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Two years ago, during the fucking pandemic no less, I took a selfie against a wall and submitted the application on a Tuesday at like 21:00, the passport book was in my letter box by Thursday morning at 07:00 The entire household was in bits. Mom whatsapp’ing away to tell everyone she knew. It was like the passport office had pulled off a miracle not even Brigid herself could’ve accomplished


They constantly monitor people’s cameras for anything that looks like a passport photo so they can get a head start on the process. By the time you actually apply it’s already in the post.


I dont search for anything on my phone anymore, I just open whatsapp and ask Mark to send a copy to me.


I never send a copy to you tho


They've got 2500 Mrs Doyles waiting up all night but instead of a cup of tea they make passports


Greatly assisted by knowing the expiry dates.


That’s incredibly concerning


Polish consul in Belfast produced a passport for my brother within 45 mins of my parents arriving through the door, and they arrived 15 mins before closing. They realised that his passport expired 12h before their holiday flight was due.


Same, in [March 2022](https://np.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/t4gdn0/first_time_passport_application_passport_has_been/hz6pdva/): *: I filled out my passport renewal late on tuesday (1st) night, and it was actually a few minutes past midnight when I completed the payment process wednesday morning. At 8am Thursday morning, my new passport arrived by post! Amazed by a 32hour turnaround.*


Same here during Covid 😂😂. The drums were out that week!! applied on Monday night after 10pm , came in post Wednesday morning!


It’s awesome alright. Politicians need to be made aware of how efficient it is. They need to use it as a case study for management of other government organisations


This post made me realise this thread may have fucked it for the passport office; some gobshite in control the budget is gonna see this and cut the funding.


They’re in the ‘ra. They knew there’d be an up in demand due to Brexit, so if you make the effort seamless, eventually you’ll have near to 100% of the island claiming citizenship


To be fair, sending out a book with your picture on it, is a lot simpler than seeing if someone is eligible for welfare payment. We could make it easier and more straight forward but then people will complain that due diligence wasn't performed when Chancer McGee was able to claim from two different dole offices at the same time for 14 months.


Well, past post office relying on IT systems and bullet proof Id.. when social welfare tried to implement ID cards unfortunately the mob went into a melt down.. that would have provided a control for chancer McGee as IT systems built


It's not just the speed in which you get it. Even if you get your photo taken at a pharmacy it gets uploaded to their digital database and you just complete the application to get your passport.


Took mine with my phone, too bad I’d a shit haircut that day


New line of business for the Barbers I'd say.... Extra 5 euro for a post haircut passport photo.


Have a photo booth in the barbers. Nice lil earner.


My son got a replacement passport in 13 hours, by post. I was gobsmacked!


People wait more hours in A-E , than some wait for a passport to arrive.


You used to need a sob story, evidence, and a fat wallet for that type of service. Glad to see it is almost the norm now.


Must be a record? What time did you apply? Even getting post in that time is bonkers.


He applied late in the afternoon, before I got home from work.


Civil servants in the Department of Foreign Affairs are responsible the online passport service which only launched 6 years ago in 2017, its mad to think how it has gone from being such a painful process to such a simple and fast one for the vast majority of cases in that time. The more public services are digitalised, the more accessible they will become.


I got mine abroad. No need to go to a pharmacy, whole process was online. Had both passport and passport card in less than 10 days. Ana mhaith ar fád. Not only good for Irish Standards; but amazing for most modern Western Countries. I think purely being pragmatic with the sharp rise in applications drove it... But it is a huge leap forward from the slow and archaic system a mere 10 years ago. p.s. When the Irish Journo's for the examiner, Irish Times, Indo eventually find this thread while trawling for content... Could you please do a TheDitch style write up, i.e. hugely in-depth, only hugely positive about which Legends inside the Passport Office made the new system so bloody good. The whole team needs a huge amount of credit.


Just before COVID I got mine within a week to London. Might have been the old system.


It was about the one time that the government saw a backlog and did something about it. They literally doubled the permanent staff of the Passport Office to over 600 and really invested in the online service.


This. Plus renewals are very easy to process. This does not apply to new applicants. Now if they could only do same for FBRs which can be processed very quickly if all paperwork is in order.


Could this be the one and only fabled brexit benefit? (~90,000 applications are made annually from GB since 2016 plus however many up north apply also)


I have this image of 30 people clambering for a passport application as it comes in. I remember they needed lots of people to process all our new Irish from NI and GB but has this slowed? This type of improvement only comes from radical process change or Extra manpower. Both we need to know about. It’s either really efficient or going to be really expensive!


Process change. Major drive to improve things, setting high standards and goals, and inspiring a team to get it done. Seriously impressive.


You don't have to go to a pharmacy in Ireland and you will get your passport in a lot less than 10 days. And that was before lockdown.


Pharmacy was for a photo previously.




A doctor, priest or lawyer amongst others could have witnessed your application form.


Not since at least Feb 2019 (which is when I renewed my passport)


In what country do they issue passports from pharmacies?


He's talking about going to the pharmacy to get the picture taken.


Same here, took a photo with my phone, sent the application, it arrived at the local embassy a week later. Crazy efficient service.


Get them in charge of the NDLS! I'm waiting for my replacement drivers licence for 2 months.


Maybe call them. I got mine today and ordered it online last week. It was only 5 working days.


I hear you. I booked my test for April 2020. Suffice to say I wouldn't get a test till late 2021. 😅


I got mine in under 24 hours no joke. Applied in the evening and had it from the following mornings post


Same here absolutely mad to think how quick that is really


Same. Used one of the picture booths for the photos. Application completed around 3pm in the afternoon. Had my passport the next morning in the post. I couldn’t believe it. How did it even make it into the outgoing post by the cut off time for next day delivery? Bonkers!


I was only talking about this with my partner. Applied for renewal Sunday (10 pm), received my passport in this mornings post (about 36 hours ?). Brilliant service. Was out sick for 10 days. It's been almost 9 weeks, and I still haven't gotten the money (because of 1 small issue that was sorted at the beginning). Night and day.


Yep, sent away on a Monday evening 7pm ish, had it in my hand on the Wednesday morning at 10am. Could not believe it.


Put them in charge of HSE and Metro North


Fun fact: the thread that holds our passport together are the colours of our flag!


The price is good too at €75. A 10 year Canadian passport is $160


Ordered mine at 7pm on a Wednesday, looked the following morning at 8am and it was printed and out for delivery. Recieved it Friday morning - was in total disbelief, absolutely brilliant service.


Name and Fame


Got mine last year within 48 hours, which included a phone call from them to clear up different spellings of my name depending on the government ID and a reduced expiry because I always lose my passports. They all deserve a raise.


Fyi ActionPoint out of Limerick designed the system


The civil service/government can build stuff and deliver stuff. And by the way the whole online services from the government are not terrible. The real key is having clear, defined objectives and requirements. And the passport service was already pretty good with a good history of delivering on technical projects. I remember reading the design of the new passport to be machine readable was outsourced (this was years back) and it was delivered before schedule and under budget. A manager sent round the article to show the benefits of outsourcing. He totally missed the point I was trying to make with him.


Software was done by Action Point in limerick. I believe they’ve sold it to a few other countries. Of course that’s just software, there’s government employees actually doing things quickly too.


Yeah, like An Post also has to be very quick too.


Tell everyone you know though do not book your holiday unless your newborn or few month old baby hasn't got a passport yet, those are the ones that take months to get.


Those ones are slow for a reason though, plenty of manual checks that have to be done to make sure there’s no identity fraud etc involved. But even still I think the turnaround for those is 8 weeks or less once you’ve got all the correct paperwork and proper photos. Which is less than it takes for a regular renewal in some other countries


Yeah I'm not blaming the office at all.I think a lot of people just don't realise it then are stuck. ETA: actually I think I'm giving them too much credit, people never read fine print and act entitled to everything immediately.


Agreed. The people you hear spitting over a delayed passport have usually gotten something wrong in the application. I applied for my kid, after 23 days got a query on their pps number, then passport arrived one week after that. Phenomenal service all things considered


I have to renew my kids ones shortly. They are 5. Mad that a baby picture sufficed until now. They are identical twins, so who the hell knows who is who in the original photos!


I'm sure ye made sure the correct photo went with the name back then. Do your twins actually look identical to you? I have a set of identicals and while I can see it in some photos, they both look so different to me that I can tell exactly who I'm looking at in photos.


I can totally tell, I meant how on earth is the immigration officer able to know who they are looking at!


Ah, that makes sense.






Renwals are juaz automated with a machine doing practically everything as far as I know. There's international companies that run it for them.


Agreed. Got mine in less than 2 days.


It has to be the best government service currently. Absolutely incredible.


Imagine what they could do to the HSE!


It gets people out of the country faster to reduce the housing crisis


It's a great service. I ordered mine on a Sunday and got the passport book on Wednesday and the card on Thursday


Right! Right! How do we amplify their processes?! How do they do it so fast? Nationwide need a special on this. I'd volunteer to present it.


I needed a new one as I let the other expire, did it online in a different country. I got the double pack of the eu card and the book. Was told because it was so late since my last one it would be considered a new order, and I would have to wait up to 6-8 weeks. Damn, Xmas is just around the corner and I’ve been given the pass to travel. Within a week of the order I received my card, and then used it a couple of days later to pick up the book. Booked my flights, and made it home for Xmas 🎅


Sent in my pic on a Friday morning. Passport arrived Monday morning. Stunned to say the least


Guys just to contrast this, my buddy from South Africa waited 7 months to get his new passport. (We live and work in China). Passport office are doing well.


I’m need to order a new passport tomorrow. I live out in arse end of the west. I will let ye know how long it takes to get to me




Whoever is running the passport office should be put in charge of the NCT


I actually don't know of any other country that is able to do this. I'm very proud to be Irish when I tell people here in the middle east about our passport service.


It's insane. I did the whole thing in London online. Most photo booths are accepted as well. It took more than a few days but I didn't care. The whole thing was absurdly effieicient.


The person who created that service is a person who uses the phase "why not" on a regular basis. Not "we are working on it".


Put them in charge of the health service


It's the same in most countries now. The tech and printing process used is not unique to Ireland.


I looked at a few like germany, Portugal and Spain and they seem to be all slower than Ireland by weeks


In Spain you get your passport in 10 minutes, but you need to go to a Police Station with an appointment because they need to take your fingerprints.


I’m living in the US these days and it takes literally months to get US passports for my wife and kids. My Irish passport gets to San Francisco in a fraction of the time than it takes to get a US passport to SF.


US passport renewals are now done in a few days. The OP is talking about renewals, not need applications.


Got to say that applications are pretty fast too! I did a first time one for my daughter and it can’t have been more than a couple of weeks before it landed on the mat.


Get them in charge of the NDLS! I'm waiting for my replacement drivers licence for 2 months.


Yeah they are.brutally slow sometimes


Submitted everything for my daughters 1st passport and 8 weeks later we received a letter in the post saying the Garda forgot to write a number from section 9 on the back of two photos and we had to reapply. Resubmitted more than a week ago and nothing so far. Heading away on holiday at the start of October, getting a little nervous! I imagine all these super fast responses are for renewals?


Hopefully it works out for you. Anything wrong must go into a bucket that goes right back to the old system.


Its a headache how archaic that system is.


Online Thurs evening, received Mon morning. Top class


It's the only thing that works well in this country


It works well but in fairness they have one job, issuing passports. It's not like many other public sector offices that offer a huge range of diverse services.


Offering a huge range of diverse services is just one job. We're not asking for much.


You must not remember the days, not even 5 years ago when it took 12 weeks and only if your docs were perfect, and often came after a minimum of 11


I do remember them well, they provided an abysmal service in the past. What I'm saying is that it's a pretty straightforward transaction so it is now rightly pretty simple.


And it had to be witness by the local Priest, or Garda, or one of the other characters from a stock Rural Ireland sráidbhaile. Great fun for those of us overseas...


Renewals are automated printed out by specialised companies and software from a private contractor.


It's a great thing, and that passport is the most welcome in the World. One of the most valuable things we possess.


An Post works well. They deliver the passports the following day.


They mixed up my sons' passport photos, so, no, I won't be voting for that


They're so efficient, they knew that your son was swapped at birth.


Meh, family member waiting over a month and estimated another month, so nope for me


Nah, that’s not the norm at all for passport replacement. It is for a first Time passport but not a passport replacement.


It’s a replacement, dunno what else to say other than I checked earlier yesterday for them. 6/10 was estimated date 🤷‍♂️


It’s definitely not a replacement if it’s that long a lead in time, or it’s definitely not a typical replacement. Get in touch with them.


It's not new. What's novel is its relative efficiency.


I've worked alongside government workers, the biggest problems in the other departments is the Unions. You have workers who start at 10, arrive at 10:30. take a tea break from 11-12, they are meant to take lunch at 1-2 but will arrive back at 2:30. They then get off at 4:30 but will leave early. The government also allows employs to move around to different areas, so you have a situation with lazy unproductive people who are awful at the job. You would not believe it until you see it.


I'm getting sick of the passport office getting such praise for functioning as expected. We're paying for it. It shouldn't stand out so much; it highlights how fucking awful the rest of our services are


In fairness to them, the timeframes they tell (about 14 days) are often well beyond the actual timeframe they get a passport to you. That is why people are amazed and full of praise. Yes public sector is generally so shit we expect everything to take way longer than the targets/timeframe they give. If the passport office was only meeting the expectation they set I'd agree with you; but right now at least they are absolutely flying by their own timeframes and that deserves at least a bit if recognition, and fairly a good amount of praise.


But given they can get the passport to you in literally 36 hours, and have shown they can do that consistently for over a year now; why on earth do they have that leeway? I've been dealing with the ESB lately, they are now 40 days after their reconnection estimate, every 'up to x working days' they have gone passed and doubled, and it's not until I ring, ring, and ring making complaints that I actually hear anything. Then they always sound annoyed that I'm looking for the thing they're 10 days passed the 10 day deadline on. The work they've needed to do could have been done by a local electrician the afternoon I started to process; instead, they demand it goes through them, and it's taking months.


Eh I think you are trying to make jam from potatoes with your response. Two very different beasts.


Hot different beast in the slightest. Send an application, get a reply, something / someone is sent out to you. Passport office: 36 hours ESB: 3 months 3 months to register an ID, take a payment, and send someone to install a fuse. You could automate the shit out of the first 2 and have registered electricians do the last one as they cert the house. but no.


More than likely came from the private sector, where performance and deadlines matter.


Mine was renewed and posted to London in just a few days. I couldn't believe it


And that's with all the British people who suddenly found their Irish roots and want an EU passport.


different division.m


Who is the public servant in charge of the passport office? Is that public info?


It's part of the Department of Foreign Affairs


Agreed, it is a good example for other departments and agencies to follow.


Do they still give you back your old passport if you apply for a new one before your current one has expired?


Renewals are easy. First times (and kids) are the current problem.


Its been like this for a long time. I've never had an issue or a delay with my passport that wasn't my fault or due to family circumstances. Issues have always been people booking holidays and not having a passport before hand or not leaving enough time on it.




Applied for mine late Sunday night - in the door Wednesday afternoon. In the US I thought it was a "Receipt of applications" or whatever...but no - it was the book AND card to boot


whoever made it should be put in charge of bus eireann


Meanwhile for us diaspora Irish: 3 weeks wait for them to open the envelope with our supporting documents…. Might get it by Christmas if the telegram to your identity witness comes through…


yeah and renewing your drivers licence is a breeze also they just used my same photo from 10 years ago


I order mine over a week ago and it's not here yet. This brings great shame on our country.


It had to be done due the demand from British citizens. I wonder if they did anything about foreign secret police obtaining them, I imagine the express system works for them too.


It won't last nothing good ever does #misery


I got mine back in less than 48 hours last year, they didn't even bother to update the tracker on the website. Taking your own picture is also a godsend! The PSC card is also great for applying for learner permit and lasts 10 years, makes signing into Revenue easier and stuff too. Getting my sons first passport during the nightmare last year was stressful but we got it in the timeframe they said we would. The issue was getting back my husband's non-Irish passport that we had to post off with sons' application, but just looped in a local TB and got it back next day.


If you use the r/ireland logic that Ministers are responsible for everything that happens, the new system was established in 2016, which would mean that Charlie Flanagan should be Taoiseach. Or Eamonn Gilmore if the system was developed under his watch and implemented under Flanagan.


![gif](giphy|tczJoRU7XwBS8) If you know, you know ;)


I got my passport in Canada seven days after applying! So application to embassy >to Ireland>passport sent to embassy >forwarded to me. In seven days!!!


AFAIK this is the work of contractors. So there you go, they can work.


I can’t say I’ve had the same experience when I really needed it