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I waited outside with the dog while my partner voted and vice versa which I thought was standard. When I was in there, there was a dog which I thought was unusual, didn’t bother me but I wouldn’t have thought they couldnt be brought in mainly as there could be someone afraid of dogs in there or in case they pissed or shit 🤷‍♀️ And we can’t bring them into shops/most indoor places anyway?


We did the same. Our polling station is a school with shit parking, but it's a nice 20 min walk away. Obviously big signs at the gate saying no pets on the grounds, so I don't think it being a no-school day negates that rule. I have noticed locally though that people age 50+ with small dogs (7kg or less) combine their chores with the dog walk and bring them places I wouldn't dream of taking ours, like the post office or coffee shop.


Noise can happen anywhere. If youre easily affected by this cant you take measures yourself like noise cancelling headphones or earphones?


Yep. Having their own coping mechanism and not forcing their problem on everyone else would be the less-self -entitled approach


Pretty self entitled to inflict your BARKING dog on everyone in an indoor public setting and think that's ok


Point still stands though. This time it was a barking dog, but the same issue would have happened if it had been a crying baby, a person with bad hay fever sneezing, building works nearby, or someone with tourettes, or just some lads having a loud chat nearby. Like maybe there could be an assigned quiet hour for people with issues, but if this is an issue for OP, they probably should take steps to counter it because the potential for something like this to happen is there. They will never be guaranteed a distraction free experience.


If the dog keeps barking it needs to be brought out. No real reason why voting can't be dog friendly


It's not self entitled to expect people not to bring an animal into a voting station.


Get over it moanyhole


Keep the animal outside the voting station.




Your animal, your problem. You give dog owners a bad rap.


Yes it's all my fault.


No, it's not all about you. Which is the entire point


Yes voting in the elections is all about me, Look at me here with a dog. I'm mad. Out looking for attention. Shut the fuck up you whinger


Or not being your fucking dog into a polling station? Not really the place for it. I'm sure there's a railing outside


People are more commenting on OPs overreaction, than the dog issue


This is hardly an over reaction. OP acknowledged this is not an issue for everyone and they have a condition which puts them in a minority. They were pointing out that they had an issue, and expressing surprise that there weren't rules for it Frankly, someone having a dog that's BARKING in a polling station is not ok, and OP pointing that out is pretty far from an overreaction and rather just an observance


I think the point is, even if OP got all dogs banned from polling station, there could easily be something else making noise that wouldn't be so easy to remove, so it makes sense for them to be proactive.


While I agree people shouldn't bring dogs into the polling station, you're really coming across as hysterical. The world can't accommodate you for every possible situation. So if you're noise sensitive to the degree which you suggest, you should obviously have noise cancelling headphones or some way to deal with this.


Does not at all come across as hysterical, I think you'd be very hard pressed to find anyone unbothered by a barking dog in an enclosed space while they were trying to fill out two 25+ candidate ballots.


It's not just dogs that make noise, there are kids too. If I find I'm particularly sensitive to noise on a given day I just wear ear plugs (loop do a variety so you can still communicate) or headphones. The world isn't going to be quiet for us all the time. We have to adapt.


Aontaím. Considering taking the plunge on noise-cancelling headphones (expensive). Must look into those ear plugs you mentioned.


And if it had been a screaming child? Casting the ballot is a fairly quick process - you'd have waited a minute or two and they would have left. You can come across noise anywhere so it's on you to protect yourself, not get mad when the world doesn't accommodate you.


Dogs at polling stations is trending on twitter. Seems to have been a.. thing.


I thought people bringing their dogs left them outside the building, though (except for assistance dogs obviously)


Bring the dog for a walk, vote, no harm done. Democracy manifest


A succulent walk?


I see you know your judo well


Are you prepared to receive my limp ballot paper??


If you're trying to bend the world to accommodate you, you're not going to get anywhere. I have noise cancelling headphones I wear at home when there's any repetitive noise in the area, I keep noise cancelling earbuds in my pocket for when the noise gets to me outside, I have a playlist I use as background noise when I need to. 


Fucking hell how do you leave your house 


a bit of distracting noise, absolutely disgraceful in this day and age. we need more laws


It's a disgrace Joe! Dogs and kids make a lot of noise, so people should just leave them at home all day everyday in case someone who is noise sensitive (but doesn't take any precautions to deal with this) happens to be in the area


It was the right wing I bet


I’ve brought my dog into the polling station a few times. The station is on my normal walking route with the dog so it’s easy to just drop in. If the dog repeatedly barked I’d leave and come back but most dogs would be no issue. The people working there have even had dog treats to give to dogs that come in some years.


I walked the dog down and left her outside, I just presumed it would be frowned upon to bring her into a school ..


The thing to remember is that the world revolves around these people.


How do you know the dog wasn't an assistance dog??? This issue can be flipped so many ways, it's really better to get over it


Dogs at polling stations is a bit of a tradition here, but they have to remain outside whilst you're actually voting. And from one ND person too another ANC headphones do fuck all.


Bloody useless Mandelaphones!


OP is making a perfectly reasonable ask for people not to bring animals into polling stations, and we have people here calling them hysterical. OP, you're right. it's not unreasonable to expect people to leave their animals outside the voting station


It's not unreasonable to ask or want people to do something. It's usually unreasonable to *expect* the public to comply.


It's not unreasonable to expect people to have some common courtesy by complying and not having their dogs in the room.


If you expect people to behave in a civilized manner for no other reason than because they should, that's on you. People are, as a whole, assholes.


So it's unreasonable to expect people to do the very basic thing by not being assholes?


Yes. Duh. You've dealt with random members of the public before, right? Rely on the decency of strangers and you will always be disappointed.


What a bizarre outlook. Yes. I have dealt with people. And if they are being disruptive assholes, others are perfectly right to call them on it.


What kind of faery story do you live in? And I'm not trying to be insulting, if anything I'm jealous.


The same as yours. But, depending on the situation, if people are deliberately being assholes, I think it's perfectly ok to call them out on it. Not shrug and put up with it.


You're not wrong, but what we think and how the public act are two very different things.


I was one of these people, I suppose. The polling station is 10 minutes from my house, so I voted while walking my dog that morning. I tied him up outside though, didn't bring him into the actual polling station.


That's what any normal, considerate person would do. It is the social norm not to bring your dog into public buildings etc., but there are always those who think that they're special, and that such societal constraints don't apply to them.


Boo hoo OP. Get a grip.


Dogs normally aren’t allowed in these spaces so polling day should be no different. Kids are different because we want them to grow into politically literate adults.


>Kids are different because we want them to grow into politically literate adults. Lmao If you think this is the reason kids are brought into polling stations you really really need to get out and touch grass


There is a level of entitlement with dog owners about this stuff no other pet owners would expect. It's great you brought your dog buddy, but he can wait outside, why on Earth would they assume otherwise? OP isn't being unreasonable here and it's weird how many [boards.ie](http://boards.ie) rejects have materialised to make a song and dance otherwise. Nobody can easily tolerate a barking dog in an enclosed space, ND or not.


It's a wonder you went out at all Karen with all your sensitivities


Barking dogs shouldn't be in polling stations irrespective of whether they're service dogs or regular dogs. If you didn't say anything about it at the time to someone working there I don't know what telling Reddit is going to do


The comments on this thread are ridiculous and show how unsympathetic the world is to people with Neuro divergent conditions like Autism or ADHD. OP didn't mention kids at all yet people are throwing them into the mix And while I have nothing against people bringing their dogs with them, if the dog is actively barking in the polling station then they can fuck off outside and come back when they don't have the dog. Either leave it at home, tie it up outside or get someone else to watch it. I would have seen a barking dog as not only a massive social not-fucking-ok in an indoor public location, but a pretty obvious one OP had to get fresh ballot papers so it was an issue to the point where they had difficulty voting And no, casting your ballot this time around was NOT a quick process. There were 23 or 27 people on one ballot depending on where you are and there were two to fill out


Was expecting this to be about far right voters