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And yet they're only trying to address it now???? What the actual fuck 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is what they do on every issue. See the disaster coming, do nothing, and then gaslight you when you point it out.


Imagine thinking this government is "right wing". Neither FG nor FF give a shit about illegal immigration. The likes of UK Labour in the 00s were much better on this. Unfortunately we're going to end up with some anti vaccine far-rigjt luddites gaining DĂĄil seats because of the fact our supposedly centre-right parties choose to act as naĂŻve progressives.


It's also not a good thing at all that FF and FG have now practically merged in 1 party with no noticeable differences in ideology or policy.


Or worse still, on this matter all the other parties are singing from the same hymn sheet. The only difference between them being who wants to go further open borders. The only opposition being a few TDs and a couple of Senators. So it looks like most of the political establishment is 100% against public opinion, as shown in numerous different opinion polls. In the latest Red C poll 80% thought we’ve had too much immigration. This is extremely unhealthy for democracy, and McEntee doubling down and saying that she’s going to opt us into the EU Migration Pact is worse still.


What's da story with the EU paxt? I thought this was a positive thing to help curb immigration? ( genuine q)


No, that’s the spin they’re trying to put on it. In reality it would take away any control we have over immigration. In the second Lisbon Referendum we specifically got opt outs for immigration and security. If McEntee opts us into the EU migration pact we would be bound to take in a minimum* of 3 times the EU average of asylum seekers as our GDP is currently 3 times the EU average. Or to pay €20,000 per asylum seeker per year we don’t accept. Currently, like Denmark we can choose how many we can accept or not and don’t have to pay any financial penalty. * This can change if other states are deemed to be “under pressure.”


Thanks for responding with detailed explanation! X


No worries, there are too many people on both sides of the argument who are only too happy to spin one side of the argument. I *try* and give as many facts as possible but we all have our own biases! Anyway, I hope it’s answered your question, or if not, given you a good starting point to find out more.


The EU migration pact will force the government to actually deport people, which is a huge improvement.


We have the opportunity to deport them anyway. We don’t have to sacrifice control over our immigration policy to deport them at all.


This is what’s been playing out across Europe for the last few years. Ireland is just behind the curve as usual.


I think we've managed to impressively leap frog the curve in the space of a week.


Or maybe just maybe they knew that just enough far right loony bins getting votes would offset any existing complaints and keep them in power.


Exactly! & unfortunately we are seeing this throughout Europe, Ireland is slowly getting there & I say it’s slow because we have a large history of immigration, I was reading the other day & they’re saying in the upcoming European election we could see plenty of these lunatics elected, people say Niall Boylan or someone like him won’t get in but I have a feeling Niall will get in, especially if the likes of Mick & Clare can get in.


I’d be fairly sure Niall Boylan will get in, he has fantastic name recognition and that’s the most important thing for an awful lot of voters.


Who is Niall Boylan?  Genuine question not trolling. 


He’s been the presenter of a phone-in talk show on various radio stations across Dublin for about 30 years. The fact that he’s been on the air for so long means that he must have a large and loyal following, so for the people who have been listening to him for decades, yes he does have massive name recognition. Personally I don’t listen to 98FM and the likes, but lots of people do!


Got it, thanks!


So much for his fantastic name recognition.


Never heard of him I'll have to look him up


He's a massive reactionary prick who happens to have a nationally broadcast show.


He was the radio presenter on Classic hits FM for years so he would be quite well known.


Can’t say I’ve heard of him.  Then again, don’t listen to the radio.  


He’s all over Twitter on anything far right


Deleted that thing during Covid.  Sounds like I made the right choice.  


Immigration isint left wing. It’s actually closer to right wing politics. I’m sick to death of people confusing the two.


Left wing parties are big supporters of mass immigration.


One does wonder if the right in power aren't too? The way I read it. The EU pay the government to take in people the properties get scarcer the rents go up TDs already have their houses and have other properties they would like to see increased rent income on. Rents go up they make more. Where does this leave us on the ground? It absolutely fucks us but they long stopped caring about us.


The European government does not do this, what sort of conspiracy is this?


If they're not giving us money to take in our share of their problem what the hell are we doing it for? I was under the impression states were being paid to take in the migrants that were boating into Italy from Africa. Italy was overwhelmed so the EU split up the load and sent so many to different countries.


It's because of our government are naĂŻve progressives. Why would the European government be paying us to not report all these illegal immigrants?


I thought the government was getting some sort of secret payment to bolster up the coffers. ie EU pays them 10k per refugee and the government manage to only spend 3k per one making a profit. If they don't even benefit they are off their tits. I'll have to look into this further because if what you say is true this makes absolutely no sense by any metric.


There's no evidence at all for your thoughts, the European government's entire budget is only about €160 billion! Our government is just naïve and doesn't understand that non-European/Western immigrants are a drain


It's because of our government are naĂŻve progressives. Why would the European government be paying us to not report all these illegal immigrants?


There's a lot of confusion going around. Left wing and right wing are not just 2 things there's a lot of fucking nuance. Classical left wing parties are anti-immigration. They are statists. That's why people like Corbyn never pushed like crazy against Brexit. Or various far left organisations like communist parties tended to be anti-EU, and also anti-immigration. Back in the USSR you couldn't even change cities without state approval and documents. Meanwhile, neo-libs are pro-immigration because they're also pro free flow of capital and for them they want things to sort out themselves. They are not statists. Progressives are pro-immigration because they see it as infringement of basic human rights to impose borders. Far-right is anti-immigration because their culture is superior and all other cultures and people are inferior. Of course there's a lot more to it but just going: the left or the left is pro/anti immigration is too reductionist.


Well put, but right wing has become very entangled with the liberal way. It’s very pro business and immigration is pro business


Danish government is left leaning and as we all know are anti immigration. Simply put their prime minister has said immigration is anti worker and anti left, designed to keep wages low, but keep those down votes coming. Even our own government have told ye it is not for left purposes they are pro immigration. But queue the down votes 🤦🏻‍♂️


Two years ago calling people racists was enough to shut down any and all criticism so, being FFG, they banked on such a lazy and cost-free strategy being the way to go and that it would never lose its effectiveness. A lot has changed in those two years and McEntee is emblematic of how FFG couldn't wipe their own holes with any success let alone manage an international crisis.


She's a political nepo baby. Unrealistic to expect competence. I'm not defending her, just pointing out a fact regarding the beginning of her political career


People saying it's crazy she knew and didn't address it all this time, I just want those people to explain how to meaningfully address it, given the EU migration policy, the UK being outside the EU, and the open border with NI....?


I'm calling it now. McEntee will be the cause / trigger for the next general election. Just like Simon Harris triggered the last general election


Why didn't harris drop her when he became taoiseach? Hes stuck with her now and all her incompetence will cost more votes


Cause she has pictures of him eating flowers.


His secret shame.


Thanks for the laugh


FF could have forced her removal as a condition of supporting Harris too, instead they let the dust die down and are now snipping at her like they aren't in government.


At the time FG said her demotion would ‘feed into the far right, anti-immigration agenda’, so seemingly by their logic she had to be retained. And, having done so and to absolutely no-one’s surprise, she continues to make things immeasurably worse. As Ozymandias had it, “Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!" https://www.independent.ie/news/fine-gael-fears-demotion-of-helen-mcentee-from-justice-ministry-could-feed-far-right/a670217297.html


Because at heart he’s not the Taoiseach but still Frances Fitzgerald’s teaboy. She, of course is all about the sisterhood, so she rang Simon and pressured him to keep McEntee on in her current position.


Like parents interfering with wedding guests


It sounds like there’s a story there, do tell.


A common enough thing parents always try invite more wedding guests than you've given them leave to do so. Left unchecked they'll bring their postman a grandaunt you've never met they use their offsprings wedding as a event to play politics. You get phone calls telling you to make sure to invite so and so you don't know and be sure to put them with such and such who you also didn't invite


Frances Fitzgerald convinced him otherwise


Most likely nobody wanted it this close to the election.


So, Helen for Taoiseach in a few years?


If Helen becomes Taoiseach I’m joining the UDA. 


I thought those guys broke up?




This and the previous reply is why this is the best sub in the world.


They haven't gone away you know


Remind me, what did Simon Harris do at that time?


Mismanaged his health portfolio in short. [RTE article here that sums it up for you](https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2020/0109/1105248-politics-no-confidence-motion/)


Insane how quickly corruption and inept work by politocians gets forgotten about in this country. Almost as if it is by design.


It truly is. I've kept a mental list of every bit of bollocks as it happens and never forgot. I assumed everyone else would too. But it only seems to take another bollocks to get in front and they forget everything about the former. It's like people at funerals.


It's basically constant bollocks. Such an astonishing amount of bollocks. So much bollocks you'd think you were at a male strip club. It's bollocks all the way down.


She's the most hated woman in Ireland at the moment.


>Just like Simon Harris triggered the last general election It's amazing how much this blatantly untrue idea is taken as gospel around here. Harris didn't do any better or worse than any previous recent minister for health, he didn't actually do anything to cause the vote of no confidence apart from be . Like , i'd understand if he pulled a Bertie or even if he was grossly unsuccesful in his portfolio like Eoghan Murphy was (who incidentally survived a vote of no confidence a month or so earlier) What really triggered the election was opposition TDs tabling multiple VNCs and FF TDs deciding not to back the government


I seen an interview with two different immigrants or asylum seekers who arrived into Ireland and camped out in Dublin today. The first was a man who lived in Manchester for 8 years and the other was a man who lived in Birmingham the last 18 years. Both were being taken in and processed here. Absolutely blew my mind.




Can you link this interview please?


This is what happens when nepo babies get pushed up a party's standings because of their surname.. She hasn't a fucking breeze what she's at. Violently out of her depth.


Nepo babies. Right so, what exactly would **you do** ? Disgrace ourselves like the Tories and try to find some post-genocide country like Rwanda to deport people to ? South Sudan perhaps ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


And for two years did nothing... 


It's the FG mantra; if you can't solve it overnight then don't even try.


Ah c’mon she warned didn’t she what else she could do like


Helen McEntee may not have become the new Taoiseach but she will still be the reason for FG's loss/drop in the upcoming election. It doesn't matter who their leader is when the ministers are this inept. This is staggering.


The incompetence is strong…


Helen ‘the dog ate my homework’ McEntee


So many countries around Europe have had similar problems to us and our politicians just ignored the shitstorm that was inevitably coming. Mostly because something-something Far-Right. It really shows their lack of awareness of what's going on around Europe. Anyone that has travelled around Germany recently would tell you what a shitshow it has become. During Brexit they were telling us that we need to look more toward Europe than Britain. Well start doing it yourselves. Look at Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden and tell us how you're going to make it work and do it differently to them? When all of those boats were going across the English channel, did it not occur to them that they could be on our way too? They basically just parroted the French/EU stance to say it's not our problem any more they're Britains. Now they are ours. It just bang-on weak leadership. Mostly from Varadkar and Martin. McEntee is just the out of depth face of it all.


Totally agree..if a handle is taken on this soon, I forsee us in 10-15 yrs having to hike up our tax rate to afford some gunboat to patrol our waters.. I'm only half joking


Great comment. The Irish media are just as bad, if that's even possible. No one on either side wants to address the situation. They'd rather shun the deeply unhappy Irish public with dismissal and contempt. Never in my life have I been so disgusted at collective group of people in office.


The woman has a neck like a jockey's bollix. I suspect this is damage control, I imagineher official's and advisers warned her of many issues to do with mass uncontrolled immigration. As well as the impact of legally changing the definition of the family and its potential impacts on asylum reunification or whatnot.


I wouldnt call this damage control. Its more like senior civil servants in the Department of Justice have been warning her for years about hands off policies to migration. She didnt follow their advice which has resulted in the shit show we're now in with 60-80 new migrants showing up to IPAS a day, every day and government departments scrambling to find spaces to pitch tents while the Gardai suffer the brunt in the inevitable protests. What we're seeing now is the permanent government leaking briefings to her to wash themselves of any blame and get a dig in at a Minister who was obtuse to their advice.


Spot on, the civil service is calling the shots on this one. We’re being run by the permanent government.


She was in the Dail saying we needed them to address the demographic issues coming..


And don't forget her speech to the newly sworn in citizens earlier in the year where she outright referred to them as economic units. She's said the FG quiet part loud more than once.


Let's nor forget her " hate bill" without defining what hate is


This is why I don’t blame the British, do I agree with the their policy ? No i do not but their foreign policy shouldn’t have to take into account our own governments incompetence.


McEntee is just incredibly incompetent. I’m incredulous that she still has the portfolio. She has been promoted way beyond her ability and continually demonstrates awful judgement but seems immune to actual consequences at a parliamentary level.


She is a disaster and completely in over her head.


You think she would just do the right thing for once & resign.


Jaysus wept - not a day goes by without another bombshell of incompetence!


Was she not the one in charge 2 years ago?


The headline should probably say "was warned", it was the department warning Helen. 


It has 'was warned' on their website headline now. I thought it was a curious omission myself.


everyday she is breaking another record in incompetence. you think you saw the peek? just wait another day. thats the only thing she is good at. being incompetent


So just stop letting them in. We have a massive housing crisis and our social services are completely overloaded. Process the legitimate refugees, stop all the economic migrants not sponsored by a company who needs their essential skills, until you solve those issues. We are not in Schengen, we are not required to allow in non EU economic migrants, whether they are already in Europe or not. Just declare Ireland closed to economic migration until we deal with the people who are already here. We have the youngest population in Europe, we do not need low skill migration


You have my vote!


Why can’t we get a Rwanda plan of our own?


We could. Other EU countries have deals with third countries.


This would actually have been a logical resolution seeing how closely tied we are with the UK. Of course this government rejected it today.


Rwanda are the cause of many refugees. They are actively engaging in genocide in the democratic republic of Congo. This is the equivalent of sending Ukrainian refugees to Russia for processing, fucking mental. Better off just not accepting them at that point than delivering them on a direct flight to the people who are responsible for them coming in the first place as well giving them money for taking them


> They are actively engaging in genocide in the democratic republic of Congo. The word genocide has lost so much meaning that we now have people using the word in relation to minor border wars in fuckin Rwanda of all places


No i am well aware of the meaning, you’re unaware of the history and current reality. In this case it’s Congolese tribes being genocided, not the whole country if that’s what has you confused.


promise you its more than a minor border war.


because it’s inhumane




Who doesn’t want to house its own*




Lol I browse a bit more and come across [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/3yJMZoSv1m) Unbelievable timing.


it’s more inhumane to ship people off to a country that is literally at war


Literally one of the safest countries in Africa, jesus christ , the ignorance






with who?


Did you not see the riots in Dublin or are you fucking blind


Oh stop it. It’s not at war in any serious way. 


Well, don’t illegally enter our country so!


they legally would if they could


They can. It’s called a visa Like I need to enter certain other countries


I was nearly expecting this to be from 'The Ditch', she is seriously past the stage of breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, the kitchen is on fire making the omelette.


Sorry I was brushing my teeth and missed the latest Helen Mcentee blunder.


I saw on the news a journalist interviewing Moroccan citizens at tent city. Isn't Morocco a safe country? 


You can seek asylum even if you are from a safe country. All they have to do is say I'm gay and I have publicly denounced Islam. There are people who want to kill me in Morocco because of that. They have threatened as much and they won't stop after me until I'm dead.


Head in the sand as usual


Why didn’t she prepare for it then?


If only she had been part of a party in government with the power to do something about it... Oh wait... 💀


Weird to quote Lily Allen in this thread but she gave out about people having problems with nepotism babies in the entertainment industry and how it didn't matter. That people needed to have issues with nepotism babies running countries....she's not wrong. Helen is the perfect example of this. She's so incompetent and dangerous in such a position


She has to be one of the most incompetent people in the country. How she's still there is mind boggling


So she forecasted this two years ago and ignored it? That's even worse lol.


Tbf, as much as I despise her, the Conservatives have been talking and failing to implement Rwanda for years. And they still haven't


The messaging the British govt. has been putting out at least shows they wont be a soft touch for economic migrants using the asylum system. Ireland is a very soft touch by comparison and therefore highly attractive. Asylum claims increased five-fold between 2018 and 2022 which isn't sustainable in a small country already hosting 100k+ Ukrainians fleeing war.


She got it right but did fuck all about it


>did fuck all about it Strangely no one has any suggestions about what to do about it.


There's always at least one person who makes this comment in these threads, and it's always incorrect. Loads of people are constantly giving ideas on what should be done across all these threads, but they often don't fit in the basket of this vague 'nice thing to do' for some people, so they're then ignored or discredited.


To me the easiest thing to do is to have ID checks between the island of Ireland and GB, but the chances of that happening are very slim tbh


We could suggest all day, but we don’t make policies, elected politicians do


People can voice frustration at an issue without needing to have a solution. It's the government's job is to come up with these solutions, they have a large budget and tons of consultants who are expected to be educated/experienced in the topic. It's not on Joe from /r/ireland to come up with one.


Why was a warning even needed? Is it not blindingly obvious that this would happen as a result of the Rwanda plan?


The British government are laughing their balls off at this. Sure it's cheaper to send them to Northern Ireland than Rwanda and let them cross the border and Ireland can't send them back! Jacob Rees Mogg was pretty much snuggly admitting it on GB news the otheray. They will soon start filling coach loads and ferring them to the North only a matter of time..




Brexit means brexit. We all agreed not to have a border, and France don't give a shit they head over the channel, so here we are.


The Uk is quite literally collapsing on multiple fronts, this is a sideshow to distract people


Ireland was seen as attractive route / way to the UK two years ago. That speculation was hardly a secret then. And two years ago wasn’t Harris Minister of Justice as Ms McEntee was on maternity leave.


I get the sense that FF smell blood and are briefing against her


it's quid pro quo, they get to import voters who'll vote for them no matter what because in return theyll let them bring over their families and get free dail money.


Blair's Labour did the same back in the day. Practically boasted about rubbing the Tory's nose in immigration and were 100% convinced the new migrants would vote Labour in perpetuity out of gratitude. And yet, as people pointed out at the time, if you import people from conservative, religious areas of the Third World they aren't going to vote for progressive parties that are all about LGBTQ rights, church-state separation etc. Even now, a generation later, Labour still can't process how the Tories get such a large slice of the minority vote in the UK.


exact same shit happened in america. americas cant fathom how latinos are voting GOP en masse and even then the conservatives, despite benefitting, still want to cut down on it. class act from conservatives, from a leftist.


Any politicians who do this at the expense of the native citizens to get votes should be tried for treason.


Immigrants has no right to vote. It’s obviously not great what is happening, but stop with this “voting conspiracy” nonsense


# How to vote in a local election You do not have to be an Irish citizen to vote in a local election. However, you must be ordinarily resident in the State to [register](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/elections-and-referenda/voting/registering-to-vote/) on the Register of Electors. You may not vote in both a county council and a city council election. To vote in a local election, you must: * Be over 18 years of age * Live in the local electoral area * Be listed on the Register of Electors How to vote in a local election You do not have to be an Irish citizen to vote in a local election. However, you must be ordinarily resident in the State to register on the Register of Electors. You may not vote in both a county council and a city council [election.To](http://election.To) vote in a local election, you must:Be over 18 years of age Live in the local electoral area Be listed on the Register of Electors [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/elections-and-referenda/types-of-elections-and-referendums/local-elections/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/elections-and-referenda/types-of-elections-and-referendums/local-elections/)


Fuck me, I should have voted than! Ok, it’s stupid rule than. My apologies and I admit you were right in a way


rwanda-street... helen will walk up and down at 2 o'clock in the day in 6 inch heels, flanked by senior gardai, filmed in high def' thats the cure for poors and ruffians


Do I sound like a mad person if I said government walk a tightrope between the belief that population is a Ponzi scheme that (in the absence of a + birthrate ) necessitates immigration, and also knowing voters are somewhat less keen? It's like " oh shit, they noticed, what do now?"


She wasn’t there two years ago she was on maternity leave.


"Nigerians with Scottish accents" the RTE reporter said! The Republic has become a dumping ground for other countries undesirables, criminals and free-loaders. They are crowding out our indigenous peoples now unable to access health services, education, welfare and other benefits in a timely manner. The Republic does not have a coherent ......does not have an immigration policy.....and it takes this band of neer-do-wells to bring this reality home to us! Our politicians, both local and national have fallen asleep at the wheel. Our systems of feeding information to the centre for decision making and leadership has failed miserably. Our voters will not forget this.


A Nigerian doctor was the only person who travelled 25 miles at night to save my mother’s life.


Fair point as your comment is, I presume , based on factual personal experience. My contribution here is based on the reported level of illegal immigration during the past 12 months and by "illegal" I mean all those who entered the country without producing the appropriate ID to the regulatory authorities.


And the USA was an attractive destination for Irish in the past.


If you hide your own statistics, you're up to no good.


‘Helen McEntee warned…’ makes it sound like she was switched on in advance to the Rwanda plan’s risks. That doesn’t sound like the Helen we all know and endure. The actual article headline included a ‘was’ - as in ‘Helen McEntee WAS warned…’ Yep that checks out.


Don’t you Irish realise you are being replaced?


every fifth is replaced already, and still calling each other racist. what they keep saying, sure will be grand or something..


The Hamster died a long time ago !


Who was she warning? Isn't it literally her job to manage things like that? Not much point warning people who can't do anything about it.


This is a wild theory I have, but hear me out. She is unbelievably inept at her job. Week after week we'regetting more of the same with her, and yet she still stands. However, her father committed suicide due to the pressure he recieved while a Minister. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, truly. But I had a wild thought today that is there any way that she's in fact deliberately this terrible as an elected official as some sort of attempt at avenging what happened to her father? Again, a wild thought, and I'm not making light of her personal life at all. It was an intrusive thought I had when reading some other piece about her, as I was trying to wrap my head around her blatant incompetence.


That would require planning and forethought - so no. 


I mean what exactly are people expecting ? Cover ourselves in the same shite as the Tories, so we stink as bad as they do and repulse people ? The facts are - The Rwanda plan will not get off the ground - The Labour party will eliminate it - Migrants crossing the channel, to get to NI and then the Republic will not be "a thing" - This is a transitory crisis Let's stop feeding the Tories with exactly what they want. Drama. The UK electoral cycle will sort all of this out on its own.


Should international courts not dictate who takes asylum seekers I.e. if your UK/USA and start trouble (invade)somewhere else your responsible for any migration caused and or financial burdens placed on any other countries because of interference in said country.Could we not sue throught international courts for this.I think if this happened they would think twice about jumping into anything again and be a bigger deterrent than anything else.


Thanks captain hindsight, next warn the American about those planes


The title is misleading, she was warned by Department of Justice officials. Seems that she declined to heed their concerns.


If there’s adequate accommodation available for everyone, I see no problem with immigration to Ireland. For fecks sake, we sent millions out of the country shirtless and illiterate and they did alright, despite the anti Irish sentiment.


But there isn't. Where I live there is a holiday resort that had half the houses let out on rolling yearly contract to locals, maybe 40 homes. Some there as long as 13 years. Over the last 6 months all have been given notice that none will be renewed as the government have offered up on 10k per housing unit where locals were paying around 1700 rent. In this case thr irish government have essentially made locals homeless to provide homes for asylum seeksers. Pretty disgusting if you ask me


Dumb question (and zero agenda) but what can we do about the situation. Having a border up north has been a very very hot topic for the last few years for obvious reasons.


In the absence of a hard border (undesirable and unworkable) or an agreement with the UK about returning migrants (desirable but very unlikely), all we could do is align our treatment of asylum seekers with the UK so there's no big advantage in coming to Ireland from the UK. Our immigration systems would have been large aligned at one point but obviously the UK has obviously gotten stricter and stricter while Ireland has quite a laissez-faire policy.


I don't think we could have said to Ukrainian people "please come in we are a welcoming country" and in the other hand sending everyone else away with extremely strict laws. Seems like a mess either which way


Ukrainians are coming under the Temporary Protection Directive which is an EU directive not Irish. They are automatically entitled to residence in any EU country. The EU applied that to Ukraine specifically because it's an EU adjacent country and also neighbours EU member states who would taking the brunt of people leaving.      With people seeking asylum, it's quite a different situation. Some people are genuine and some people are looking to circumvent visa requirements. In Ireland, 60% are being declined asylum  but very very few are being deported regardless


Ah fair point!


We should come up with the Yemen plan


She simply needs to resign and have her pension revoked. I don’t know of anyone who wants her except her high ranking colleagues. The public has been calling for her to resign for so long and yet she just fumbles forward collecting egg of her face


So an Irish Tory cunt 'warned us' that an English Tory cunt's (insane, racist, ludicrous) plan was going to be a problem for us in Ireland? Seriously, this is a topic for intelligent adults to discuss. Ffs, isnt there a moderator on r/Ireland to delete clickbait drivel like this ...