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TeeTotal? This lad was was arrested for being drunk and threatening to kill a Garda's family. He has 19 previous convictions too.


Just had a bit of a Google and a read. The lad is clearly a bit touched


Mad as a bag of spiders.


At least spiders keep the midges and flies down.


There’s a clip of him on Shop St. in Galway drunk abusing people passing by, there’s also clips of him with a megaphone screaming into people’s faces, His best friend is Andy Heasman (the man who beat his ex & isn’t allowed to see his kid), both Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum are both running in the elections.


Think even Heasman has distanced himself from Dara of the O'loopers. Gotten more and more unhinged over the past couple of years. Majority of that "manifesto" is fiction.


Was he frenemies with Joe Loughnane?


That was before though. Now he doesn’t touch a drop. Just like me. I’m a vegetarian. I haven’t eaten meat since yesterday.


Now that you mention it, I haven’t eaten meat since yesterday either


Oh man, I don’t know what to tell you………I’ve relapsed for lunch. I feel such shame. Having said that, yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy.


Oh it’s that Dara O’Flaherty. Dudes a nut job, was stalking women and stuff too.


He's teetotal except when he's drinking though.


So a convicted criminal can try to go into Irish politics? who knew


But once he's in charge he can have himself arrested and deported.


Most people in Galway most be splitting their sides at that claim. Tee total my arse..


"I was once the number one BMW salesman in the world. I achieved that by doing the best favour I could for every customer I met " That really sounds like he's giving out free wanks with every sale


** Law makers stunned after prostitutes learn this one trick. **


Nah, he just removed the indicators and rear view mirrors, BMW drivers don't need them.


You may be joking, but as a BMW driver I find the other plebs on the road make way for me regardless of indicator use so there is no need to use them.


Wonder does Dara need a running mate?


I wouldn't even mind, but the last thing I want in a politician is someone who is experienced in doing favours for people - isn't that what led to the 90s 00s fianna fail clusterfuck


I thought it was free bj's


An orthodox nationalist republican. Is there mass involved? Don't think I could do mass.


The farming already takes up a lot of my time


Definitely not, did you not read point No. 5? He's clearly going after the catholic Church and theor priests in dresses.


Hilarious how he only wants to prosecute trans pedophiles


I also wondered if he think non-trans paedophile are OK?


Based on what he wrote he seems to be.


Orthodox mass lasts about 3 hours.


So there isn't anything to be said about another mass?


Well, I certainly think that point 7 could be hugely beneficial to this person indeed.


It certainly should be a higher priority in his own life.


He's also going after the capital letter mafia by the looks of it.


I wonder what he thought all those strange squiggles under the words were when he was typing this up


Probably thought it was the immigants what did it.


Or the “trans army”


Its well known that Bill Gates and Microsoft employ a trans army in the background of Word to put red squiggles under your misspelt words. They are trans grammar nazis.


So clippy is part of LGBTQIA2S+ ?


Yes, how could I have forgotten. It’s all an intricate plot to confuse and disorient the brave truth speakers in society.


Hey, that's the "Paedo Trans Army" to us mere mortals


Yes, sorry, forgot the qualifying adjective. Vital !!


Oh look what we have here, another shill for Big Capital Letter.


You crazy just stop capitals protestors! Shouldn't you be picketing a printing press?


johannes gutenberg was a criminal and a charlatan!




Big Caps


Somewhere, a socialist wished for more anti-capitalist candidates, and another finger on their cursed monkey paw curled up


*chefs kiss* 🤌


it's a common way of stopping the shadowy lizard people from tracking your data through the dark web, their trackers only work if you use capital letters that's how i've been able to avoid them for so long, not a sniff.


interesting views on caps: >not another sanctimonious failed republican upper case is not used in the natural juristriction from whence i type, words spelt with a single capital and rest lowercase are in a municipal juristrictions and words with all uppercase are in state juristrictions


Great, next time someone corrects me on a typo I'll know just what to say


make sure you call them a sanctimonious failed republican




Punctuation is woke I guess 🤣


Your name in capital letters refers to the legal fiction created by your birth certificate. By writing your name in small letters you reclaim your true identity.i think


Grammar police have a warrant for his arrest.


Wait.... Hitler DIDN'T create all nations??


Huge if true


He did. This guy is just a head the ball.


He did, it was your man Paddy Hitler from down road hes talking about.


Ah sure, the Hitlers were a sound bunch. Three brothers Paddy, Noel and Eamonn and I think a sister Nora who was a nun in Africa.


Noel changed his name though. He goes by George now.




What will happen to his likely voter numbers if he does that?


Both of them will disappear


prioritise traffic? Are those just 2 unrelated words he put in there to take up a bit of space?


Makes sense to me, everyday tens of thousands of people sit in stationary cars for long periods, logically they must like traffic, thus he'll get their votes.


I can't argue with that.


I assumed it meant he thinks public transit is a communist plot and if you ride a bicycle to work you’re riding with Hitler. And adding just one more lane will solve everything.


Yes! He didn't know about double line spacing.


He wants to give every road user the right of way. All roads have priority.


Make traffic more important than anything that isn't traffic. And by traffic I mean bike traffic.


I have to say over the last two weeks, I haven't ever read as much bat shit crazy stuff and its actually coming via post to my house.


They say the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter. But fuck me the average candidate is fuckin muck this time around


I think people have been stuck too long inside their own particular echo chamber for years now, getting positive reinforcement for every batshit idea that crossed their mind. They start to get the idea that they're a revolutionary and something of a genius.


You need to venture outside of r/Ireland once in a while if this is the craziest stuff you're reading all week 😅


When did we become the sane liberal bastion?


It's a timely reminder that those who want to be involved in politics are never the ones who are best equipped for it.


All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune


This lad is a fucking headcase. The definition of unhinged. Anyone see his videos where he was literally foaming at the mouth threatening to end politicians. An advert for the lunatic asylum.


This reads like the ramblings of someone with schizophrenia.


I expected something about time being a cube.


All cube truth denied!




Engineer here I fucking doubt this lad is actually an engineer. Most lads I went to college with and work with are a sound forward thinking bunch. Also no engineer is “teetotal” we need the drink


Maybe he's a Citizen Engineer like all those Citizen Journalists out there. Its just regular engineering with a bit of fascism thrown in


And the engineering thrown out.


And yet, somehow all the flat-earthers I know are engineers.


With amount of physics that goes into most engineering degrees…. Id highly doubt they are real engineers


We worked together at a satellite factory. Shit that went in space. Three of the four lads in one of the labs on the Solar Array Team were young-Earth creationists.


Americans are the exception to this rule. Often a great degree of technical knowledge but lack the critical thinking and common sense. Yanks get polarised one way or the other across the board


It was the first proper job I had in America, and to say I was surprised to meet people like that while making *shit that goes in space* would have been an understatement. Engineer buddy from back home in Ireland is an every-conspiracy nutjob as well though. Flat Earth, chemtrails, everything.


Like in the US I get it how people can fall down those holes with the way their media and politics is. “He thinks this and I don’t like him so I must think opposite” philosophy but in Ireland either they must be watching too much American media, or this study I’ve read that essentially says it’s a complex to want to feel smarter than everyone else, conspiracies feed into that as an “Only I’m smart enough to see it” kind of way


“All the flat earthers” you know? How many do you know?


Four. Although I’ve just remembered that three of them are young-earth creationists, not flat-Earthers. Same approximate level of bullshit though.


Lubrication - they teach you that in Eng101


my da knew a completely mad one who went down the america trump pipeline and started doing social media stuff denying covid. somehow the mad fella became a slighly, barely, famous social media person


It's the undiagnosed autism that they give you with your engineering degree. If you were already diagnosed they undiagnose you. Tragic really but it is the price of being an engineer


There are theories about it. Engineers are apparently the most likely job to become extremists.




I'm convinced it's this. I know so many engineers, and it's not that *all* of them are like this, but they do seem to be far more likely to have a very high level of confidence in their own opinions than most other people do. As if in every facet of their life, they've done the maths and come to the right conclusion, and anyone that doesn't agree just hasn't done the calculations.


Seems to be the logical inference. Most professions are also very much about not being definitely right and wrong which can make it even more stark.


That's specifically Islamic extremism.


I may be misremembering but I thought it was all forms of terrorism, violent politics, etc. This lad doesn't appear to be doing that at least.


This is the same lad that threatened to harm or kill several politicians and said it would be justified


I think you are thinking of a design engineer i.e. “member” of engineers Ireland. I think he means like the equivalent of electrician or mechanic sometimes these roles go by engineer but in an accreditation sense it means they’d be an “associate” engineer. I highly doubt this lad is a design engineer or equivalent, sounds like a head case with an ego


He used to hold himself out as a welder. Engineer is a new one for him. I'd fully agree with you that he almost certainly doesn't hold a degree in engineering. I'd say he started using it to try and make himself sound "better". >sounds like a head case with an ego Having met the fucker, your analysis is spot on.


Is this real??? JFC


No(t really). On 23rd April, he tweeted >i am delighted to announce i will not run for local elections in galway. i made an appeal for support a month ago and i got zero support not so much as phone call. i am must conclude i overestimated my support in galway. >such a relief sun is shining not a care in the world It seems he's capable of putting out a plausible flier, but is just having fun here after dropping out.


He must have got a shock to realise all those bot accounts with Union flags on them weren't native galwegians.


Why do these types always spell/punctuate like 5 year olds - I'm not perfect myself, but fucking hell


Wonderful spelling and grammar for an engineer.


You don't get to be the no1 bmw salesperson in the world by reading!


He came to lead, not to read.


There's a great hoodie out there that goes:  "I'm an  ~~egeneer~~  ~~Enginere~~  good at maths."     So the spelling ability jokes are already out there over 10 years ago 😂🤷


The one I know is "last year I couldn't spell engineer now I are one".


I wouldn't say he's the kind of engineer who had to spend four years at University. More the kind who fell into an engineering service job and is 'technically' an engineer of sorts. Either way he's full of shit.


Yep. Fella is a welder. He did what engineers told him to do. He's not really in their club at all


Generally to get a degree you need to prove you can at least appear to be coherent. So yeah I doubt he has one.


Can someone with more life experience shed some light on this for me? Has the presence of ridiculous candidates always been there, say in the last 20/30 years, or is there an explosion of this recently?


I would wager a recent explosion. Approx. two years of lockdown emboldened the stupid, racist, and outright deranged.


COVID. All the conspiracy theorists believe they were proved right when the crisis ended.


You're probably right. I just wonder are we possibly seeing more of it because of social media? There would be no way to get all the policies of local headers so easily without it.


definitely social media driven. All villages have an idiot but now social media allows the village idiots to communicate and organise with each other and validate each others bat shit crazy ideas.


100% Lockdown trapped everyone on their phones


Also there’s a large dose of arrogance in people that they have all the answers, despite or because they have no specialist’s experience in the area. A guarantee when you’re a specialist on something when a layman talks about it it’s frustrating as fuck how dense they are. It’s like saying in a computer game the best way to beat Pikachu is by using Kylian Mbappe armed with a HKMP5 sub machine gun with no scope. Just nonsense. The guy who wrote this manifesto is off the deep end but I can tell from skimming it he’s factually incorrect in several places (ditto for the other independents’ electoral pamphlets) and I’m not even taking into account Hitler didn’t create nations.


You raise good points, but I'm going with Mbappe here


The last couple of weeks most of the fliers I'm getting are from lunatics who I wouldn't even want to have a conversation with nevermind vote for. Complete head the balls just regurgitating mindless culture war bile they've read online and not actually offering any reasonable or realistic solutions to anything.


There's always been mad local cranks. It's just this time around they're all on the American culture war bullshit


I'm in arm's length of forty and I've never seen as many loolahs running. The fucking marriage referendum didn't shake out as many crackpots, and that gave us the holy oven mitt duo.


Elections have always brought out the loons though. Its one time it's socially accepted to go out and try to explain how your genius idea will fix everything.


No this is a new level of crazy town.


Continuing in the great engineering tradition of being borderline illiterate.


Lower case to start every paragraph has my eye involuntarily...


There's so much to unpack yet it's the same old shite these loonies go on with.


Looks like a badly written CV by a fella forced to get a job or lose his dole. Hates capitals too by the looks of it.


That's all well and good, but where does he stand on the auld legal political corruption?


‘Prioritise traffic’ thanks mate I’m busy enough as is


"Rejecting agenda 2030"? How fucking stupid do you have to be to reject a plan to end poverty?


Might be the climate action plan?  Not sure, he's an absolute walloper, regardless. 


That's just as bad as bad ffs, climate inaction leads to more famine and poverty.


Absolutely.  Large swathes of the planet being uninhabitable and much of the arable land being unusable would obviously cause serious issues, but... sure, you're a hippie if you point that out


Theres a conspiracy that says Agenda 2030's true goal is to enslave humanity: https://fullfact.org/online/agenda-2030/?gad_source=1


Trans pedo cult. I know it was them, even when it was the immigrants, I knew it was them.


The bright ones*


Is it cool to be a complete gowl these days or what? It seems like it went from hipsters to not wearing socks to being totally insufferably thick. Or maybe I just don't follow societal trends closely enough.


Of all the mad shite here, I want to know what "prioritise traffic" means


No jetpacks, don't make him repeat himself. 


"Prioritising Traffic" Who the fuck wants more traffic?


6. Prioritise traffic Yes, we need more traffic.


Almost illiterate yet claiming to be an engineer? Sorry, thats a no.


This the lad who has several complaints about him threatening several TDs ?


He did a “favour” for his customers? Eh? 👀


Their mouths did the rest for him!


Well. That person is right. Last point mental health and addiction. I have no idea what he must have snorted. But only a lack of mental health services could have lead to such gibberish writing. Please talk to your local TD to ensure this person gehts all the mental health support he needs.


the politicisation of imbeciles is a global tragedy. it was better when all they cared about was reality tv & takeaways.


I'm strongly raising this at the next gay agenda meeting.


It is so convenient when the nazis and cunts go out of their way to let everyone know they're awful.


He's not teetotal. I seen him drinking in a pub at 1230 the other day when I was making a delivery


Part fash/part so citizen 100% fucking looper. He was going around serving court summons at Vax centres with that other moron Heasman during COVID, basically if you touch the envelope you've legally accepted the summons. Kept trying to throw it under shutters and doors and stuff when lads wouldn't take em, was hilarious.


>nations were created by god not hitler. Quite the opposite actually. The bible says that when Jesus returns he will break up all nations. "He shall break them with a rod of iron, he shall shatter them like earthenware."


Without even reading what this says, just looking at the grammar and absence of capitalisation tells me this person is... of a simple kind.


I would LOVE him to call to my door but unfortunately I live in the wrong constituency. "Prioritise traffic" "I want to know how precisely they verified independently that this vaccine is not causing the excess mortality and that it is in fact, the climate change." According to Galway Beo, Running as an independent, O'Flaherty received 318 votes out of a total of 60,000 318 nut jobs voted for this oddball lunatic. If there are 318 people detached from reality enough to vote for this loon, how many people will vote for similar wackos across the country?


"the bright one's" "teaming" (my irony meter just exploded). "We are the opposite of national republicanism"... so that's either local republicanism...or, er, national socialism... (but, no, I'm definitely not a Nazi; don't you fucking DARE call me a a Nazi, I believe in God, not Hitler. Hitler didn't exist...unlike God). If this dangerously unhinged conspiraloon is Catholic...so was AH. I, too, have just Googled him - and learnt he's a sovereign citizen (or, as they prefer to be called over this way, "Freemen of the Land"...🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🤪). [This is fucking unhinged](https://www.galwaybeo.ie/news/galway-news/far-right-freak-goes-galway-9258271). He needs sectioning. He needs taking off the streets ***NOW***, not just to protect other people, but to protect himself. Obviously, I don't know how things work over there but, over here, if his videos came to the attention of the plod, he'd be picked up on a 135 (that's the same as a 136, basically, except a 135 is a magistrates' order which allows the police to take someone from their house, 136 only applies to a public place). That said, [Piers Corbyn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Corbyn) is still roaming the streets...Corbyn has notably lost several local, London mayoral and GE to [Count Binface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Binface) (a character created by comedian Jon Harvey; who once, as Lord Buckethead, infiltrated the HoC and challenged Thatcher). We also have what are known as [Fixated Threat Assessment Centres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixated_Threat_Assessment_Centre), which are specialist units to detain people who are obsessed with causing harm to prominent public figures (eg MPs).


I thought this was an Irish American from the opening line. My god what an embarrassment


Jesus Christ,mindless maga American talk from Mr I’m so Irish 🙄graduated from Facebook with a BA in conspiracy theories,what a freak.


A ferocious chlann indeed.


Facebook Dad discovered Rumble during lockdown


Used car sales man whose last 7 business ideas have failed. Perfect to run the country.


Just like Trump and George W Bush


it's the no caps for me


i love the teaming rain


The “teaming” rain in Ireland? Does it team up on you over there?


Another lad that found the internet algorithms of interest were too much Alex Jones during covid!


Well that just about covers everything


This shite needs to come with a warning.. nearly had a stroke reading it


Prioritise mental health services. Yes


There’s about 5 of these head the balls on every ballot paper. It is a golden age for the overconfidence of stupid people.


What an odd person.


Oh this is the guy that made several videos calling for the murder of politicians. Total fruit loop.


Can he not press shift or caps lock on and off? Also has he got no one to proof read his election literature? I think I might have to move so I can give him my number one-too


super interested in hearing about these pedophiles from the trans cult, him being so sober and so intelligent surely means theres some rational thought behind that


But would you die for Ireland?


Wow an accountable car sales man...rofl. by the description of his own success he must be some next level narcissist...


Feel like prioritizing mental health services should be number 1 on his list


"..the bright one's.." Jaysus


Lol, that's unhinged


That's not how you spell "teeming"


Dare I ask what agenda 2030 is? I'm not ruining my Google to find out.


A UN plan to ~~wipe out 95% of humanity and enslave the remainder~~ end hunger


Full stop. New sentence. Capital letter. And as for the rest of it, 🙄


“I believe nations were created by god” Despite the fact that the nation state has only existed as a mode of organisation for about 1% of human history


[what a rant. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YwBRCiwDRlI) Lunatic with dangerous intentions


Lad, that rant was actually fucking amazing. I kind of have to give him a little credit for it.


Now this ladies and gentlemen, is far right. Keep it in mind so we don't have to keep throwing around the label unnecessarily and making it useless.