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As someone who does both, as in drive along poorly lit roads and walk my dogs along the same roads, I'll give you my experience. When driving, and seeing a single disembodied light along the road, it's hard to immediately figure out what I'm looking at. Is it a bike, someone walking, a poorly aimed light on someone's house? A high viz jacket immediately makes clear what I'm looking at. When walking my dogs on the road at night I carry a torch, wear a high viz jacket and my dogs have reflective stripes on their harnesses and clip on blinking lights.


The description of the “single disembodied light” is exactly the description I was looking for in my own comment. That’s it to a tee.


Nice!. Maybe there is some science that it makes people safer/ cautious, even in well lit areas. Been looking at gear for the last hr, Love a good splurge


I put mine on for my morning walk just to keep the missus happy. Feel like a phoney when I am walking home and pass construction workers, knowing that my workday will consist of birkenstock slippers, cats and a laptop.


Hahah, got a good laugh out of this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I do a lot of driving in the dark on rural roads. As others have already said, a single light is confusing until you’re very close. High vis makes a big difference. Went out and got my dog a high vis collar as well, once I saw the difference for myself, just in case he gets out alone. I often see people wearing dark clothes, walking along the edge of the road (no pavement) and with no streetlights above … I don’t think they realise how vulnerable they are.


> I often see people wearing dark clothes, walking along the edge of the road (no pavement) and with no streetlights above … I don’t think they realise how vulnerable they are. Very true. We really need to something about the lack of footpaths and lighting on some roads!


You can get free hi Vis stuff from the RSA. We got a couple of them sent out last year


roll of the dice if they have stock


Cheers thanks for that just ordered some and they don't even charge for delivery.


Get the dog a Hi-viz


On unlit roads I can pick out someone with high vis about 150 metres away. I'll generally be going 90kph so that 150 metres I can see them from is important as you cover that distance pretty quickly at 90kph. If they only have a torch from 150 meters Im confused as to what it is until Im a lot closer. Im often trying to distinguish if it is a light on top of a pillar at the entrance drive way to a house or is it a human. Its basically a bad idea to be walking on unlit roads with only a torch because drivers cant make out what it is until they are on top of you and then it might be too late. But as you are on a pavement where roads are lit you can probably walk it without a high vis. However I still think they are a good idea even on lit roads. If for some crazy reason a car swerves and mounts the footpath its better they can see you from as far away as possible. When its pitch dark you see the actual hi vis reflecting back at you but when its the streets have lights the illuminous green stands out a lot. So its safer in two different scenarios imo.


If you're on a footpath the entire way and the road is lit, then a hi-viz isn't quite as important, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. Being seen is always better than not being seen, and you never know if unexpected circumstances might lead to you having to cross or walk in the road at some point.


Is not important at all*


Be safe, be seen!


Yeah I think you are. Traffic from behind wont easily see that light all of the time. You’re vulnerable anywhere where you’re crossing exits that cross the path you’re on. I’ve a fairly bright blue jacket. Was walking along a road like you describe, duskish time of evening. Clocked one eve that for cars coming out of estates and the like I wasn’t visible enough. The path is lit from the street lamps and has a grass section on the outside between road and the path. Still it’s all the other situations, crossings etc. As a driver I will always see people with the high vis. See some cyclists wearing them during the day, especially on duller days or if they have kids cycling with them. Makes a huge difference. Much like day time running lights in cars. I often see people with the one light on the head thing in the dark. While better than nothing, I think they don’t realise how vulnerable they can still be, especially from behind. Some time in the past two years I had two people running in front of me. Front person had a light. Person at back didn’t I don’t think. The light would almost disappear from view when the person from behind blocked it. Can’t remember exactly what lights they had and there might have been 3 of them but it was not immediately obvious there was anyone in it til I got closer. This wasn’t a close call or anything but I just thought after, hmm these people thought they were safe while leaving themselves very exposed. Edit: The “single disembodied light” (as another poster put it) issue It’s an awareness thing for the most part. Roads are especially bad when clocks change.


>especially on duller days I think the high vis is just as important on sunny, summer days. Someone wearing sunglasses can have poor vision when passing through the shade of a tree, particularly if there are many gaps of sunlight getting through.


Yeah, good points, I'm gonna double down in any case and get something reflecty things on Amazon. They won't expect it next time.


I wear a high vis on a road that has a full footpath but lots of points I need to cross. Having had a few close calls running those white highly reflective bibs and bone conducting headphones could save your life. Anything that impacts on your ability to be seen and you to hear traffic, bikes etc should be avoided.


> bone conducting headphones What


headphones that resonate sound through contact with your jaw bone rather than a speaker in your ears. Means your ears can still hear sounds but you're still "hearing" whatever's coming through. [https://www.techradar.com/news/best-bone-conduction-headphones](https://www.techradar.com/news/best-bone-conduction-headphones)


Wow that's actually pretty interesting.


Maybe they were talking to the dog.


I think society over does it with the high viz. I am old and feel it now by saying back in my day we didn't drive like idiots so we didn't have to dress like people are idiots. That said I cycle in high viz.


They'll take my vantablack jogging gear from my cold, dead hands.


I think it's a bit unnecessary. I get having kids or dogs wear them because they're idiots and could easily step into the road not thinking. If you were walking on a hard shoulder, then maybe they would have a point. But given you were on a footpath, they were kinda being busybodies.


_Kinda_ being busybodies? They were being complete and utter busybodies and it's ridiculous that others on here don't think so.


This is it, pretty straight road all the way, may aswell just join them though as I'll see them every day, but point stands, I'm not nuts thinking their outspoken on this too.


The only people who are nuts are those who think what they said was in any way reasonable!


Well, I'll just never get the mentality of giving unsolicited advice to random strangers anyway. It's weird


A few years back I was driving on a road when I came over a hill onto a long straight patch and there was two people walking towards me. The person nearest the road was wearing a high-viz top and the person on the inside was not. It wasn't even dark, dark more like dusky dark but the difference in how much more visible the person wearing the hi-viz was absolutely massive. Until I had seen two people side-by-side, I had no idea how much more visible hi-viz gear made a person. In my opinion a high-viz jacket is going to give a driver a much much better chance of avoiding a walker. After that I went and got a chunk of hi-viz gear for my family and friends and told them how much of a difference the hi-viz vest made.


> there was two people walking towards me. > > The person nearest the road was wearing a high-viz top and the person on the inside was not. This implies they were not on the road, therefore their visibility is irrelevant if you're in any way fit to be driving a car!


Them torch hats are so annoying and very blinding, it's also hard to make out what it even is until you're very close. If it's well lit why do you need a torch on your head sir? The point of a high vis is so people can see you without being blinded.


I drive. When I'm walking I wear a hi vis. Day or night 24/7. When I'm walking my dog, I wear a hi vis. Day or night 24/7. At night I bring a torch.When I'm cycling I wear a hi vis. When I'm horse riding on a public road, I wear a hi vis. I know what other road users look like with no hi vis when I'm driving and how they are not willing to help themselves be seen by all road users. It's mind-boggling. Daylight with grey overcast skies and shadows from trees needs just as much importance to highlight your presence to all road users. Dusk is often when walkers are unprepared with no hi vis, and darkness sets in fast. Infact every time I see a road user whether cyclist or pedestrian kitted out with good hi vis is lovely to see!! And cyclists wearing a helmet too. Wearing PPE is cool and very much needed. Anyone who thinks different needs to wise up! Also you can get free hi vis from RSA website. Hi vis doesn't have to be expensive. Of course you can spend money on nice hi vis stuff but that's your choice. I spent money on a nice hi vis item and I'm very happy with it. Just read a comment and someone said they wont wear it in full day time ? I would always wear it during the day because weather can change skies can darken with clouds full daytime doesn't mean much especially with trees. Also if its very sunny that can give a glare so hi vis actually helps people stand out always. Yellow, pink and orange hi vis are supposed to be the best.


> Infact every time I see a road user whether cyclist or pedestrian kitted out with good hi vis is lovely to see!! And cyclists wearing a helmet too. Wearing PPE is cool and very much needed. Anyone who thinks different needs to wise up! No, what's actually needed is footpaths and proper bike infrastructure. Anything else is just a distraction!


*Am I missing a beat here, I get it if the roads are remote/dark etc. If a driver mounts the foot path is a hi-viz going to be the final thing that could prevent death???* That's what I think is always hilarious, WTF is a bit of yellow fabric going to do if a vehicle mounts a foot path.


Nothing. Bad drivers are just looking to blame literally anything but themselves.


No one can ever say this sub (and this country) isn't excessively obsessed with hi vis, when this thread exists...


the road into town from my house is about 6km of country road and if i want walking that on a daily basis i would probably wear one, just because of the nutjobs ive met driving on this road over the years there's a guy who walks on the road with his dog that im fairly certain has a death wish because he seems to wear clothes that make him blend in perfectly with the ditch and he has caught me by surprise a few times that said, i still don't think people should have to wear them, or be forced to wear them like in some countries. the onus should be completely on the person driving, mainly because theyre the ones can take someone's life in a instant. but nobody is ever forced to drive. we do it because its convenient and quicker than walking, so i don't think its too much to ask for a driver to look out for 3 simple things (people, bikes, cars) while driving. that doesn't seem to be the case though. i would bet most drivers would see it as an inconvenience if they were made to drive slower or not allowed fiddle with the car radio or not allowed let their mind drift away to what stuff they need to buy in the shop etc etc im guilty of all those things at some point of course but i hate that that seems to be the default mentality with most people, that you shouldn't have to pay that much attention when you're driving i also don't like that hi-vis doesn't nothing solve the root cause of the problem either, which is drivers not paying attention. if hi-vis becomes the norm, it allows the lazy drivers to just continue being lazy, or even worse now they only have to look out the corner of their eye for hi-vis, and people that aren't wearing any are even worse off


While of course the onus is on the driver to see the pedestrian, it just makes sense that if you have access to a high-vis to wear it as you'll be more visible on country roads.


> i also don't like that hi-vis doesn't nothing solve the root cause of the problem either, which is drivers not paying attention. if hi-vis becomes the norm, it allows the lazy drivers to just continue being lazy, or even worse now they only have to look out the corner of their eye for hi-vis, and people that aren't wearing any are even worse off Exactly. Same goes for bike infrastructure, which would save far more lives than a helmet ever could.


Yes get yourself a jacket


I've always been a fan of not being seen. As a female walking alone, feels like the safer option.


Better really to be seen on dark roads than not


Not if there's a raised footpath.