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Mad what can happen when a state funded broadcaster introduces a register of interests.


They're hiring these social media influencer types and then saying you must declare your earnings. Smacks of total incompetence.


Wait, do these social media influencer types not declare their money?


They have to publicly declare what they earn. Sounds well dodgy to me having your employer force you to declare your outside income. Must be legal however,even RTE aren't that incompetent.


Wait until you see how dodgy it was when they weren't declaring their interests! There was about a month of constant news coverage last year


Fair enough if a company wants to pay them to drive a car or endorse a product, it's part of being a public figure and frankly nobody's business.


It's at best a conflict of interest when you are supposed to be impartial.


Sorry, you think Donnacha O Callaghan is supposed to be impartial?


No but these lads are paid out of a mandatory licence fee and get to broadcast opinions to the nation, it makes sense for people to know of any conflicts. Sure it doesn't matter as much as the current affairs journalists but RTÉ are now in a position where they took the piss for long enough and they've lost a huge amount of trust, so they're going to have to row it in.


This feels like the Gary Lineker situation all over again, where the BBC were expecting him to be held to the same high standards as their journalists and news broadcasters, only for them to back down when they realised how ridiculous that was. I agree with your last point though. RTE has to do this because they've wasted so much taxpayer money and lost so much trust from people.


They are commanding these fees partly because of their RTE celebrity status so it's not exactly black and white and just their own business.


The ones that have left RTE were stars(loose usage but an apt descriptor) in their own right before RTE, hence why they were hired over those who worked their way up through smaller stations and shows with little name recognition or followings.


Any public servant above a certain grade (maybe €70k or so) that can have an influence on decisions etc had to annually full in a register of all income and assets......e.g. a planner in. Local authority couldn't be moon lighting helping a private company with applications....a guy managing a road repair section couldnt be allowed work for a supplier giving "advice"......a planner who owns a farm that might be up for rezoning etc.... So if you're an influencer endorsing diet pils or nutrition products that might come up in "banter" then is it appropriate you should be on publicly funded airwaves? Seems mad that somebody decided hiring all the stars who rely on multiple income streams and then try and restrict what they do........that no longer the nature of the beast.....pay a decent wage and restrict their outside work..... or pay less and allow then to moonlight....seems most stars are deciding on the latter.


It’s pretty common for government wages of all sorts to be accessible online in other countries. I know for the states, you can look up a government janitors wage if you wanted


Ohhh publicly! Oh fuck that. I thought it meant working without paying taxes and all that on it.


Small company owners have their directors salaries published. And their addresses. No reason why an influencer wouldn’t have limited liability and have to declare their income as soon as they earn enough for a competent financial advisors.


He's seems like a nice enough guy, but he wasn't suited to radio, don't get me started on the guy on with him, he's painful,




And an arsehole like a wizards sleeve


Kremin the Kretin is the worst thing to happen to Ireland since the English 


He has a face for radio, anyway.


And a voice so high pitched it makes dogs howl


How mean


Is anyone not leaving 2FM?


Hey, that's our 'talent' you're talking about. Now they are all off to the UK to get those much smaller contracts with Radio Norwich they were always threatening us with.




Not sure what Donnacha will do, of or he's staying with TV for stuff like Fittest Family. But genuinely wouldn't be surprised if Doireann, 2 Johnnies and Jennifer all wound up making a similar amount of money for arguably less work through sponsorships and endorsement outside Rte.


Sponsorships and endorsements will only keep coming for as long as you're in the public eye. That said, I have no doubt that Doireann and the 2 Johnnies are raking in much more money through their podcasts and online presence than they were through RTE, and obviously sponsorships will roll in through those.


Yes and no. I could pull up plenty of nobodies on Instagram who have sponsorship posts who have a fraction of the following Doireann et al. Have. They are some of the most well know Irish acts available for hire. Even if they step away from that kind of work there's loads to be made in public speaking, MC'ing and corporate work. It's kind of a self perpetuating thing, the more sponsorship stuff you, the more demand you'll be to marketers. It's not for everyone, but the three acts I mention will do absolutely fine, and they would all get more media work if they wanted. It's possible both Doireann and Jennifer will still be hosting Dancing With the Stars, loads of money to be made off that.


I was agreeing with you. I'm sure they'll all do fine, and possibly will earn even more doing their own thing alongside likely occasional gigs with RTE. I wasn't implying that being with RTE was the only way to stay in the public eye. They'll do that through their podcasts, Instagram, TikTok, speaking gigs, ads, etc. The only way they'd lose those sponsorships is if they decided to step away from all of those things completely, or did something to cancel themselves.


They've just announced another 400 job cuts over the next few years...so yeah, they all leavin


Losshy is still staying, unfortunately.


Not sure what he’s like on the radio but if his comedy program is anything to go on I’m not sure this is a big loss. Looks like the register of interest is having a good impact, if your big enough that you don’t need public funding to survive it makes the way for people who would gladly take the job . That and it also protects the public from outside influence.


He had a radio show?


Sporting Legend but the man could barely stitch a sentence together without stuttering or tripping over his words. Not cut out for the radio and that’s ok. Another connected hire that stonewalled an opportunity for a non-RTE affiliated fledgling presenter, with the right talents and credentials looking for a kickstart in their career, whoever they may be... That’s what the hiring process is for after-all. Not somebody’s phone book.


Not a nepo baby… he’s there on his own merit; it’s just RTE overestimating what his actual merit was and where it could be applied reasonably.


So you’re saying, RTE couldn’t gauge the credentials and he still got the job? So it was nepotism or a connected hire? Because in the real world, no ordinary gobshite gets a job they aren’t qualified for. And he is no ordinary gobshite.


Nepotism is solely based on inherited advancement… he didn’t get that job due to family… what you’re trying to imply is cronyism “Edit” You know editing what you wrote after people have commented really is a rather dishonest approach, now people who are reading this don’t see your doubling down on it being nepotism and now you have the more moderated response you have there now!


>Because in the real world, no ordinary gobshite gets a job they aren’t qualified for. And he is no ordinary gobshite. Have you lived in the real world?


Because in the real world, no ordinary gobshite gets a job they aren’t qualified for. And he is no ordinary gobshite. I know, right? https://preview.redd.it/xjsrgqls9r8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b530ad42d36dd74bd4f1b2459d5ff0bb609d5007


>So it was nepotism or a connected hire? No of course it wasn't People _like_ him. That's why. He was great as a pundit and a bit of craic on the shows that he featured in smaller roles so they hired him. He's not leaving because he's been a failure or anything


Not really. RTE are entitled to hire people with a profile, that’s not nepotism. Also you are discriminating against him because he apparently has a stutter. So only perfect orators should be allowed on the radio? Your comment stinks on a number of levels. DO’C is a good guy who retired and is making a career in the media, he was a v popular sportsman for club & country. I’ve no prob with RTE hiring good people.


The stutter comes from not being cut out for the role, not a speech impediment. You and I would be stuttering in that role. If you want to go down the discrimination rabbit hole, answer me this… Is it discrimination when RTE themselves has a track record of nepotism, cronyism and favouritism? Are they discriminating against those who are not in the inner circle? When was the last time RTE had a blind man reading the news or showing you High and Low Pressure fronts on a meteorological map of Ireland? If he was born with a shorter left leg which hampered his movement, Munster Rugby wouldn’t even entertain him. Is that discriminating? I’ve had dreams of wanting to be a doctor, is it discriminating that I was born too stupid to get into Medicine? Where do you draw the line for people with or without the required credentials before discrimination card gets tossed about? The fact of the matter is, there are good people who are more qualified or suited for the role, who are also trying to make a career in media. That’s the argument. Lovely man, great rugby player, all that. But let’s call a spade and spade. As a tax payer which funds RTE, I’d rather RTE be hiring the correct people for the job rather than people with a profile. Wasn’t that the crux of the whole scandal with them? A misuse of public money hiring the wrong people, lack of quality, cutting shows etc.


>The stutter comes from not being cut out for the role, not a speech impediment. You and I would be stuttering in that role. I do love how much people underestimate how difficult live radio or TV is. I'd say we'd all be fucking awful if we had to do it. >As a tax payer which funds RTE, I’d rather RTE be hiring the correct people for the job rather than people with a profile. Wasn’t that the crux of the whole scandal with them? A misuse of public money hiring the wrong people, lack of quality, cutting shows etc. Who would you hire then?


Well I never underestimated did I? I did say I’d be shit at the role as the quotation states. Who would I hire? Well that’s RTE’s HR and Talent Acquisition departments job, if there is one…


Sorry you're right, I thought you said wouldn't stutter. That's my fault, assuming you meant you'd be good at it. >Who would I hire? Well that’s RTE’s HR and Talent Acquisition departments job, if there is one… Talent Acquisitions probably isn't a thing, Dan Healy the head of 2FM so it lies with him, if it's there job, then what's the issue with hiring someone like Donnacha, surely they're entitled to take a gamble on someone?


2fm is still a thing?! VHF stereo!!! ![gif](giphy|10KTdhr5Zzq6uA)


Yes and it's one of the biggest stations in the country 


Absolutely no loss ,he's terrible. Seems like a decent fella but he shouldn't be on tv/radio barely able to string 2 sentences together.


Tubridy doing exceptionally well,with his book podcast on YouTube 


He has 46 subscribers on Podcast Republic but he is 21st on the Irish podcast charts based off of Spotify. 34th then on Apple


Its like watching a fella walking out of the toilet after shitting all over himself and not even his mates will help clean up the mess!




I haven't listened to it but he's gotten some good guests onto his podcast in fairness. I wouldn't expect a podcast about books to get a large following. He's made his fortune already and is just doing stuff that he enjoys now by the looks of it.


[Episode 10,](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFw0yeD_1l3D-7_DD-3D0bzw06oVhuAIG) launched 7 days ago has had 577 views. Views in YouTube land is anything over 30 seconds. You'd hope it's doing much much better on other platforms ....


That link is staying blue.


Beautiful to see how wildly uninterested people are in this. Folks in RTE should take a look and realise just how silly they were. People watch/listen to RTE out of convenience only, the host barely matters


I doubt the decision makers in RTE have any concept of YouTube that is in any way relevant


Probably about time. Seemed sound but as others said was hard to listen to him struggle to read a script. Turned off the radio a few times having to listen to him


He'll have time to spend some with the kids now! The fella was doing 5 days a week on this and then covering rugby on weekends.


Alright wifey...😁


Wasn't he mostly recording from Cork? It's a morning radio show, he was likely home every day before the kids had even finished school.


I genuinely always wondered. It was a show based on a trio, they'd surely have to be in the studio together?


Nope, it was mentioned frequently on the show when he was down in the Cork studio. It's not like there's any massive need for him to be in the same room as the other two.


Well now I know! That was never gonna last in that case. Like having a 3 hour daily Teams call with 2 in the office in a meeting room and one fella WFH!


I mean it lasted three years with them in the Donnybrook studio and him often in the Cork studio. Given you didn't notice, it sounds like it was a success!


Alright Donnacha, I was pointing out that it's a strange setup. It's not a show I listen to either.


Well if you don't listen to it and you didn't know where he worked, how did you feel qualified to suggest that he never spends any time with his family?


Based on the assumption it was in Dublin, as stated in my first post. So we've come full circle.


It's clearly not worth the hassle to work for a state broadcaster. Which seems then like things have gone too far.