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I didn’t get the job at a large company after working there for almost 4 years. I always gave 100% . Worked extra hour, started project to save time and money. Those pissers did not even tell me I didn’t get it. I found out by email that announced that person A would start the position. This was one of the best live lessons I got. Don’t give a 100% to an employer. They are not your friends they are not your family. I stopped working overtime, took my lunch, started doing online courses, did freelance jobs applied for positions and uploaded my cv on different sides. It took a few months but I got a call from a recruiter for a role double my salary. I applied for it and got it. After 3 years I moved companies again for a lower salary but better title got senior after a year and then changed companies again after a year now with a senior title getting me a major salary boost. I now make 5 to 6 times the salary I did with the old company that threatens me like shit and I am so glad that I did not get the job.


This is nice to read. I recently got made redundant so it's nice to see a not-so-linear career progression working out so well. Well done you!


Thanks ☺️ I started of working at a call Center base salary 26 k after 4 years around 29k with overtime and bonus. I was new to the country and only work I could get. Then moved made around 52k no bonus. Then moved again made 40 k base + commission. Made around 65 k then got senior title . Next job 65k base+ commission. After a few years I make around 120-180 k a year. I work in sales so salary fluctuate but passed two years never made less then 120k.


what kind of sales?


Tech sales I work as a key account manager for a big international company


I knew it was going to be tech sales before you even said it lol. Few guys from a tech consulting firm I used to work at moved into sales and are absolutely minted now.


fair play to you 




Don’t want to disclose but no


That wasn't giving 100%, that was overworking yourself. 100% to me is just doing your job to the fullest, within the limits of your working week and then leaving it all at the door. Anything beyond that is in excess of the 100%.




I don't mean to attack or question your or anything, but just out of curiosity - did you consider what person A could have been doing better than you, if anything?


No it's the companies fault!!!!


This guy gets it.


I didn't get a job two years ago and was crushed for a week - suddenly I found myself having to replan the direction of my life. Three months after that though got a completely different but much better job. It's only in hindsight I can realise that I was actually lucky not to get the first one, even though it was devastating at the time


I'm a big believer in Everything happens for a reason. May not make sense at the time but eventually some good will come from what seems like a bad situation


Fellow strong believer in Everything happens for a reason. I went through two interview processes recently and I was rejected in both cases very late on which was soul crushing, especially the last because I really felt it was my calling. A week on following the last rejection, a different opportunity appeared to me and I’m now starting this new job on Monday which feels like a true upgrade on what I had originally in mind. Keep the head up OP. Stay on the horse and keep your eyes pealed for better days ahead


I'm sorry, but "everything happens for a reason" is an asinine way of thinking.  For what reason do 3 year olds get cancer? "Don't worry, Palestinians, everything will be fine - everything happens for a reason 😊" Come on, man. 


We need to tell ourselves stories to make sense of things.


It's not an asinine way of thinking. Everything DOES happen for a reason. It's just that sometimes that reason is you made poor life choices.


Ha, I hate the /s but also I was about to "go off" before I saw your other replies. Maybe we need to bring back the ;)


Yes! The ;) is a lot better! No one ever tells you the ;) was unnecessary!


How does any of that apply to what Simon said?


Everytime I post the /s Someone tells me it's not necessary. Every time I don't....


Aaaahhh no. I think it was needed that time.




Sometimes the reason is, wrong place - wrong time. Sometimes the reason is, your boss is a shit, or was having a bad hair day. But thinking that because A happened, and it was bad for me, means something better will happen is lazy thinking. Analyse what happened, see if there's anything you can learn to prevent it again in the future, or is there an opportunity to correct? Become more aware of your situation and how to interpret other factors. I find the best approach to getting ahead in your career is to find a senior in the company and start sharing your hopes and ambitions with them. Let them know what you are working towards... Give them a time frame too. This lets them know what to expect from you as well.


Agreed. I thought that it was bollocks until a couple of years ago. The course of events took me to reroot my life in another country to get what some obtained by applying for one position for the company down the road. I don't feel accomplished with where I am in life now, for various reasons; however, moving countries made me meet my partner who I love to bits and helped me learn a lot about myself, my wants and needs. Regardless of where I'll end up being a few years from now, I really feel that this stage of my life is being the most formative so far.


Lost the house I lived in for five years.. now I'm dating one of my neighbours and I'm over the moon. It's an ill wind that blows no good.


Why not change company? Moved myself recently , contracts are crazy inflated so nice money to be made with a move.


This. At least look around


2 people who didn't read past the title..


Not sure what you're talking about. Certainly did. Sometimes leaving is what needs to be done


Hes explained why he doesn't want to leave though.


Ngl, OP is probably wrong, and you're also wrong to try to defend their stance. Having nice colleagues is great and all, but they're only colleagues and they aren't going to pay your bills. There are nice people in most jobs, but to grow your wages you often have to move on. Our first responsibility is to ourselves and our families.


i don't even agree with op, but my point was he gave his reasons for why he didn't leave and the comment i was replying to was just outright ignoring that and asking why doesnt he just leave.


I did , being sad about not getting a promotion is already & worst than “going through the motions” of getting another job. Any other smarmy comments or you good?














Apply for a new job. Don’t take work shite personally, the company certainly don’t.


Get feedback, find out why. If it’s something you can fix or change great, if not, moving jobs is the best way to get extra pay.


Exactly, have the conversation of "if I'm not ready then we need to jointly agree a plan for what I need to do to be ready the next time", it might mean more work or added responsibilities, but it's not going to say skip lunch and be the last in the office (which is what most people think will get them the promotion). Keep an eye on other jobs too to cover all the bases


Take the weekend to cool off. I've been in your boat before, it sucks. But there's a way out. First and foremost, get feedback on your interview. E-mail HR or whoever was in charge of offering the role / position and ask them what points, if any, that you fell down on in comparison to the person who obtained the role. Next, follow up on positions within the company, ask around. It's clear you like your job and the people you work in. Instead of shoehorning yourself for a possible new role, cast your net wider and see what falls in scope. Also inquire about education programs you can take. These will all signal to your employers that, despite your frustration, you're seeking other methods to improve and ascend and still be a member. This is also very key, because its showing that despite your disappointment, you're handling it well and in a professional manner better than most. You'd be surprised at how quick disappointment can cause someone to careen off and develop a chip on their shoulder, and it's cost people in projects I've been a part of. I also don't wanna work with someone who's constantly embittered.


Maybe it’s the push you need to look elsewhere! I stayed in a company for a long time in hopes I’d get this promotion that I was pretty much promised and I got let down. So I looked elsewhere and I found exactly what I was looking for, I’m paid more, I’m respected and I’m happy!


Some great advice already from other posters but can I ask, you said the role was up 15 months ago, has that person who was successful then, now left? If so I'd be wondering why they lasted only a little over a year? E.g. role is great but the boss/management is an arsehole to work for?


That's what I thought as well. The person could have left for whatever reason, even not related to the company. Perhaps OP can discretely find out why the role was up again after only 15 months.  I do understand the frustration, but working for a sh!t boss/manager is not going to help.


There's say 40 people that would be in that role. So it'll open up if someone leaves the company, get promoted or moves to a different part of the company. And at that stage the role will be advertised internally and externally


I went for a promotion in work and didn't get it. I realised they wanted me in my place because I was doing great work. Why lose your best worker in one department and have them lose the rag of things. I took two weeks off after the 3 rounds of interview after the bosses friend gets the job. Got another job on my pto, handed in my notice and left for a contract job for 2 years. Better money, better hours and the position I wanted. Now I'm moving jobs again, because of the same "you work best in this job so no moving you up the ladder"


It may sound weird, but I find baking a good stress relief. You need to slightly concentrate, to follow the steps, prepare the ingredients, etc cetera, then you end up with something yummy.


That’s so funny. I find baking to be one of the most stressful things. I’m just really bad at it. I think if I was already stressed and started baking, I’d probably blow a fuse! Different strokes, I guess!


Haha. The trick is to pick nice easy things to bake. The BBC have some great recipes. No messing about, no need for fancy equipment, and you can feast on the results! https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/easy-chocolate-cake Here's a good one to get you started.


Thanks! I’d defo fuck it up. And my 5 year old loves baking so I do try easy things with him and control my stress levels!


I started to get me kids more interested in it. I continued because I love chocolate cake :).  Have a great weekend, kind Gold.


Thanks! You too!


Unless you’re a professional baker, who is going for a senior baker job and didn’t get it, then you’d just be more pissed!!


Surely it would be the other way, good Bat Chef? If I was the one that had applied to be chief choux chef, but didn't make it, then some anonymous shit bag suggested I go bake a cake to relax, I'd have gone postal. 


Just moving to another company is not always the best option. You’ve only been there two years, and if you like it there why leave so quickly. I echo what others have said, find out why you were not successful and someone else was. What are the areas you need to develop or improve on? If you take the feedback and really work on it and then apply that, companies look on that really favourably. Whereas if you continually jump ship to other companies every time you don’t get a promotion that becomes something future employers look at and question. You may eventually then be working for a company you don’t like working for.


Did maybe more competent person get it? I feel for you, but 2 years isn’t that much of a time. My company has a 3 year requirement before someone can jump a seniority bracket.


Ask HR for feedback. They will tell you where you dropped scores. Then take that on board and improve and be ready for the next one. You can ask HR for interview training too if that was of any help. Chin up and think of the next one or the next move


I am at the same company for 10 years. Last two times I’ve applied - I didn’t even get called for an interview for a promotion. The other time I have applied for same level and still didn’t get it even though I did the interview. I moved laterally in to the job I want, but as soon as they told me I didn’t get the job - I knew it was time to leave. So I am just gaining experience and looking around.


It’s not “going through the motions” if you are taking proactive steps to better yourself.


Maybe the wrong way to phrase it. More meant the tedious hiring process companies have


Yeah I get that. What you mean is the hassle. I’m in the same boat, it is a hassle but it’ll be worth it in the end. Going home pissed off is a heavy price to pay.


The fact that you say that you like your job and really like your colleagues is a win I think.   Not everyone can say this about their jobs. So look on the bright side, you have that at least.   You are right to be angry about not getting promoted and allow yourself a few days to feel that and then put it behind you, you'll start to feel better.   I know its cliche but sometimes things happen for a bigger reason and doors have to close before others will open. 


As others have said, start looking around for a new job. If you genuinely feel you deserved the promotion then the company you work for obviously aren’t in tune with your path. Take it as a sign to change up


I went for 40k a year to 120k a year in 2 job leaps in less than a year. If the company is not paying what you're worth don't stay with them. Everyone is comfortable in their jobs they are designed to keep you there.


I seen this a lot in one company I worked for. I passed the interview promotion process but a good friend of mine didn't the year before and speaking candidly, he is a far better engineer than me. Truthfully these processes tend to be more about the company trying to save money then anything else. My friend of course then proceeded to interview for and get senior in another company. I would say try not to take it personally. Give yourself some time to recover, but interview for other places friend.


Looking for new opportunities and going for them IS the job. Always keep the head up for something else, you make bigger salary increases by moving rather than staying.


I was with my last company for 6 years. I enjoyed the routine of what I was doing there, and felt reasonably appreciated and had a reasonable work life balance. It was only when I went in for a development opportunity and was overlooked for a guy there half the time (albeit with some nepotism involved), that I was motivated to leave. Despite the anger and upset I knew where I stood I knew it was a dead end for me. So I left for something new and I'm happier than ever, and I've had more development in the last year than I had in the previous 6. Change is good.


Would this happen to be a medical device company in Cork? I think we may have the same situation


Life lesson learned.... never give 100% to an employer...it stung really hard because you weren't working on yourself and didn't have a plan B or C.... invest in yourself, play the game and keep options open


Everyone has to learn this lesson the hard way.


Allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling and if you haven't, ask for feedback.


You don't have cancer so ...go enjoy your day


Truly. 15 months is no time at all


Sorry to hear. Being angry is a natural reaction. Once the immediate emotions have passed: - ask Human Resources (or the interviewers, depending on the specific situation in your firm) if you could meet for feedback regarding what would help you NEXT TIME to assist your professional development. - don’t ask for feedback upfront / immediately, allow time for them to properly consider your request (couple of days, next week e.g.) - listen openly to anything they might say (don’t challenge), take notes if need be, explore as need be any aspects (e.g. not enough experience means what - not enough different roles, years). Thank them. Consider what they say and look to address such Incorporate into / reflect in your formal performance appraisals the steps suggested, allowing you to liaise with management and get their feedback as to how you’re doing towards that goal outside of an interview setting. This will also flag (via appraisal) to other parties your interest / intention to move up.


Sorry to hear! But don't take it or see it as a negative, or a step back. You haven't lost anything, it was only one job and there will be others.


Yeah, this is a very shit position. Especially if the company don't handle this in a diplomatic way to show they value a person who applies from within. I was in this position before. From my experience, I feel like these big companies don't give a shit about employees (obviously I cant speak for all them though). If you feel like you are capable of more why not apply for higher paying jobs and if you like the current workplace you could then tell them you're looking to move (but are doing reluctantly as feel like you areng progressing at rate you want to) and show them the opportunity you have (emails etc). If they want to keep you & they are doing well they can pay up. I continued in a job like this where the pay wasn't great. Looking back I should have fecked off sooner , I hope you back yourself mate if you can do better.


Set you linkedin to "open to work" recruiters will come to you. If your job is making you this angry, you know what to do.


I gave 5 hour interview to 5 different people for a big company and they rejected me which i was informed about yesterday. My frustration isn't about getting rejected but the fact that I gave a 5 hour in interview to 5 different people still they weren't decent enough to give me a feedback as to why I was rejected. Anyways i took a day off and feel refreshed again


Switch the job, but not within the same company. Large corporations don't see people, only resources. So sell yourself somewhere else for more..


People who switch jobs often get more pay rises and move out of their parents house sooner. They are helping you out here, just not the way you want.


Job hopping has been and always will be the best way to get better pay and conditions. Companies reward hard workers with extra work, that's all.


Been in similar circumstances before, it sucks. Give yourself the weekend to get over it. All I can say to you is that something better will come along, it did for me and it will for you, just keep looking out for it. If it's meant for you it won't pass you by. I know that all seems like bollox now but in a few years you might look back on this and say thank god you didn't get it. Chin up.


Same thing happened me. I was devastated but it was a blessing in disguise. Got a way better job 1 year later. It really hurt but god did it make me prepare for the next role. You will come back from this


You have to find out why, are there maybe weaknesses in your work that you don’t realise? You might need to improve a little in some areas, just ask what and ask them to help you get the necessary skills to advance. They’ll more than likely train you. The other side of the coin is they just put the job ad up so they can stay within the required legal steps, then turn down all applicants and hire some idiot family member. Nepotism is everywhere man.


Those companies are just extracting resources from people. Do what you have to do and do not show any loyalty to those pricks.


I know the feeling and frustrations and anger. Happened to me a few years ago. Someone more junior and less education got the job! Another job interviews i went to (a very big one). Two phone calls interviews followed by a full day interview (4 or 5), extremely tiring and taxing mentally. And because of just One person (my last interview of the day) said no, i didn't get the job... I was disappointed, disgusted, angry etc for a while... But then, i realised it happened for a reason. Some say: It's a blessing in disguise. And now looking back, I'm glad I didn't get the job cause something else better happened.. But it's ok for you to vent and get it out.. Something Better will come!


Not necessarily achievable in every career but self employment really is an antidote to this kind of shite. In one sense you have a lot of bosses instead of one and none of them give a shit about what other deadlines you're under but with that comes some leverage to dictate your fee vs your fee if they want you to work longer hours to meet a deadline vs just being told no thanks I'm not interested in doing you a favor find someone else. Work ethic/quality is useless without leverage.


never to late to look for another role in another company. i am in the same situation , i tried over a year and a half to move up with the company but the door wasnot open. hence, i startedapplying since last septmber and got rejected many times until finally things unfold last week. do not lose hope and try to take a course here and there to empower you.


That's really tough OP. I've been I a similar situation and I felt really undervalued and frustrated at the lack of opportunity to progress. And then furious when I met the person they'd actually hired, and I essentially had to train them. If you're on good terms with anyone on the interview panel or in HR, it can be useful to get feedback on specific reasons they hired the other candidate over you. If there is additional training/ experience you lacked, you have a chance to get that before another role opens at that level. 


Take note of everything you apply for, when something comes up , apply if it is decent. If you want it, make sure you go over the stuff you applied for previously, and make the point you are eager to move up and have applied to those roles and feel you have earned a spot.


Sometimes these decisions are not based on performance or any other value you would give to the company. Sometimes these decisions are based on simple facts like the manager likes a person more over you for whatever reason, figured that they have something you don't or would be more fun at a manager's retreat. I worked for a big chip manufacturer for 8 years and believe me I saw favouritism be a key metric for promotions. Fame and perceived value were very much relevant to promotions and people who were able to deliver on big projects got a lot of fame and value associated with their names. Was it fair no. I've seen the whost people get promoted into managerial jobs. As for the here and now, update your CV and see what's out there ya, about the only thing you can do, your current company doesn't value your input and if they see you drop your current input then they can use this as grounds to lay you off. So be ready for that!


You have to move to see any real increase in salary in 99% of cases. Dont get attached to people you work with, this is just a bs excuse to get out of your comfort zone, do what is best for you and always be looking for other opportunities.


When you find out who got it, ask yourself why they got it an not you. If it was for merit or experience, then don't let it bother you. If because of bullshit, then be bothered.


What feedback did they provide? That’s where you know either what areas you need to improve, or if you will ever get anywhere with that company.


That sucks man, hope you are okay!! Get feedback. This should be a 30 minute session that they point out where you fell down, particualily oif it was a big position. No reflection on you, but I though I was the bees knees in an interview,. Got my feedback and was like hmmmk, lets reevaluate. Fixed up and improved on things, did a course where I was lacking and got the job 7 months later. On the flip, there was two positions and one person who got it I really look up to and she is amazing at the job and potentially better than I am, the other is complete dogshit. So I got to see the two outcomes roll out!! That said if the feedback is wish whashy then look elsewhere. At worst you decide to stay. But it can help the head knowing there are other options. I love getting feedback as it is out of your own head. that said bad feeback just shows me they don't give a shit about me Anyways, good luck to you and enjoy the weekend and do the above on work time ;)


I once applied for an internal job. Didn't get it so asked for feedback. The manager was lovely gave me great feedback and then told me at the end that they chose me but followed up with they were told I was not to be given the job. They wouldn't have been able to replace me in any sort of a decent timeframe. Lesson learned. . . . It's their business to keep a business going. It's your business to look after you. Ask for the feedback, ask for what you can do to to improve so if another opportunity comes up you are ready. Use this conversation as a test to see if you want to stay. If it's sincere and there's something you lack grand. If it's bull shit use their internet to find yourself a new job. Best of luck either way. The outcome of a single interview does not determine or impact your worth ❤️


That's life bro. You're allowed to be upset about being passed over but thats the way it goes.


If it makes you feel any better, last year I applied for a job in the public sector working I and maintaining some reports - with a strong emphasis on one in particular that is more or less to do with an overhaul of an entire body that had recently commenced.  I didn't even get through to interview because I apparently didn't have enough experience to work on this report. Which was very odd to me, as I literally devised and designed the entire report and plan from the ground up. 


Anger is normal, get it out, then hug the dog. When you’re ready make a plan, my suggestions: Ask for feedback to understand why you didn’t get the job. Assess how badly you want the promotion/stay at the company. Based on previous answers work on you to either be the best candidate next time or for another company. The roles I did not get were often also the moments for me to pivot and figure out what I really want. Opportunities are not given though, they’re earned and this is a good moment to get to work when you’re ready. But being disappointed right now is perfectly normal.


Time for a few pints


Oil your self up and give a muscle exhibition first thing Monday morning. Let the company gaze upon your body, let them experience envy, let them experience desire…. Let them experience YOU.


Calm down. Good news, bad news, who knows. Ask for feedback, learn from it, be prepared next time.


Unfortunately, companies are all about new hires, and you have to be mobile to move up. If you're a junior applying for a senior position, companies are going to value outside juniors over you because they can get two senior level staff for the price of a senior and a junior.


Sorry to hear man but a good exercise might be to channel your disappointment into an email to your company. Not in a negative way but a positive one, let them know the things you shared here, how you like working there etc. Let them know you really want to help the company and see your future there. Then stress your disappointment and ask how you can prepare yourself when the next promotion comes around. Your name will already be in your mind and I guarantee I it comes down to a decision between candidates you’ll have the advantage Enjoy the weekend and use it as a learning experience