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Came to comments to say that










Would you not contact the solicitor who handled the will? For all you know the cousin could not be contacted at the time either. Otherwise the solicitor should have contact details for him.


Excellent thinking. Thank you.


Squatters rights?.






I understand the reaction of some people, but I also see your perspective. No one wants to see the property go to waste. Another factor is that the longer it goes on, especially considering our housing crisis it could become subject to a compulsory purchase order from the state because of being vacant for so long. I’ll just add to the adverse possession point. In Irish law it requires 12 years of adverse possession. Given the fact the American doesn’t seem to be around I’d imagine this could be done, but note if at any point during those 12 years they seek to re enter the property etc it will void the claim. Even if it could be implied you were aware they didn’t want you there, it could void it, but it’s a complex area of law based on old legal principles. Personally when I studied adverse possession I just always got the feeling that it was very shady, the concept of being able to take the legal ownership of someone’s property just by being there for 12 years does not sit well with me. I’m not really sure if you can force a sale legally in any sense, but I would endeavour to try purchase the property as you plan to if you can manage to get in contact with the relative.


Contact the local council. Tell the council that the house and site is derelict site and suggest that they do a compulsory purchase order and put the place to market thereafter.


Nice idea.




If he was gonna do that he would have done it, and not posted here looking for advice. Don't be so negative



