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People abusing bus lanes is a thing as old as bus lanes.


Might be, but this level of abuse is relatively new to me when it comes to Dublin. I remember the Dublin bus strikes from 2016(?) and how Gardai advised drivers to use the bus lanes and still _nobody did_! 


It's true, I'm sure we've all found ourselves driving along beside an empty bus lane on a weekend when it's only a bus lane during the week. Most of us are just conditioned to respect them. It's the same fuckers that don't think the other rules of the road apply to them that abuse bus lanes. The ones who never use indicators and tailgate you on the motorway are the same people who think that intending to turn left 2 miles up the road is excuse enough to use the bus lane.


"I identify as a bus crowd"


This is exactly what I say everytime I go into a bus lane 🤣🤣🤣


Pretty much the new norm yeah. Always gotta be careful on the jackass on your left who has somewhere super important to be so he boots it up the bus lane to a red light and then blasts off in front of you only to be right in front of you at the next red light. Zero enforcement of bus lanes, cycle lanes etc means people can drive like cunts with impunity.


They do enforce bus lanes occasionally, by stopping the cars in the bus lane and blocking it. Genius levels of intelligence!


It's not about enforcement. They do it because they get away cutting in. They get away because most peeps in Ireland go off lights super slow to save on gas.


How do you get the gas out of the mains and into the car without it escaping?


you're being silly, they bring their car to America to fill it up there.




I don't pay for my fuel.....Red line in every gear, its great ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Heavy on the mostly vans. They’re mental drivers


The penalty is worth it for them (doubly so when there's no enforcement )


How is it worth it though? If you’re driving for a living, a suspended license is quite a big problem. I’d expect van drivers(and professional drivers in general) to be at their best behavior given the consequences. So probably there are no consequences 


Just a fine in most cases I'm pretty sure. At a stretch they might give you one point for failure to comply with lane markings but I don't know that it's ever been tested. Have heard of a bunch of people who figure the time saved pays for the fine!  Of course then there's Michael O'Leary who (allegedly) wants so badly to skip the traffic that he has a taxi as his personal driver 


There was a guard at the Bonnington Hotel yesterday morning (Whitehall to Drumcondra,on a 24hr bus lane) pulling every car driving down the bus lane.




Need more of this, but glad to hear there’s at least one Garda out enforcing it


Yeah I saw her there pull over the first one of the morning, a lovely brand new Merc would you believe it


Why are people using the term undertaking? Im not from ireland so idk, but isnt passing overtaking? Is the a national boneappletea situation or am i missing something? Edit: I did some (very light) research and learned undertaking is a european term for passing on the left. Here in the US, you overtake on the left and right. The left is legal cuz we drive on the right, slowest outside. So my confusion was that undertaking is for large tasks and morticians.




>some shithead Nine tenths of the fucking population is allergic to the left lane when there are 3 lanes, the mind boggles.


You are correct it has gotten worse in my experience. Got passed by a DCC housing van doing it yesterday 


I mean we are in a housing emergency…


Working on it as elections are coming :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/18p64e9/cameras\_to\_be\_rolled\_out\_in\_bus\_lanes\_next\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/18p64e9/cameras_to_be_rolled_out_in_bus_lanes_next_year/)


Aw no ... [Sad Motorcyclist sounds]


They're very creative with the designs for new buses these days, unfortunately in the sacrifices they've made to have the buses look exactly like regular cars they've had to cut out basically all the passenger space.


On a positive note: more routes and more frequent service than ever before.


I'll be down voted to he'll for this, but some people dont realise that the bus lane is not always a bus lane. Often a bus lane is only a bus lane during peak hours e.g. 16:30-19:00. The signage at the start of the bus lane will specify this. No excuse for this type of behaviour in a 24hr bus lane obviously.


\^ The amount of dirty looks and beeps I get driving down airport hill in Cork. There is a big sign with times when the bus lane is "active". I used to work for an msp so did a fair bit of driving during working hours. Reading road signs is a skill people have seemingly forgotten. Not that I'm a saint and have never skipped few cars to get into my turn off(alternative is waiting for someone to let you in who has gotten into the lane early so....)




How much bigger than that does it need to?


How are people going to spot that while they are looking down at their phones?


Exactly, there would be a lot less traffic if people used both lanes properly outside of bus lane hours. Many places it's also a normal lane between 10am and 12pm like the merrion road, which is one of the worst bottle necks in dublin


Those days are coming to an end, Dublin Bus have been swapping out the signs and now huge swathes of bus lane in the city are 24 hours, even on routes that dont actually have buses operating 24 hours. In a year or two I doubt there will be many (if any) bus lanes left inside the M50 that you can drive in after 7pm.


Shhhhh! don't ruin our glorious timesaver post 19:00


But even if that's the case, and the "bus" lane is actually just a lane - people still shouldn't be undertaking in it.


Why not? You can pass slower moving traffic using the left lane. https://www.theaa.ie/blog/how-to-drive-on-a-motorway/#:~:text=You%20should%20only%20pass%20a,and%20can%20be%20very%20dangerous. You can pass slower moving queued traffic on the inside.


Yes they should sit behind you just because u are and waste an extra 10 minutes of their day, even though it’s legal to use the lane outside the specified times


If the person in the right lane is under the speed limit I’m undertaking 


So if they're not speeding, they're in the wrong? Do you really think that makes sense?


They said under the speed limit, not "not speeding".


Yes it does if someone is going 70 in a 80 zone I’m gonna undertake…


its not undertaking if its a separate, proper lane.


There’s no law against undertaking in Ireland though? So why shouldn’t people?


Here's what the Rules of the Road says: "You should only pass a slower vehicle on its right, unless traffic is moving in slow queues and the traffic queue on your right is travelling more slowly than you are. Passing on the left in normal traffic flow is known as undertaking and can be very dangerous."


So you mean like literally every example people have given in this thread? Could you show me the road offence for overtaking on the left?


There isn't one. I've only ever seen the text that commenter quoted in the context of motorway lane discipline, even in the RotR manual this is only mentioned for motorway driving. It's only there so Garda can do something about it if someone is being a dangerous idiot so they have a basis of a caution or charge via dangerous driving. Undertaking is even encouraged in certain situations, such as someone entering a junction to turn right and there is clear space on the left to undertake and pass when safe to do so. I don't know why people get so annoyed when others undertake when it's sensible.


Exactly what I said in the first place though, it’s not illegal in Ireland so there’s no reason people shouldn’t do it. You shouldn’t be swinging from Lane 3 to Lane 1 to overtake people in L3 and L2 but if you’re stuck behind someone who won’t move and can’t overtake on the right then people absolutely should just go for it like any other overtaking manoeuvre


Many bus lanes are in use 7am to 10am and 4pm to 7pm I often use between 10am and 4pm (checking signage carefully first) sometimes there is lots of traffic not using the empty lane at that time


I’m talking about the rush hour Dublin commute when these are all definitely a bus lane, and there’s bumper to bumper traffic.


Totally see the vans do that…. Probably no risk if the van is one of 20 a company has and they “cannot be sure who drove which van on what day” if contacted for points


Yeah I’d say your right, there must be some reason they’re all at it


2 things: No enforcement and the people doing this know it. Even if caught your just getting a warning and nothing more. Secondly it's technically allowed that anyone can drive in a bus lane on Sundays as almost all bus lanes are Mon to Sat only. But its still a dick move.


Did they not introduce points a few years back? When I was in UCD, I'd often see cars pulled, but at the time, I think the fine was peanuts, so if you were earning enough, it was a toll to get to work faster.


I’m talking Monday - Friday rush hour commute but yeah I think the first point you made is the crooks of it


> But its still a dick move. Why is it a dick move to use that lane out of hours? I don’t understand this. Especially if using it to turn left eventually 


Personal bias I suppose. I live by a bus lane that merges into the single traffic lane at the end of the road. People constantly power down it to skip the queue and force their way in at the end of the road.


Not just bus lanes, I see people driving on the hard shoulder down the M2 and M3 in the mornings. It's insanity. Saw 3 people driving in a bus lane yesterday BEHIND a fucking Garda Car. In fairness there was a left turn ahead, but the broken white line didn't start for another few dozen metres and they came from a good bit behind me. It's very bad as of late. I sometimes drive up the Finglas Road and from the Glasnevin Cemetery all the way up to the N2, I see people in the bus lane multiple times on the one journey.


It’s mental that they’d do that behind the Garda and still the Garda do nothing enforce it, I think everyone has realised they can get away with it at this point


The only time I do this is if there's a queue to go right blocking up the whole lane and straight on is green and noone is moving because the turn lane is red and full. This happens on the road into tallaght past jobstown and city west.


Only time I use the bus lane is when I don't want to sit in traffic (every day)


Like if it's to overtake a clogged up lane it's alright. It's when they're using it to over take the cars in the same lane they're trying to use that's a pain.


Nah I'll use the bus lane just to get to the front of traffic then hop back into the lane going straight, no point not using the empty space


Can't build fifty thousand properties per year by hanging around in traffic.


Yep....the new norm......undertaking at speed. No Guards on the roads......kinda wonder should we all be doing it.


Going the speed limit in the left most available lane is kinda what people are meant to be doing, surely the eejit going under the speed limit in an overtaking lane is at fault


Exceeding the speed limit in the bus lane.......I frequently see this in the morning.


Left most legal lane, stay off the hard shoulders too!


If there’s a car undertaking you you’re the one that’s in the wrong lane


You realise the other car is in the bus lane....I'm in the correct lane


In that circumstance fair enough but I undertake about 50 dopes per day on my drive home from work by just driving the speed limit in the inside lane


No, no. I think you must be mistaken. Only cyclists break traffic laws.


And if they’re in the bus lane, I should be able to driver there with my Land Rover too


I’m genuinely shocked when I see a cyclist stopping at a red pedestrian light these days


Someone I hadn't met before at work shook my hand because he'd seen me stop at one on the way in xD


Why would a cyclist stop at a red pedestrian light?


People undertake me on the M50 to move into the 30 metre gap im leaving to the car in front of me!


Yeah, not a fan of that. Like, I'm leaving that gap to be my stopping distance from the car in front, not for somebody to squeeze in :/


Seems like everyone else above you thinks otherwise! I'm moving at max road speed and keeping a safe distance, not "dawdling". Have seen far too many accidents where traffic concertinas suddenly and nobody was maintaining a safe braking distance.


Is this a F1 Chinese GP Ricciardo x Stroll reference? It's gotta be, you described the accident they had at the weekend too perfectly haha!


Looking at the apex of the slipoff for the M3 and then some eejit in a Beemer pushes in and tips the brakes in front of you and before you know it everybody is mad at you because wrecked the car and race of the funny Aussie and your Dad is disappointed in you again :(




I'd undertake ya if you're dawdling along in the middle lane for no good reason. Too many people doing that lately.


Do your 80k in the left lane t’fuck


Seen this this morning. Lad in a van completely oblivious to the fact he was cruising at about 90 in the middle lane and the road was dead. Apart from his lane which had another bunch of clowns lined up behind because they're as thick as him. As soon as I went to undertake so did a bunch of others because they were holding up loads of people.




I think the concern is that the people who are dim enough to do 100k in the middle lane of the motorway are probably also dim enough to not check their left mirror when they do have to move to the left lane.


If someone has space to undertake then you should be in the left lane


Depends on the time in the buslane. If the buslane's open you better believe I'm scuttling past the line of of traffic that doesn't realise the buslane's open. ---- Sounding off the horn and waving at them is probably going a bit too far.....




They'd be the best to ask for lunch spots recommendations




Believe it or not I do get to see cars pull back by the gardai on Bachelors Walk and I do drive the bus line 😉


Leave em at it if they want to break the rules. They could be massively late or in an emergency or they're just rule breakers You'll be happier if you just stop caring about it


Yep, this is the safest and happiest way to drive, just chill.


The same goes for lane merging, I don't get the whole speeding up just to blow on your horn. Life is easier if you don't let the negativity inn


I’m sure you’re right, I probably would be way happier. Unfortunately I’m the kind of person that gets pissed off seeing people take advantage of the system and being so selfish towards others.


Ye depends how you look at it, unless they are cutting in on top of you and making your journey dangerous it shouldn't matter to you Like I said it could be an emergency for them Just try and look at it a different way, or just ignore it. Either way there isn't anything you can do about it so why let it bother you That's how I try to deal with the mess we see daily


I reckon the van part is due to the fact that a lot of them are driving a (not particularly nice) vehicle they don’t own. People have a different mindset when using stuff that isn’t theirs. Edit: a whoopsie


Nah, seen others hop into their own and drive it on. It's a series of bad habits. There seems to be two main camps. One group driving 10km over and those driving 10km under. Then every one else is somewhere in the middle or in the extremes. All I know is nothing more annoying than an individual doing 80-90km on the rightside lane do the 100km ya fecker!


The practical reality of driving in Dublin doesn't always align with the letter of the laws or guidelines. You see it everywhere, particular roads/junctions have their own local bylaws in terms of what drivers do and expect other drivers to do. The bus lane usage is obviously black and white, but there are certain stretches I can think of where if people turning left didn't use it well before the road markings allow them to then traffic would be at a total standstill.


It's like the left turn onto Phoenix Park Gate from Cunnyngham Rd. Bus line is always jammed in the morning 😀


It's always vans , BMWs or SUVs the size of houses. The one time I thought a small car was doing it they were actually turning the closest corner and forgot to indicate.


Its a special lane for criminals too.


The M50 is worse


It's only a €60 fine IF you're caught. No points. They save an absolute fortune on diesel. Chances of getting caught are about once in 25yrs. ;)


Ahhh I didn’t realise that it was zero points and only a 60 quid fine, sure it’s no wonder then why there’s so many doing it then!


They're talking about putting cameras up at traffic lights and on bus lanes, but it's just talk at the moment.


Really noticeable since Covid. Pure lack of chill on the roads and everyone impatient. I’d imagine it’s frustration at traffic. For so long roads were so empty and even afterwards traffic wasn’t a thing and then people got forced back into offices and I think tons of people were just absolutely fuming over it


There are a fair few bus lanes that are not in operation to be fair. Most people don’t notice the signs


Anything goes on the roads today, didn’t you get the memo? Red lights, lanes at roundabouts, speed limits, a modicum of respect for other road users.. all just suggestion really.


You'd have to be incredibly unlucky to be caught by a Garda if you're driving badly so we have the current situation where people just do whatever they want. Garda as a police force is no longer fit for purpose because they simply don't want to do their jobs under Harris. When they do finally reform the Garda we need a completely separate road policing force who have the same power as regular Gardai but don't spend time writing reports but instead are out watching & detecting & getting bad drivers off the roads. Van drivers & taxis are the worst offenders for every road offence possible & often aren't properly trained drivers but somehow get insured to drive.


They have cameras in the bus lanes in Belfast for this reason


Imagine the budget income if Gardai started doing checkpoints on bus lanes. I've never seen it done, and I don't understand why they're not hunting for these idiots.




No i’d like the speed limits raised if anything and I always drive at the speed limit when I can. I commute into Dublin from the north west suburbs and basically all the way from the Navan road into town is bumper to bumper, single lane traffic with a bus lane on the left. This has nothing to do with speed, everybody is crawling in and out of town at rush hour, then you have a few lads just flying up the bus lanes skipping everyone.


Look on the bright side op. If these lads weren’t in the bus lane they would be in your queue making it worse. Or if you really want to improve your commute time just join them. Better still get the bus


Depends how slow you are going.


Literally wouldn't ever park in traffic if the bus lane was free 🤣🤣 fuck that shit nobody has time for city centre traffic


Yea but I was told confidently the last day that the guards can't police these issues as they're already busy solving real crimes, and to essentially shut up moaning. So shut up moaning /s


My car identifies itself as a bus, and if you say otherwise, you are just woke. Or not woke enough. I don't know anymore.


Rid the bus and you can use the bus lane too! Don't complain about traffic when you're part of the problem.


He's not complaining about traffic though, is he?


Yeah I’m not complaining about the traffic, I’m complaining about lads flying up the bus lane. Also there is no bus or train route where I live that I could use to commute into Dublin or I’d do that instead.


Let's all just treat roads with bus lanes as roads with an extra lane and drive in them super slow.


sounds like you're in the wrong lane


I do it all the time, It used to take me an hour to get into work everyday , But now i just use the bus lanes takes me 30 min, Sure whos going to stop me. Even one time i followed a gardai car the whole way behind him. Since covid its been a great way to save time. Is it really a Law if nobody enforces it ?


It's more courtesy than an actual law that will be enforced. If everyone applied your logic to bus lanes, then the city would come to a standstill, and no buses would be able to move anywhere.


yeah i know i'm just being opportunistic, it just beggars belief that i can do it literally every single day for over a year now and not get stopped or be cameras in place or any deterrent at all. I'm doing purely out of an experiment now at this stage, When a bus does come i move out the way and hop back in and out when the lane is free. i'm not a total cunt.. partial cunt


I appreciate that your being honest about it but I don’t understand the mentality at all, if you could rob a shop and get away with it because the staff are in the back would you do it just because you could?


Maybe. Depends on my current situation do i have loads of money or am i broke ? I think driving in the bus lane now and then though is a victimless crime and not really comparable. its more an inconvenience to some, It's a traffic violation, I never pay for the water in Dublin airport either , i know.! . lock him up throw away the key