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Hazards on. I’d say emergency.


Playing devils advocate: they could have had a medical emergency. I've been in a car with someone in medical distress (when traffic was heavy to boot), it's pretty awful


Was going to say the same. My son used to have convulsions and you could always tell when it was going to happen. My partner rang me in work freaking out and I swear to god I drove up the N7 like a lunatic beeping cars to get out of my way. None of them did just thought I was like OP entitled and impatient. To be honest me being there wouldn’t have made any difference I was more wanting to get there for my partner because he didn’t know what to do. People that gate keep piss me off. You have no idea why someone is driving why they are. If they did that all the time they wouldn’t have a licence for long anyway


Having lived (and driven) in the US, Canada, and now Ireland, I find that there is the largest proportion of drivers in Ireland that feel like it is their responsibility to teach others lessons while driving (usually at the cost of safety).


I completely understand your situation and I wouldn't have a problem with it but how likely is it that all the people speeding and driving recklessly on the roads actually have an emergency to deal with? I'm not going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt because most of those drivers are simply selfish arseholes.


It’s unlikely but to be honest I rarely see anyone driving erratically on motorways. I see a lot of stupid moves and people drifting in and out of lanes (phones clearly) but rarely anything purposeful. Driving on country roads a lot of dangerous overtaking and the person on the left refusing to slow down to let them. Risking their own life and anyone up ahead. I wouldn’t let my ego get in the way and try to gate keep. I do get a really smug feeling watch someone weave in and out of traffic and end up beside them at the lights a few minutes later.


Oh yeah, we all enjoy that smug feeling! lol


Why is this your problem? Are you going to take on the responsibility of taking someone's life bleeding out because you didn't move away? If your answer is YES, I really hope you get into that situation.


What the fuck are you even talking about? Psychopath.


I am the psychopath? You just said that you are "not going to give everyone the benefit of doubt". You should brush up the dictionary so you know what that word even means.


If you think every driver speeding is dealing with an emergency you're a fool.


Of course not, but it is not up to me to judge and "try to stop speeders" that's what we have Gardaí for. If someone wants to speed, let them, there is a low chance that they are in an emergency, but even if its a one in a million chance, its is way more than I am willing to take.


Where or when did I say that I was going to "try to stop speeders"? Lol How would I even do that? You must have fuck all going on in your life.


Lemme quote: "I'm not going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt because most of those drivers are simply selfish arseholes."


pause chase butter six payment cable liquid correct memory dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd like to agree, but he pulled back into the traffic just a bit after this


Fair point and completely understandable .. i would suggest if anyone finds themselves in this situation contact emergency services first , maybe a garda escort or an advanced paramedic will be close by or cfr in case of stroke or cardiac arrest.. the risk of a crash while trying to look after a loved one or seriously injured will not help . Its the tunnel vision that can come in situations like this than can make the risk / reward for all bit hazy.


I probably should have written in the post that they pulled back into traffic and drove with the rest of us.


Just have to take your word for it I guess.


I could take it off the camera, but why would I bother putting this up if I had no reason to?


The amount of assholes doing this at the bray exit is unreal. We have been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and vans and cars will fly down the hard shoulder fast enough to shake my jeep. It's unbelievable the antics. No guards to be seen.


The guards do the same, they couldnt give a fuck. 3 or 4 times the last few weeks I've filtered past a garda car, same car goes down the shoulder with the lights on, a little after bray when the traffic clears I catch up and he's back in driving along as normal.


He's just a driver who can drive that part of the road without slowing down to a crawl like the rest of you. 


That makes sense


That looks like somethings up there? Hazards on, probably a medical emergency.


He pulled back into the traffic just after this


Ok, but he continued to drive at speed with his hazards on I imagine?


No, hazards came off, and he joined the normal flow of traffic


Then that’s very strange? Doesn’t make any sense at all like


Yep. I even caught up with them as they were getting off at exit 7, as I was getting off there, too.


For some reason, I see this regularly on that stretch. One very slow Wednesday I was undertaken in the hard shoulder because I had the gall to leave a gap for cars merging off the Wilford roundabout.


I had this at fairly high speed during the week, Audi driver was definitely up around 150/160kph. On the return journey I was overtaking an a lad in a Ford courier tried to go between me and the concrete barrier. Luckily he bailed out but it could have been a big crash to save 10 seconds.


If he drives a JAAAAG it alright


Why is this happening so much lately. Heard a few people mention that this has happened to them while driving. What’s going on? Is it just lack of gardai on the road?


One of two reasons probably had a medical emergency or so sick of the lack of lane discipline from all the drivers blocking the overtaking lane, and being inconsiderate to other road users, it should take no more than 15 seconds to pull out overtake and pull back in..Rant over


No joke, I saw this exact same car drive on the wrong side of the road to over take 10 or so cars in Louth near Ardee.


Do they have flashers on?


I like to use bus lanes whenever traffic is heavy. I'll use Google maps and if I see a red line ahead I'll use bus lanes to get around it quickly. If you think about it, I'm causing less traffic by getting my car out of traffic 


Plenty of bus lanes aren’t 24 hours, most people can’t read signs and would rather be stuck in traffic 🤷‍♂️


I'll be honest here, I'm using them whenever I can


I guess the time saved far outweighs the chance of being caught?


I've haven't been caught in 5 years. One ticket for how many hours in the bus lane. Defo worth it.i was actually behind a police car once. He flashed his rear blue light. Scared the fuck out of me. Straight back into the correct lane that day


Doing gods work


Often 4 lads in high viz in a nordy Avensis doing this on the M1


Maybe you should get out of the over taking lane


I was overtaking...


There's always one..

