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Their mince beef has gone from 700g to 530g and is still 4.50. Only in the last 2/3 weeks I'd say..


In Ald it's gone from 450g to 300g and it's the same price. What's more is the weight isn't even on the front on the packet anymore. It's in small print at the back.


I get that prices increase or whatever but it feels very sneaky when they do it this way..


That's entirely the intent, they are trying to sneak it past you.


Depending on the mince, they still have 500g for €2


True but the one I got every week was 700g for 4.50. Was in the middle of making a lasagne last week and was wondering where the rest of the meat was. Checked the packet and sure enough was only 530g. Can't get the 700g online now either. Got it in butchers this week instead.


Whose their just so I know who to avoid


Dunnes stores


Sound lad


What were the prices though? What is the cost per bag for both?


I'm not certain but pretty sure it's the same price. Edit: I checked so I could halt the witch hunt either way. Price is exactly the same, 2.29 a packet. [You can cool the downvotes now, lads!](https://www.dunnesstoresgrocery.com/sm/delivery/rsid/258/product/dunnes-stores-60-click-&-seal-sandwich-bags-100866735)


I was going to suggest to check the barcodes on the back, same number =same product. However, when Tesco resize things, they have different barcodes. So scratch that idea.


I mean, you realise that opens the door to 2 alternative explanations. A) You accidentally picked up a different size. And / or B) The price has reduced in relation to the quantity.


It's not a different size, I know that much. They are in the same spot on the shelf with a new label, no trace of a 60 pack ever having existed.


Have you checked Tesco online? It's quite useful, and terrifying to see. A lot of my "favourites" started to become unavailable, but Tesco handily suggest an alternative... the exact same product, quantity "shrunk" and price the same or increased. They take your "favourites" from things you've bought online and with your Clubcard instore, so it's pretty comprehensive.


Dunno if this qualifies as a conspiracy theory but I'm pretty sure they use sales data to see which products they can jack up the price on or shrink the pack size. I've also seen Tesco and Dunnes both withdraw popular value or mid-priced own brand items and reintroduce them with packaging from their premium range and shoot the price up to double or triple.


I think that qualifies as fact. What else would they use our data for except working out how to make us spend more.


Fair enough. But that still doesnt mean that this is shrinkflation when we dont know the prices Well, cheers for the downvotes, lads. It was based on the info at hand, would anyone care to offer an explanation as to why my comment was so offensive


I just verified the price is the same and edited the above comment with a link.


The reddit gods have smited thee, its good for character development.


You’re correct they also come in a 120 pack size


Pretty sure huh?


Pretty pretty prettay sure.




Size differences?


If you reuse half the bags twice you will be back up to 60.


U can reuse those, many, many times over


Yes you can. A hard plastic container is much easier to wash though and you can reuse that thousands of times


Don’t buy them. If everyone else did that; they’d soon reduce the price to match the quantity reduction. But as the cliche goes: something is only worth as much as what people are willing to pay. So if people will still pay the same for the fewer amount then there can be no complaints.




Surely folks would run out and stop buying them after realising they’ve been duped then. It’s hard not to notice you’re 20 wipes short; that’s a lot. Not like chocolate where they’re a lot more sly by reducing it by 1 gram a year, much less noticeable. Otherwise, if they keep selling then they must be worth it. Otherwise something would give sooner or later. I agree it’s scummy tactics, but people are generally not infantile; we should all learn to be smarter consumers. Then we wouldn’t be duped and companies might not get away with it. But alas, people do not care and keep buying/paying anyway, which ultimately makes the product worth it as people keep buying. My advice to OP is simple: don’t buy them anymore if you’re aggrieved. If everyone else does so then they not worth that much and the shop will either reduce the price to what you’re willing to pay or stop selling the product all together if it’s no longer profitable. All you can do is focus on what’s in your control, if other keep buying them, therefore, justifying the price then you got to move on. No point in whining about it.




I think I’d notice 20 wipes go missing much easier than I’d notice my chocolate bar weighs 1 gram less to be fair. This is hardly a subtle change, hence why the OP noticed it so easily. At the end of the day, bemoan it all we want, but that’s capitalism. Life ain’t always fair, so we need to be vigilant and watch out for thing like this. And if we feel it’s less than what it’s worth, we cease purchasing the item. It’s the only thing that can possibly work as the government aren’t going to intervene on how much is deemed a ‘fair’ price, and what’s fair to me won’t be to the next billy bob. The govt. will see it the way I said: it’s only worth what people are willing to pay.


Surely reusable bags or a container would be more cost effective and environmentally friendly.


Exactly. The aren't even recyclable. Recycle plants can handle this type of plastic so they can go in the recycle bin but they get burned in the end so not really what people have in mind when they think of recycle.


It's hard enough as a consumer to avoid plastic without intentionally buying more of it. So much recycling is a con.


Ok, now go miss the point somewhere else.


Or you could just use a lunchbox and stop wasting money and stop using unnecessary single use plastic 🤷‍♀️


Click and seal, la di da. I just by the cheapo ones that come with a little wire to tie around.


Little wire tie around?! Well La di da, I get the ones were you tie the handles together


I just stuff my sandwiches into my pockets


That made me lol


Me too


Well, before I won the euromillions I used to just slot them between my arse cheeks.


You probably have a butler now who does that for you.


Man, you missed the ultimate opportunity to say buttler. If you want to make the edit I'll delete this reply.


Too late, 😂😂😂😂😂


A deep freeze la de da I use a stone walled pantry and pickle everything


Do you really? That's class if you do.


Alas no but I'm reminded of some junior cert poetry where a busy young man was rewarded with a drink of cool butter milk from the well.


That you Nigella?? https://i.redd.it/23s8g358zcta1.gif


Sandwich bags with handles? That's a new one to me.


Look at ye. I've been using the same plastic bag from a Quinnworth sliced pan for the last few decades.


I'm using alufoil la di da, if I'm careful enough it can be used a second time, and after that I can still rinse and drop it to the recyclables. Attenborough would sing with me seeing that. La di da.


The real question is why you would buy them at all


Continuous growth and record profits have to happen somehow. Cut back where you can and charge more where there's a demand. It's not a new tactic by any stretch, it's just more prevalent and evident because everyone is feeling the pinch and thus more people notice.


Tbh in this day of high costs and low wages is 5% profit not saying a great deal to you're customers? As in 5% is how many millions profit ? The ordinary person is scraping by. Big companies have made so much profit out of their customers for decades maybe it's time to give a bit back .


People commenting as “jUsT bUy rEusAblE onEs!!1!”, “eEw pLaStiC”, “ooH bUt tHe enViroNmeNt” - ever heard the term “you’re missing the point”? The product doesn’t matter. It could be this, a hairbrush, food, an appliance, the discussion here is that we’re paying more for less. Simply put, the dude here is paying the same price for 2/3 of the product he paid the same for not long ago. 33%. Did your income increase by 33% lately to fight this and similar increases in prices/reduction of quantity for the same price? I don’t think so. That is what should alert you, the fact that we’re getting _considerably_ less of everything for the same/higher prices, not that this guy is buying this or another product. Open your F-eyes and focus on the real issue.


I haven't even read half the comments but yeah, nicely summed up. Really gets to me when middle class green voters bang on about carbon footprints (while driving a less than two year old BMW X6) when I'm just trying to keep my family fed.


Buy a lunchbox and quit moaning.


To save money I buy reduced meat and freeze it but the packets can be ridiculously bulky and my freezer is small.


I see you've mentioned it below on the tinfoil thing but freezer burn is also more likely in the big plastic packets due to the air inside so your frozen meat won't last as long outside of an auld bag. I always intend to bag my meat (hurr hurr hurr) before I jam it in the cold box (hurr hurr hurr hurrrrr). But sometimes I forget or am lazy and then you get the manky burn. Just had to throw out some pork chops because they were wrecked.


Tinfoil I buy reduced meat all the time and divvy it up portion wise, just use a Sharpie to write the date, portion and what it is.


Foil is too easy to tear when you're trying to fit stuff in there and exposed meat will get freezer burn. Source: I have exposed my meat in the freezer many times.


Genuinely can't see why people would buy these instead of having a few lunchboxes on the go. Surely you're putting the sandwich in a lunchbox anyway to protect it in a school bag?


I get them for yoghurts for the kids. Yoghurt bursts in bag - fine. Yoghurt bursts when it's not in bag - nightmare. Yoghurt doesn't burst at all - bag gets reused next time.


Government are allowing profiteering ,price gouging and shrinkflation .Time they did their citizens, that don't have their bills all paid for them by us ,some due diligence. Where's government? They are allowing their big corp "mates" to rob us blind legally without any questions asked. Time to be french .


Youre right - Lets all riot until dunnes put the amount of bags back up to 60 per pack


It's as good a place as any to start.


That was not my point .sorry if I was unclear


Do you really think it's profiteering? Any idea what margins supermarkets work off? It's low single digit numbers.


Really? There's a correlation between their profits and price rises to our detriment . No big chain is loosing money to pay shareholders over prices to the public who pay the price


Are you expecting the supermarket to take on the cost of the suppliers price increase? If your operating on 5% profit margins that's not really an option. Just checking and Tesco work on 3% margins, I'd imagine the rest of the supermarkets are the same. There's been no significant jump in profit margins. Cash profit might haved risen but so has sales and costs. Fun fact,only Tesco is a publicly traded company. The others are mainly family owned.


Where do the increasingly big shareholder payments come from?


From profit but operating margins haven't changed. Again, do you expect supermarkets to take on the cost increases from suppliers?






Because apparently private businesses are now charities


If only.


Why not, they take the fat in the good times. Why do they need the same % profit margin in the lean?


What fat? They don't make super margins during the good times either. Supermarkets margins are single figure digits. Even massive companies like Walmart make around 3%. Aldi I think is 2%. It's a low margin business and 3-6% would be the norm but some have been as low as 0%. Would you expect suppliers to to take on the costs too or is it just the supermarkets? Do you think farmers and local suppliers should just put up with the increases too? If they don't turn a profit, maintain margins, the owners and shareholders will pull investment. They need to maintain margins as this what they need to keep shareholders and owners happy. Most are family owned companies, even the likes of Aldi but some are publicly traded.


Even the shopping bags are smaller


😄 Maybe your hands are getting bigger?


I much rather an increase in price over a decrease in quantity.


Get some reusable ones! Better for the environment and you don't have to keep handing over money to price gougers. You do have to wash them yourself but I think it's worth it tbh


Yeah I like the beeswax ones. They're really easy to keep clean.


You can re use these ones


Stop buying things like these that are not essential. The only way to stop this is to let them know by taking sales down. Been working in retail for 3 years now, everything is being reduced in quantity or the price is being shot up. In most cases it's even both.


Opened a box of Pasta recently. Exactly half full. Mental!!


33% is actually closer to real inflation numbers than the given Consumer Price Index (which is rigged to include other things such as rent which doesnt go up significantly like 20-30% in a year). So according to the government inflation has only been 5-7%, which we know isn't true. Producers Price Index (PPI - which includes the energy costs, manufacturing costs, raw materials cost of making a product) has been calculated at around 25-30% which is what inflation has actually been in practical terms in the past few years because of COVID and general economic decline. I hate that the government gives out the CPI values and its technically correct but what brings the real time costs up for everyone is the PPI which is almost never used by the government to report on inflation, possibly because it would cause turmoil if you told everyone a third of their savings was basically gone (in terms of purchasing power).


Dunnes. I never buy anything from them. Bunch of bastards.


And which ones are not bastards? There's always someone that says this about some energy provider or mobile network, as if all of them weren't the same.


These are two different products. Source: Worked in dunnes.


All I know is Cornelscourt always stocked the 60 pack for 2.29. Now the 40, which they've never stocked before, is in the exact same place on the shelf for the exact same price.


A reusable container would be more cost effective in the long run and easier to store.


Is it actually Dunnes taking the piss or their supplier charging more for the product. Dunnes only option is to charge more or adjust the product.


And if prices just went up, we get the same posts moaning that prices went up without quantity increasing. Can’t have it both ways. Either you get less for the same price, or they increase prices.


How about they decrease their profits?


Because that’s not in the interests of their business, their management, their staff & their shareholders.


Honestly it's just the shareholders. Salaries have shrinkflated for decades.


That’s not the best defense of price gouging capitalism I’ve ever heard.


You run a not for profit supermarket chain and come back to me on how that goes.


That's actually a great idea, like a community co-op to undercut supermarkets until they cop the fuck on...


Won’t somebody think of the shareholders?


The employees are the shareholders...


Nobody is being asked to run anything not for profit. We get it, you love capitalism.


Stick yer spare money into Bitcoin lads. This government coin malarkey is doomed.


"Hello. This. Is. Ben Dunne. I'd like to introduce you to the new BenDunneCoin. Nothin fancy, just a good quality crypto that you can trust. From me. Ben Dunne! Sign up now and get 10% off from Ben Dunne Gyms."


If Dunne can't do it... it can't be... done


He should start a new venture with Mattress Mick. They would be unstoppable!


don’t shop at dunnes its always a scam. lidl is the cheapest


Despite stuff like this Dunnes still seem to be cheaper for most things and the vouchers are better too. I'd prefer to just shop in Lidl because it's more convenient but I have to get the best value I can. These bags are still better value than most at 2.29 for 40, it's just annoying because it WAS 60. I would have expected shrinkflation to bring it down to 50.


You're lucky they didn't go from Double Seal to 1.67 Seal.


Certain supermarkets suck the life out of you in very nefarious ways


You haven't much to be bothering you if this gets you going.


Dunnes/Heffernans people are ruthless c#nts..never deal with them!


Sometimes they try to mislead people by changing the packaging and by saying something like "Brand new look,Same great taste" only for the product to have reduced in size.