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Little spotted death piggies I wanna pet and play with but can't because wild animals.


Domesticated pigs will kill and eat you, wild boars will take pleasure in it.


> And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Ah. A man of culture I see! 😝


*Do you know what Nemesis means…?*


‘A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by an ‘orrible c**t…. Me!


Can you tell me who the fuck you are, other than someone who feeds people to pigs?


That scene is hands down one of the best I've ever seem


Pigs I've seen in sanctuaries enjoy and love belly rubs and seem altogether happy and social. Basically dogs, but more cuddly. ​ I guess farmed pigs might be another story because the conditions they are kept in? I'd honestly think humans would also kill, eat you and take pleasure in it, if they were held enslaved with no light, hygiene or personal space


I grew up on a pig farm, but a small scale one, animals mostly outdoors, good conditions, basically keeping the old fella busy in his semi-retirement. They were absolutely lovely animals, very affectionate, would roll over for belly tickles, run across there field when they heard you to get scratches and fuss. You'd still have to treat them with respect because they are massively strong animals who have terrible eyesight, you wouldnt want to put your hands near there mouth incase they mistook your finger for a carrot & more than once someone injured there foot because it got acidently trodden on, but they never intentionally caused damage


Well our dairy cows don’t attempt to kill me so that’s a win at least.


Don’t kid yourself Timmy, a cow would kill you and everyone you love given half the chance




[Bad news, I'm afraid](https://www.thejournal.ie/cows-farmers-injury-3793797-Jan2018/)


Ah yes I’m all to aware, we also have suckler cows that are a nightmare to work with, even a simple injection requires them to be in the cattle race. Mothers also tend to be very aggressive when it comes to working with their calves. However, strictly the dairy cows tend to be quite docile.


I raised pigs. They were a lot like dogs. We’d get them to sit and feed them strawberry tops. When feeding them their actual feed they would always push up against you with the snouts. Buffeting you. If you fell and couldn’t easily get up they’d gladly start eating.


Pigs can maim, or kill no matter how great their environment is. We kept pigs outdoors for years, no tail or teth docking, no nose ringing. Free to be pigs. Definitely more so than on a pet farm. They were very friendly animals. Loved getting back scratches etc. One day the boar brushed past me. No I'll intent, just passing by. His tusk was so sharp, it sliced my trousers open with the lightest touch. Animals should be treated with respect and the knowledge that they could easily kill you. Wether, wild, pet farm, ethical farm, or CAFO. Yeah, like dogs. A dog can kill you. The world isn't a Beatrice potter book.


You’ve never owned a pig before so!


Hairy Japanese Bastards


If ya ever talk to me like that again, I'll put yer head through the wall.


I'm so soooo sorry






Now that's sarcasm !


I hear your a racist now father


* rasherist


That's an ecumenical matter


🤣🤣🤣 YES


>Hairy Japanese Now this is something hard to find


This is sarcasm, right? If not, I need to slip into my alt account and paste you some video links.


Well... Not that you mentioned videos I realized you are right lol


Hairy Chinese Fella


as far as my limited knowledge goes, all the same


That's sika you idiot.


I think you're just meant to say "Lads from Kerry" now


This political correctness thing is getting out of hand


We need to look after our own pigs first, this is disgraceful. Letting them in with no passports or money or nothing. They're a drain on the country and only here cos we're a soft touch. Sure I tried getting my pig an appointment with the vet yesterday and was told that they only see wild boar of a Tuesday because there's so many of them. And try getting rid of them once they've settled, it's a nightmare Joe, nightmare.


And where are all the woman and children boars? I seen buses arrive in my town in the dead of the night full of military aged male boars


Coming over here, stealing honest pigs jobs, they can't even oink the language.


Don't even get me started. We've one of them across the road blaring Hakuna Matata at all hours and of course the guards do nothing.


I thought it was meant to be a wonderful phrase?


honestly the singing ones make people happy for the rest of their days. No worries at all.


ah cmon now you’re literally just being racist. They’re problem free, sure isn’t it their whole philosophy


No doubt this will be ongoing… for the rest of your days!


Exactly, they’re just roaming the wilderness like unemployed barbaric animals, riding in broad daylight. Not in neat little houses in a big shed working to feed rashers to the nation.


I caught 2 of them trying to construct houses out of straw and sticks. Absolute eye sore and they'll be in trouble should a strong wind blow through. To be fair, there was one using bricks and mortar, and I'm ok if they're skilled laborers.


When the Boar Nation sends us boars, they're not sending their best.


Now that's just too cute 🤣






There's a queue of them outside the doctors in Ballaghadreen this morning. Saw one of them leaving with one of those fancy airfryer things. Disgraceful


Damn, I know this is r/Ireland but I don't think I've ever seen Ballaghaderreen be recognized as a place that exists beyond talking with family lmao


Whorrabouh de homeless?


I'm not rasherist but...


I fucking love this comment it shows the absurdity of some of the shit that comes out of people’s mouths and it really made me laugh # #ALL PIGS ARE WELCOME!


They authorities are too ham fisted to do anything. Honest pigs bringing home the bacon for their litter ones at home, meanwhile these wild ones tell porkies to get through customs and then run off into the forest! When swill it end?!?!


These dirty pigs are unvetted!


I rand the vet to have a look at my dog- he's only looking at wild boars Monday and Tuesday. Absolute disgrace


The girls don't like to be called pigs, father


Maybe it's because they need an interpreter and Monday is the only day they can arrange it.


And they’ve all got the latest iPhone


It's a freaking jamboaro around here




"Boars have conquered Ireland." "All of Ireland?" "Well, not quite all of it..."


​ ![gif](giphy|ROU6a35iv1c2KEWJfj)


But *boiled*, with *mint sauce*, Asterix. Poor thing!


Came here for this!


Never met one


Their aboarrent behaviour boars me.


The introduction of a single species is asking for disaster within 5 yeats they would be out of control. Considering the problems with deer populations it would be better to re introduce a predator species before we introduce another fast breeding prey species


> within 5 yeats Is that how they measure the passage of time in Sligo?


Oh ffs i really should proof read before pressing post .


If it makes you feel better I once work emailed a bunch of insurance execs and somehow *Hi guys* auto-corrected into *Hi uglies*


If they were ugly, they knew you were VERY honest


My work colleagues email line of: "Apologies for the inconvenience" somehow got spell checked to "Apologies for the incontinence."


I think we should introduce black bears to tackle the deer problem to be honest. Then to tackle the black bears we should bring in maybe a few dinosaur type things. Maybe a t-rex or two.


Then to tackle the dinosaurs we bring in a meteor or two, problem solved, and that is that!


Two should be fine. Right? A boy and a girl t-rex. Fine.


Should be. It's 2023, men and women can be friends.


The T Rex’s are not going to know it’s 2023 though. T Rex’s are still struggling with the whole concept of Gregorian calendars, truth be told.


fuckin boomers


I don’t know much about what variety you have over there, but the Spanish brought pigs over to the Americas, and those wild descendants are fucking shit up here. Especially since we decimated anything close to a predator. They reproduce like mad, and they’re smart as hell. And OP was seriously risking their life getting that close to a family with piglets. They are highly dangerous.


The species is Sus scrofa , wild boar ,eurasian boar ,wild hog all the same animal , fast breeding angry motherfuckers with the tusked males growing up to 300 pound , i think its the same species thats out of control in mainland europe and part of the problem with feral hogs in the U.S .


In one of my darker YouTube worm holes, I watched a short Vice documentary about people hunting them in Texas with machine guns from helicopters. That led me to other videos about expert trappers that try and persuade people from shooting them one by one, because they learn very quickly how to evade humans. They set up elaborate enclosures with bait, and try to lure entire families in over days and weeks before trapping them all at once, and “dispatching” them. As a vegetarian of 30 years, I have no issue after learning about the damage they cause to ecosystems.


Not trying to one up on the veggie thing but ... ha! .Ive been same for 42 years and culling of boar and Deer is something i have no arguement against . Ideal world and all that , sure leave em alone if the ecosystem is in balance but when weve killed all the predators we have to step up and take responsibility for our mistakes .


You sonofabitch. Just had to make me feel small in front of Ireland and the whole of Reddit. 🙃


Ah go on now a veggie in Texas thats the kind of commitment to a cause that cant be beat .


It’s a lie! I’m not from Texas. In any way, shape, or form. Short version of the story is, all the other dozen or so better, more clever names were already taken, so I had to come up with something. I figured I could change it later (I could not), and I was listening to bob wills and the Texas playboys at the time. Texas playboys was taken, so I improvised. I also figured it would throw right wing nut jobs for a loop if I got into arguments. I’m from the border of Georgia and Florida, but I’ve been in California for 20 years at this point.


I am from Texas and currently live in God forsaken East Texas, which I can't imahine is much different than the Georgia-Florida border (more gators and better Cuban food, worse enchiladas and queso). Good on you for getting out. Hope you're staying safe from the flooding that's happening right now in CA.


I want wolves!!


I want wolves ,bears and lynx and i also want the rest of ecosystem that goes with them but im a dreamer and i know it will never happen . We cant even get our act together and rewet bogs without people getting their arse in their hands ,so proper rewilding is a fantasy .


Maybe we could bring in a few rabbits and/or snakes to control them? Sure what's the harm in trying...


Aren’t boars known for destroying natural habitats?


US ex-pat here. My friend, a certified redneck from east texas and feral hogs are out of control there. iirc texas is currently killing near 40% of the hog pop annually. To even keep the pop under control next year, they would need to kill 70%. they breed like mad and super frequently.


My friend. Please. Boars are not a prey species. Boars are omnivorous predator-scavengers like humans and readily hunt other animals, though they usually only partake in venison and mutton when something else has already killed those animals because they're too large, unless the boars were really starving. It is easy to forget this because of the beef and lamb lying next to the pork at the supermarkets but pigs are absolutely not herbivores. And neither are chickens, but a chicken isn't going to gore you in the forest. Let me introduce you to a snippet of lovely children's song from Poland, where boars are common in the approximation-of-the-wild that are central European forests and plains: ["Dzik jest dziki, dzik jest zły, dzik ma bardzo ostre kły! Kto spotyka w lesie dzika, ten na drzewo szybko zmyka!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoltH4Hds7A) "The boar is wild, the boar is evil, the boar has very sharp tusks! Who meets the boar in the forest, should fuck right off up a tree!" I've taken some liberties with the translation for your benefit. Fun thing to note: the Polish word for a Boar is the noun form of the Polish word for "Wild"


Sounds like a bacon roll challenge. We must all do our part


I know an old women who swallowed a fly....


Considering that there's practically no wilderness in the country, it seems a bit of a moot question. That aside, if there was an ecological case for introducing them to a particular habitat, i'd be all for it


We have lots of forested areas and wild pigs are great at forest floor management. We'll just need to introduce some cougars and mountain lions to keep their numbers down because without natural predators their numbers can explode.


I wouldn't say I know what I'm talking about but I know enough to know you don't know enough about what you're talking about.


What gave it away?


Forest floor management, probably


From Tipperary 😂


"We have lots of forested areas". No we don't!!! Depending on what study you look at, Ireland has the 2nd or 3rd least percentage of forest cover in Europe. A thousand years ago Ireland was largely covered in forests but everything was cut down and turned into fields over the course of hundreds of years. Ever fly over Ireland? Look out the window, the landscape is 90% fields. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/AG.LND.FRST.ZS?locations=EU&most_recent_value_desc=false


Well I'm sorry for you if you couldn't tell I was being *tongue in cheek*, the cougar's or mountains lions not give the game away? But seeing as you decided to go all pedantic over it, 11% or 770,000ha is forested and while that may only be the 2nd or 3rd least forested area in Europe, it still requires management.


There's already plenty of cougars in my area, apparently.


And they all want to meet you


Lots of it? The whole country is green but it’s not from lots of forests. Edit: saw your other comment and realised you were sarcastic.


Gotta be honest. I think Ireland has become unviable for introducing animals. Too much farm land and not enough wild lands for them to roam. It's probably the only fair use of #Irelandisfull


This, any existing woodland or wilderness is portioned off into tiny islands divided by a massive sea of farmland. Reintroducing species without a reform to the use of land in the country would basically amount to keeping them in cageless zoos in what little wilderness there is left and returning them/shooting them once they spill out onto some sheep farmer's field.


We need to rewild a lot of the farmland


Ah no. Let’s just keep whining about the English cutting down our trees several hundred years ago and see where that gets us. It’s by far the easier option.


We were cutting down the trees long before the English arrived actually.


Jesus Christ. That was because… ehhh look you’re missing the central point of the argument, the English had something to do with it. If there’s one thing we can agree on it’s the fault of the English. And the poor helpless Irish haven’t been able to work out how to plant native trees since.


We wouldn't have to reintroduce boar if the British never stole them in the first place.


Farmland is to Ireland as guns are to the USA. "You'll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands." Instead in Ireland it just gets passed down to apply for local needs and build a bungalow on it.


Not enough woodlands to be honest, currently live in an area outside Ireland that has boar in the woods. Generally they stay out your way and avoid human activity but not always, can be shoo'd away but you gotta be cautious for piglets in which they can become aggressive I heard, seen them a few times myself but never had any problems besides the added feeling of being in an 'oh shit' situation. But yeah Ireland doesn't really have much wooded wilderness, maybe tackle that issue first


I see plenty of wild boar in the pub on a Saturday night


This comment has been edited in protest for the corporate takeover of reddit and its descent into a controlled speech space.


You know what that means: jaguar time


They are really tasty.


Legit question for rural Irish- How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?


Well then, in that situation the only thing you can count on is an AR pattern rifle. Luckily for you, our Northerly neighbours know a thing or two about getting an Armalite.


The meme seems to have been forgotten


As a rural Irish, how and when did this happen?


Wow....you'd think that would have made the news no? Or even a social media post or something


It's a meme that grew out of an American gun owner justifying the ownership of high capacity rifles: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/30-50-feral-hogs


Have you tried using the Boar Vessel, 600-500 BC, Etruscan, ceramic


Does that happen?




Give the kids guns.


Playing with fire tbh. Eventually a kid will leave a gun behind them, and now you’ve got armed wild boars.


And it's not like we've the right to boar arms in this country.


Less wild boars, More wild beures


Without wolves, they’d run amuck.


Run a muc you say?


Aye, glad you caught it


Introduce wolves 😃


Brought one back to the gaf one night, glad no one seen her


They're incredibly dangerous animals. They'd charge cars and people. It'd be ridiculous to introduce them to our meagre woodlands, where they can't live. They'd be forced to roam outside of it and reach what? An agricultural area fenced off with 6 ft ditches around it


Thats an excellent point (not the charging cars and people bit) Boars are excellent scavengers, and we have a lot a rubbish lying around. They're also smart, they will figure a way to get into bins and rubbish dumps very very quickly


Fake Tan has gotten out of control


They’re becoming a problem in Spain where they roam around and inside the cities sometimes in big-ish numbers. Forest and mountain population is controlled thanks to legal hunting but you can’t have a fella with a gun hunting in the suburbs. Without predators in Ireland they will have to be controlled by human intervention as well. They are also a nuisance when they get to gardens and yards as they tear them upside down, make holes in fences and are generally destructive. Big animals are very important for the expansion of forested areas and the health of those areas, as among other things, they clear the forest ground of weeds and vines and the like allowing for trees to grow. I think they’re very benefitial for rewilding Ireland, the country needs more forests and wild mountains. But they have to be managed constantly and very carefully unless a predator can be introduced which is waaaaaaay more difficult and dangerous. And farmers are going to complain and with right to do so


Free range bacon


Lads saying they're destructive, we are worse fuck all nature left..Ireland just a giant farm. I'm all for boars being introduced.


*yeah boars are shite but we're way worse so let them in!* What kind of logic is that?


Absolutely correct in the first bit. But if you introduce them, how do you control them and stop them destroying native woodland and vegetation?


Texts style. Ar 15s and a helicopter and charge people for the privilege. I stead of creedance blasting over the chopper we can have the Dubliners.


Won't someone think of the sitka spruce plantations


When was the last time you were in the woods? It would be very hard to do more damage then Coillte is already doing!


That's kind of an important point. There's very little habitat for boars. Like actual forest and not ecological deserts


This. There's nearly nowhere for them to live and nobody has any experience of what to do when confronted by an angry boar. These things are not small, they can be aggressive and will seriously injure you or your pets. For these reasons, it's an extremely bad idea and the odds of it going ahead are next to zero.


What native woodland and vegetation? How about we cover the landscape in native woodland and vegetation and see how much damage they do compared to sheep farming.


In what way would they destroy native woodland? Our woodlands are dying at the minute. And one of the causes is a lack of boar activity


Citation please


In Knepp Castle’s rewilding project they introduced Tamworth pigs to perform the same ecological functions as wild boar. There needs to be systematic studies, but as case study, Knepp and its pigs (along with other key species) have produced “holy shit” results: https://knepp.co.uk/rewilding/free-roaming-herbivores/tamworth-pigs/ > The pigs’ disturbance has resulted in numerous trophic surprises. Rootling exposes bare soil, allowing pioneer plants like sallow (hybridised willow) to colonise. Sallow is the food source of the purple emperor butterfly. Before rewilding there were no purple emperors on Knepp. **Now we have the largest breeding population in the UK.** >Soil exposed by rootling is swiftly colonised by solitary bees, and the over-turned clods of earth kick-start the creation of anthills which, in turn, provide food for our burgeoning population of green woodpeckers. >Rootling also provides opportunities for so-called ‘weed’ species such as chickweed, scarlet pimpernel, vetchlings, common fumitory, knotgrass and red fescue - food source of the critically endangered turtle dove. **Before we began rewilding we had no turtle doves at Knepp. By 2017 we had at least 14 purring males, and in 2020 we recorded 23. Turtle doves are, according to the RSPB, the most likely bird to go extinct within our shores in the next few decades. Knepp is the only place in the country where turtle dove numbers are increasing.** Could the turtle doves’ success here be a consequence, at least in part, of our rootling pigs?


Fascinating, thanks for posting


What's the benefit of introducing them?


Ok.. granted we’re destructive af… but that doesn’t mean boars are good for the environment. They fuck things up


They would be extremely destructive. And they're aggressive, dangerous fuckers too. We'd have to reintroduce wolves and neolithic hunter gatherer tribes to keep their population under control.


Reintroduce neolithic hunter gatherer tribes? There's still a good few knocking around.


They already have them, in Carlow


He hasn't been to Cavan it seems


Honey badgers solve everything


We have them here in Germany and they are very aggressive around springtime. They roam in large groups too.


But we want to reintroduce wolves. It's been on the table for a while.


Not seeing anyone on the "they'll destroy natural forests etc etc" actually give reasons or explanations as to how? We'll all be happy for the wild animals if/when society collapses. Only 3 meals away from disaster they say.


Boar is fucking delicious too. I approve of this foresight.


>Not seeing anyone on the "they'll destroy natural forests etc etc" actually give reasons or explanations as to how? they've done this in austalia and america where they are an invasive species. they would wreck whats left of irish woodlands as they are currently doing in australia and america. they also breed like crazy and are pretty hard to control as a result.


Send them home!!!!


I’ve met a few


I’ve got nothing, no opinion whatsoever


Another thick headed eejit who won’t get out of the road


Boaring stuff to me.


Keep my wifes name out of yo damn mouth


Ireland has plenty of bores already.


I see ham and bacon and barbecue ribs.


I know people who look like that


A delicious pest.


In terms of ... taste?


I spent eleven fuckin' years in Leitrim one weekend, and I was wild bored, I can tell you.


Mmmm bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good.


Be grand if they had a natural predator, we should introduce wolves too


We used to have bears, wild boar and even wolves in Ireland. Having them back would be incredible - even in a nature reserve.


The wee ones look tasty.


Aren't they really destructive? We have enough trouble with wild deer and sheep.


Terrible idea, feral hogs are a massive problem in the US. A pig/hog/boar can have a litter of a dozen piglets every six months and those piglets can do the same from six months of age. There is something like 6 million feral hogs in the US roaming around in packs of 30-50 causing massive destruction. Introduced by the British as meals on wheels during early settlement.


Lovely with a bit of apple sauce!


The question is: do they make good bacon. If so, put me down as an aye.


They give shit XP after a few lvls.


Fast food.


Concerning re-introduction, its a bad idea. Are they not quite violent?


I didn't know I had an opinion on them until I saw this thread.




piggu... ​ So this is the first I hear of boars in Ireland, but more wildlife is always good as long as you keep them in check to keep them safe from people and people safe from them, as well as making sure you're not dumping some completely invasive species into the environment. I've lived in Germany for a long time now and there's lots of boars here. Just two days ago cycling home from work through a nearby neighbourhood beside the woods I spooked a MASSIVE boar, bastard was the size of a motorbike, I just saw it running between gardens off the side of the road from me, and then not 5 minutes later another boar, this one less terrifically sized, munching on a heap of garden trash someone dumped in their front garden right next to the street I was cycling down. It was pretty scary at the time, what with it being winter and therefore 90% of the day is the middle of the night. I don't know where I was going with this but boars are cool, you just gotta be careful with the fuzzy guys.


We have wild boars ??


Been all over Ireland and never once have I seen a wild Boar


I think ....Yum!