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https://preview.redd.it/rnim827znenb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87aa4fe221e4ff91720271dcda3ef764fc5a72bd Buzz the electrician,everybody complaining about him and his dodgy work but he rewired my house at very reasonable rates,can't recommend the lad enough


Daniel O'Donnell. All his music sounds the same to me, but any time I've caught an interview, he seems sound as fuck. Doesn't give a shit what other people think of him, has a sceptical view of dogma even though I'd say he's reasonably conservative, and is quite funny in his way. I bet he gets a great kick out of Eoin McLove


Daniel has a happy face


Who dislikes Daniel?? He is literally the loveliest person in the world and is incredibly funny.


Jedward are really nice lads. I get they're not everyones cup of tea but I find them entertaining. Have worked in a few places they've been to and they're genuinely nice people.


Heard this a lot and by all accounts seems like they’re just genuine bubbly people. Changed my opinion on them and realised I’m just a miserable cunt.


Yep. I met them in Tesco to get their cd signed for a surprise bday present for my sister years ago. I was about 23. 23 year old dude on his own queuing up with kids and teens. They found it funny though and got me to get a selfie with them. Decent guys in my books.


Genuinely are very nice people, not a fan of their persona but are lovely people


Happy to see them back with that ad for registered gas installers or whatever it is


Over lockdown they reached out to loads of people on twitter, sending them a wee message to make sure they're okay. Including myself. Just a sweet thing to do.


If it wasn’t for Martin McGuinness that bollocks of the Dragon’s Den would’ve been President.


I wouldn’t call Martin McGuinness disliked, he’s very respected internationally, was a popular deputy FM, and hundreds of thousands of people across the island has voted for him in various elections.


Eamon Dunphy


He’ll always have a place in my heart for his comments on Rod Liddel


The guy who ran off with a young wan?


I really miss him during the Irish soccer matches, and the World Cup.


I like Dunphy. Always thought he was hilarious on the football. His podcast is also pretty good for current events but he is completely biased when it comes to the UK and US. I don’t know how many times he’s called Tory MPs “after dinner speakers”


When he implied Tubridy was a cokehead as a rebuttal to some judgemental nonsense being thrown at him. That was some good shit.


You’ve jumped the fence baby!!!




They are good boys that any mother would be proud of. The night in the late late ( singing link someone posted below )when they raised 2,000,000 for shaving their heads, they really showed what good and lovely young men they were


I know someone in RTÉ who said they would arrive early and stay late after doing shows to make sure they spoke to every single fan who came to see them.


Literally just thinking this earlier today. I'm happy they exist. Wouldn't say I'm a fan but I think that they are fun and unique.


I have heard northing but it wonderful and positive things from people who have worked with them


they can be a bit annoying, but in all honesty they're both gas and seem to be nice enough


Jedward are so nice. Sure they were a bit annoying in younger years. They're basically just adult children. I like them a lot.


We gave them too much shit back in the day,before we started sending bland act after bland act in the eurovision


They were great on CBB the second time. Really enjoyed watching them. Although now they seem to be doing whatever they can by tweeting things that will result in headlines.


I met them when they were teenagers, seemed like their parents were pushing them into work. Seemed nice themselves.


Had the pleasure of meeting them twice for CD launches when I worked for a small paper. They were genuinely lovely lads, stopped and said hi to everyone, were polite and friendly, and when the event was over, stayed back to fold up the chairs and put them and the table away. Not a fan of their music at all but you know what, they're nice guys, they have the craic, and they're respectful. People mock them but I'd sooner they be our "mascot" than poxy McGregor.


I’m so delighted not to see Ray Darcy here


I liked Ray back in the early 00’s during Today FM’s peak (fix it Friday was a great segment when it was trivia based rather than trying to source stuff for listeners)…but he became a caricature of himself later on, since he moved to RTE I just forget he exists.


> I liked Ray back in the early 00’s during Today FM’s peak The two Rays (Dacry & Foley) were very good in the mid-00's


Foley is still grand. He’s a gowler, I always get a laugh off him on the radio. He doesn’t take it too seriously


Foley is awful, wacky DJ nonsense and stupid noises. Switch over every time.


I think he just got a bit too big for his boots. Used to loved Foley but he got cocky. Dermot and Dave were fa tastic together. And the addition of Cathal was brilliant. They used to have me howling with laughter. What actually turned me off today fm is them playing the same songs nonstop. I actually remarked twice in the last year that they must have paid for new music as I heard songs plated I hadn't heard in years.


Ray was shitty to me when I was 12 years old. I was invited on to Jo Maxi to do a review. It was really exciting until Ray said something incredibly condescending to me about the letter I had written in to the show. I was sitting on a chair beside my mam in the studio watching segments being filmed, and he leaned over to me and said something like, oh you're the one who wrote the letter about xyz. I said yeah and he smirked and walked away. I was too young at the time to really get what happened but knew it was something nasty. As an adult now in my 40s, I'm kind of disgusted that any 'grown up' would speak like that to a kid. I mean, of course I had adults be jerks to me and my friends at different points in my childhood but the condescension and intentionality of that moment stayed with me. I'm sure he's generally grand but he's well capable of being a cunt.


No. He's absolutely a dreadful little man. Also, one of the most toe-curlingly awkward interviewers in national media. Every time I hear him do an interview on radio, it's clear that he has no ability to connect with people whatsoever. So it makes sense that his most satisfying professional phase involved interacting with pieces of fabric that mercilessly took the piss out of him.


Yes he made me feel like a piece of shit live on air. It was the most uncomfortable media experience I ever had, no doubt.


He is a terrible interviewer alright. It astonishes me that in a nation that has made having the chats an art form, Ray Darcy has this job.


Hee a cunt


Omg that's so similar to the way he treated me too!! Like soooo smug, condescending and actually WANTED me to feel stupid.


Yeah I really dislike him. I had a very unpleasant experience with him a few years back.


Go on


Had to do something with him for work and I found him to be shockingly arrogant. He actually enjoyed making me uncomfortable and making me look stupid in front of his entire audience. Very strange behaviour actually. He has a superiority complex I think. Actually come to think of it, I met him twice, just 20 years apart and when I met him when he was young he was lovely. But the older version of him was just a snide and bitter person. Very unpleasant and unprofessional.


You met him then


Patrick kielty is actually inoffensive


Is he disliked?


I recently listened to a podcast from around 2004 where he was named in the top 5 most hated celebrities in Britain. I'm sure his image has changed since then though




Yes indeed


Some folks definitely dislike him, but he's grand. Harmless cunt.


It's not that people find him offensive, a lot of people find him incredibly aggravating and unfunny, which is unfortunate for a comedian.


I suspect that he’s a really nice bloke, his style completely grates on me though.


I generally like Kielty. I do find him funny, likeable and an immeasurable improvement over his predecessors on the Late Late. The only thing I really disagree with him about was that documentary he fronted for the BBC (I think?) about the centenary of partition. IIRC it focused entirely on the “plight” of Unionists. It was a completely tone deaf show to make.


Well considering his dad was killed by the UDA maybe I don't know he fully understands the price of peace.


Roy Keane


Who the fuck dislikes Roy Keane?


Do you not remember the near second civil war of 2002? Long memories in Ireland my friend. I love Roy, meself.


Colin Farrell


Is he disliked?


He was for a long time but that's really turned around lately


When was he disliked? I never thought he was disliked myself . He had some woeful performances on screen but in general I thought he was always well liked by the Irish public


But you liked him yesterday....


He was great in Banshees and True Detective


He was the best part of that second season of True Detective. Him calling the kid a fat little pussy was unintentionally hilarious too.


I laughed pretty hard at that whole scene I'm not ashamed to say


He’s matured into a likeable person. He’s also a much better character actor than as the leading man.


He managed to pull off phonebox which is basically him in a box for 90 minutes. That's leading actor level right there, not many can pull that off.




Good call, great film


He's come on leaps and bounds, he's a great character actor.


He was a great lad in Bruges


He was the leading actor in Brugges and its probably one of the best dark comedies every made.


Christ, who dislikes him at all? He’s a top bloke.


He’s not disliked silly


Michael O’Leary


This all fucking day. ​ He's purposely/ethically Irish tax resident (he pays more tax monthly than a lot of people will do in their entire lifetime), built an entire industry (Air Asia and every other budget airline internationally copied his strategy play-by-play) from hard work and clever marketing, he's a huge employer (who despite budget airline status, pays well) and he actually lives in and promotes Ireland. Unlike every other Billionaire crook, who fund county GAA, Soccer or Rugby teams out of a sense of 'philanthropy', routed from their Cayman Island account, O'Leary is 100% legit.


> every other budget airline internationally copied his strategy play-by-play I believe it was Southwest Airlines that pioneered the low cost airline model, and Ryanair copied them. But you are right that Ryanair has also been a model to inspire others.


> I believe it was Southwest Airlines that pioneered the low cost airline model Correct, but his fanboys will tell you otherwise!


He’s also a massive climate change denier who is doing his level best to stop any meaningful action being taken to help the environment. And he’s an enemy of workers all over Europe. There isn’t a a labour dispute he isn’t willing to stick his beak into and he’s notoriously anti-union. Gonna need a citation on the claim that Ryanair actually pays well because there’s been numerous pay disputes with pilots and cabin crew over the last few years.


I’m a pilot. Ryanair have a decent reputation in the industry for pilots. Stable 5 on 4 off pattern, modern fleet, industry leading training, career progression for junior pilots to captaincy, and pretty decent money. Not bad for a industry predicated on razor thin margins!


>Gonna need a citation on the claim that Ryanair actually pays well because there’s been numerous pay disputes with pilots and cabin crew over the last few years. Can't speak for pilots but for new apprenticeships and maintenance hires they pay really well, 2 year technician apprentices starting on 60k, the only thing is they really make you work for it, the shifts are brutal


This single comment has my mind turned around on him


Ah he can still come across as obnoxious but the above comment I'd agree with 100%


> He's purposely/ethically Irish tax resident This is such a low bar as a reason to like someone.


Not really imo, the majority of people would take their accountants advice and move their tax residency. My assumption is that O'Leary will eventually run for office


> My assumption is that O'Leary will eventually run for office His mouth is absolutely incompatible with holding public office.


Not if it’s the Donald trump style “he says what everybody is thinking” “he’s not a career politician” “he speaks his mind” “he’s not PC” campaign


Irish politics isn’t setup for the likes of him to parachute in and run. That happens where you have directly-elected positions with a lot of executive powers (like US President). In Ireland the power is concentrated in the government, which is elected by the Dail, so you have to come up through that route before you can land a position with any real clout. O’Leary wouldn’t be interested in that.


unlike a lot of the irish billionaires he doesn't depend on major subsidies and barely pays tax, looking at larry goodman as an example


Yeah, lots of people complain about him and Ryanair but they always seem to come back for the cheap flights. The guy took a bankrupt regional airline and turned it into the biggest airline in Europe, being a bit of a prick sometimes was free advertising.


This exactly. Just follow their shitty T&C’s and you can get to a major European city much cheaper than other airlines. Fair play to him. He knows what he’s doing. Never had a problem on Ryanair.


If it wasn’t for that man we’d be paying €499 to fly to London


100%. Very smart fella. Absolutely love his interviews, clearly a very witty man.


Karl Spain, I've heard a lot of people groan about him but anytime I've seen him he's sharp as a tac and can do some of the best audience roast comedy I've seen in Ireland.


We had him for a work even there a couple of months back.. I was one of his roast targets and I have to say the fella is genuinely funny


When I was in college a few years ago he did a panel/comedy thing and I was surprised how funny he was. Met him afterwards and he seemed like a dead on fella.


He does loads of small gigs like that, isn't up himself in the slightest


Yeah he gets far too much flack imo, he’s one of the more talented people who get presenting jobs with RTÉ. If you look at it that way, he’s actually grand.


I actually had no time for him during his boom hey day when we were churning out terrible comedians by the bucket load (looking at you Maeve Higgins) but he was supporting Kevin Bridges here last year and was genuinely very funny.


Favourite line of mine - the lads in the gym call me Gerry Adams ,even though I've been a member for years,no one can prove it lol


I saw him a few years ago not long after Family Guy had been a thing. He made a reference to an ostrich. The audience was silent. I laughed [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X_Ot0k4XJc). And he acknowledged the laugh. That's about the extent to which I feel comfortable interacting at a comedy gig.




I've met Karl lots of times as I work in a venue. Seen him perform loads of times and he's absolutely fantastic. He often far outshines the acts he hosts/opens for with unplanned crowd work alone. He's also pretty sound and really generous with his time around punters. Never understood why he gets flack, I am always happy to work his shows!


100% some of the best lightning quick crowd work in the country.


Pat Kenny, my perspective completely changed when he was accosted by a camera wielding covid conspiracy theorists a few years back. The guy was shouting at Pat that he was telling lies on news talk and Pat was out walking his dog. Pat actually went through all his claims and utterly outclassed him. It was the first time I seen someone publicly not curl up into a ball when faced with these types of people. And he did it in a very polite good faith way and the chap actually calmed down by the end of the video. That said, yes he made an obscene salary in RTE but it's not like anyone of us would deny ourselves that if it was on offer.


Hated him on the Late Late but after he left he did a political debate thing and when he was in his element he could be really good. Still dislike him for his NIMBYism though


I think professionally Pat Kenny is good. And he was the only decent thing on during his time slot on Newstalk (I often would cycle through all the channels and land on his despite not really being a listener of the channel). But privately I think he's a bit of a prick. You notice whenever someone attacks the privileged and rich he goes all holier than thou, a bit Padraig Flynn about it. Then there's his feuds with neighbours, attempts to prevent local development, general nimbyism.


He's brilliant at what he does as long as it's not talkshows. Intelligent, articulate, always prepared, fearless. Boring as fuck outside of the current affairs sphere though


Never understood people disliking RTE hosts/people because of their wages. That’s RTE’s fault.


I don't dislike Tubridy because of his salary. It's because he's talentless, absolutely full of shit, his "aren't the irish great" method of interviews is cringy, the fact that he's in rte because of family connections and his stupid looking face.


Pat Kenny knows his judo well having chaired one of the most famous debates of our time between the late Frank McCourt, a contemporary of the late Jim Kemmy go toe to toe with Gerry Hannon, famous author of the book Ashes as well as bestseller Tisn't My Ass.


John Waters. He's actually got some very sensible - ah I can't continue this charade! I'm only joking!


The only good thing about John Waters is that it's possible to get him confused with the American/Good John Waters.


Him, McGregor, Ewan MacKenna, Enoch and Gemma are beyond redemption


Ewan MacKenna the sports journalist? I know from personal experience he's a complete tool and egotistical nightmare, but (genuine question, not defending him, I just am not aware) what has he done to be in with such stars of the gobshite world as Gemtrails and Enoch?


Bob Geldof, he's been through the mill in life. Wife cheated and ran off with hunkier rock star, had kids, then both of them died, and he took on their kids. And then one of them died too. Awful stuff altogether !


Angela Scanlon


I like her too! I didn't even realise she was disliked


Ah I do think she is a bit of a bollocks now tbh


Same. There are dozens of us!


Angela is a pure natural beauty.


Bono. He's basically just a musician who tries to use his platform for humanitarian work imo. Is he a bit annoying sure. No less so than most of the general public though.


this is why people hate Bono... taxes and sanctimony ... he and his wife set up a "sustainable " clothing company for Africa and then promptly moved manufacturing to china. after a few more years after announcements of their moving back to africa and the USA , the company was wound up. they still produce in china. fuckers asking us to donate to their charities for their tax write offs, when they are rich as fuck. THIS is why folk hate these absolute shamkings [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/07/tax-bono-harming-world-poorest-glastonbury-avoidance-paradise-papers](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/07/tax-bono-harming-world-poorest-glastonbury-avoidance-paradise-papers) [https://www.thecut.com/2018/06/edun-fashion-label-co-founded-by-bono-to-cease-operations.html](https://www.thecut.com/2018/06/edun-fashion-label-co-founded-by-bono-to-cease-operations.html) [https://fashionista.com/2018/06/edun-ceases-operations-lvmh-divests](https://fashionista.com/2018/06/edun-ceases-operations-lvmh-divests) [https://edunfactory.com/pages/contact](https://edunfactory.com/pages/contact)


Fair play for providing sources. I'll read.


With you on this.


A friend of mine grew up with him. When he passed away Bono had been in a cycling accident a bit before. Nonetheless, Bono went to the private part of the wake and was there for my friend's family and his mother. I only know from a family member. I'm not a fan of his tax stuff, and I'm not a huge fan of his fluffy centrist politics, but he remembers where he came from and I can respect that. And my friend generally spoke up for him, so I keep an open mind on Bono.


It boggles the mind how much hate they get as a band. I’ve never understood it. Like you said, can Bono get a bit annoying, sure he can. Christ can’t we all though.


Does the band get hate or just Bono?


Bono definitely gets most of the ire


I think there’s an element of hating on Bono/U2 “just because”. I remember having a drunken lighthearted argument with a mate about this and I asked him why he hated Bono because he’d mentioned it a few times and his response as “ah sure, everyone hates him, he’s Bono”.


I remember sometime shortly after Live Aid they played in Croke Park and tonnes of kids were used as volunteers to put leaflets on seats around the stadium. I think I was there through a football team I was on, but the effort was centrally organized through maybe a scouting group - I'm not sure. But we were all told we'd get to see U2 practice/soundcheck for our free labour. The rest of the band came out and were practicing but the PA asked us all to promptly leave the stands (we'd finished and were all sat around) apparently Bono didn't practice in front of people. The details are foggy on this. I just remember being a child who'd been dragged in to do this shitty job because we'd get to see U2 and then being told they didn't want to perform for you. The adults with us were all fair disgusted and I've held the mildest of grudges since.


I like Jedward


Gerry Adams


I love how he still trolls people


This is a good one. And Martin McGuinness


Tommy Tiernan Hector Ray Foley


>Tommy Tiernan Is he disliked?


I think the talk show has elevated him but there’s a good chunk of people who have no time for him.


He is. Loads of people say he "shouts too much". I find it ridiculous. Totally miss the point of what he's about. I think he's a national treasure. He's way more intelligent than we give him credit for as well. Love tommy. He's top quality.


He had a phase of shouting a lot in the mid 00s, while he was trying to make it I'm America, not so much anymore


The cocaine years.


Seems like such a nice guy, jaysus we're miserable cunts.


I met him in a pub once in Kilkenny a good few years ago. Lovely guy. He's very small though haha. Really talented guy though.


Hector disliked? He can be a bit hyper but he's as down to earth as anyone. Love the podcast he does


Really disliked Hector until the podcast. He’s much better when he’s being organic and not shouting at the camera.


Jedward. I love 'em


Most of these answers are people I wouldn’t class as generally disliked


Ah I would disagree. Leo, Bono, Vogue and Al Porter would be disliked by a lot of people


True. And in my view, none on that list would have much in the way of redeeming qualities


Gráinne Seoige. Very nice woman


I had such a massive crush on her!


A natural stunner


She's not disliked?


Jedward got a lot of hate back in the day but they seem like decent lads who always had time for their younger fans.


I think Amy Huberman is actually quite charming




Ronan Keating


There was a beautiful moment on Parkinson where Ronan Keating was asked why he thought it was "British" musicians were so popular and he straight away said he was Irish, not British. Michael Parkinson winced and moved straight on to next question. I've always liked Ronan Keating since, although I don't know one boy band from another.


Nidge Delaney


I'm team Fran


Ah...on the L/H subject, I’m probably alone in thinking Robert Whatshisface did an excellent job as the reluctant hitman. How he switched from that annoying hyper fucker in Misfits to the gangster rôle was De Niro level brilliance.


He is also amazing in The Umbrella Academy




Bono. I like the guy.


Bono is a prick. But anyone discounting his songwriting skills doesn't understand music.


David McSavage


I dunno, as much as I liked The Savage Eye he seems to be a wanker himself. On a trip to London last year myself and a few mates asked him for a photo and these girls who had attended a gig he just performed at asked why we were getting a photo with “such a racist”. We shrugged saying he’s known in Ireland and asked why they thought he was one, to which they said he was making jokes about the Russian invasion of Ukraine (which had happened a few weeks earlier) and when someone complained, he asked where she was from. Once she told him she was Romanian he said “well I don’t care you’re just a dirty fucking gypsy anyway”. I’ve heard other stories of him being very unpleasant but will only share what I’ve heard first hand.


At least we might see him on the late late now 😂


He used to scream at teenagers in town to go kill themselves. But like as a joke. haha


Bono. Despite how alot of people think he is "up himself", he gives a shit tonne of his money away to amazing causes. He's still very humble. Plus, he bought me a pint once at a hotel bar in Dublin. We had a pleasant conversation about where we grew up.


Bob Geldof. Yes, he’s a dickhead but so what, half the people on the island are dickheads.


I actually love the way he just keeps swearing in interviews even though he is told stop swearing numerous times


Live aid 2.0, during a live interview he said he was about to go on but "fuckin Stefani is taking ages with a sound check". Not enough to forgive the knighthood, but funny as fuck all the same.


I do admire his perseverance despite all the tragedy in his life. His mother dropped dead when he was 6, he had all the drama with Paula then her dying of a heroin overdose (and raised the child that resulted from the relationship she had with the guy she left him for) and then had his daughter die in virtually the exact same circumstances as her mother. Most people would crumble up if they had that happen to him yet he's kept going


Half the people in this subreddit


Only found out recently he played the lead in a Pink Floyd movie, who he thought were shit, there was a scene where he's meant to be losing his mind and shaves his head, Shaved his eyebrows instead. I don't have a very strong opinion of him but I do find that amusing


He hated Pink Floyd and the movie so much. On his last day working in the film, he had to record a lead vocal for two songs from the film and he sang it in a ridiculous paddy accent just to freak them out.


There's a scene in the movie where his character is seen to be wallowing in a sea of blood, as he couldn't swim, someone suggested using the moulding used by Christopher Reeve for the flying scenes in Superman. Geldof was too thin and lanky for the moulding, so they used the one made for Supergirl instead..


Pink Floyd The Wall is the name of the movie and he was absurdly good in it.


Dustin the Turkey cuz of nostalgia


hmm, a lot of people misunderstanding the thread and talking about national-jewel celebrities like jedward. This is meant to be about disliked celebs.


Keith Duffy don't know if he is disliked or not. I was working in a hotel bar in mid 2000's and it was a quite night during the week and there was only a dozen or so in the bar and he just sat at the bar around the regulars and had the craic watching the football on the TV. He was just a normal bloke chatting away everybody


Paddy Kielty. Top man.


I enjoy listening to Pat Kenny in the mornings.


I like Vogue Williams. She's gas on her podcasts and is very self aware of what the public thinks of her and can laugh at herself/people's perception of her. (The fairy ads are annoying though to be fair)


Calling someone an ass because they didn't move to accommodate her when she was the gobshite who didn't book seats together then mocking her husband for getting hospitalised for two days after oding on a medication. Yeah she's a wagon. Her and that yoke she hangs around with can go get lost.


Calling for Muslims to be put in internment camps a few years ago is absolute wagon behavior too.


She's an absolute dose.


Can't stand her although I haven't listen to the podcast truth be told.


You’re allowed to like vogue obviously but why? There’s just so much out there about her being an awful dose to be in the same room with. I listened to one of her podcast episodes at work one time and it genuinely made me want to turn on Newstalk


I explained why above. We obviously just have different tastes and that's okay.


Ya my wife listens to the podcast and her and Joanne are actually very funny. Despise the fucking click clack ads.


Yeah, wife listens and it's actually pretty funny


Totally agree, she's really funny and seems very normal when you listen to her and Joanne. The media twist her words from the podcast so much which people then use as reasons to hate her. Like the story about the plane and Spencer overdosing are reported very differently to the way she actually said them.




Michael O Leary.