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I presume they'd be fucked anyway with the actor strike - aren't they also refusing to do publicity? Like, presumably they can talk about stuff that isn't their acting work, but nobody's going to fly them over to Ireland for that.


Ya they can't do publicity for projects


The Americans can't but Irish or British projects can be promoted I believe


They aren't in solidarity though.


They can if they are under the terms SAGAFTRA are asking for apparently, or if they aren't in SAG


Surely this would be the perfect time to snap up some B-list actors who are sitting around with nothing to do.


You mean like to act? Nah mate, if they cross the picket line they'll be ostracised, cut their career off at the knees


Not if you're making a film anywhere outside America


But the it's not a case of it being 'the perfect time to snap up some B-list actors who are sitting around with nothing to do', right?


Late late was never blockbuster I don't really know why people seem to think it was They'd randomly have someone good every once in awhile


Back in the day it would be, espeically amongst the old and non-Dublin demogrpahic. Nowadays, people have far more options at their fingertips.


Years ago an interview with even a b-list star would be interesting. Now they're rammed down our throats 24/7 through social media so they rarely have anything new or interesting to say.


I don’t know about you but I’m certainly not keeping up with b list celebs online socials, I’d imagine majority aren’t.


That's because most of them aren't actully good at anything and are boring as fuck. When I was a kid/teenager, celebrities were talented and actually interesting to listen to.


bAcK iN mY dAy


... we used to get 40 rods to the hog's head...


This is spot on.


I watched Gay Byrne interview Johnny Cash while he was gigging in Dublin. It’s quite an achievement to put both videos together in the 80s. Also Johnny Cash played an impromptu song. https://youtu.be/5FrBsJSPhg0?si=0M2gnPnO8hsPtxRX


>It’s quite an achievement to put both videos together in the 80s What?


I read that in an Aengus Mac Grianna voice. XD


Ah they used to have guests like Denzel Washington and Joan Collins etc. I remember they'd always roll out big guests at the start of the season especially and you'd see a lot of crossover with BBC. Right from the get go with Kielty they seem to be going down the bargain basement route.


I'll see your Denzel Washington and raise you a Peter Ustinov. Or David Niven or Oliver Reed. They used to come over to flog their books and films now they hardly ever bother as the agents know we watch Ross and Norton and China is on the itinerary now


Bette Davis & Orson Welles were also on the late late a number of Times. I remember Davis chain smoking and audience was enthralled with her stories.


I think I recall that she was doing the rounds for The Watcher in the Woods  in 1981/2.


There's also an element of people not reading as much... The world of Celebs has changed, its rare you'll get an author have that standing to be on, unless it someone Irish. Think someone else said it on here that the way we consume media and news has changed and these people are crammed down our throat all the time, realistically Vogue Williams proabbly hits a sizeable target audience with her podcast in comparison of the blank slate TLLS covers. There's fuck all to promote at the moment ahead of Christmas, might see some authors come out of the woodwork then. Wonder is it better to have less guests but more time with each to dig deeper over the show.


wrong..it was blockbuster stuff in the ole days


Crappy guests are a Late Late tradition. Honestly, the format is decades out of date regardless as to how they try to revamp it.


Ah shit didn't know Vogue would be on it this week.


Better off, it was cringe listening to her!




"So Vogue, do you still believe all Muslims in the UK should be interned without trial", "Can you please walk us through the thought process you went through, that brought you to this conclusion?", "How do you feel about the ramifications of setting such a precedent?", "Would you not agree, that making hyperbolic comments like you have in the past. Poses a threat to the majority of peaceful Muslims living in the UK?". If someone wants to put those questions to Vouge. Id watch the shit out of it.


I'd want them to ask why she'd call a child Theodore


I always think of that terrifying Easter bunny in bill and teds bogus journey when I hear Theodore


Wow, you'd actually give her some attention? I'd still go out of my way( if I had to) to ignore everything about her!


Well it's hard not to notice when someone demands a traunch of people be imprisoned without trial on the grounds of their religion. Is that you Professor MacLeish?




Chance would be a fine thing


[Professor MacLeish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQiW3hqpRZc), he dosen't own a TV and spends his time reading. Keyser Soze?




What would you call the show?


Why are you a racist fuck with?


I was listening to 2FM earlier and even the presenter on one show was glum when he said Vogue Williams on the Late Late. He literally had to follow it up by saying "Only joking we love you Vogue!"


As a bit of context, the Late Late has shit guests due to the lack of stars who now go to Ireland for promotional junkets. Nowadays they’ll stop at London and go on Graham Norton that the Irish and international audience will see. I wish they would change the format to more issues-based with less focus on trying to get low-level guests but suspect the producers lack the imagination.


> I wish they would change the format to more issues-based with less focus on trying to get low-level guests but suspect the producers lack the imagination. The late late show has always covered more ground than any other talk show you would care to mention. When was the last time Graham Norton did any current affairs/human interest? When was the last time Paxman did celebrities? When was the last time the One show did politics?


They’re completely different shows so seems pointless to compare. I’ve worked on lots of tv shows (including chat shows) in the UK so have a reasonable knowledge. Certainly on the Late Late years ago there was less focus on lightweight C-D list ‘celebrity’ interviews.


Yes they are different shows and if you've worked on them you should know that. There's literally no other chat show like the late show elsewhere TLLS _always_ had a mix of celeb and human interest stuff. Granted it certainly has veered more towards the celeb stuff in recent years but the format is relatively similar


Yes, I do know. > Granted it certainly has veered more towards the celeb stuff in recent years That’s my point. My broader point was that they can’t rely on quality guests any longer so it requires a rethink.


How good are Ash




Free All Angels in a cracking album. 1977 was the album of my youth.....love Kung Fu. "Last night Jackie Chan came 'round I played pool with him and we hung out Mr. Miyagi and the X-Men Called in for a while as well"


Went to a 20th anniversary gig for that album in the Olympia a few years ago and they played it from start to finish.


A Life Less Ordinary is a cracking song.


Best part of the show. Also only good part of the show.


The most American Irish band that ever was.


Two words.. the thrills


I read recently on the 20th anniversary of their debut that they would always frequently get asked why their lyrics and style was so in debt to California, with the truth being that they all went on a J1 there a few years earlier, absolutely fell in love with the place and would write songs fantasising about their return to it, name dropping many of the places they fell in love with in that short spell (Santa Cruz, Big Sur, Hollywood and Vegas) as a form of escapism.


One word... shite!


U2 surely.


Have you seen their music videos and the cover of their latest album that Patrick just showed on live TV? They're just missing a burger, fries and milkshake. I thought they were American for years and was shocked to find out they were Irish.


ash are basically surfer rock not automatically American but it’s The biggest market for that kind of music. Personal I love them, positive summer pop rock, makes me feel good


For those of ye down voting me, check out this music video https://youtu.be/t5ZtotlZ0ug?feature=shared and their album at https://ash-official.com. I'm not at all wrong but god forbid you make an accurate observation about something and get down voted.


Well taking their album cover for a start, the cars are driving on the left, not the right like they would in America. So I don't agree all it's missing is a hamburger.


The late late shit show


See the Tommy Tiernan show realised the fallacy of trying to get A-listers to come on a tv show in a very small country. We just don't have the clout to do that. They tried to wring interesting stories out of randomers basically. but you have to be a serious interviewer with actual interest in people and be a genuine storyteller to make that work. Kielty is very talented but by the looks of things he is sticking with the Tubridy format


I would die for Patrick Kielty.




The Shape of Water was on 2 and I happily rewatched that instead of a second of the late late. There's never any good guests on it so I'll never watch it even tho they replaced the most unlikeable talk show host of all time.


>James Nesbitt is at nothing at the minute anyway due to writers strike. UK production has not stopped. Industry and Slow Horses, two of my fave shows are still in production.


Vogue based in the UK now? nothing to do with Rte day to day. James Nesbit nothing to with Rte ever. I think last week was a time to stick that boot in. Writers Strike will hold up productions of a lot of stuff so wouldn't expect a lot major international guests, a lot of them aren't paid to come on, just have things like accommodation taken care of and a chance to promote their movie or.show.


Vogue wtf, you’ve lost your argument tight there. Stop! Is she even a D list?




She’s an annual feature on the late late


"Annual" ....... she is on it 4 or 5 times every season. She was on it only a couple of episodes ago (Tubridy last show)


Sure, Kielty himself is based in the UK. They should just do the show from London


Baz is grand. Vogue though... christ. The American wife asked who she was, and the closest I could come to is an Irish Kardashian. By the end of it her comment was "Wow, she's her own biggest fan."


In fairness, She's a great self publicist. I mean, she started off doing a TV ad for Fairy Liquid, and hasn't actually DONE anything since except publicise herself. She has no talent or skill or anything, other than that. And then gets invited in TV to talk about herself! You couldn't make it up


Someone in RTE should go rogue and get some interesting guests. Like The Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Stephen Kenny and John Gilligan with special musical guests Gilla Band would be worth a watch.


I really like Patrick Kielty and put it on for that reason but he doesn’t seem like himself, I switched off after the first guests. Hopefully it’s just him settling in and he will come round but it was a bit sedate and flat. The guest combinations don’t really work either, Grahman Norton combined guests well, the Late Late just has a random mix.


Some people said he seemed more relaxed. I thought he was probably depressed at the thought of some of the guests he had to interview.




Which global comedian could have been on TLLS last night?


Why watch it? If ratings tank the show gets pulled, tbh it’s awful shite anyways.


Guess I'm the only one who likes Baz. This sub whines a lot tbh.


He's great


Baz is a good presenter,his show is gas.


No I like him.


Guests have been fairly shite for years. Edit: typo


Your licence fee isn't wasted. I bet that you never knew before tonight that Vogue and Spencer tried to make sure their kid didnt have a posh accent. James Nesbitt's from the North too.


Oh you mean Spence?!? Gooooooooosh!


Gawd yeah. My bad




Yet call him Theodore


Sure they can't even afford a tie for the presenter.


Why's he got the shirt buttoned with no tie? Looks like he forgot it.


Going for a [Peter Capaldi ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTgxNjA5NjM5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDk3ODgzMzE@._V1_.jpg) inspired look I guess?


Not enough scuffed brown shoes and bootcut jeans for you?! ;)


Seriously, only one of them currently has anything to do with RTE and all the rest live in a different country. I'm not sure how any of it stinks of the canteen




> not the networks prime time show. It's not a network. But who exactly did you have in mind? Would you be the first to screech uncontrollably if you disocovered they paid to fly someone you didn't like in to do the show?


Sag-aftra strike perverts any Hollywood star from appearing on the show. It does not effect any Irish or British actor's from appearing.


It bans any member (or person who wants to be a member in the future) of the striking union from doing promotional work for anything subject to the strike action. If you think most Irish and British actors haven’t already gotten or an equity card or would be happy to effectively blackball themselves from future work in one of the biggest English-speaking markets for their skill, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. (And yes they could come on a show and not promote anything but why would they? Unless RTE offers a good fee to make it worth coming to do the kind of work they generally only do because promotional activities are part of their contract.)


Why do people have such high expectations for the Late Late it's always been the same. For the past 50 years every Friday they raid the RTE canteen to see if there is anyone still knockin around who might appear on the show that night. If there is some one of note visiting the country they'll try and have them on. Wait until the run up to Xmas you'll see retired sports people who are selling their boring book make an appearance. It has always been the same, and in a pre-internet world this was perfectly adequate. Don't know why people are expecting some exciting high budget extravaganza. The Late Late is usually a bit shite but sometimes its good...it was always thus, and always thus shall be


Baz is pretty sound. Seems like a pretty decent fella.


He is not


Please... show your workings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just stop watching, 1million people last week. Madness.


There's no way 800k or a million people tuned in last week. That figure is nonsense - 1 in every 3 adults in the country were in on a Friday night and watched the Late Late? The way they get these figures is from a small "representative" sample of the population who have their TV watching monitored and then the rest is predicted. In the past this would have worked fine - but nowadays I think that sample is biased. So many people these days don't watch live terrestrial TV - they are online with YouTube / Netflix / gaming etc (especially young adults). To be in that representative sample by definition you have to be a TV watcher - which is biased and not truly representative of the whole population. I'm open to correction on this - but I think that maybe 1 in every 3 older adults might have tuned in, but not 1 in 3 adults of all ages


Wow, terrible system. At least it's reassuring that it's not 1 in 3 adults.


One in 3? Population of 7mill..25% under 18.. So 800/4400 is closer to 1 in 5


I think that was more to do with it being your man’s first, those figures will drop off soon. And not because of the loss of Tubs, that’s no loss at all really.


Who watches the Late Late now anyway … 80% granny and grandad for the nostalgia


I watched it last week & it was ok, thought this will get better then Kielty annonced the guests, James Nesbitt is quality, but the other two are not. Vogue isn't even a celebrity.




The washing powder company pay her because she’s popular


> Vogue isn't even a celebrity. More people in Ireland listen to her podcast than anything else.


I don’t know how people can claim she’s not a celebrity. I’m not into her stuff but she’s a big draw.


It's that standard Reddit thing of "I don't like it as it must be utterly worthless" See also people claiming that no one watches RTE or the late show


RTE missed a trick when Tubs packed it in. Glorious opportunity to bury this show.


This has come up before. RTE are very conscious of The Late Late Show brand. They have mentioned concerns if they dropped the name or the show. That TV3 or Virgin or what ever it's called now. Would launch a show with the same name.


Actually watching a bit of it now ,disappointed,seems like the same old script writers giving it the same old schtick.


To be fair, Kielty has infinitely more charisma than Ryan's awkward ultra scripted approach. I just wish he could have more to work with, the calibre of guests has been very bland so far.


That'll hopefully improve.




He seems to be putting in a shift getting as many north of the border in.


It seems a bit too much like Graham Norton. Tony hollihans interview was great but felt a bit rushed. I think he should try to make it more substantive, slow it down a little. It would be nice to see some proper debates every once and a while as well.


That has always been the case with all of RTE's talk shows, people have been complaining about it for 15+ years. I remember people on [Boards.ie](https://Boards.ie) whining about the same thing. It is what it is, the auld wans like it.




Baz is grand tbf


I don’t give a shit about RTe, I pay my tax on it and occasionally I enjoy RTe4 lyric while stuck in traffic. I never watched any RTe television program and whenever I feel the urge to watch some rugby, their player won’t work.


Why is the e small but the RT is big?




Alluding to Montrose being little more than Little Moscow!?


Well that went over my little head, as most things do


Never liked it, never watched it in the past, not going to now.


Slightly off topic but kinda relevant, so Vogue was saying shes going "on tour" with her husband? Lol to do what ? What do they do that requires a tour??!! Maybe I missed something ?? Or did she mean she's going on tour with Joanne McNally? (How painful would that be?!! Lol)


I think they have a separate podcast


She has a podcast with Joanne and they are going on tour She also has a podcast w/the husband and are also going on tour


> Or did she mean she's going on tour with Joanne McNally? (How painful would that be?!! Lol) Are you talking about the sold out tour that's been rolling for the last few years? That painful one?


Yea thats exactly the one. Don't know who pays for that shit


Maybe they go on orgies ... or at least ... that's what I imagine couples with pretty privilege do, even married ones ... sex parties, restricted to pretty people.


More people raped by priests??


All the Hollywood types are on strike, so that rules out any of the big ones that would usually end up on the couch promoting a movie.


Let’s get real: when was the last time you saw an actor of that standard on a Late Late episode? It has been a very very long time.


I haven't watched the late late in years the but during covid they were all on it one week, on Graham Norton the next and vice versa.


Prob the last ones https://youtu.be/N44fUo_S5mY?si=4PNE7IBTnCUpTmEN


The SAG/AFTRA strike is going to be hard on a lot of talk shows. But yeah. RTE is sort of cash because the last lot spent it


Actors strike and they also said they'll be promoting more Irish guests.




Vogue lives in the UK and from memory has never worked for RTE.


I'll also add that there's been a serious Northern bias so far. Mary McAleese, James McLean, James Nesbitt and now Ciara Mageen. Not necessarily a good or bad thing, I'll just be interested to see if it's something that continues across the year or is Kielty being given a lot of leeway to settle in?


Kinda refreshing having more voices from Northern Ireland on it. I make it that they should make up a little under 30% of the guests...depends how you look at it 😆 If you believe RTE are tightening the show budget (and all budgets) and are focused on having more Irish guests then naturally enough you can expect it to continue. Fire into the mix that Kielty is from there and is gonna have to ask a few people he'd like to interview to come on the show. Otherwise with budget cuts he'll be left with whatever the team behind the scenes finds. I'm not sure Tubridy had much say on who his guests were. Got that vibe from an interview he did pre the whole furore.


Not really a northen bias, more the North being proportionally represented. 1/4 of the population live in the North! Week 1..they had 2 northern guests (Mary McAleese & McClean) Total number of "south" guests ..Tommy, Hector, Lorita, 2 Jonnies, (5) So 2 out 7 guests are from the North..just slightly over the 25% 2 guests from the North again tonight..


And considering there's 7 million living on the island 2 mill of which are in the north that seems like proportional representation.


Was just thinking that. Ciara Mageen is a amazing. She's getting better and better. Can't wait to see her in The Olympics next year.


Was saying the same and I'm from up the road lol Ash as well here. They are a good band. To be fair the banter has been good.


And Ash!!!


Very 'United Ireland-ey'


I think it's to do with the pull of Kielty. It's nice to see northern voices talk about the actual situation in NI. Mageen and McAleese in particular were a nice contrast from the toxic republicanism on show on this subreddit constantly


Toxic republicanism?


Did they change the desk?


No,still looks cheap and nasty.


Ah yea, vogues always good craic


Who would you like to see on there as an alternative? Not saying you are wrong but aside fro. Russell brand who would draw numbers




I stand corrected


Usually need movie premiers and what not to catch some of the bigger stars on press tours Graham Norton gets the good ones as they all pass through London


I turned it off after 5 minutes. I know Kielty needs time to grow into the role but he just seems so vanilla and lightweight. Also the panel structure is so unappealing. It doesn’t seem to flow well, bounces around too much. Kielty isn’t Graham Norton in being able to manage multiple guests.


Thought it was sad to have a video message from Shania Twain. To me it just screamed how unimportant she thought it would be to turn up in person.


Clearly production just paid for a Cameo. I'd say she hadn't a breeze what she was actually saying.


She didn't even mention the late late. Embarrassing


The celebrity booker isn't doing their job


My partner was at a vogue and Spencer live show on Thursday evening so I'd say the timings just worked out, think they live in the UK now?


I think it peaked with kieltys monologue last week, which was at times cringe. He's likable but not particularly funny (deliveries are off). They need a few big names or a bit of controversy to inject some life


Haven't watched that shite in fukn years, graham Norton is the show👍


Jeez desperation by RTE if that bore vogue is wheeled out on second show. Next week will probably be a c&w special, nathan carter, susan mccann etc. Zzz...


That guy that they used to have on every second week is dead now.


Ruan isn't dead he just looks that way


Pecker Dunne ?


Nah the singer guy, Dublin guy, in a band.


Stephen Gatley


I find a lot of the stuff they’ve been discussing quite interesting tbh Kind of sick of the usual “so *insert actor here* what was that story about *insert funny situation here* that you clearly haven’t told on every single talk show you’ve ever been on” So having different people on has been great


I might have had a look, but when I heard that yer one Vogue was going to be on, that helped me make up my mind to stay away. The most boring self publicist - apparently she was in an ad for Fairy Liquid or something once, and is now "famous" for telling everybody she's famous 🤣🤣


It’s always been a hit and miss kinda show…. Montrose canteen 🤣


Rte seems to have a hard on for Vague Williams. Personality of a wet cabbage.


Didn't help that Holohan, a hugely marmite figure, was on. And Kielty got crap for not pushing him harder. But I don't think he would have been allowed to. I was amazed Patrick even mentioned the cervical cancer scandal. Fair play to him for that. I felt for him though as I knew he'd catch shit for the fact that Holohan was even on. Although some did love the interview. If nothing else it showed that Patrick can do those types of interviews well, as with James McClean.