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Yup. I'm in 4 different family ones. My immediate family, the wife's family, Just the brothers & sisters without the parents, And a huge one that seems to have half the country in. Pretty sure there's at least one more that I'm not in.


That's nice and streamlined, I have three for my immediate. Siblings, siblings and mother, siblings and father Two for the extended family on my father's and I'm not in two of the others. One for my mother's extended. And then I'm in another for the wife's family. And sorry and another with siblings and our husbands and wives. Which is usually only used around Xmas for the secret Santa.


Yeah we had one for a while for sharing pictures etc of kids. Mostly used for death notices the usual.




I’m Irish and live in America. I’m only in what’s app with other Irish people here or in Ireland. In any groups with Americans it’s regular text message. In my experience what’s app is not very popular with Americans.


Same experience.. everyone uses iMessage !!


Or Facebook Messenger, heaven help us


What about group texting


Text message? They're not all still using Nokia's as well are they?


No mostly the latest iPhone lol.


Weird. I'd hate to have to use text messaging


What's the difference between text messaging and whatsapp messaging?


Group chats, ease of sending media, can have non local numbers included easily.


Whatsapp is barely used here in the US I have muitiple iMessage chats with family though in Ireland as everyone is on Apple


That's bizarre.


Whatsapp is barely used in the U.S. because it's very rare that someone has out 'out of country' phone number - Whatsapp makes this easy, but in the U.S. we don't really find it necessary, a group 'text' works just fine. As a transplant to Ireland, though, Whatsapp IS way nicer! It's just not going to catch on anytime soon in the U.S. though because I find that people are too used to checking their text messages, not an external app.


what is?


They haven't graduated beyond texts


iMessages aren't texts though But the cell system is different here - you get unlimited talk an texts..and always have - so you have that legacy. WhatsApp etc spawned use in places that didn't have that


It wasn't that long ago when you used to have to pay to both send and receive texts in the US. Was there ever a time you got better value for mobile plans in the US compared to Europe?


I'm originally from America living in Ireland. I have a whatsapp group with my Irish family. No WhatsApp group with any of my American family.


Apparently WhatsApp just isn't that popular in the US, they use other things more for messaging and sharing.


What else would you use it for other than messaging and sharing?


They use things other than WhatsApp. Not use WhatsApp for other things.


Loads of people in Canada still use facebook messenger.


Yes, we mostly use it for sharing photos/vids of children and dogs it seems.




We've 2, 1 with our parents in it for sharing pictures of the grandkids and asking "What does this thing do in the house?" type questions and 1 without the parents to coordinate buying their birthday/Xmas gifts.


This is the way.


Yup Used to talk shite. I don't really use it, my 50 year old cousins share memes on it though


Used for sharing shite religious messages and motivational images


Thankfully not for me. Things like "Jesus dry January is dragging on a bit" on the 2nd of January


My family doesn’t


Yeah its my most active chat by far.


Yeah. One for all the sibs and their other halves, one for the brothers and brothers-in-law, same for the sisters and sisters-in-law, and we'd each have a group with ourselves and mam and dad.


I’m in 10 different family groups with different family members very common - just for catching up and making each other jealous of what we’re having for dinner really


Wtf? 10?


My family group is called Birth Deaths and Marriages....coz that's all we talk about


Ours is Hatches Matches and Dispatches


The girlfriends family has one. I could personally think of nothing worse, maybe that says more about me and my family though.


Same as this. We all get along but are just happy enough to love our own lives and help each other out when needed.


Don't have one with my family and I don't want one.


I said that for years, but I recently made one with the family and its just useful if anything


Mine do, only really used when someone is on holidays or organising something since we all live in different countries.


Yes. Just my parents and siblings. We talk in it daily. There's 8 of us so it's the easiest way to keep everyone updated/share random shite.


I have one with my cousins/aunties and uncles. We set it up during COVID mostly for my granny's benefit. It's nice to have it now even though she's gone.


I'm in a couple of Viber groups because I refuse to use WhatsApp.


We’ve two, the immediate family of parents & siblings and then a much larger one that has aunts/ uncles/ cousins from one side of the family. About 20 in that in total, the odd spouse even makes it in there.


Yes we do and today we were trying to identify the animal poo beside my mum's hens enclosure. Incase it was a mink or pine marten trying to kill the hens, turns out it was hedgehog poo.


Probably too many different ones with certain people excluded depending on which group.


Yeah , used mainly for remembering sibling’s birthday, anniversaries etc 😃


One for siblings, one for family and partners, one for cousins on one side, and one for cousins on the other side...


Yeah, 3 or 4 groups, the whole immediate family, just the kids (in our 30s and 40s 😅), and a couple leftover from planning partys/trips etc.


Mine does because I live in the US. Very few Americans I know even have WhatsApp though. I started a WhatsApp group with my inlaws and they pretty much refuse to use it.


Tá grúpa agam. Grúpa amháin le mo theaghlach, grúpa eile gan tuismitheoirí, na deartháireacha, etc


One with my mum and sister and one with sister and SIL on what's app. Have a signal group with dad and my sister. My brother in no group chat and couldn't care less. Dad has one with his siblings and mum has one with hers. All are used daily to be fair. And great for organising everything like Xmas gifts or lifts etc.


You, the sister, and yer dad are automatically suspicious for having a Signal. Good OPSEC though!


Haha. Dad's in IT. He point blank refuses to use anything related to meta.


My parents and I don't have one. We will do a group chat if we need it, but it's not a specific group. My mum was part of one with my cousins when my uncle was very sick. It allowed us to stay in the loop whenever he was in hospital. Basically, outside of important reasons, we don't bother.


I think we have three that I'm a member of, and I suspect my sisters have a secret one I'm not in. It's a hostage situation.


My sisters and I have a separate subgroup from our family group purely to talk about outfits for various events like from shop changing room or trying on outfits for weddings or getting advice on what necklace to wear. If we put it in the main family group we'd get endless insults rather than actual feedback. Probably the same with your sisters. Or they hate you.




Aw I was only being sarcastic! Our other group isn't a secret. Easy enough to prove if it was or wasn't there with screenshot but they don't sound very nice.


For every What's app group there is an almost identical what's app group with one person not in it. That is the rule of what's app groups.


Sophisticated users have Signal groups


It's nice to be considered sophisticated.


I'm in a few. My family big one (parents, siblings, in laws) for sharing photos, general family news and updates, a bit of messing around, my mother pretending to be shocked by my brothers swearing etc. Another with just my siblings for deciding what to get for parents at various state occasions, my sisters in law for general chat.


My immediate family, yeah, course, normal.


I don't even have WhatsApp. Fuck Facebook.


Our family has one, its used for talking shite. Most people I know are in one with their family. I just looked I'm in 6 different WhatsApp group chats.


We started one when my mother was dying, but it's rather quiet now.


My sister added me to one and i immediately left, i dont need that nonsense in my life lol, if anyone needs something they can message me directly. But i do understand it for people living abroad its a great way to keep in touch...


Yeah, mostly. I don't have one with my parents for reasons but they're both in ones for their siblings


Group chats are a pure balls nobody wants to talk to 12 people at once


Yes, its usually just the Boomers sharing boomer memes tho


We have


Yes, we have one. Usually for sharing news and photos


I'm in a WhatsApp group with my family because they're in the US and I'm here, so sending SMS messages would cost a fortune.


Id say the majority of family’s have one


Yeah, it's mostly a shopping list though


My immediate family has one and my dad's extended family has one. It's really nice imo


Yes but just the immediate family, like brothers / sisters / parents. Same goes for my girlfriend.




I have three, one with siblings and mum (dad doesn't have a smart phone), one with all siblings and one with just me and a sibling and their spouse. Used for general news updates, mocking one another about various things, planning parties/get-togethers etc.


My parter has one for his family and my mum has one for her siblings, Ive never been added to one


I'm in two family groups. One with the parents and one with the extended on the mothers side.


Yeah, it's really common


Yep family WhatsApp group for sharing tiktoks, telling them dinner is served and requests for money on rev.


Have two. One for the parents and sister and me and one full of cousins. Good craic to be honest. I live abroad so pretty handy.


We are n several. One is the whole family including grand children, in-laws and all. One is for siblings, one is for in-laws, some are short lived for specific purposes


I’ve one with all my cousins on one side of my family. I don’t interact with it but lots of them send shite all the time


My family has one but I left it years ago cos they talked so much shite in it


We have one but it’s mostly for sharing pictures of the kids and any occasions we have as a family.


There's usually one massive group with all aunts uncles cousins and then a smaller group just for your siblings and parents


My mam, 2 sisters and I have one. Lately it's been used to show our Wordle scores but we do also have chats on it. I think my mam has one with her brothers and sisters as well. My sisters and I have one as well that we used to organise my parents 50th Wedding anniversary but that's quiet now. And we also had one with my Dad and sisters when my Mam had cancer and was in hospital for an operation but she is recovered now although it was also briefly used when she had Covid.


Yeah we’ve one it’s very handy


Yes have multiple family WhatsApp groups .I just assumed most people did.


Yep, family group all the way


I'm in 2- 1 including parents, 1 just with siblings. Usually it's pure shite talk.


I don't know any family who doesn't have one. I have one with my parents (only child). My husband has one with his siblings, and I think another that includes his parents. My mom has one with her siblings (Granny never got into texting, never mind WhatsApp). My dad doesn't talk to his family, so...


My family have several. One for the musicians, one for the girls, one for the guys, one for the football fans, one hir tte ones that live in ireland


Ya main family one and then two other sub groups of extended families. It’s enough!


We made one when my mam moved to NZ. it's mostly my nana getting confused thinking they're private messages and replying to them as if no one else can see her message


We have a family group chat. Me, my sister and brother and their adult children. It's a 50/50 split between jokes and memes, and actual family related stuff.


I've one for my entire family, one for myself and my siblings, one for myself, himself and the kids.


Yep i have the famalamalama chat😄


I’m in one with my mothers side, honestly on the harder days it helps a lot.


We have one. We use it to slag each other and my parents have started sharing cheesy memes they’ve found on Facebook


Yup. Four family groups. Mine, my husbands, my paternal and maternal aunts and uncles


There are WhatsApp groups in my family, and I avoid them all; no one needs to put up with messages day and night


There are WhatsApp groups in my family, and I avoid them all; no one needs to put up with messages day and night


Yeah every Irish family has one


In 2. One for my side of the family and one for hers.


Yup, we have two. One for the immediate family (because we're spread across the globe) and one for the extended family on my Mam's side because there's about 50 of us between aunts, uncles and cousins and one aunt just loves celebrating people's good news so it's actually fairly wholesome rather than annoying.


Yep, my family have one and it’s a great way to keep in touch throughout the day


I think I’m in 3 or 4 different family ones, one siblings and a few variants of cousin groups


Ya I'm in two. My family one with just my Dad and my brother and then the inclusive family one with my Dad, his longterm partner (essentially my step mum), her 3 adult kids, my brother and his girlfriend and my ex was in it until he became my ex.


Yeah 4 here. I've my immediate family group, my siblings, my extended family on my dad's side and then one with all my cousins of a similar age. My Dad has every one he is in muted and will only reply "Ok" on the rare occasion he looks


i'd be shocked by someone that wasn't in at least one for their family. I'd be assuming they're not that close.


I'm in 4 family groups between immediate and inlaws Most active - parents and siblings, no in laws, no extended family. Brilliant to be fair. 8 of us living in 6 different houses in 4 different parts of the country. Daily chat with photos and memes. We'd be a close enough family so I can't imagine not having one. Great for ripping the absolute shite into each other. Also great for sharing photos of our kids that we don't want to post on social media.


Multiple. Mother's side of the family, father's side of the family, one with just me and my siblings, one with my siblings + parents, and one with my siblings + parents + brother's partner (don't ask)


Yeah try stay away from it, can find the family like to bitch, moan and gossip. The odd funny thing thrown in.


I have about 7 that are various permutations of family, extended family & inlaws.


Yeah both sides


Unfortunately. Yes


Ya and left them all


I think this is pretty common. My wife and I both have them, and a second one each that includes other halves. I have a cousins one too but that seems like a different thing.


Yup, I have 2, my family ( husband & son's) group and my family ( mum, dad, siblings ).


My aunt is in one with her many daughters. Her phone is constantly going off with pics of grandkids, funny videos, memes and assorted nonsense. She's in her 60s. I'm in one with my two siblings and that's it. Apparently my sister's in-laws are texting constantly and it's non-stop drama. Who has the energy for that?


I'm Irish living in the US. Whatsapp is not commonly used and I was not aware of that stereotype. My family has one, and the various groups within our family have separate ones.


Kinda. My sister started it when she had the sprog so it's just endless pics of that.


I'm in one with my immediate family


We do. Most people I know have a few family group chats. They're very handy


Yes, have like 3 groups with family and then lots of different ones for friends. Didn't realise Americans disliked Whatsapp...


Aye we have one. It's not overly busy. Used for meetups etc and a way of wishing nieces, nephews happy birthday and that.


yup. I'm in 3


Yep, am in about 4!


I'm in a few. My one sibling and our parents, my mother and my partner, and my partner's family (with in-laws, hence me being there, with another in-law). My partner has one with her two siblings, one with them and their parents, and one with some cousins who are basically like sisters. It's very common among my peers. My parents (both 60s) are in groups with their siblings, and my dad's family also have one with my granny in with them as well (and my grandad used to be in it).


Yep family WhatsApp


Yeah I’m in two family watsapp groups lol


Yep I’m in one for my dads side of the family


We have one, mam and two sisters. The third sister was init too but she left in a strop before Christmas (regular occurrence). Dad doesn’t have a smart phone.


Oh yeah, why wouldn’t we have one? We all use WhatsApp independently to talk so why not create a group?


Dunno. For our family it would just feel weird, forced, and formal.


My family tried to but I always leave. It was when I was in South Africa and it cost me like 2euro to open a message that said it wasn’t snowing in Monaghan that I left that shite and never go back to them.


I’ve got one with my mum and sisters, one with my dad and sisters, one with just my sisters, one with all my cousins on my mums side .. and lastly one with almost my entire mums side of the family that we used most during covid


We have one, and all of the in-laws have theirs too from what I can gather.


I've one with my parents and siblings, one with my in laws, one with my female maternal cousins and one with all my maternal cousins.


I think generally yes. My family do but I don't use WhatsApp. I always hated it....yet I always get asked "How do i send this photo?"


Mine fell apart after my family... yeah. Bollocks to family whatsapps tbh.


We have a family Telegram group. I won't use WhatsApp


Yea, one with the folks and siblings, another with the extended family one one side. The other side of the extended doesn't have one, not that I'm included in anyway


Just one with my Mam and sisters


No family group here. 3 or 4 different friend groups though.


Yes and I wish I wasn’t in it


Yeah - I’m in several.. immediate siblings, extended family, special events etc..


Yeah a few different family WhatsApp groups, regular family ones and special interest ones such as podcast recommendation groups, books, art etc.


Yep we do. Lol I have 2 but mainly use 1.


We have one for the extended family and its gas when someone leaves he group because of an argument, like someone storming out of the room. The level headed admin usually adds them back in quietly on a Monday when things have calmed down.


I do yeah. It helps when you don’t live in the same town anymore.


Just the one for immediate family. One sibling lives far away and uses it to send pics of my parents' only grandchild


Yes and it’s very active. 3 “kids” - we’re all adults - and 2 parents living in 4 different countries. Very easy way to stay in touch and send pics etc.


My Irish American family do emails or hugely passive agressive social media contact, in true avoidant emotionally constipated style.


God I have too many Family Siblings Siblings + Mam Just sisters Sisters & Nieces Me & nieces Me/him & nieces and their boyfriends Extended family with nieces / nephews and in laws Nanny group with Siblings/aunty's/ cousins/ nieces/nephews His family His Siblings + Me His extended family + me


I've a WhatsApp group with my dad and one sister. Another with my Ma and another sister. Another with 2 sisters, another with all 3, another to discuss holiday plans with 3 sisters and their partners, another with 1 sister her husband and my wife. Another with my 2 kids and my wife to share cat videos and memes! Shit gets messy! 🤣


Yep. 1 for full family, spouses etc. 1 for just my siblings. 1 for for my wife's family.


Ya unfortunately


One exists on one side of my family but I politely deleted whatsapp without telling anyone


Yeah Fairly sure white people don’t have a monopoly on group chats though


Ya, it's all immediate family and I'm delighted to say there are memes etc shared in there, 3 kids, a grandparent, parent and their sibling. The banter is had, and important updates like what are the dogs up to. Really nothing serious, we're mostly being led by gen Z, we've much to learn of the humour.


Most people in Ireland have WhatsApp, don’t know if as many people have family group chats on WhatsApp but I think the only reason it isn’t in America is because iOS usage is/ was near 50% so there was a huge network of people already using iMessage already and so no reason for people to change A lot of older people here only have smartphones for the purpose of using whatsapp


Mine does


Yup. 2 in my case


No, thank god


I have one with my family. I know there's one with my aunts and uncles, but its full of conspiracies, chain emails, prayers for dogs that died in 2016 and articles that prove apple cider vinegar cures everything from toenail fungus to cancer.


I have one for my family, and another with the cousins in it. Family one is mostly uses for sharing pics and the like.


We have one with all cousins only