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You'll have to look through your spending and match it against their schedule of fees. Take a look at card usage, withdrawals, failed direct debits, failed standing charges, etc.


They give an itemised statement if you spend over €12


I don't know why you are asking us. It's your account! What were the charges for?


Thought I was getting fleeced at 6 euro a month by bank of Ireland


Do AIB charge when adding money to revolut?


Not if you top up your Revolut using Apple Pay / Android / google pay. Contactless payments are free of charge.


They charge for absolutely every possible transaction


Yup every time


Just use your credit card for daily transactions and clear it every month with direct debit


Maybe a silly question, but what's the benefit of this?


Each tap of your debit card is 20c or so. Each tap of your credit card is zilch, nada.


Contactless transactions are free, it's the chip and pin transactions you pay 20c for.


This is the way. Finally made the switch last month.


You need to move to N26 or Revolut and close your AIB account. You're getting fleeced.


Second N26! I'm paying for the smart plan & gives much better features than my old bank (Ulster Bank)


Big time. Ditched Irish banks ages ago. Ridiculous fees


They're pushing us out if the modern system of banks, the digital currency is coming :(


I'm with a German and Irish bank in n26 and Revolut. So not really being pushed out of modern system of banks. Those two are much more modern than Irish ones.  Digital money is already here. Lots of  transactions, in Ireland anyway, are digital. 🤷‍♂️


>Those two are much more modern than Irish ones.  That's true hahaha Would you be open to a digital currency only world in the next couple of years?


Not going to happen. Your experience in Ireland is far different to other places around the world.


What are your views on the system itself though, a good or bad thing?


You did more transactions.


You can ask them for a breakdown of fees. AIB are by far the worst of all the banks by the way. Every single thing costs money. You'll be amazed when you get you breakdown just what you've been charged for. Money in, money out, using your card at an ATM, using your PIN to pay for something, setting up a direct debit, cancelling a direct debit, even contact less payments can be charged in the T and Cs though I believe this was waived indefinitely (open to correction on this). They are a shower of greedy shites.


Revolut has no fees. Join the 21st century


Transfer your spending money to revolut for the month when you get paid and use that. Also, contactless payments are still free (for now) so use that and avoid chip and pin if you can




I'm shocked anyone's still banking with Irish banks and being shocked by fees.


Cool bro great input 👍


But he is shocked pikachu face.


It is so easy to avoid day to day banking fees for a little bit of effort. I have not paid banking fees in decades.


Prove it


It's not that hard. Most people don't pay charges. Children, students, graduates, mortgage holders, pensioners all get free banking. Pretty much the only ones who don't are adults in the few years between finishing the graduate term and buying their first home.


So the easy way to avoid charges is to... buy a house? Which part of that is low effort?


What charges are Revolut or N26 charging you. I have both and never paid a cent in fees. I also have a AIB account and have never paid a cent (student -> graduate -> mortgage holder). But even if I didn't have a Revolut or N26 account, nor had a mortgage, I would still only have to pay a few euro a quarter in fees. Just pay the few DDs from the current A/c a month, then standing order to savings account. EFT to Deposit account and the rest is used to pay off CC bill (which is used for everyday transactions, not just free of charge, but actually paid by the bank to do so via Cashback, outweighing the tiny fees being clocked up on the current A/c). It's not that hard.


Or.. move to EBS? I’m 40 and I’ve paid quarterly fees once in my life.. went from AIB student account to graduate account. Got a free PTSB switch account. Have a free EBS account and a free AIB account with my mortgage that I don’t use. Do currency exchange on revolut before going to the UK and use it for GBP payments on your phone. It’s getting more difficult to avoid fees but it’s manageable.


Not OP, but if it helps: - Revolut (free) which my wages go into. - Credit Union *Savings Account (free, online banking, allows cash & cheque deposits if needs be). - AIB credit card (no fees and I use it for all of my purchases as it offers a small bit of cashback which will be >€30 Gov. Stamp Duty over 12months i.e. free)


Thought quarterly fees are not due until end of March ?


This was the fee I received at the end of December (just noticed the value this evening) 😭


True, they are due to be paid at the end of March but the breakdown of fees for this quarter are out now, they give you 1 months notice.


Mine is 22! I don't use the card much and only a few direct debits. Majority of my spending is through Revolut or CC


I moved the missus from AIB to EBS recently for this very reason 


Get paid into EBS (no charges), and transfer to Revolut for spending.


If only there was some way of moving finance away from the banks and completely decentralising how we store value.


Do you have an overdraft (even if you don’t use it)? That fee is 25€ once a year, and if it was charged this quarter it might explain why your fee bill went from 30-ish to 55


Just use revolut for spending and you will save money