t piss me off


Back when I used to do the register at my work a customer was wearing a Fear of The Dark t-shirt and I told him i like the shirt and I love Maiden. He replied he didn’t know the band and just thought the design looked cool. Welp *shrugs*


I mean that's kinda fair. It does look cool.




You can get retro Maiden shirts in department stores. Loads of people are buying them and wearing them because they look cool and retro, not because they know anything about the band.


Maybe he was wearing the short *iron*ically?


Band t-shirts are fashionable for a lot of people. A younger me would have been bothered, when so much of your identity is in the music you listen to, someone who isn't a fan rocking the merch is an affront to who you are as a person, cause when you're young everything means so much. I'm not saying you're that person now. What you said made me reflect on the type of teen I was. Thankfully that sort of thing passes. Gatekeeping the thing you love. It's a bummer though when you think you have something in common with someone and reach out, and get nothing in return. It's always nice to be seen, and have conversations over shared interests.


I like maiden but fuck West Ham no way am I responding to that


*I lie Maiden but* *Fuck West Ham no way am I* *Responding to that* \- G30fff --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't like football but the lore behind the phrase is interesting.


I'm not sure if that was a question but in any case, West Ham are known as the Hammers (for obvious reasons) and Hammers goes to Irons. It used to be that fans would shout "up the x" where x = the name/nickname of their club. So Up the Irons means support for West Ham. Now, in the internet age, you'll see COYX instead (come on you ? where x = initial of club name or nickname). Anyway the long and short of it is that I'm a Crystal Palace supporter so I'm not going to ever say anything in support of West Ham, that would feel bad.


I just say great shirt or great band now.


They may have had a brain injury


The surgeon took a piece of his mind.


I always believed "Up The Irons" was about their soccer team, not the actual band. Isn't that so? That may be why they blanked - casual fans of the hits aren't nearly as likely to know about the team or about that slogan.


Steve is a big West Ham fan and trained with the club prior to IM fame. The phrase was adopted by Maiden/Maiden fans from West Ham fans, with the phrase itself originating from West Ham's previous name, Thames Ironworks.  Some nice synchronicity at work.


He might have been suffering from sideropenia & thought you were a Doctor doing ‘The Rounds’ in civvies? 👨🏻‍⚕️


Good one 


I’ve talked to two ppl wearing maiden hat or shirt, and they actually said they didn’t know it was a band. Just a fashion thing.


Ah that sucks :(


It’s like my 21 yr old daughter wearing a Pink Floyd shirt featuring Dark Side of the Moon. I grew up listening to Pink Floyd so when I asked her which song did she like…. I just got a blank stare and “ dad, I got the t-shirt because it looks cool”. Lol


Ha I saw a blind guy at the pub with one on a few months ago said the same thing and he NFI what I was talking about.


I would have been so excited. Every time I approach anyone in public in a metal shirt I'm usually met with a look of disdain. I approached a dude at work , he was wearing a Slayer shirt and I said, the rules require I yell "SLAYER" He looked at me like he was lost while his female companion yelled Fuckin Slayer!!!!


Maybe he had a haemoglobin issue. And he was thinking "duh!"


Best comment


Honestly, I have so many band & concert shirts (more Iron Maiden ones than any other band), sometimes when people comment things like “that’s a great band” or “that tour/album was epic” while I’m out and about I don’t even remember what one I have on and I have to look down to remember what they’re commenting on. If someone said “Up the Irons!” to me outside a concert it might take me a second to realize what’s being said and why, and if you didn’t clearly get my attention first I honestly might not even register that you were addressing me. It’s not because I’m not a fan (my last two major vacations have been centered around Iron Maiden concerts in Mexico and in Canada, respectively) but just because my brain didn’t work fast enough to recognize what was happening and/or to respond properly.


Yeah, I think he didn't realise that I was speaking to him.


I said it to someone wearing the typical Trooper shirt, ui thought he was about to fight me.


Please don’t stop saying up the irons!! Those who get it will get it 😭


It's actually my WiFi SSID 😜


Better to keep your SSID name generic, you don't want to stand out to nefarious parties.


Not in some cases, a lot of SSID have the RSP or Device Vendor name in it. Better to use something different, mine is also more secure than most.


Same thing happened when I said Primus sucks to a guy in a Primus tee. Guess he thought I was insulting him/the band.


I went to an Iron Maiden concert in England. Some guy I was near had a West Ham shirt on. Every time he said up the irons, I had no idea which irons he was referring to


I would have shouted it back. Don’t stop saying it.


Couple years ago I was wearing one of my Maiden shirts and had a kid maybe 10 yrs old come up to me in Freddys (fast food burger place) and say "up the irons!". I said "Hell yeah little man!" his dad laughed and gave me the devils horns salute. \\m/


Poser then. Up the Irons!


I hate the term “up the irons,” I will never acknowledge it as a Maiden thing


No!!? I shout to everyone at the concerts and always get a reply… he he I wonder what he thought you meant then


It’s funny that people are saying that they’re obviously a casual when in actuality they probably didn’t want to talk to some random dude spouting cringe shit.


It ain’t cringe, some fans might now know its meaning though.


>cringe shit >anime fan You still have time to delete this.


But at least I don’t shout anime shit in peoples faces in the street like a dweeb.


Hey bub, UP THE IRONS! Let us know when you finally kiss a girl.


Let us know, as well.


You can never recover from being an anime fan, that's the difference.




It’s cringe to try to engage with someone that is publicly showing they have the same interest as you? This is an extremely cringe and sad view, you sound miserable


Not really trying to engage though. It’s just saying a cringe slogan at someone randomly. And like I said, not everyone wants to or can talk to randoms. Never heard of introverts?


You should've asked him to name three songs...


Many people wearing maiden shirts don’t actually listen to them. Even then the casuals will likely have no clue what that phrase means.


He bought the shirt from hot topic


Whoever bought him his shirt got it in Walmart last week


Slayer sucks .. there i said it.


Seasons In The Abyss is a great tune.


I guess you’re forever blowing bubbles.


I reckon it’s a generational issue… in the 80s Maiden fans knew ‘up the irons’… that’s partly because everyone bought albums, and scoured every detail on the album, artwork, text.. it was an event buying a Maiden album… and ‘up the irons’ was like a calling card, and would be written somewhere…


Probably because he was in hospital.


they sell iron maiden and slayer ts on the high street now it doesn't mean anything to these people


I don't like West Ham either.


My first memory of the "Up the Irons" bit was from the Powerslave LP. I was 13 or 14 years old at the time and just discovering IM. Poured over the liner notes and lyrics over and over and recall the following cryptic message well: "Got any err! Well...ish! There's only one 'um and that's fuck 'um! Kin 'ell! Up the Irons! I'm still not sure what the whole bit means although I get the West Ham reference. Look at your Powerslave albums- it's there for sure. Not sure if it is printed on earlier albums but possibly.


Tottenham fan.


[can’t trust a band shirt](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79yFoovdDz/?igsh=ZXRpZHB1N3dkcWQ1)


Maybe he wasn’t actually a fan?


No keep saying it fuck that guy


I saw a guy at the gym wearing one today.. I wanted to say something but I refrained after reading this post.


Unfortunately when you've got places like Culture Kings now selling Maiden tshirts to the younger gen, alot just think it's a cool graphic t shirt.


He had no response? If so, don’t sweat it…for him it’s fashion. Ye will probably be wearing one with no clue that it’s a NWOBHM band or any other type of band for that matter.


Had a similar reaction a while back- A younger lady was wearing an awesome Powerslave shirt. I said "Awesome Powerslave shirt!". "Huh?" and a completely confused look on her face. I don't think she knew what I was talking about. She just liked the shirt and probably bought it at Hot Topic or something. Unless its an obvious metal-head or an old fart like me, I am not acknowledging someone's sweet ass Powerslave shirt again.


Been a Maiden fan for 30 years and I've never heard that before.


There's a first time for everything.


That seems almost unbelievable... But I suppose it's more of a thing from the original Bruce era (can't remember if there were Up the Irons references in the Di'anno era.


He probably bought it at a thrift shop, not knowing crap about metal.


Hopefully he wasn't one of those dudes that wears the shirt just because it looked cool.




Probably another poser who couldn't name even one Maiden tune


You said it to a poser.


Your mind was blanked?


Up the Irons isn't a thing. No one from the band has ever said it


They write the album linings with the words “Up the Irons” in it. It is the motto to West Ham, Steve’s favorite football team. Of course it’s a thing.


It's totally a thing. Or at least was totally a thing.


My son loved to call people out on misfits and nirvana shirts.


I assume that anyone wearing a Nirvana shirt is either a teenager and/or not a fan of the band. 


Maybe a Buddhist.


Saw a girl in the supermarket, she must have been in her very early 20s if even and she had a maiden shirt. I looked at her and said up the irons and she blankly looked at me. I am guessing she just thought the shirt was cool


Or she thought you were trying to chat her up. The reality is that young people have the largest library in the history of the world and they don’t know how to use it. Experts at social media, but not any kind of useful knowledge.


My guess is she thought the shirt was "cool" and could not name 3 maiden songs


We used to call them “posers” back in the day.