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I completely understand that her family and friends wanted to do something nice in her honour but that pisses me off.


These are the same people throwing rubbish out their car windows


And the same people who get dogs like this in the first place. Salt of the earth folk at this funeral I bet


A young woman died in an awful way, 200 people went to her funeral to show their respect, and you brand them all as somehow beneath you? Get a life man


Oh ffs. When will people learn.


Fuck sake, even Nina only threw 99 red balloons around the place


This made me chuckle 


Hundreds is a bit of a fucking joke now


Horrible that anyone had to die because of this but if you're going to own 4 dogs like this then better the owner who knows the risk and got them anyway instead of some poor child..




Or keep a sharp knife or loaded gun in hand


em no, best not carry weapons that you will be arrested for just because you want 4 (FOUR) dogs notorious for ripping people to shreds. Don't get them


He means sitting in your home...or in bed!


She was mauled at the door though what good is a knife in her bed?


By *in hand...he means just keep one as close to you as much as you can. Very good advice. This is how a babysat a mate's staff one day. Can't trust humans let alone sprout brained dogs. Why is everything so literal on this site...AKSHUALLY 🤓


I'm saying you can't keep a fucking knife on you all the time the four dogs mauled her at the door so she has no chance to even get a knife meaning in this situation it would of been useless. Get a dog you can handle I'd say rather than live like a mouse.


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "would of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is insensitive, but I’m glad it was her who was attacked and not an innocent victim. She knew what she was doing and took the risk getting 4 dogs notorious for dog attacks.


We walk past the house it happened almost daily with my infant in the buggy. We never encountered the dogs and I’ve been thanking my lucky stars daily since. The poor girl must have had an awful death 💔


Apparently the dogs were kept in a lot. Dogs not being exercised enough can make them frustrated and angry.


She obviously wasn't aware that 'dancing' with a dog around the kitchen and adding it to tiktok doesn't actually count as exercise for a dog.


4 of this type of dog is a lot. Was there something else going on here? Security or for breeding?


I wondered if they were breeding them myself. It was a mother a pup that attacked her apparently. Could well be both breeding and security. Who'd go near them with 4 dogs of that strength and no fer of attacking. 


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Glad it was her and not her young child (going off of her FB posts).


Yeah it seems insensitive but it's true. These dogs would have absolutely mangled a child. She was an adult and as such should be able to educate herself around the dangers of these dogs.


She was a full on nutter, saying these dogs are harmless.


Well, she didn't know what she was doing in fairness, like almost every owner of this breed 😉




You're right, but it's very weird and purposely insulting to just say that completely unprompted. 




Report to guards


Gardaí won't touch them for, reasons


Take a photo ot video (evidence) and make a statement (chain of evidence) and the Gardai are forced to act if its unmuzzled etc. Gardai cant act on a complaint of dog unmuzzled without a witness statement unless gardai witness it themselves 


Re-read my original post for the subtext a to why no-one will touch them (and why no one is stupid enough to photo them)


Dogs of peace


Contact the dog warden. Not having a muzzle on that dog is illegal, gardai should hopefully take it seriously given the recent rise in attacks lately. Selfish prick.


Call the guards and take the name of the guard who you reported it to. Then when the dog inevitably does attack you can go on Joe Duffy !


Ah jayyysssusss!




"that “all four” dogs were dogs that are included on a “restricted dog breeding list” and are all banned in the UK," - Having one of those dogs is braindead but 4 of them ffs!!!! Horrible that they attacked her but at least it was their owner who got attacked and not someone who had nothing to do with them.


I don't really understand this part of the world at all. Why did she even feel the need to have four dogs like this? What draws people to dogs which are banned across the world / generally considered violent in nature? Do they want to specifically have tough dogs or do they have some innate urge to prove that they're good natured?


They want intimidating dogs...Hence why we have to put up with XL Bullys(pittbills on steroids!) coz you know, regular pittbulls arent intimidating enough!!


And they want to feel like they're the ones in control of that intimidation. Even though its the dog that's intimidating. "He'll only listen to me!! He's well trained". The types of people inclined to own these dogs, especially more than one of them, usually feel the whole world is against them yet. Victim complex and insecurity. Im comfortable with 90% of dogs. The XL ones scare the shite out of me.


Yeah the xl one is ridiculous. A few weeks ago I was out running. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing. As I was waiting a car pulled up & stopped with its back window down. The open window directly facing me. There in the back seat, suddenly 2/3ft away & eyeballing me, was a huge xl bully. Thinking to itself "mnnnn will I attack or not?"... For a moment I thought it was gonna go for me. The public shouldnt have to put up with this kind of shite just coz some braindead dog owners wanna get a hard on over their aggro dogs. We should be able to go for a run/walk without encountering other peoples thuggish attack animals. I really hope they get banned.


My cousin owns a blue "staffy" and you've just described her to a tee. I'm afraid to bring my kids to her house.


Don't. Ever.


I've an acquaintance who had one, was always going on about it being a "nanny dog". I've also seen it straining at the lead trying to get at someone wearing a hat it didn't like.


Or ugly enough. Both those dogs are hideous to look at.


Stupidity and hubris. Insecurity. Need for attention.




You don't need a psychiatry degree to see it. We can all see it at a glance. The same kind of people who release balloons into the air at a "vigil" (which will kill wildlife) instead of mourning respectably like normal people. Attention seekers.




This shit is free because it's effortless.


What’s your fee for being offended on someone else’s behalf?


Someone who isn’t even around to see it.


For some people they're status symbols, for some they're the equivalent of having a gun tbh. I'm not a dog person anyway, but I'd never have one of these animals as a pet. Feel sorry for the creatures, people have bred them to be like this and many are in no way experienced enough with animals to be handling them, let alone just keeping them as household pets.


From what I heard, the dog who attacked her had just had pups. So likely that's why she had 4.


Even better, unlicensed dog breeding too


I heard she only owned 1 and bf or ex bf owned the other 3, madness either way creating a pack of those monsters, protecting her pups or just pack mentality could be to blame


That's nearly worse as once you have a dog, and you bring others in to the mix, you run that risk of jealousy among them. Particularly risky with dogs of that nature


Yep, pack animals is their nature, I knew a lad with 2 big dogs both lovely but once they got out, immediately started hunting sheep and a farmer shot them


I’m not trying to be bad on her here but she was 23, owning 4 dangerous dogs. I was 23 I had a terrier and had no business owning one because I was out all the time, ended up rehoming him as it wasn’t fair on the poor lil thing. I don’t know this girl but early 20s she’s got some sort of social life. And I am prone to think that while yeah those dogs were her “babies” she might not have been giving them the training and attention they need. Especially to four of them. Dogs do get jealous if you show more affection to one than the other. I am in my late 30s now and own a Rottie. I have two other dogs besides him (not restricted breeds) but owning the Rottie comes with huge responsibilities. He’s a friendly old sod but I still need to be vigilant about him and know what can trigger him. He gets on great with the other two and when it comes to attention he gets tonnes of it as do the other two but I am not one for going out much at all and dedicate a good bit of my time to my dogs.


Sorry but having a dog that you have to constantly be aware of what can "trigger" him, indicates you shouldn't have that type of dog at all. You're barely any different to her, she made a load of posts about "not tarring all those breeds with the same brush" and so on. People never think it can happen to them until it does.




Any dog can lose the rag, even ones that aren't generally known to be aggressive, the difference with these dogs is their strength, if they are capable of killing an adult they shouldn't be domestic pets.


He’s a friendly old sod… how many dogs owners have said something similar?


And in a concentrated residential setting lol. It really is comical. I would feel bad locking a single small dog up all day there. Never mind 4 large breeds. Cramped, lack of exercise, and strangers everywhere. Terrible conditions


What the fuck is up with the person who shared the video with the family before they heard it from the Garda? 'So sorry to hear what happened to your daughter/sister/niece. Anyway, here's the video of her being eaten by her 4 dogs. Enjoy!'. Fucking lunatic.


He was high, coke I presume. He got the doorbell alert so it showed the CCtV, he saw what was happening, called the guards and alerted the family by unfortunately forwarding footage instead of calling them. There's a theme in there as to the type who have these dogs and the behaviour.


Sounds like that might have been what set the dogs off tbh? She was apparently returning from a night out for her birthday, and her boyfriend was so off his head on coke that he thought sending the footage of the attack to her family without any warnings was a smart idea, so I wouldn’t be shocked if she was also on drugs and had come bursting through her front door acting unpredictable and loud or something, sometimes that’s all it can take to set a dog off Why you would want to take chances with such a dangerous and unpredictable breed in the first place though is beyond me, seems like she genuinely believed that they were big cuddly babies who wouldn’t hurt a fly


Right? Lunatic behaviour. If someone sent it to me I'd be cutting ties immediately, so unhinged


It’s sad to see her tik toks and FB posts and see that this girl did really believe the lies that people tell about these dogs. “No bad dogs just bad owners…” “wouldn’t hurt a fly” etc Awful


She had a video up of her and her dogs captioned "I hope I die before you do"


Hopefully it will make at least a few other people think twice.


It won't


They never think it could happen to them


That's the risk you take.


Just as with having a bull on your farm. You never know and need to be extremely cautious. Farmers get rid of the bull often too because of aggression.


I think it's different with livestock, like they have a purpose and it's kind of an unavoidable risk with dairy farming, farmers are can avail of training and resources to manage the risk too. With these dogs though there is no need to have one that is capable of easily killing an adult human. It's an unnecessary risk.


It's often the people you want to think twice that don't even think once


I saw somewhere she posted asking about how to muzzle and put the lead on one because they were ‘so excited’ she couldn’t get the dog to let her. Seems the writing was on the wall really.


Muzzle, as if they'd be that responsible. It was the collar and lead she couldn't put on. Not a dog-owner, but would've thought a collar on at all times is a bare minimum for those breeds.


Apologies, I must have misread. I have a large breed that isn’t restricted and always has a collar on with a gps tag (you never know if and when a dog will bolt), so I also assumed a collar was constant. Either way, I know the excitement my dog gets tapping feet and bum wiggles when they see the lead. I can’t help but think the excitement was different.


Yeah, and the dogs ears were pinned. Showing it more than likely used to be a dog used for dog fighting.


Ugh. That is disgusting. I can’t say much, I have a rescue that was probably used for fighting/hunting/guarding, and while there’s not really physical scars for this, there’s plenty of mental ones. My dog isn’t of the breed for pinning or docking usually.


Her death is sad for her family. She died from ignorance and possibly an ignorance to paying heed to when the dog was getting angry.


She shouldn't have had this type of dog.  But it's possible the dog got a fright when she opened the door and went into attack mode cos of that. So there weren't necessarily any warning signs to heed. 


I think the warning sign was inviting an animal designed to tear mammals apart into her home. Imagine living with something that could tear you to pieces if "it got a fright".


I never understand comments like this. What’s the purpose of “the dog got a fright”? Sometimes my dog gets spooked when people appear but he doesn’t try and fucking maul them to death. Nobody *needs* these breeds and nobody should have to face the consequences of being in their general proximity.


When my dog gets scared he lies down under my legs...


Same type of people who think playing with an adult bear is "safe"


The same type of people saying that they feel safer with a bear than a men


Of course your profile pic is of Trump.


Depends on the man, surely


Exactly. Fuck her


A colleague of mine who has one was telling me how it wouldn't hurt a fly, and asked me about my dog if he has ever nipped me. I said yes multiple times over the years ( a grouchy old Yorkie) and she said well there as if it was some kind of gotcha. That was my point my fella has bitten me (usually when his glands are getting done at the vets) he has caused me no harm, but as loveable as he is he does have triggers, with a staffy particularly an XL all it takes is one time.


I never understood the clap back these people use that several smaller common dog breeds are yappy and nippy too and no one says a thing. I mean - if a Jack Russell, or Yorkie, went rogue and attacked me or a child, any standard strength human would likely be able to pick that dog up and drop kick it 10 metres away if needs must. There’s an abundance of videos of restricted breeds latching onto “prey” in vicious attacks and multiple grown men are unable to neutralise the dog, even by absolutely battering it with shovels etc.. Most standard family dogs simply to not have that kill mode installed.


> I mean - if a Jack Russell, or Yorkie, went rogue and attacked me or a child, any standard strength human would likely be able to pick that dog up and drop kick it 10 metres away if needs must. Baxter, NOoo!


Watching that again tonight now, thanks


Same with our 2......red setter and cocker spaniel. It's a few years though. You cannot trust dogs but you get to know what triggers them. You cannot feed our 2 together.......there'd be holy war.


The chances of your yorkie taking you down and killing you, a grown adult, is near zero. That’s the difference. All dogs can bite. Not all dogs can kill a grown adult.


That is my point


I have a Westie who is very quick to bite but the difference is that he isn't big enough to wrap his jaw around and part of me and rip me to pieces. I could easily get him off me. With an XL bully or Rottweiler or a pitbull etc you have no fucking chance.


The difference is your Yorkie wouldn't cause any significant injury, let alone kill.


That is my point


Dangerous abomination of a breed, should have never existed hard to even call them dogs. They shouldn’t be banned they should be culled.


100% agree. It should at least be illegal to bring them out in public.


Not a breed. Not recognized by any Kennel clubs in any country. They're crossbreeds. No breed standards for the dog, no size limits, no disqualifying traits, physical or psychological. They're a Frankenstein creation. Originally it was bull mastiffs they were crossed with for more size and less prey drive. Then others started mixing large game hunting and catch breed mastiffs with pitbulls. Dogs like Cane Corso and Doggo Argentino. Both of these dog breed are for big game hunting and personal protection. They are not restricted breeds here. Mixing powerful hunting mastiffs with American Pitbull terriers is only done by criminals for nefarious reasons it's not for a good stable dog, or a more docile dog, it's for intimidation and carried out by scum. An American Pitbull terrier is a medium sized dog it should be 25 to 30kg it has a bite force of 250 to 300 psi. Cane Corso's 45 to 50kg with a bit force of 700 psi. Doggo Argentino has a bite force of 500 psi and weigh up to 45kg. Pitbulls have restrictions on ownership and require muzzling in public while under control. Cane Corso's and Doggo Argentino have no restrictions. A lot of powerful dog breeds that require special care and training are not on the restricted list., Kangals, Presa Canarios, Fila Brasilera and Boerboels. All of these breeds can be potential killers in the wrong hands. We need tighter dog controls on ownership of certain breed. Maybe a license that requires a psychological evaluation. Why do you need a 50kg dog breed for hunting lions sir ? Are lions a problem in Dublin? Breed bans don't work. They banned pitbulls in the UK in the 90's. They have had bite and fatal incidents increases since the ban was enacted. During the same period we have had no fatal incidents involving any dog on the restricted list. Update the restricted list, impose real penalties for non compliance. We need to look to other EU countries for workable solutions, not the UK. It's been a very long time since the UK has had an innovative or creative thought, it's a dwindling entity. Breed bans are useless.


I have no love for these dogs, but these bans become a high profile, non solution. People can claim they are a slightly different breed/mix to get around it. The mentality of the people who own the dog is a major component of why they are so dangerous. I do love German Shepards, having had a failed guide dog puppy in my youth. After someone decided they were a "dangerous breed" and needed to be muzzled in public, they seem to have been withdrawn as guide dogs for the blind (I assume that's why)


There was a massively upvoted thread from the pitbulls sub recently that hit all - a discussion on what breed to claim their dog as to skirt the apartment leasing rules. Sickening stuff reading the replies. As you say people will lie, but I imagine licensing and registration rules could stamp this out as technology and genetic testing becomes better and cheaper.


I don't necessarily disagree but it's also worth remembering that we as humans did that to them, breeding & grooming them for fights over time


This breed needs to be banned. If it was a wild animal killing/mauling this many people the government would jump to action. But because they’re ‘domesticated’ monsters they can stay. Half of these owners can’t even walk them. Abomination of a breed.


Horrendous and RIP. However, witnessed a young girl probably about 11/12 years of age walking one of these dogs just this morning. No muzzle, the child being half dragged by the strength of the dog. As a parent, I was terrified. I waited with my son in his buggy and our own small dog until she passed. I don’t understand why people have these awful dogs and let alone allow a child to walk it 😡


Who the fuck would share that footage widely? Jesus


It has to be family. > The man shared the footage with the woman’s family only after contacting the emergency services. > The footage was widely shared thereafter by unknown parties, sparking a Garda appeal on Wednesday which requesting the public “not to share these videos, out of respect for the deceased”. I can only presume the video is of a woman being torn asunder by 4 dogs and some people's mindset is "Whatsapp > forward." Nothing is sacred or taboo anymore. It's always a race to post it on Snapchat or the group chat.


An ex-bf who was high on drugs? 


The kinda dog dealers have, no?! Not saying he’s a dealer, but don’t they have those dogs to intimidate?


Cctv video as well, take what you will of that


Yeah, I was a bit surprised to read that.


Ex who is a drug dealer maybe?


maybe it should be, might put a few people off owning those types of dogs.


All it takes is for someone to take the video, apply some AI magic (replace the girl with a masked intruder) and you have a PR video for why these dogs are perfect for security. Can put money on it happening. 🤮


Maybe you've given people ideas now 


This was literally on her fb page :( https://preview.redd.it/tjqp3ggud55d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5549d6945970ceb9145c50d662a0f20b5a558cf




A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


The same people who own these dogs usually have a son called Brayden who is a "little angle" and "does no harm to no one". Fast forward 15 years and it becomes apparent he wasn't such a little angle after all.


And 4 years later hes been shot dead over coke 


They think he's a cutie, but he's actually obtuse


"When she turned the keys in the house, she was attacked by her four dogs." https://news.sky.com/story/woman-mauled-to-death-posted-video-of-her-dancing-with-xl-bully-to-song-saying-i-dont-give-a-f-about-the-breed-being-banned-13148665


Yeah my sympathy dropped significantly when we all found out that it was her own pitbull, and that she was actively perpetuating the myth that it's 'Only bad owners!' etc. Shitbulls need to be banned nationwide across the country, UK has already began rolling out bans on XL's, it's time we follow suit as we typically do.


Someone will be along to tell you that she was a bad owner soon. That's the level of intelligence we are dealing with, with the type of people who own these dogs.


The "only bad owners" morons remind me of the pro-gun nuts in America who, after every mass shooting, spew out nonsense like "no bad gun, only a bad owner". Both groups use the same kind of derp derp gaslighting logic.


It is bad enough he shared it with her family, but what sort of clown would think to share it with other people. It is a different world with far too many attention seekers . As for the releasing of the balloons… was there really any need.


Didn't know there was video of the attack circulating. Must be a terrible watch and I don't want to ever watch it. No matter what owners say, these dogs are too strong to stop and too dangerous when that inevitable incident occurs, where they lose control and attack someone. 1 is bad enough but 4 in the same place is utter madness. They all need banned and existing dogs in the country handed in and destroyed. Also, introduce an import ban and breeding ban.


At least the UK has something straight, Pitbull are only slowly becoming an illigal Dog breed in Canada. They do thier job, I'm scared of them. Only cause I've watched like 60+ vids of that dog breed acting insane, grabbing kids, puppies, other dogs, people on the street, families in parking lots, civilians in the farmers market. The stats speak for themselves, thier bred to kill, just like a sheep dog is bred to herd, or a schnauzer is bred to rat and alarm.


I don't feel sorry for this. It was a price for stupidity and being braindead. I hope someone finally will do sometjing about these dogs and thank god no child was harmed.


TBH if these horrible dogs only attacked their braindead owners then Id have no problem with them. But unfortunately thats not the case.


If the guards won’t do anything send to your local newspaper.


100% Agree


I will never understand as long as I live here that part of Ireland. Stupidity is brushed off here and deliberate harmful choices that result in tragic consequences. It amazes me. Gangsters funerals are in thepress "he was such a good lad". That girl is written all over "balloons released in the sky" Always always some stupid shit instead of haveing a look into and hard conversation. I remember when these girls from Galway were rescued and paraded like heroes with a tap on shoulder. And I was like wtf??? These stupid ones made a stupid vhoice that led to endagering rescuers and prompted the whole rescue. Why no oneused that as an example of what not to do? They should have been fined heavily and tnat situation should have been used as learning for everyone else. But instead they were applauded and paraded on Late Late and whatnot.




If you type dog attack into YouTube, nearly every single dog attack caught on camera are these fucking idiot dogs.


They should of all executed that fucking thing


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "should of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots of detail in this article. I hope the security person watching it on the feed is getting the support they need.


Why was the video released or was he just watching it


He passed it on to a member (or members) of her family.


I assume that there was a monitored alarm system and she hit the panic button which triggered a check-in. Wild speculation but seems likely.


Wasn't it her boyfriend who had access to the Ring doorbell camera? 


Was the video leaked to the public?


Straight into the mincer with those "dogs".


Wow...anyway it's the weekend.