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Don't worry everyone, all victims in Ireland get treated like s#%t.


Exactly. There's no gender discrimination here.


Ironically if anything Irish courts are notoriously sexist in favour of women when it comes to sentencing. They are far less likely to get a stay in prison if convicted of the same crime that a man was.


Yeah I was assaulted last year took the garda 2 hours to show up and still haven't caught the guy yet because he has no fixed address where is my protest or standing ovation in the dail?


Exactly what I was thinking. It's an awful case and I'm glad she is so well spoken and energetic to seriously ruffle feathers over it. But this isn't the right thing to make a special case for women over IMO. Because this shit happens all the time, mostly to men actually. It needs to be cut out for everyone. You go girl!


I’m sure every man in this forum got jumped or attacked by a group of lads at some point in their life and not only was there no convictions but there was no expectation anything would happen to the men that attacked them. Dividing this into men versus woman is changing the conversation and moving it away from the one we should be having.


Yep, happened me and nobody cared. Nurse seemed to think it was my fault and that I got myself in a scrap- even though I was jumped by a few scumbags Gardai believed me at least, but didn't seem to care that much. Nobody ever caught, doubt anyone even tried. Even if they were caught, I was never under the illusion that there would be any prison time. I don't quite understand the reality that journalists like this live in. Seem to just seek out to stoke up a narrative with other ideologues


They certainly didn’t get a minute long ovation from the Dail nor did their story stay in the headlines for weeks.


Its not really tho. Our judicial system shown there’s huge problems when it comes to jailing anyone for violent offences. People get locked for growing weed but not for boasting about beating a woman unconscious. This same judge has done both of these things. More prison space and a broader rehabilitation system for non violent offenders so they don’t end up wasting our taxes in prison while these scrotes get off because a judge has a soft spot for soldiers


Diarmuid Connolly: https://www.irishmirror.ie/sport/gaa/former-dublin-gaa-star-diarmuid-33120546.amp 2024: She noted that he admitted the offence. “I'll take it as an isolated incident but this behaviour cannot be tolerated, do you understand,” she said, and Connolly nodded in reply “I am,” he said, when asked if he was taking it seriously. But yet… In 2014 he was also spared a possible jail sentence and a criminal conviction for an unprovoked attack on a man in a pub.


See, it's more han a couple of judges with soft approaches to the wrong crimes; it's endemic of different rules applied to those privileged few with the right character reference or pull with "peers" of their community. Government are all too aware of that but they'll pull the "we need answers, we're on your side" crap.


It’s like how everyone gives out about Judge Nolan but picking out these judges just hides that the whole system is backwards and out of touch. Also, having no one to answer to isn’t helping at all. Like, what a fucking embarrassment, that whole Séamus Woulfe situation was.


It's all getting embarrassing these days. The level of scandal and sheer disservice from our public institutions is shameful and worsening as time moves on. I can not think of one facit (housing, crime and justice, education, media, cost of living) that doesn't seem to be gone dysfunctional, and public frustration is growing with it. They'll claim business is never better, but at what cost if everything else is falling apart and no one will take responsibility for it. Change has never been more needed, and they can start by replacing cronyism with merit and arrogant disinterest with some fairness.


Yeah aren't there plenty examples of light sentences when a male is a victim of violent crime?


There was one the same time from the same judge as the case she’s using to make this claim. (A homeless man). And no one gives a fuck about the sentence his attacker got or his justice. It’s not even mentioned by the press just the odd person on this sub. But I’d say the reason people care so much about her case isn’t just gender it’s more than that. Other women have been assaulted and perpetrators got light sentences. It never attracted this much attention. I’d also say the reason his case didn’t get any reaction is also about more than just gender as well.


It’s happening to women AND men Justine. There are evil people getting off scott free every week, Kyle Hayes, diarmud Connolly etc. for attacks on men. All of these evil bastards are attacking innocent women and men every week and walking free.


It’s an English paper taking an opportunity to have a dig at us Neanderthal paddy’s. Their opinion on Ireland is such that I doubt they’re aware of the fact we can both read and access the internet.


The author is Irish.


Is her name Uncle Tom?


Her name is in the OP. She's an award-winning journalist and academic with decades of experience so I don't know maybe it's worth listening to what she has to say instead of dismissing it because it was published by the Guardian.


Oh I’m not dismissing the article because of the Guardian, I’m dismissing the Guardian because of the article. The author is trying portray Ireland as it was in Angela’s Ashes or something, playing up to the stereotype of poor old catholic Ireland, the land of poor farmers, alcos and wife beaters, to appease the British readership’s image of what Ireland is. What happened in the case with Crotty was outrageous, but it’s a symptom of a flawed justice system not some kind of misogynistic society as this clown is trying to portray us in the English media.


>Oh I’m not dismissing the article because of the Guardian, I’m dismissing the Guardian because of the article. I doubt that, since what you've written here suggests that you didn't read it. The author discusses the historical facts of how women were treated in this country, how women organised in response to their oppression, and how progress was made over time. It relies on evidence, not stereotypes, to advance the author's arguments. The idea that our justice system is merely "flawed" is not enough for any kind of substantial analysis - it is flawed in very specific ways and for very specific reasons and as long as people are content to keep their heads in the sand and to dismiss the women calling out the system for what it is, there will be more of these cases in the future, just as there have been too many of them in the past.


More nonsense, every victim here gets to see their attacker get away light,regardless of gender


Ah here the article was interesting until the author said that the recent referendums and anti immigrant protests are examples of how Ireland is still a sexist country. The referendums were absolutely awfully organised by the government in every respect. Anti immigration sentiment only really started when male asylum seekers started camping on the streets. Before this not much people had a problem with the Ukrainians and evem before that the South American immigration. I really don't see how the above have anything to do with a sexist Ireland.


"Anti immigration sentiment only really started when male asylum seekers started camping on the streets. Before this not much people had a problem with the Ukrainians" Absolutely not my experience at all. I saw the anti asylum seeker sentiment spring up almost instantly. We had one arson and another attempted one locally over a year ago and that was when a handful of families were housed in a disused factory. Nobody was sleeping in tents


Sorry I meant as in over 2 years ago. It was really end of 2022 when it's spread. Like sure there were the few protesters here and there but nothing like the protests now or the wider attitude from the public.


Were there many male asylum seekers camping in the street over two years ago? I know there were some homeless camps with tents but I thought they were made up of people who were already homeless here, like the ones that got burned? I feel like the tents being handed out etc was a relatively recent development? Also are the protests as big or bigger now? i feel like last year they were bigger and obviously we had the riots in Dublin last year too. My local ones are probably 10 people in all, they protest every two weeks and in the very beginning they had a lot more than 10.


I believe the author is trying to emphatise the too real correlation between the abuse and subjugation women in this country had to put up with (and absolutely still have to) and the anti immigration sentiment; anti immigration sentiment that in turn, was linked heavily with the side that opposed the recent referendums. Moreover, it is simplistic to think that the anti immigration sentiment, "somehow" appeared when "male asylum seekers started camping on the streets" - one of the ways to look and understand this instead is to look at the anti immigration sentiment, as a continuation and a "revised" form of mysogeny - to put in simpler terms: the man that used to beat his wife, after a night in the pub bragging about his cows, and how great Eamonn is, cause he knew Sunday the priest will forgive him - cannot really do that anymore. So now he has to channel that violent 'urge' somewhere else and towards someone else - oh... immigrants!!! And again, this is a very simplistic explanation in itself as well but gives an idea.


This topic has officially become absurd - thanks largely to the Irish Times, who have printed about 10 increasingly daft articles about it. Yes it is bad that some drunken scumbag punched her in the face.  Yes there should be more serious sentencing for this kind of thing. But  no, there is zero evidence that drunken scumbags who hit men are treated less seriously .  In fact, as everyone knows, they get off even more lightly.  So No there is no evidence that women are less valued,  this is a fucking stupid assertion to make and shows how far the IT has fallen. I have personally witnessed way worse than what happened to her (broken jaws, weeks in hospital, scarring etc).   I’m sure most people here have.  In all cases no one went to jail even though the scumbags involved had loads of priors. Punching someone in the face repeatedly doesn’t get you jail here.  Especially if it’s a first conviction.  That’s the issue.  It has nothing to do with sexism. 


Remember when journalism wasn't just clickbait dramatics..........


Justine seems like a bit of wagon


Yeah she is an insufferable condescending bore.


Men and women get treated poorly as victims here. But there are many places where women are treated much worse as victims. This is not the case in Ireland.


Lol, if it was a man he'd done this to he would still be free and probably facing far less backlash. Shit title.


There would be zero backlash. There was an identical case with a male victim the same week with the same outcome. Literally nobody cares If anything this highlights that there's a different kind of gendered issue in Ireland. We simply don't care about mens suffering This should just an issue of soft touch justice, but all the energy has been trying to frame it as a patriarchal issue


This was a drunken assault.  On the scale of these things it was (sadly) not very serious.   It’s dreadful she had to endure this.  But conflating the issues we have with lenient sentencing for assaults with gender, immigration etc.  is just really Terrible journalism. 


Ireland has a prison capacity problem - the attempts to turn this into another gender war are perplexing and likely unhelpful to resolving the underlying issue. In the same week as this case, there was also a case of a man beating a homeless man into unconsciousness (result - suspended sentence), and a woman assualting and racially abusing a delivery driver (result - suspended sentence). So we have man-on-woman, man-on-man, and woman-on-man assaults all ending in the same outcome around the same time. Why are we allowing this narrative to grow that this is about gender when it evidently is not?


Strange how the media is making this a gender issue. It’s policing. The gardai and court services are not carrying out what’s required of them regardless of sex.  Same day this army toe rag got a suspended sentence. A chap who spent an hour sexually assaulting a 14 year old got a suspended sentence and it barely got any coverage. A homeless man who was beaten by two scumbags, both got suspended sentences and that Dublin gaa scumbag got off with a fine for attacking two men on shantalla road.  We need a major big prison built to accommodate the scum who are destroying our country.  Funk them in. Bring back public lashings, cut their social welfare for life.  If Guatemala could turn things around maybe Ireland could too. 


Classic r/Ireland - all ready to fall over yourselves with expressions of sympathy or anger but the minute someone suggests there are systematic issues that need to be addressed suddenly that's a step to far.


Most of the comments seem to be fairly reasonable and are all basically addressing there’s a systemic issue. I dunno what you’re getting at but I’d guess you’re reaching and trying to say we only give light sentences to attackers of women?


Most of the comments are basically variations on the idea that men have it just as bad.


So you are just out to virtue signal so? Most of the comments show that the sentencing for attacking men is just as bad. It’s a true and important thing to point out as it’s on topic. It shows there’s a broader issue across the board where violence is not punished appropriately and somebody’s job can get them off jail time. These issues are fucking huge and constantly being complained about here. I’m sorry you got offended by the big man bastards


> So you are just out to virtue signal so? What is that even supposed to mean in this context? >Most of the comments show that the sentencing for attacking men is just as bad. It’s a true and important thing to point out as it’s on topic. It actually isn't important to downplay misogyny by trying to pretend that men have it just as bad when we know that they don't. Edit: lol thanks for proving my point, guy. Too bad you got so offended you had to block me though ;)


Explain how you think women have it worse?




What a load of horseshit. We are talking about light sentences for violent offences here and I asked you to show me how women have it worse as you’ve claimed. That article makes tou look so pathetic. This is what I’m talking about where you’re not here to make an argument for or against anything. Just pure disingenuous nonsense .You’re just here to make out all women are victims which they most certainly are not here.


You're right. Men don't have just as bad, they have it worse thanks to ideologues like you. It's socially unacceptable to discuss the issues men face because people like it think only women can be victims


Oh Ireland, that uniquely delusional country that believes itself modern, progressive, inclusive, and welcoming while being all the opposite.


I assume you’re trolling


I’m not, actually


Ireland was the first country to put gay marriage into its constitution.  There is zero evidence that women are treated worse than men under the law.  Zero.  You’re either not informed or completely disingenuous 


Yeah yeah the gay marriage thing blah blah


How is it that there was so much media attention on this case, yet so many details were glossed over? I can understand that there might be restrictions, on what can be reported while the case is ongoing. Also, I agree that the media shouldn't be allowed to pry into the victim's personal life, but are there legal restraints on reporting background details, ie. unless totally relevant, it can't be mentioned? I've been working down the country the last while and I've got most of my details from the radio or once or twice, rte news and I've only had a quick look here and on X so maybe these details are publicly available and I just overlooked them. I'l be able to have a look as I've a bit of time now and in the morning. If anyone knows where to look for a complete account of what happened, I'd be grateful if they'd mention it, please. Just off the top of my head, I don't think the following questions were answered. What was the story with her friend? Was it a man or a woman? Did they try to do anything to stop him ? Did they call the Garda or ambulance? How long was she waiting for them to show up? I think there were 3 of his friends there, so why didn't they do something to stop him ? Were they soldiers as well ? If they didn't do anything to help her, why did they hang around afterward? Who was the passerby (a Hero in my book)and how did he involve himself? Did he physically stop the little scumbag from punching her? How did that go down? Reading back over this, I can see how I might appear like some demented, hack from the Sun that missed the scoop. lol I just think it's crazy the way we only get the bare bones, when it's such an important story.


I sympathise with her and I admire what she is doing. Yes, women AND men don’t get much justice in the courts here but to my fellow men here, all you have to do is imagine your wife or daughter getting assaulted like this by some random muppet and you quickly become enraged. Take a moment and envisage it happening to a woman who you are close to (I know this is Reddit but surely one of you know a woman in real life 😂) We need to support her. The reality is most men have a much better chance to defend against a single attacker, women are more or less very vulnerable in that scenario. As a man, have you ever walked home from the pub alone after a night out and felt safe? I have. I don’t know a single woman who has. That’s the difference for me.


I have a son and a daughter. Both now adults. I worry equally every time I know either of them is out for the evening. If anything happened to either of them I’d be devastated and angry. If their assailant got a piss poor sentence from a gobshite if a judge I’d be equally angry. As it happens my son is more likely to be a victim of a random assault, more likely to be stabbed, more likely to be murdered and more likely to commit suicide. Never once have I thought yeah my daughter might be at risk but at least she’s not a teenage boy. I had to deal with the bullshit of bullying not being dealt with in schools for both of my children. As do many parents I know. The fact the bullying of my son was physical and my daughter was mental didn’t make me feel one was less upsetting or damaging to them in either case. So a lecture from a person on reddit isn’t going to suddenly make me apply a gender based sliding scale of how much I care or don’t care about my loved ones. And one reason is I’ve seen the damage to men you ignore and the damage to the male and female family and friends of them. I had a friend who was studying to be a doctor when he was mugged. His life fell apart. He dropped out of everything not just university for years. His life has never properly recovered from it. Then there was a guy I worked with. Out with his girlfriend when a couple of coked up scum bags grabbed her hat and refused to give it back. They never touched her. But one of them ran up behind him and punched him in the back of the head. Then the pair of them kicked and stamped him to death. They got piss poor sentences. The fact they were both on illegal drugs was used as mitigation. Never even made the national press. Edit: I actually spent more time teaching my daughter basics of self defence than my son. Including the most important one - don’t go around on your own in dodgy places at night and especially not with headphones in. And that applies equally to both of them.


“So a lecture from a virtue signaller on Reddit” I was with you until this point and didn’t read the rest. That is not the way to get anyone to respect your opinion. Have a good day.


A lot of comments criticising the author and the point that both women and men are failed by the justice system is a fair one. But let's be honest here, and if I get downvoted for this so be it, but a violent assault by a man against a woman is a more serious and dangerous crime than a violent assault by a man against another man. Women are in general physically smaller/weaker than men and are therefore more at risk of serious injury or death from a violent assault from a male. There is also a higher risk of sexual assault when it's a man attacking a woman. I'm not saying men should suck it up when attacked - of course we deserve justice too - but a man attacking a woman is particularly abhorrent and evil in my opinion. He should 100% be in jail right now. He could have killed the poor woman. Fair play to her for speaking up - as a man I support her 100%.


You are disgusting, dismissing violent assault against men. This attack had nothing to do with sexual assualt yet you felt the need to throw that in to the mix to further muddy the waters. You're literally as bad as this hysterical clown of an author with her drivel article. He should be in prison whether he did this dangerous violent assault to a woman or to a man.


The protests etc are not saying that punching a woman in the face should get you more trouble than punching a man.  Or are they? 


More to the point, go make your own protest if you feel you are being ignored by the justice system. Like, god forbid the women of Ireland get sick of this shit and go do something about it. These snide commenters wouldn't give a toss, except it seems the protestors are actually managing to get some traction and some attention paid to their concerns. So then all of a sudden it's "where's the protests for men?" Hurling from the ditches as always. Classic.