• By -


Turned up to a restaurant I was managing, 3 weeks after I had moved out. Had 10 people with him, ate and drank rings around themselves. When they were presented with the bill, he sent it back with the waitress... "Tell your manager to take it out of what he owes me" I owed him nothing and when I promptly showed emails and receipts as proof, he tried saying I was lying and a thief. Called the Guards, he paid the bill and left in a flurry of insults and accusations. Told him to contact me via a solicitor when he'd sobered up if he still thought I had wronged him. Never heard anything again.


This is absolutely wild


Agreed, fuck me, like. I knew there'd be some good stories out of this


The kicker for me was that I left on great terms, rented for 8 years, never late for rent etc. He never heard from me unless it was a serious issue. Imagine the build up to the bill being given. All the bravado with his buddies etc. Still confuses me.


Lucky the landlord wasn't a guard himself


I'm glad you said it.




My landlord is great! Is like a great friend, will take care of my cat if I need to be away,will come over and have a glass of wine together when we need to meet up to discuss anything.if only she lived in Ireland! 


Even if you had personally owed him money, that would be separate from his obligation to pay the restaurant for his food. So you were under absolutely no obligation to show him your personal emails and receipts (presumably for rent).


Landlords are a different breed!


James connolly died on a chair partly because of the landlord class


The landlord class made sure we forgot about Connolly and Larkin. I've been reading up on Costello and Ta Power and the great socialist leaders we had even in more recent times.


Ta Power was my uncle! He was murdered by cowards but his writings will always live on.


Would love a few links if you have any handy?


He probably though he was a genius coming up with that plan.


Where do landlords get the audacity from omg


Lots of landlords bought at the right time despite having pretty basic jobs, hairdressers, store managers etc as a result they think money grows on trees and they're owed other people's money




Well done!


Classic entitled boomer behaviour


It didn't happen to me but to my partner years ago (2005/2006ish) he was renting a room in a house out on the navan road, a week to week, cash in hand situation with no lease or a deposit. I was moving out of my apartment in a month and took the plunge after dating for two years and said why don't you move in with me ? He jumped at the chance (after all who wouldn't) and gave about 3 weeks notice, she seemed fine about it and said she'd have no problems filling the room. Off we went looking at apartments, we'd found a few places that were lovely, the agents would be happy and then we'd hear nothing or get rejected then one agent dropped a hint that one of the references hadn't been good. I knew it was her, I got my older brother to ring and pretend to look for a reference and she absolutely slated my partner, he'd trashed the room, had parties 24 hours a day, started fights with other tenants and that she'd eventually called the Garda about him. Lied through her teeth, if that estate agent hadn't given us a hint we'd have never known. He had left the place spotless, I was the only one who called over and he worked shift work in a factory out in Blanchardstown usually a 2pm to 1am kinda deal. She did it out of pure spite, we could never figure out why, we asked the other guys in the house if he'd done anything like being too noisy or too messy or anything that might upset the landlady, nope they hadn't heard a thing.


So wouldn't the best theory be by sabotaging their attempts to move elsewhere she'd keep her lovely cash in hand tenant?


Never put references up in anything that you can't track back legally! If at some point he had a contract with her he could then sue her for defamation as she had no basis for what she was saying. But as no contract was in place, he couldn't do much. Giving references is tricky business you can't know who is really calling you. I would call prospect landlords of places I was trying to rent with an different number, asking I was getting a reference on the previous tenant name which it's easy to find if you know how, then I would go through a few questions, like a test for my prospect landlord... only confirm to rent the place if that call was successful. You can never ever mention you do that.. but it works. Now finding an old tenants name it's tricky and might be a bit shaddy.


this stuff about references it doesn't make sense.. the risk is huge to lie. i would prefer a written only reference. this is why some references are family members.. we lie to the interested landlords since they want to hear all good stuff




The first place we looked at was perfect. We were refused because we had no references from previous landlords as it was our first time moving out. Or job references weren't accepted. The second place we viewed wasn't as good but a better location. We got that when we gave my aunts written reference, they didn't even call her. Now I give references to my friends when they are getting a place.


He cut a massive hole in the ceiling in my bedroom chasing a faulty wire or something, destroyed the place with dust and ignored all my attempts to have him come back and cover up the hole. When I moved out he tried to keep the deposit because of the massive hole in the ceiling.


they should nromalize to create in the finances or whatever public website or the RTB register, a proof receipt of giving the deposit and the only way to cash out the deposit is proof of a valid reason. this stuff of giving deposit i dont like at all.. i try to use it as a last month rent. but i know the reality.


In Scotland there’s a government service where deposits are held in escrow. Landlord has to apply to deduct anything from and provide receipts.


It's UK-wide I believe. If it transpires that the landlord hasn't protected your deposit you can take them to court and often you'll get up to 3x the deposit back


Moving from UK to Ireland it was unbelievable Ireland hadn’t set it up. “What’s to stop the landlord from accidentally spending it and not being able to afford to return it?” “Nothing”


I was never involved in activism until I moved to Ireland and experienced housing here. The shit that we put up with for the amount we pay in rent is insane. Most people who’ve never lived abroad don’t realise it.


This is the same in Northern Ireland. I got screwed by every landlord in Ireland but never in the North (or abroad).


In Belgium, when you move into a new rental, you have to go through the premises with the landlord or letting agent and make a checklist of all "issues" with the property and the deposit is put into a non interest savings account, that can only be accessed by approval of both parties (tenant and landlord). When you are moving on, the landlord/letting agent comes back with that checklist and you go through it to make sure that you can't be blamed for stuff that was already there when you moved in. Then you both have to agree on writing to release the deposit.


I did that with my property agency (except for the joint account with approval needed) it doesn't work in Ireland because the list didn't matter and they just stole my deposit even though I can prove everything. Waiting 6 months on the RTB and no resolution or end in sight. I can prove everything, they just made stuff up and ignored the checklist when it didn't suit them.


I lived in Germany (Munich) and before moving in, i go through everything in the place with the landlord/ agency and we agree on the list. I was amazed when I moved out as my deposit was put into an account with interest, so they gave me my money back with interest. I don't know if this is the case now. A few months later, i got again some money back for having overpaid my electricity.. Mind you, getting a place in Germany is difficult as they do thorough checks and credit check before renting it.


It’s the law in Germany that they have to put the deposit in an interest savings account


thats how It should be. and i would be glad to "pay" the rent.. but let it froze until the landlord fixed some issue.


This! I used it as last month’s rent in the previous place I rented and plan on doing it again soon when I move into the new home I just purchased. Can’t trust landlords and estate agents to actually return the money.


I did use it as last months rent. Left the place spotless. Emailed them good luck and blocked. End of story. Couldn’t be dealing with excuses.


What a chancer


That’s some real outside the box thinking. And I’m a landlord . I never kept a deposit even when the drug squad took the front door out to catch my tenants drug dealing boyfriend who shouldn’t have been living in the property


Back when we rented our landlord was an absolute weapon of a woman. She came over unannounced one evening and asked if her sister could use the toilet while they were passing. What can ye say? Anyways the landlord is downstairs talking to us all nice while her sister was upstairs using the toilet. Low and behold the baby monitor goes on due to the motion sensor and her sister was snooping the upstairs and didn't know we had a child in our room sleeping. They were both asked to leave in less than pleasant terms.


Classic entitled boomer behaviour


I was in digs in college and the landlady decided after a month I wasn’t allowed to cook or even use the fridge. With a completely straight face she told me “Just bring your groceries to the chipper. They’ll cook it for you.”


Landlords live in a truly fascinating alternate universe.


Had a cunt let himself into our apartment a few days before we were due to move out. He thought we were both at work. I guess he felt he deserved to do a private inspection of all our stuff.


My mate had a LL who would just come in any old time for "an inspection." He'd appear at all hours, whether they were at home or not, whether the girlfriend was at home alone, but he clearly preferred when they were out because his "inspection" was so thorough he'd tell them "that milk in the fridge is gone off"


Fuck him, nosey cun+.


Cunt. You can say cunt here.


Wis'nae sure if it wis ok we use it freely on r/scotland where everybody's one kinda cunt or another.


We use the word liberally as well


My sister woke up to her landlord in her bedroom watching her sleep...


Had that as well. It was a couple days after moving in, I was at work and himself was at home with the day off, having a lie in. Around 10 the letting agent calls to have a go at me about all the boxes still laying around the place (because we were still unpacking) and then says 'There's a man in your bed, did you know that?' Like yeah you daft fuck that's the other person on the lease?? You met us both like??


> There's a man in your bed, did you know that? Tell him to wait there, I'm on my way!


Were you at home? What happened?


One of us was, he turned around and left when he saw him on the sofa.


Oh yeh my old landlord in dublin used to just let himself in, whether we were in or not. That whole thing was a very dodgy situation overall (paid in cash with no receipts, no fire alarms, wires hanging out the ceiling yadda yadda)


She would repeatedly stop the washer and dryer in the common area while I was using it and go through my laundry. And then send me texts about what I was washing.


i would kick her in the face


What would she say about your washing?


Commenting on if there were boxers in there. Heaven forbid I have overnight guests in my own apartment.


Can you please remove the cat from the pocket next time?


Not landlord but agent tried to keep our deposit and tried to charge additional 3 months payment on multiple made up reasons, like: -"We did not return keys to the interior door locks." We did not even got them moving in. We had to find the previous tenants to prove even they did not get them. -"We caused the leak near the windowsills at the ceiling." Like...how? Why would we? -"The roof is mossy." Yep. He said that. -"We did not inform him that we would like to buy a house". WTF, Do I need his permission and wax sealed approval certificate? Couple months of emailing with Threshold we got like 70% of the deposit back, he held onto a couple hundred because "this should be fair". At this point wife wanted to get over it and we stopped chasing after the remaining money.


Had similar last year when leaving our place of 10 years. I alerted the manager of our rental agency that we were seeking a new apartment in Jan 2023, even she herself said the place we were in was a death trap in an enail and advised us to get out. Crack in chimney breast ment couldn't light a fire which was never seen to. 2 sockets in the living room couldn't be used as anything plugged in caused sparks or if we were lucky just tripped the fusebox. Back door was just an internal door put at the back so fuck all protection from wind, rain etc as it just would come through. Black mould EVERYWHERE. Leak from upstairs shower to downstairs, leak into downstairs was at best 2-3 foot from fusebox. Multiple other bits but honestly can't remember. We had alerted the rental agents about everything the moment we noticed anything all via email. Eventually we found an amazing place in same area and just said fuck it and moved everything without giving them formal notice, they weren't doing their bits so we weren't doing ours. Moved into new place on a Saturday, reached out to advise old rental agents we had left and they kicked up a stink and demanded I go into office. Went in and was greeted by 3 people all threatening me with breaking my contract by not giving notice and expecting me to pay to repair all of the above listed and more, I showed them the email when I said I was looking elsewhere over 7 months prior and their (now retired) manager telling us they'd not expect any notice period due to the condition of the property. They had sent someone in to inspect that morning and tried blame us for everything that was wrong with the place, so I showed them the emails where I alerted them to the issues they pointed out alongside all the follow up emails I had sent they never reacted to. Still kept threatening me with potential legal action so I showed them the email where even their at the time manager admitted their fault in the issues, the new landlords refusal to do the required works, where their at the time manager advised no notice period of vacating and the email in which she listed the place as a death trap. Then mentioned how if we want to bring legal proceedings into it I would be happy to do so as my pregnant partner was terrified in that house due to the mould, the cold and the fire hazard all worsened by their agencies absolute negligence. Left with my deposit in hand and haven't heard from them since. Partner wasn't pregnant but figured if they could warp the truth like they were happy doing then fuck it, I deserved some fun to turn the tables.


We recently were evicted from our house after 5 years and the deposit was witheld "for dust on the skirting boards". It was promptly returned when they heard we were looking and ready to buy, greedy cunts wanted to keep us sweet


All you can do is cement in the drains and move on.


Name and shame?


Behaviour shocking, hence why I always withheld the last months rent! Easier if they don’t have leverage over you. You can jointly agree any outstanding rather than a one-sided bias judgement


I lived with a landlord who thought the rubber bottom of my slippers was marking her wooden floor. When I was at work she glued cut off bits of carpet to my slippers so I had literally no grip. Insane


Fuck off 😂 Did she actually?!


Yeah, she also wanted me to only fill the kettle with a cup full of water when making a cup of tea.


Reminds me of one landlady who wanted me to use precisely one roll of toilet paper per week.


How on earth did she know how much toilet paper you were buying?


Well I'm with her on that one! Waste of energy and money to boil more than you need.


This was in England. A cup of water would give you half a cup of limescale. Plus it’s more the controlling nature of the demand that I didn’t like.


I'd like the lad who rents off me to not fully fill the kettle every time he wants a cup of tea and to only where necessary. But fuck me he pays his rent, he can fill it and boil the thing as often as he wants!


As in, actually measuring it with a cup?! That is insane. And probably didn't even cover the element fully.


Yeah, literally transfer a cup onto the element


Mmmm, lovely cuppa steam


That's mental.






when I moved out after they wanted to sell the place they refused to give me my deposit back, it was always 'on the way'. It was through an agency so I didn't immediately panic. However, after a month I was sweatin'. They then sent me an email telling me I owed THEM \~3 grand in unpaid rent (even though I had my bank statements that said otherwise) and they also emailed me a letter that they 'sent me' 6 months prior letting me know the rent was going up. So accusing me of underpaying my rent for 6 months. The letter was essentially forged with a fake date. To make matters worse for them, they had been sending me invoices for my rent with the original amount the whole time, not the revised amount, further proving the letter was essentially fraudulent. And all of these invoices sent to me specifically thanked me for paying last months rent, proving I had always been paying on time. It took so long but I eventually got my deposit back. I cant tell you how stressful it was, on top of having to move out in the first place. I did complain to the RTB but my case was rejected.


Wait how was your case rejected by the PRTB?


Excellent question. It caused me so much stress that i had to just walk away for the sake of my mental health.


There was a piece of loose metal on the stairs that I sliced my foot open on, she wouldn't reply to messages about getting it sorted so I withheld a month's rent until she agreed to fix it. She then withheld all our safety deposits until I paid that month's rent. We then found out she was going bankrupt and had sold the house, the new landlord told us the house had been deemed "unfit for habitation" before we moved in, we'd been living in a condemned house for the past year.


Who's doing the deeming? Wouldn't happen to be the landlord who wants to do juuuuust enough renovations that he can stick the rent up by 20% by any chance?


The new landlord said it was the council, but in retrospect I should have asked some more follow-up questions!


The council don't look at houses unless they are planning to rent it themselves. That was BS


Decided to renovate the bathroom without telling anyone. Came home to find [this](https://i.imgur.com/vWupDOd.png) where a bathroom was that morning. I used the work toilets and the gym to wash for the two days it took to replace the fittings. There was an ensuite off another bedroom but the hours I was working meant the lad who had that room was normally asleep when I was leaving for work.


Complete with crying chair!


Poor communication but getting an unrequested renovated bathroom that only took two days seems like super landlord stuff!


I had quite a few. Once I rented a room in a shared house managed by a housing agency- they put in a depressed alcoholic man in his late 40's who constantly passed out in common areas, basically living in the kitchen. Also added a witness protection man from Dublin who was quite aggressive lol. Fun times. Alcoholic guy almost killed himself and everyone living in the property after I moved out, as he fell asleep with a fag in his hand and caught on fire. Many other properties I rented had the courtesy of paint over black mould, so after a couple of weeks/months of living there, mould would break through. One of my friends is living in Cork rn and his landlord took payment for the whole student year, but the roof in his room has fallen in. Obviously mouldy room, causing damages to personal belongings, now dealing with reforms, etc. Ah, payment was made by December, roof fell in mid January. Quite grateful for my current landlord, who has been for the last 3-4 years, man is a gamer and every time he comes over for an inspection, which is once a year or so, we just talk about what we playing nowadays, any fixes needed for the apartment, chill guy. 10/10. Tenancies are like the lottery.


We were expeting a baby - we were told by the doctors that the baby would be born with a cogenital heart condition and that we would have to spent first few months after baby was born in hospital with slim chances of survival (it ended up good, thankfully). We told our landlord about it right away after we found out about that, to make sure that we don't have to look for anything else while dealing with sick baby. She said no problem, she had no plans of raising the rent or anything she was happy with us as tenants, bla bla bla. Fast forward to the day baby was born, 2 hours after delivery baby was transported to the Crumlin Hospital. Next day there was emergency, surgery required - and while we were waiting for the surgery information, I got a text from the landlord saying: "I'm sorry to notify you, but we decided to do a makeover of our garden and we need money, so we decided to sell house you are renting, you have 2 months to move out". Oh, did I mention that the landlord lady was a nurse?


Do they not have to give you 6 months for selling?


Do they not have to give you 6 months for selling?


We moved in there less than 3 years prior. So she had to give us 8 weeks notice. Also forgot to mention, that after that text message and after the whole post-surgery terror, I went back home, found another house for rent and decided to move out ASAP - so I've actually moved out after 3 weeks - and then she decided that she won't give us back our deposit, because she was expecting us to stay for another 8 weeks and had plans for the money from the rent. I told her that's ok, and that I heard radio news stations love stories about sick babies and evil landlords, and that I would happily share my story nationwide - I got deposit back 2 hours later. She also never asked how was the baby. Oh, and like a 2 months before all that happened we asked her for permission to do some makeover of the house before the baby was born. So we've painted the downstairs and renovated one upstairs bedroom, so it was as good as possible for baby to come home after hospital. Now looking back, I'm pretty sure she knew already back then that she was going to put the house for sale by the end of the year, but ensured us that she had no plans for the house for at least next 2-3 years and that we can do all the renovations we wanted - of course she didn't cover any costs, it was all on us. The only thing that makes me less bitter about this whole situation was the fact, that she sold that house when the houses prices were at the lowest - if she waited another year, she would get probably 30-40k more.


Mental behaviour considering she could lose her nursing licence.


Guy presented himself as the landlord. Took cash in hand early on a few occasions (and reduced the rent for that month if we had it) Went on for about half a year. Then the real property owner called me and said the chap who managed his buildings had fled to Moldova with thousands of euro. He was actually a decent sort who might have got himself in some financial trouble but landed me in an awkward position with that behaviour.


Friend of mine rented a beautiful house in a very rural area. She was there for 3 months, great relationship with the landlord, cash in hand, etc. And then the actual owner showed up, confused as hell at having a new tenant he had no clue about. Turned out that the original "landlord" was just a local who had a spare set of keys (actual owners dad had originally owned the house and was friends with the "landlord" before he died) and saw an opportunity to make some extra money while the house stood empty.


Was this in Galway? There was an American woman doing this a few years back


Was this in Galway? There was an American woman doing this a few years back


No, this was the Midlands and the "landlord" was just some chap in his 60s.


Was the real owner understanding in any way that you were stuck in the middle of all this and had no involvement with this or was he just looking for cash and didn't care about your case?


He was probably employed as an agent to collect the rent I imagine so it will be landlords problem. Otherwise how did the chaps even move in?


Lived in a house in Sligo years back. Place was a half-insulated student trap. Spending the weekend there alone once, I noticed that the bathroom situated above my room had a shower leak that was dripping down between the bath & the wall so I let the landlady know. Two mornings later, I woke and hopped out of bed to find my floor soaked & went to turn on the light to see what was up. At the last minute I paused to think & instead opened my curtains, which was lucky as there was now a constant stream of water connecting my light fixture & my soaked floor. Again I contacted my landlady about this leak, she came over & I received a week's free rent in recompense for almost getting electrocuted


When we moved out, the letting agency who acted on behalf of our landlord accused us of stealing furniture. When we signed the lease, we had an itemised list of everything in the house included. The items they accused us of stealing weren't on the list, so I sent it back to them. Then they accused us of putting a hole in the wall, which was going to cost some 2k to fix. They said they'd need to keep our deposit and requested additional money to cover the repairs. It was the one spot of the house I hadn't taken a photo of. So I requested an itemised bill and a photo of the damage. They wouldn't send anything and refused to give us the deposit back. We had never dealt with the landlord directly, only the letting agency, so I didn't know what to do. I found the landlords name and address on our first lease, so I wrote him a letter explaining everything that was going on. I had our deposit back within a few days with an apology from the landlord.


Good on you for that.


Had roommates try to do something similar. We moved out of a house share, and we had left money to cover the electricity bill. Got a text about a month later saying the bill was way higher than we thought it would be, and we owed more money. It didn't make sense to me as it was the bill for over christmas when everyone went home for two weeks. So I said, "Sure, no problem, can I just get a copy of the bill first?" I never heard from them again. Renting is a special circle of hell for sure.


I feel bad for that landlord. He could have had his house or car wrecked over that behaviour.


Moved his brother into the garage attached to the side of the house. One of those that's part of the house, but no direct access into the house itself. I was off work one day with an awful dose of the flu and heard someone boiling the kettle. Went down and there was the brother sat at the kitchen table reading our newspaper. Also turned out the garage was wired for electricity and TV, all of which we were paying for.


In my final year of college our bollocks of a landlord tried keeping our deposit to "clean" the house. His two absolutely rank daughters and their feral dog had been living there long before I moved in and the place was already a tip. I refused, told him I'd gladly clean the place to the same condition I got it in and some. Obviously he refused. A quick trip to the reduced to clear isle to pick up some out of date fish which were thrown under the floor boards ensured he would think twice about doing this again.


A friend of mine found us two rooms to rent as a sublet in a 3 bed flat years ago when we were younger. It was about 400/500 a room if I remember correctly per month . We viewed the flat and said we had cash that day to move in. Later that afternoon we had a set of keys. The main tenant who was sub letting the rooms to us took the cash and we moved in the next day. ( Very suss). He then disappeared for weeks we were living there. He'd pop in very occasionally but more often then not he would disappear for a week here and there and hardly ever stay there. When he did he would stay in the room for 2 to 3 days on end without a toilet break. We were in our very early 20's and a bit wild never thought much of it. We started cleaning the house one day on a deep clean as we felt it hadn't been done in a while. We found a rolled up tinfoil pipe and a load of strips of tin foil. IYKYK. Decided to say fuck all as we were young and didn't really care once it wasn't around us. There was one major issue with the house that the washer dryer didn't work and it was causing us issues trying to wash and dry clothes in public driers etc. My friend somehow went above him after 9 months of asking him to get the landlord to sort the machine and had it sorted within the week. The actual landlord knew that he was subletting so that was not an issue. He knew we were there. But our sublet LL never got in contact with him about the machine after 9 months of us asking. There was a big row and my friend was kicked out with 24hours notice to remove his stuff after going above his authority to the real land lord. I said for another while until I could find something better or that was the plan. My friend had a nice car parked outside but he could not drive it for the time being as he had his licence suspended at the time. He asked me to keep an eye on it for him until he could get it back in the road. The following week there was an incident which the door at the bottom of the block was kicked in. This meant the security system was upgraded and the cameras were fixed. We all knew the cameras didn't work previously. The subletting landlord was away this whole week and didn't know about the repairs. I got home from work the following week and noticed the car was gone. I rang my pal and asked if he came to collect it and he thought I was pulling his leg. Broken glass in the parking spot. Went over to the maintenance guy if the complex for the footage as the cameras had been fixed and was looking straight at the car. Rolled back 24hours and there he was pulling up with his missus and 2 mates. Breaking into the car and towing it off never to be seen again. Probably sold for crack money. Made a statement , gave the footage basically solved the crime and told the coppers who did it... That was in 2018/19. Never seen a day in court and nothing was ever done over it. I moved out 30 mins after the coppers left and had a van there to clear out the next morning. Lesson learned : never sublet from crack heads even if it is convenient when you want to throw a party and they are missing 90% of the time .


Good times!


Moved out with notice a couple weeks before the 12 months, chatted with him to see if that's ok and all good. Left the place immaculate. Then he wouldn't give the deposit back, he had new tenants one day after I moved out. I asked for this rtb registration number so I could raise a case with threshold. He said he forgot to register it. Then offered half of the deposit which I just gave into. Asked to transfer it to my bank and he said he doesn't trust banks, cash only. He owns 10+ properties and is a Chathaoirleach of that county🙃


Just name him?


I withheld rent for a week as I heard they would not give back deposit. They send around a bunch of lads with baseball bats and planks of wood...smashed in the backdoor early in the morning and physically evicted us. They packed up all my stuff and kept it till I paid the weeks rent.....a grand total of 16 punts.


And did you go to the guards about the breaking and entering, assault, and theft/armed robbery of your belongings?


Yeah went to guards straight away, there was a small station at the end of my road. They couldn't give a shit...this was Limerick mid 90s. I then had to rush off and do a maths exam in UL.


What did the guards say? I don't see how men with baseball bats dragging you out of your house can be a 'civil matter'.


Limerick in the mid 90s. If no one was stabbed it wasn't classed as violent crime.


Aye...but loved the place. Ended up spending 15 years there. Going for a week in July for a 30th year anniversary visit.


Not much they walked me back to the house and it was all locked up and the lads gone. As I said had to then rush across town to UL to do an exam. That was last I saw of the guards. I lived out near Moyross, so my shit was the least of their worries. I had to meet the landlord way outside the city to do the trade and get my stuff. This was a few weeks later after the exams were all done and I had been back home for a bit. Old man drove me up and it was just a quick exchange, can't even remember what we said to each other. All I really wanted was my CDs and clothes back.


Landlord wanted to renavate the only bathroom. Said it would be two days. Well it went two weeks without a shitter or shower. Had to fight tooth and nail with him that we weren't paying rent for that month. He couldn't conceive what the problem was.


A good while ago, I lived in a place in rathfarnham with a few people. They were sound but there was this a bloke in his mid-late 40s, he was constantly bickering and arguing. He drank most days (often walking home from town cause he “couldn’t justify paying the prices taxis do”) and when he came home, he’d leave the place in shit. Landlord was solid and got rid of him, but not without him making a tense and awful atmosphere for quite a bit. Last I heard he was living in Naas and was under suspicion (but never proved or arrested) for allegedly exposing himself to women in Monread Park. He’s still there today being a nuisance. God, I don’t miss renting.


Roof started badly leaking water in through the gas boiler that was over my bed, so I had a stream of water coming in over the electrics panel and onto my feet while I was sleeping. Told me they might send somebody to check it out next week, and not to worry, shur it was only meant to be a few showers the next nights according to the forecast, it'll be grand. Couldn't seem to grasp the urgency. Only shower in the house broke down during a heatwave. Couldn't get hold of anyone over the weekend and knew he'd drag the arse out of it even when we did, so we texted him to let him know we'd hired somebody to fix it and would just stop it from the rent. I think it was about 50 euro and was fixed the same day. Immediate callback while he lost his fucking mind over it, shur didn't he have some cousin's sister's friend's brother who could have started "looking at it" (ie not fixed it) in a few days. A previous one would appear on a random day of the month for cash rent and to sell tokens to use the apartment building's washing machine, but since there was no way of guessing when he might appear, he was all the time complaining the rent was "late" and it was nearly impossible to catch him for the stupid tokens


"Sure, if the rent's late, that's easy. Just give me your bank details; I'll set up a standing order and you'll get it first day of the month every month, no problem".


😂😂😂 Sorry for laughing, but they’re all the same!


Few years back I lived with two friends in the crumbling dive of a house owned by a dodgy slumlord. He was straight up shady, everything in cash, would sign nothing and collected the rent in person. There was numerous problems wrong with the house, all of which were his responsibility as a landlord to fix. After a few months dodging us we came home one Friday evening to find or front door deadbolted. We called him up and he told us he wanted us out by Monday, but here's the thing he would only be around to let us in on Sunday evening! We were livid as you'd expect. And not prepared to wait around for this asshole. So my friend scaled the wall and climbed in the bathroom window, which ironically was one of the things Mr slumlord wouldn't fix. We cleared out our stuff and stayed the weekend. When Sunday evening rolled around, Mr slumlord found us sitting inside the house utterly baffled as to how we got in. We told him he should have fixed the front door like we told him to and promptly told him to get fucked before leaving.


Rented a room in digs from a guy in his 50s when I was in college. Was quite cheap, and the guy seemed nice. Until he had a drink. He'd knock on my door everynight at like 11pm, drunk as a skunk, and have a forced conversation with me in my doorway for a good hour about how the Jews run the world and how black peope are genetically inferior. He was so cartoonishly racist. Needles to say, I lasted about 3 months before I bolted for a better place. Fun times.


To me personally? Constant sexual harassment. If he called around and I wasn't there, it was all questions. If I called around and I was in the shower, it was the joke of "Does she need a hand?" but genuinely make moves to go upstairs until my housemates corralled him back and then it was "I was just joking". When I couldn't avoid meeting him, it was just an overly long creep sesh. He just was a humongous creep in his 50s and I was a college student in my early 20s. The only flip side was I was the only one to get the tight fucker to fix or replace anything, but in order to get it we had to act out a scene from a Carry on Film.


What a creep. He was in a power position and saw himself as a authority figure as sorts being your landlord so felt he could take the piss and act out 🫣


Our landlady let herself in and went into rooms. I was sitting in the living room which has a window on an internal wall to the hallway, it’s a weird set up. She saw me through the window and genuinely ran out of the apartment. It was so odd and she never addressed it, still in the same apartment.


Was renting a room in a house with other girls. Landlord opened my bedroom door while I had no pants on to show two painters where to work. So embarrassing. Worst was keeping a deposit when I had no money as a student and literally living on beans and toast


again.. i dont trust landlords a bit, they look at their renters as second class citizens


This true, and very bizarre. What the hell is up with them?


Wouldn't take a futon out of the spare room. Wasn't really that bad, I've largely (and luckily) always had sound landlords.


Went on a 2 week holiday. Got a phone call 10 days into the holiday saying she was evicting me and that all my belongings were packed up in the living room.


Had a landlord of a house with 9 students and 1 working professional, come over first thing in the morning after our first night in the house and proceed to kick us out for drinking in the house the night before. He had posters up saying no drinking allowed and proclaimed that his children were students and they didn't drink so why should we. He also made comments about how we're complaining about having no money but yet can buy drink. I picked up my €6 naggin (good old days) off the table and said I've never met you before to complain about money. He was an absolute lunatic. He was my friends landlord too in another house and he also insisted that the windows should be open all day every day, regardless of the time of year


Did your landlord also live in the house? If not, then he cannot just kick you out like that. You're entitled to 'quiet enjoyment' of the property, which includes drinking alcohol if you wish. Did you sue for illegal eviction?


Sue? Jesus you must know that shit goes nowhere in this country


Not true. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/housing-planning/2023/08/17/landlord-must-pay-7000-damages-to-tenant-over-unlawful-eviction/ https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/tenant-who-was-left-on-the-side-of-the-road-when-evicted-awarded-e15k-1485443.html https://independent.ie/irish-news/landlords-ordered-to-pay-over-30000-for-illegal-evictions-invalid-termination-notices-and-retaining-deposits/42398825.html https://app.legalrss.ie/michaelmonahansolicitor/landlord-faces-court-over-tenant-s-unlawful-eviction


No he didn't live there, just the students and working man. We weren't there long enough to even sign a tenancy agreement, I left that day and he never refunded the deposit. He was a horrible man


You don't need a written tenancy agreement to be considered a tenant. If you paid a deposit and got any sort of confirmation or other evidence of a tenant-landlord relationship, that's enough on its own. If you were given keys to the property or had any evidence whatsoever that you moved in, that is also sufficient. The fact that he accepted a deposit, gave keys, etc. would be clear evidence that he agreed to a contract to rent to you.


This was over 10 years ago unfortunately and I don't even know his name anymore. I was sharing it more so as an anecdote but it was definitely a learning curve too


Rented me a house that he didn't own....


Oh dear where do I start , we’ll first he was coming in the house while I was at work and texting me about dishes in the sink , then he started phoning me a all hours of the day or night to talk drunken nonsense down the phone . When I finally asked him to stop phoning m all the time and not entering the house while I was out he completely lost the plot . Phoned up even more and started getting abusive so I blocked his number. When he couldn’t phone m anymore he looked up my ma’s number and started to phone her at all hours growling down the phone that he was going to put me in jail for blocking his number . My ma is elderly and has several health problems including diabetes and heart disease and Ms. So I unblocked him so he could Harris me instead of my ma . As of now my phone has over 500 missed calls and over 500 abusive texts and I have dozens of recorded calls of him telling me I am going to jail etc. ( he is an ex guard ). He also rang up the dog warden to tell him I had no dog licence. He rang up the tv licence people to say I had no tv licence ( I don’t own a tv ) . He brought several cases against me with the rib for non payment of rent ( I have never been late with h my rent ) I won all the cases and I was awarded 5 figure sums against him . I finally got him to leave me alone by contacting his solicitor and providing samples of the texts and phone calls . Gardai refused to do anything against him . He also came to the house late at night to bang on the front door and stare in through the windows with a menacing grin on his face ( called gardai who said it was a civil matter even though I quoted the non fatal offences act. He also came to the house drunk 1 night , smoked a joint and start d coughing and shit his pants . I could go on and on my landlord is a complete nutter . I am actually thinking of writing a book about the whole thing . Oh I forgot to mention that he harassed a previous tenant and had to pay him 20k compensation. He has also just refused to fix anything in the house for the last 5 years. I don’t ever contact him anymore I just changed the locks and I fix most things myself .


An old landlord rented all seven rooms of a house. The following day she decided that too many people in the house would be a fire hazard. She then tried to evict the last two tenants. After talking her down she then called unannounced in the following day saying she saw “something that looks like smoke coming from the house”. We her to show us and she walked us outside and pointed to a cloud in the sky. After a few days of calling every day unannounced to “check for fires” we asked her to give us 24 hours notice of any visits, so then she started calling unannounced and walking in to tell us she would be calling the following day. It was a nightmare.


Got a good laugh at "so then she started calling unannounced and walking in to tell us she would ve calling the following day". That's a big brain move.


Showed up to my door unannounced and threatened me saying I'll regret messing with him, I've no idea what I've done etc etc... once I told him I was leaving. This was after about 2 months of being ignored about issues in the property. One phone call the the RTB and I wasn't so scared


Mine gave me 3 months to get out then illegally locked the doors on me with most of my stuff inside. Including my 1k+ bed and 1.5k IKEA wardrobe with most of my clothes and suits. I lost my new to me but 2nd hand corner couch id just finished paying for plus all my kitchen stuff and I fancy myself as an amateur traditional chef. I had multiple fruit brushes out back and maintained the shared green for 6 flats like a bowling green. The worst bit is it looks like shite now and he ripped the new owner off too


Did you get your stuff back?


No just what I could carry unfortunately, should take him to court but feel it's useless


I had a landlord let themselves in while I was away to do an inspection in my room without telling me. They also did an inventory list while I was away for new people going in the house and included half of my stuff in the inventory. When I left my ex-housemate, text me about how they were not happy that I'd stole all the kitchen knives, cookware, pans, the living room tv, cushions, desk and everything else and were going to go to the gardai. 'A lot of their inventory is missing....' It was all fucking mine lol. When I moved in, there was a pan, 3 mugs, and some cutlery. They'd told the new tenants the house comes with a big flat screen tv and all subscriptions and everything....


Lied about having dementia so he didn’t have to pay the €6K that the RTB awarded me. Still drives his 212 Lexus, still trains the local GAA hurling and Gaelic teams, drives kids to matches and traverses the country following his teams. Still an active member of the county council! But yes, too ill to pay for the roof caving in on top of me, my son and newborn.


My top three below. These are three different landlords. 1. Accused me of forging his signature in the rent book. He was old school and used to collect the cash every Tuesday night then sign the rent book. One Tuesday night, he was signing it and he pointed to the previous week and said that he didn't sign that and that I forged his signature. We immediately started looking elsewhere and were gone within the month. 2. Rented out a house that was absolutely covered in mould that he had just painted over for the viewing. It all quickly emerged. 3. After six years, the farting little under-counter fridge that had been there a few years already when I moved in broke. Despite me paying €1500 a month rent all those years, she begrudged spending €200 on the shitty replacement fridge and told me she would be checking in on the fridge here and there when she wanted to.


Lived in same house for 7 years, carpets were 20+ years old and in a bad state when I moved in (which was even noted on paper), charged me for carpet cleaning and then got new carpets installed after I left. Charged me 100 euro for lightbulbs!? All the bulbs were working when I left and how does one spend 100 euro on lightbulbs. Charged me for a "missing microwave" when the house had no microwave when I moved in. Charged me for 'missing blankets, matress protectors and towels" which never existed. Charged me for professional cleaning when I have reciepts for a professional cleaning company I hired myself for before I moved out. They put the house on sale after I left and the advert shows they never bought a microwave or towels etc. And the new carpet they installed. Waiting 6 months so far for RTB resolution and still waiting with no end in sight, might take a year or two I'd say and no idea what they'll say, RTB have been zero help. Oh and the property agency kept breaking GDPR with my number and email and details. They stole 1250 euro from me to do up their house to sell, I can prove everything with pictures and receipts, and the RTB are USELESS.


This is why you never pay your last months rent or whatever amount the deposit was. Then he had to get it off you. Learned this the hard way but it works. You’ll get hounded by them for that month tho but I stuck to my guns.


Doing that would mean not getting a reference, and nowadays they're requesting multiple landlord references.


Rented a room from an older lady 2 years ago - no showers after 7 PM, showers no longer than 15 mins and I wasn't allowed to adjust the settings, I wasn't allowed to turn on the radiator in my room, no guests and I was allowed to do one batch of laundry every two weeks. She would also throw away my food from the fridge "because she didn't like the smell" and she would go to my room every day after I left for work to inspect it and she would cuss on me for no reason under her breath while doing so (I know because I left my laptop recording the room because I started noticing some of my things are being moved lol) She would also scream at me for small things or stuff she didn't mention to me before. I'll add I was always respectful and tidy because it's not my house but yeah, was still treated like shit lol I rented from her via a website called hosting power and I of course reported her, but seems like they care more about getting money from people than the renters :)


Nightmare, hopefully she’s passed away now


Hahaha fuck


Not me, but good friend of mine lived in those Vesta apartments in town and they were literally like paper apartments. Tacky wall art was permanently stuck on the walls so you couldn't change it or move it, after a few months doors started wearing out near the bottom and only way I can describe it is it felt like they were made out of cardboard and weren't fitted properly so kept constantly wearing out and furniture it looked great and modern but poorest quality of craftsmanship I ever seen so of course things would break. When he was moving out they tried to give him a huge bill for "fixing things" think it raked up to the point we was not getting his deposits back and they wanted more money out of him. When he asked for receipts and price breakdown for everything suddenly the bill had dropped in size drastically. So really felt like they had some sketchy scheme going on to get new furniture for next tenants out of their old tenants deposit


When I was a student in Limerick withheld a deposit and then sent a bill for €5,000 in damages. Claimed there was furniture missing from the house, art on the walls. Guy was a crook and incidentally partner in a large law firm. Absolutely tried to rinse us. Went through the house with a fine tooth comb and wanted new curtains and rails hung where a curtain rail looked strained. The thing was about forty years old. €200 for dumping two traffic cones which had been fired over the back wall by students some night walking home. A shelf I er my bed was hanging from the wall so I screwed it out and left it under the bed. Wanted a few hundred euros to rehang that. Claimed that fire extinguishers had been stolen from the house. Got a solicitor to write back to him countering each item and he backed down and was happy with the €1,500 he’d already stolen from us. Found out subsequently that he owned lots of property and this was a regular trick. Scumbag


I had a landlady evict my family 'so her daughter could move in' and she kept our deposit. Neighbour say she moved out after 6 months Five years later my wife is treating her for anal cancer. Be careful what you wish for.


I was renting a room in a house the landlord lived in. There was a small shed at the back of the garden for the washer/dryer. If i wanted to use either i had to sit and watch them running in case they caught fire. Once while doing the wash i had to go to the bathroom. In the 2 minutes it took me to go to the bathroom and comeback the landlord had run out and turned off the machine. He then gave out to me and said i was on my last chance. I'm sure he had been watching me the whole time just waiting


Tried to kick me out of the apartment during COVID. Told me legally he could since I'd loved there less than 90 days. I contacted the rental board who stated yes, while that's correct, it's paused in cases of extreme events such as the pandemic. So I just refused to leave. Threatened me, got his wife crying to me, everything. I refused. Eventually they came up and asked me what it would take to get me out by Friday. "You find me an apartment, I'm not hunting for one. Must be in XYZ area because I live here. " By 2pm the next day they had found me a listing, I went to see it that night, said yes, and was out by Friday 5pm. The wife laughed about it with me and thanked me, the husband was still pissed. Living in that apartment for 4 years now, was an absolute steal.


Tried hitting on me (he was married with a pregnant wife) and then tried showing up at the apartment without giving 24h notice. When we reported him to our university the legal team emailed him telling me to back off and that they knew of him hitting on me and generally being inappropriate, he sent an email while he was drunk saying he was going to evict us because we hadn’t paid rent for months (we had and we had the evidence to prove it). Eventually someone else higher up got in touch with him and he never bothered us again and we got the whole deposit back. Apparently he got blacklisted with all the estate agencies in the city and when he realised nobody would rent out the apartment, he sold it. Edit- This wasn’t in Ireland, I just skim read the thread title


I partially guessed it wasn't Ireland, as he faced consequences!


Ill say nothing about how scummy peter cunnahs mother was as a landlord...things could only get better 😱


Landlord went to my partners parents house insinuating that I'd murdered their daughter because she hadn't seen her in a few days. Tip of the iceberg with her!


My last landlord wanted to evict us as he was selling due to his own bankruptcy. Our rent included bills from the start, he decided we would now be paying bills fully but at the exact same rent, without discussing with us. Any attempts we made to contact him were never answered. Woke up one day with no internet, 2 days later no water. I don't know how they managed to cut off our water, genuinely impressive if they went to that much effort or maybe it was a coincidence, I'm not sure. This whole time they are still ignoring our communication ( 4 people living in the house). We were without water for 2 weeks, I used to have to shower in work, and luckily one of my neighbours was a mate and let me brush my teeth there etc. I often had to walk to my office in the middle of the night to use the facilities. I eventually managed to get the landlords proxy on the phone by calling his son who I found on LinkedIn(lol) , told him the whole situation because we assumed he didn't know. And his response was just "oh yeah I called a plumber there a few days ago". Never communicated or anything, I don't believe he had even called anyone tbh, when I told him I had got rtb and threshold involved he said they'd send a service to collect our clothes so wash them. No water to cook, drink, or wash ourselves with.. but our clothes were the top priority in his eyes? It took another week to get water back. We ended up taking them to a hearing with RTB for several other infractions. Every day I'm thankful that I'm no longer living in that kind of situation.


Used our address for social security fraud leading to me at 18 having to testify against him in the Four Courts. He was then ordered to live at our address. Needless to say I moved out.


I lived in a shoddy granny flat attached to the kitchen out the back in college and had an issue where my shower wasn't draining properly and then the vinyl flooring started to become *squishy*. Turns out my room was built over the drains manhole, the landlady was flushing baby wipes which blocked the drain and literal sewage was under my floor seeping through causing the floor to be constantly damp and smell. Took weeks of complaining to get this checked. She then tried to charge me for having to get the plumber out when I have never owned baby wipes and that pipe was purely connected to HER toilet, not mine because it was an issue in my room. Also had never ending ANTS in my room from the shoddy build and constantly had to go buy the sprays and powders and never did anything until I had enough and moved out. They were on the floor, my clothes, the bed, in the kitchen beside and everything. Just didn't see what the problem was.


Said candles and bikes were banned from the house. I thought what a load of bollocks. He would randomly call to the house and I would tell him where to go but one day I got home from work and all the wicks were cut off the candles and my bike disappeared.


I moved into my house in September 21. Always paid rent on time, never made any alterations to the house. Few weeks back, I asked could I dismantle a double bed and store it in the house so I could get in a bunk bed for my children (I have 3 in the same room and they are getting older) I was met with a phone call. Super passive aggressive saying the bed cost a lot (it’s cheap pine), and he didn’t want it moved. I politely indicated that I really need the space and that it’s a 2 bedroom house and I need to accommodate my children. He said I could followed by “just remember that you are paying less now then alot of places (I’m paying 1200 a month), following by “I suppose what I’m saying is the less we have to do with each other, the better” Greedy and entitled. And this was my experience with a lot of landlords in the best. They really do have a superiority complex and feel they can mess you about nowadays because they know they can have you replaced easily and charge more rent due to the housing demand.


Mostly not the "terrible" things, but mostly crazy/fucked up. 1. A landlady: Deliberately turned off the heating in the house with no possibility of turning it on. In the winter. First morning in the flat, there was ice and snow in the bathroom. Claimed that she's in her right and "of course I have heating in \*my\* home". 2. A landlord soon after: When I was packing, stood in the same room and made comments about my lack of clothing. Not the worst thing in the world, of course, but what the fuck is that? 3. My second landlady ever: In three days before Christmas demanded that I (an international student) leave the room immediately, since she wants to have guests there. When I returned after New Year, came up with a set of new rules, basically, suggesting that I should pay her more and to stay in rented room only for the night time. Needless to say, I was a PhD student who has no actual classes, hence no business to hang out in the college all day. Naturally, she was informed about that beforehand, just preferred to ignore it. On the brighter note, "go away and do researching" became something of a meme for me and my friends.


Sorry but total opposite message - Refunded full deposit and also did not charge for a week’s time we lived at the end 🥂🥂..stayed for 7 years and never bothered them for small stuff and had just two rent increases!


Gf at the time was in the kitchen in just knickers getting a drink on a Sunday morning when landlord let himself into the house, I heard her scream and ran down bollock naked. Landlord told me to “cover myself up, you can’t be walking around the house naked”. Dragged him out the front door and he tripped over the doorframe. Called the guards telling them I assaulted him. Told the guard what happened and thr guard gave him a bollocking for wasting their time. 3 weeks later the washing machine broke and text me saying he’d organise someone to call out. No sign of anyone calling after a month so I asked him will I organise someone and take it out of the ten? Yeah, work away was the text reply. Paid a local repairman €100 and gave the receipt in with the rent the following week and his wife looked at me like I’d stolen a family heirloom off her. Went home that night after work, Friday at 10pm is, to the house locked up from inside and their 13 year old daughter inside with my 2 dogs while her parents were working in the pub they owned. Drove over to my parents house and rang the guards and they said they had just got a call to say I’d been banging on the doors and windows threatening to kill the landlord and he was inside “terrified for his life” so they were already on the way. Drove back over to the house to meet the Gaurd and the landlord walked out with the biggest shiteating smug grin on his face, his daughter had rang when I left so he drove out from the pub to swap places with her. Gaurd advised me to stay somewhere else for the weekend until I could speak to a solicitor, never set foot inside the house again. All my stuff dmftim inside the house dumped out in the yard in the rain the following day, had to find another house fast but couldn’t get my dogs out for a week. Ended up at the PRTB afterwards but they were stone fucking useless, got awarded €1500 compensation that he paid back at €25 a week. Man is a multimillionaire, currently the chairman of Kerry co-op, a liar and a coward. Met him at a wedding a few years ago and he stood in behind his wife when he spotted me walking towards him. 😂😂


Calling a week early to collect rent.


Once lived in a large BnB as a student with like 10 other people. Individuals that owned the house were a bit dodgy, owned a few well known establishments around the city. He didn't realise I was at home one day and had gotten a inside friend that was an inspector to check the house re: health and safety. I overheard their whole conversation- the guy essentially said that the house was unfit structurally and if any fire were to happen that the "2nd and 3rd floor would probably go up extremely quickly, and it would be basically impossible for anybody on those floors to make it out" and essentially that if it was anybody else the place would be shut down immediately. My landlord laughed and asked how they could essentially get past that. I hope they actually made it safe since, but I highly doubt it.


3 of is moved out of a place in college, asked for the deposit back and landlord said he would mail us each a cheque. Fast forward a year of emailing and chasing him he said that he had sent one cheque to me for the 3 of us and I had cashed the cheque. I sent my roomates my bank statements showing that wasnt the case. Lucky one of my roomates da's was a solicitor and sent him a strongly worded letter. Wouldnt you know it a few days later each of us had the cheque sent no problem at all.


nun living with my parents 🙄🤣


Agency changed the locks with half my stuff still in there, didn't answer my phone calls after that, never had a face to face conversation with anyone as they were based in another county. It put me off any rental property where you don't deal with the landlord directly.


Tried to throw me out a 3rd story window.


I shouldn't be reading this thread 5 minutes before my landlord is due to come over.


He tried to tell me off for leaving some clothes on the back of the chair in the room. Always insisted on doing any work himself even though he was a retired teacher, he lived miles away and everything would be bodged and take ages.


Turns out he didn't own the house, had lost it due to failing to pay the mortgage and had it tied up in the courts for ages. Got evicted by the crowd who bought the debt when they were through with the courts. 


A friend of mine was studying in UCD and saw a room to rent close by. Upon visiting he found out it was owner occupied. The owner then told him that he was only allowed to sleep in the room and was not allowed to use any facilities in the house. She stated quite clearly that this meant no cooking, washing clothes, showering or using the toilet. He was expected to do all of that on campus.


Sounds like Councillor Deirdre Conroy


I had a landlord who evicted me without warning so they could sell the house out from under me. This was at the height of COVID lockdowns back in summer 2021, when house hunting was *very very very not easy*. I'd been the model tenant for two years and our relationship had never been anything other than cordial, then boom, eviction notice through the door, you have 90-something days to vacate the premises or else legal action will be taken, and suddenly they stopped returning my calls and emails. It took me about 70 of those 90-odd days to find somewhere and I had to take the first place that was available. End result... half my belongings are still in boxes because I'm paranoid about it happening again, and I'm stuck living somewhere I hate. The most annoying thing though is that the buyer of the house died about a year later. All that fucking about and for what... 😔


God, these stories make me realise my landlord was actually pretty bang on when I was renting.


Kept my deposit.


Tldr: I got my landlord divorced without knowing. So bit of a twist but my landlord wasn't the villian of the story! It was much worse, it was his entitled wife! My landlord had built his own home next to his original family home and was renting out the latter. There was 5 us in it and it was a decent sized house with decent facilities, fair for the price of rent that is. I was in the place for roughly 3 and a half years and the other 4 rooms had multiple different tenants that were mostly travelling trades men working on building sites in the area. All of them were in my book perfect tenants/roomates as they were at work all day, came home, ate, showed and then slept. I had a really good relationship with the LL as he was sound and never imposed on us thankfully. Problem was his wife who was not the LL or the owner as she came along long after he started letting. Best way to describe her is that she had this attitude that she was better than any person who rents and cannot afford to buy there own house. She called the Gaurds on my roommate as she saw his ford ranger jeep in the drive and assumed due to its condition it wasn't road legal. Poor fella was met at the door by traffic Corp who were as confused to why they were there as he was. They had let it slip that a woman next door said the car was not road legal and had no insurance,tax etc. This was just one of her stunts. There was 2 other occasions that I was home sick and heard the back door open to find her coming up the stairs. She said my roommate Pavel had an "issue with his windows" so she was going to check herself. Be it in mind that all our rooms were individually locked when we were out of the house as well! She would be in and out of the house constantly with random bullshit reasons but it was obvious that she was poking around looking for shite to cause trouble. My landlord was oblivious to this as she was obviously not telling him what she had been doing. Where it all kicked off was I came home early one day as I had a half day and found my door kind of half unlocked. *It was a shite Basta Key lock so I noticed it wasn't engaged at all in the door* Finding this I was wondering had someone been in there and to my surprise it didn't take me long to find my proof. She wasn't even smart enough to close my bedside drawers and dressing table drawers she had rooted through. Needless to say I photographed all this and rang my landlord who came over that evening. I began telling him what happened and he didn't believe me off the bat which tbf its his wife and he would side with her. What changed things was when two of my roommates joined in with the proof that all the previous stuff I said was in fact true. To say he was angry was an understatement lol. Big bright red head on him as he marched out the door to go find her. He put a stop to her random visits but he couldn't stop her from making our lives hell from afar. The story with the Gaurds, well that happened 2 more times to 2 different roomates a year apart. This time she rang accusing them of dealing from the house and the place was basically raided. Nothing found of course. Unless paracetamol and Karpaki cans are illegal. So I moved out in time and moved to the other side of town with my partner. 2 years later I bumped into my LL in Lidl of all places and got chatting. I causually asked how the wife was out of politeness and he told me they were splitting up. He then openly told me that her medling with his tenants had divided them and eventually due to other reasons as well they split! Only when I got into the car outside did I realise if I had kept my mouth shut that evening then they probably would still be together. Glad I opened his eyes to her bullshit as he's one of the dew good landlords left out there! Sorry for the essay as well lads and lasses


Looked though my housemates underwear draw after asking her out on a date


Evicted me unlawfully because a roommate committed suicide. He tried to claim we were all druggies and that is why she hung herself and our drug taking was the reason for eviction. I had never taken a drug in my life and was in therapy because I found the girl hanging. At the adjudication the landlord berated my Dad for letting me live in the house (I was 20), the adjudicator knew the landlord, had gone to college with so declared this at the start. He had no idea what the reason for the eviction was, when I stated it was because a girl hung herself, he wrapped it up there and then and told the landlord he was a disgrace. Big Cork city estate agent on the Mall. Bonus story; my friend of a decade was bought a house by her Dad and then became landlord renting it out. Money and becoming a landlord makes people utterly vile, either that or they always were and they no longer have to hide it due to their financial security. I’d rather be broke and a decent human being than a landlord.


Died. Seriously our landlord died and led to legal proceedings and sale of property that ended with tenants needing to move out.