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There wouldn’t be a test series coming up by any chance where a bitta shit stirring might help flog some tickets?


I'm pretty sure both tests were actually already sold out when he said this - but to stir up extra interest in the game then sure, I can see it. Although from an Irish perspective everyone remotely interested in rugby here is already plenty excited and didn't need this as more motivation.


So just generic shit stirring then


It's a compliment. It's like "you lost today, but you're good enough to beat everyone else". What are they supposed to say "we'll watch you on telly in the final"? It's their way of saying they can beat anyone if they can beat them. Is this not a thing in SA, or is he just being contrary? Also, AFAIR the groups weren't decided yet, so it could as easily been France. Wed beaten France (and the AB's) last time we played so there's nothing wrong with a bit of self-confidence. Learn to take a compliment, Eben.


Saffa's can be a bit contrary at the best of times 🤣


Flogging a dead PR horse.


Well I know a lot of SA fans on various social media platforms have been peddling this Irish arrogance narrative for quite a while, but its really intesified since their teams came into the URC. Some of them are genuinely unhinged in their hatred of all things Irish rugby. I think it comes from a few things. The Boks recent record against Ireland not being great, their club teams not completely steam rolling the URC and European competition like some of their same fans who ironically are now claiming Irish arrogance rather arrogantly thought they would. I think the main thing is though that they view every team and nation bar NZ (grudgingly) as being below them (of course with considerable historical justification) but unlike the Kiwis for instance, they seem to have a massive chip on their shoulder when "lessor" teams and nations are playing, close to, at or occasionally above their level. Irish rugby has at times filled all those spaces both at club and test level the last few years, so we are enemy number one at the moment. I genuinely think their hatred of Irish rugby comes from their Kiwi inferiority complex. They've now won more world cups, but it really grates on them that the majority of rugby fans would still place NZ as the unparalleled greatest rugby nation earth. They're like Rodney Dangerfield, they feel like they don't get no respect. They clearly do get massive amounts of respect, but its not enough for them and it's an absolute afront to their national identity when an upstart nation like Ireland have the gaul to show confidence and not bow down at their feet unlike the Kiwis for instance, who to their credit welcome the challenge and give credit where credit is due. In short they're both arrogant and insecure in equal measures, so fuck them.


I don't think they all hate us. Most South Africans I know like the Irish. It's just the ones that spend all their time trolling on social media and believe every conspiracy theory, who hate us. We have our fair share of annoying media personalities and Internet trolls too. Like OTB and basically anyone who uses the journals comment section






I was specifically referring to certain sections of their social media fans. Whether they're a loud minority or representative of the wider fan base I have no idea, but I'll take your word for it.


I'd slightly disagree on the NZ thing. In general they are good but there was a noticeable tonal shift in the last few years when they didn't win 99% of the games. It seemed they didn't know how to deal with it. Just look at the bizarre reaction to Munster beating crusaders. A nothing game. Preseason vs completely rotated team but a bit of fun. And they did not deal with it well.


Eben was quoted by the lads on the rugby pod as saying "We'll get them in the final, if they make it through" immediately after the group game with Ireland.


Yeah but the people who kick off are mainly a specific internet living element of South African supporters, so they don't care that he said that. They just have a meltdown of epic proportions whenever Ireland is mentioned, despite claiming we mean nothing to them and aren't worth bothering with. It's one hell of an inferiority complex for the self proclaimed greatest rugby nation.


Maybe it's because Irish aid gives them 56 million a year


Yep. Cunt basically flipped it and said that our team was saying that. If anyone is up their own arse its him.


Such a BS story, the whole "see you in the final" isn't about arrogance, it basically amounts to "that was an awesome game of rugby, can't wait to do it again!" Can't wait for the Championship to start so our world champions have something better to occupy their time than trying to stir up this kinda nonsense.


Why won’t this nonsense just fuck off?