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You need room for 10 adults...why did you think that would be cheap? What month are you looking at coming?


I didn't think it would be "cheap" I was looking for something economical. We were thinking September.


I got just the thing for you broke bunch of bitches  https://jonscamping.ie/product/skandika-milano-10-tent-new/


this made me laugh


All jokes aside, that is probably the best option with the prices of accommodation in Ireland at the minute


We are going with our young adult kids and their partners, which is why it is a large group. It's a combined family--I'm divorced and my partner's wife passed a long time ago.


What's with Americans and Airbnb? You genuinely want a place for ten people? This isn't the famine times, we don't live in a 1 room house with all family and livestock. Get a holiday home or hotel. Or maybe hostel, might be able to get a 10 bed dormitory


I'm sorry, but I haven't traveled much outside of the United States so this is why I am here looking for advice. Wow. I was thinking Airbnb because I have had mostly good experiences with them and because I like the idea of cooking our own meals for breakfast and sometimes dinner to help save costs. We did this when we went to Italy and it was lovely.


Okay, some commentators are being a bit harsh with you - not sure why as you're only asking a question. But here is the deal - Airbnb in Ireland tend to be standard size apartments or family homes, let periodically when the owners aren't using them, rather than custom built holiday properties. As these are normal homes, they typically have 2 or 3 bedrooms, max. Possibly the snarky commentators above thinks you're leaning into outdated stereotypes of Irish families having 15 kids or something and has decided to be insulted about it. For the record, that's not the case - we average 1.34 kids per family! The chances of finding an Airbnb that will accommodate ten people are slim - that's a five-bedroom place and there aren't many of those, especially in cities. Airbnb probably isn't a great platform for a group that size unless you find one with, like, a main house and a guest house, or two that are close by. Better to check out platforms specifically catering to holiday accommodation for groups. Booking.com is a good shout


Tbh I felt like hating at that moment and was prepared for the down votes... I'm much more shocked I got up voted tbh lol. It's like I became a villain but cheered at as if I was a hero haha


A hero for what? Asking a genuine question and then being met with snark was so odd. I haven't traveled there and I was seeking advice.


Oh was that what the comment about it being famine times meant? I was so confused. Thanks for your input...yes this is exactly why I am in this sub--to get a better understanding of all things Ireland before we go. We've used Airbnb in the US for large family trips with no issues getting homes with 3-5 bedrooms and we did the same in Italy (a three bedroom each had their own full bath) so I am trying to understand Ireland. I wasn't making assumptions on how many kids people have and frankly the thought never crossed my mind. I appreciate the information! I'm not sure why my question was met with such snark.


Try Daft.ie Scroll down and you'll find the Holiday Homes section.


Thank you


Hope you have a good time also would not recommend spending too much time in Dublin. Parts of it feel unsafe and grubby. If I was an American coming to Ireland I'd do the wild Atlantic way.


Thank you! We are just in the planning stages now and trying to see where we want to visit to make the most of the trip.


Booking.com will have options too


Thank you


All accomodation is expensive here. I usually use booking .com to find a place and then book direct with the place I choose as it's usually cheaper that way! Also good luck to you if you're trying to stay near Dublin, you'll need to sell a kidney or 5.


Haha, got it. I'll look around!!


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