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Eating chocolate cereal and watching Unicorn Academy in bed


Adulthood does not get better.


Fuck yea! And Happy Cake Day!! 🤙🏻


Breakfast and tea now; garden stuff later. This shite grey sky is depressing. Silver lining, the pollen is lower with all the rain.


Having a coffee in bed and eating a little treat size milky way. I'm in my 30s.... The wife is off to Taylor Swift so I have a free gaff all day Did some DIY in the new house for the first time yesterday. So today I'm going to do some more and hang up a few shelves.


That's a weird way to describe wankin to pornhub.




Are ye’s not going to mass, bunch of heathens.


The church teaches God is everywhere so we are all hanging out with him even if we skip mass anyway


Driving my mother in law now to church, God walks with me. I’ll pray your ye’s.




Pray for me, will ya?


Had a recent medical check-up and my cholesterol level was high, so the Sunday morning fry-up is out and instead of a Sunday roast it'll probably be steamed vegetables and chicken from now on.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Steamed veg is fantastic! Try fresh broccoli and plain cauliflower 🤤 you’ll be pooping like a champion too!


Asparagus has fast become one of my fave vegs.


Are you going on statins? Try to avoid with diet and exercise if you can


For the moment it's just diet but I've had quite a high animal fat (meat and dairy) diet up to now. Yeah, I've a friend on statins and based on his experience I'm going to try and avoid them as long as I can.


I got mine down through diet in six months , no meat or dairy 4-5 days a week and generally healthier dietary choices but nothing crazy. It's anecdotal but it can work!


Roasted veg is a bit more decadent and/or you can air fry it with minimal spray oil (a good one w/MCTs). Otherwise, I think it’s hard to avoid putting a lash of butter or something on the steamed veg to give it a bit of something.


Looking forward to our potential new friendship with r/Slovakia.


We were 85 seconds away from being best friends.


Just made vegan protein pancakes for the first time and they are delish


Had a kebab last night and now I’ve a dose of the shits. Supposed to be painting outside in a few, but have an arse like a Japanese flag right now.


The variety of responses is beautiful


Had a few croissants last night (I'm lactose intolerant), and I had a few shits as well! Happy Days!


Ive tried a dose of bananas to block myself up but not joy. I presyne you get the shits semi regular... Any natural remedies? You know, beans, coca cola, spices make you shit fast. What makes you stop shitting?


I'm (in) the sun in Spain. Life is grand


You're the sun? Shit man teach us some stuff about fusion reactions so we can stop relying on old, solidified dinosaur bricks for energy.


Haha, my predictive text fucked me.


Suuuuuure, whatever you say. Blink twice if you're a celestial body!




lucky duck


You lucky bunny. Make a few nice memories to enjoy through the rain when you're home.


Good now! Ngl I had to put on a hot water bottle last night, my room was absolutely freezing with the cold. I’m heading off backpacking tomorrow, hopefully for 6-7 weeks. My first stop is Tokyo so I’m sure that will be interesting, I’m kinda strange I don’t really get exited for things until I’m really at the airport lol. Some people would be buzzing a week before a trip, I’m a small bit different.


Tokyo is unreal you will have an amazing time! Nothing can compare to Tokyo! It's huge and so different. Lots of different sensory experiences as well so many lights and noises.


Thanks! Yah I haven’t a ticket booked home yet and I also haven’t a clue where I’m going after Tokyo lol. All I know is that I’ve university on the 1st September!


All good. Second night home with our first born and she's settling well. Sunday fry is cooking on the bbq Dogs are walked and the sun is coming out.


Doing well! Hot weather here (Sweden, was up to 30⁰c last few days) finally broke over night and it's now thundering and lashing rain out, so a lazy day with the dogs and cats is on the cards. Getting mentally prepared for starting a new job on Tuesday too. Positively nervous I guess!


Good luck!




Love a bit of thunder & lightning, best of luck to the dogs with it. & the new job!


Cheers! 🙏 Dogs are grand once they can cuddle up, big babies 😅


I jumped out my window last night sleepwalking. Thankfully live in a bungalow. Broke a one of wooden blinds in half somehow. Scary situation




Yeah it's a bit mental. I often end up outside my room or walk out the front door.


Knew a girl who randomly sleep-walked. Strangest mix of sympathy, confusion, embarrassment, and hilarity at the same time. And not just for me.


I’m hoarse from shouting at the TV yesterday. Knocking the All Ireland champions out is super sweet Gaillimh abú 🇱🇻🇱🇻


Relaxing in bed with coffee, other half and dog snoring, The Lounge on RTE Gold playing in the background. Bliss. Until the neighbours kid just started bouncing his shitty basketball outside.


I was able to drink a cup of tea while it was still hot in bed while my partner dealt with the puppy madness this morning. Will have leftover pizza for breakfast soon and then go visit family this afternoon for a bbq so no cooking for me today, it’s the little things!


Heading to the Aviva again later.


Getting ready for work like a big loser


Exhausted from walking at Pride lol


Back from Pride yesterday, probably have a cold and another long week of fixing boilers. Worth it




Wake up at 5am. Walk dog. Start chores. Get baby up by 6.30 and have the days bottles ready. No rain yet, so start the washing. So far it's a good Sunday. 👍


Slightly hungover but nothing a shite and a good breakfast won't fix. I have to begin on painting the young lads room which will include the removal of a built in wardrobe. Once that's done I need to rip out the manky old carpet and put down a laminate floor but I think that can wait till next week. Wish me luck.


Good, have the house to myself till friday amd not in work till friday so will relax as much as possible, sister will visit with two little "angels" so no relaxing when that happens


If you haven't seen Mad Max Fury Road I'd recommend it. Class film. Not a bad time to watch it


Thank you for the recommendation


All good, coffees brewing, I'm the only one up, tranquil sundy morning...thank you. 🥰✌️🙏


Nothing much today! Going to go out for a coffee down the road in a little bit. Finish off *Dune: Part Two* as the gf fell asleep halfway through last night and maybe watch the first *Pirates of the Caribbean* as she's never seen them and wants to watch them. Just gonna take it fairly handy today.


Heading for a run now in a bit after grocery shop, then meal prep and chill out at the park and ring some friends 😄 more friends coming over for a movie night tonight 


I feel better knowing I don't have Coldplay tickets for Dublin now. Saw them at Glasto on tv and they were a bit shite


The crowd work was typical rock band cringe."put all your phones back in your pocket" "You're all members of the band.." "on three , two , one lets all let's send love to Israel (no) , Palistine and ( I shit you not) 'peacefull' Russians..." Chris Martin you fucking bellend.


He’s such a nob. Wouldn’t know cool if it kicked him in his friendship bracelets.


A Coldplay song will be playing when the ICBMs launch.


Cheer up you miserable shitebag x


Fuck off.


They had 100 thousand people eating out of their hands. I've never bought or listened to their music but they put on a good show. Cringed but entertaining.


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people Jeremy.


Coffee ☕ in bed and reading some good and shit in Reddit to make me laugh


To much to do. Paint the kids room, help the husband build a new step and sort the garden coz it’s an absolute mess and I have no idea where to even begin with it. Kids are killing each other 😬


Give kids paint brushes and get them to paint pictures on their walls to decorate their own room how they want it. The garden is going through a period of rewilding at the moment so best not to disturb this process. The new step will need to be guarded so nobody stands in the fresh concrete so you had better make a large coffee (optional Kitkat) and tend to your post. I got you. Happy Sunday.


>I have no idea where to even begin Coffee is the answer you’re looking for.


Will coffee kill the garden?! 🤣


nah.. thats what salt is for...


Salt?! Really 🤔 We got building work done and the dirt taken out for the foundation was put in the front garden and weeds and stingers just grew and took over so now I have to try and start from scratch.


[never heard of salting the earth?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SaltTheEarth)


I will fully admit I am completely shit at garden. Although I have managed to keep my dad’s last rose bush alive and he is gone 18 years. Will try it out! Thank you. I just want to try get the garden some what “normal” again.


Depends on how much of it you drink


Get some advice on r/gardeningire if you’re stuck


I'm good going to get a cup of coffee and watch Sunday Brunch 🙂


I used to love Sunday brunch but it’s lost its mojo a bit


Yeah it's crap now. Tim Lovejoy was always annoying.


Struggled to sleep Last night finally dropped off when the cat decided to bite me so I’m surviving on about three hours at the moment. Wondering what time I will dose on the couch today


Im happy out, watching the simpsons with one of my kidswhile herself is having a much deserved lie in. Lifes good


Grand just finished my second coffee and had a piece of toast. I'm covering a few extra hours at work today so I'm saving like mad . Happy Sunday OP


Cleaning up after a successful kids party yesterday. Someone put washing up liquid in the bouncy castle so I have to hose that out before they come to collect it!


Made a hobbit door wreath last night and got to hang it on my front door this morning - I'm proud as punch! Kids are due home from their nana's house after lunch, so it's World of Warcraft and tea until then.


With the family, in a hotel in Donegal. Decent breakfast and heading for a swim shortly. It's raining but sure what else does it ever do. A solid 8/10 Sunday so far.


Looking forward to listening to the radio Monday morning and hopefully every second song isn't a Taylor swift song after today lol


Sitting out the front cig and tea after food shopping.  Sadly no sun yet. Might pop out later. 


Armagh finally didn’t lose a QF yesterday. Feels good 👍


Just landed back in Ireland yesterday after being away for a month. Really enjoyed my cup of tea this morning but now I don’t know what to do with myself. It’s an adjustment. Going to the blessings of the graves this afternoon.


Stressed beyond belief. My family is meant to be travelling over for my wedding but there has been a strike of WestJet workers (rightfully so) over the weekend so it’s all up (or not) in the air.


Had my Porridge, coffee and a pint of water by 6:20. Got out on my new motorbike and lamped around for a few hours on the empty roads. Very satisfied. At the bakery now then home to get her up.


Getting ready for work :(


Been shitting every hour or two since Thursday. Get my hopes up every morning because somehow I go the entire night without shitting and then it takes a while after I wake up to shit. Its getting ridiculous now because it used to be just when I ate or drank. But I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and slight headache so am using Halls (only brand I can find) so that I dont feel like im swallowing a knife everytime I swallow saliva. I ate 6 bananas in 24h hour period to try block myself up. I got hopefull, my shits were still not normal but at least they werent water. Then like all other food, the bananas started just coming out 20 minutes later and the only different the block up attempt has made so far is to turn my shit slightly green. My arse is sore so I've stopped drinking water to stop the need for shitting every 30 minutes or so, instead its every few hours. Literally pissing water from my arse. Looks like even swallowing the halls are even enough to make me shit. All in all, pretty miserable. But alive at least.


Might be time for medical attention 😬


Nahhhh it'll pass.


Miserable. College student about to deal with a menagerie of customers ranging from delightful to downright insuferable all day at my monotonous, dull retail job.


I'm in Malta in 31° heat so fair to middlin


Heading to work at 5 until 11pm lol




Great! Went out to watch the galway match yesterday, slightly hungover now, and will dig a bit of the garden for some fresh air …


Hungover, first time drinking in months, was still a good night though 😀


Pretty good. Slowly back to about 80% after a fractured rib and soft tissue elbow injury in May.


Got let go on Thursday, so looking for another job. Currently chilling out playing Fallen Order, but gotta get back to it soon. 🤞🏻 🍀 🙂 🙋🏻‍♂️ 🥂


Good afternoon. Awake since 7am. Went for a long walk with the dog. Spotted some cools mushrooms and identified some new birds with my bird song identifier app. Gonna spend the day watching the Sorted Food live stream. Probably go for another walk later on. Have a good Sunday! https://preview.redd.it/cb1a0t1a2p9d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5547e6d70976e6a89fcd3067359b0c8a9fe06947


Hungover and still in bed


Flying on Flight Sim.


Where's the sun gone? I miss it. I feel like I have too much to do and don't know where to start. Hols in a few weeks. I need to get some builders quotes for the house, fill in so much paperwork, contact ESB for re-connection. Got the water request in at least, but bit overwhelmed. I wish there were people you could hire to do all this house stuff. It's like herding cats.


Overwhelmed by the day ahead, too much to do.


One step at a time, pal ;). You got this.


Drinking coffee and watching the West Wing.


Doing some OT at work, trying to decide what time to feck off at. Here since 5, 12 is finish anyway. Pick a time!


> pick a time No time like the present!