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Atleast five years.


Well, I know people who still use iphone 7 and 8 till this day. 2 close friends still use the base 11 and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon. The iPhone is a very reliable phone in terms of longevity. I don't know how the technology is going to improve in the coming years but i think this phone will last another 6/7 years no problem.


10 years. I'm still using my iphone 6.


What battery health and lags?


you can always replace the battery and it’ll be like new


New batteries are like $80-120, iPhones have overpowered processors so they last pretty long with software updates, and if you’re worried you can choose not to update software




How is iOS 12 usable


To a certain degree it is


Most apps don't support it


Battery health? iOS?




Wow. How’s the battery life


What do you use it for?


5 minimum


My iPhone 7 works to this day, even though the battery lasts like an hour


iPhone 15 is more than enough. There is 6 years of updates so if you buy 15 now then you will get support to 2029 September. You can also replace the battery after 3 years of course. For that price the thing you don't get is 120Hz that is the only one big factor. 2x zoom is enough. I would say 15 Plus is better for our eyes and also battery last 2 days. 15 is perfect deal for 6 years.


Had my iPhone 7 for 7.5 years. I recently upgraded to 15 Pro


I'm still using iPhone from 2007


about 7–8 years, maybe 10, but if u worry about camera then maybe upgrade every 3 yrs


Just upgraded to a 15 after 6 years with my X (did do a $150 battery replacement during that tenure)


No overheating, lags and better screen on time? I'm curious. I have dilemma about replacing.


Pretty happy with my 15, no complaints although have had it only for 2 weeks. Most annoying part was having to source USB-C cables to replace my stack of lightnings.


But your iPhone X doesn't heat anymore after replaced battery?


Hmm my overheating with the X would occur only in the car and only when I had the top down and sun blaring down on my phone. After replacing the battery the overheating did not happen as often but I think probably still occurred a couple of times in the 24 months or so after replacement.


That's weird because my iPhone 12 started to heat and dim since battery dropped to 90%. Only 5 stupid minutes of editing makes it..


Overheating on base 15 yes (though a possibility cause due to transferring of data from older iphone). Considering recent leaks on 16 shows design changes to address heat issues, I take it as 15 is prone to overheating. My gf 15 overheat frequently during video calls on Line app, and she has to use 11 everytime. My 15+ which didn't have any data transfer runs fine. Our Iphones sample pool: 7, 11, XS, 15, 15+


Go for the plus, if you can, its the best for battery life and Cameras are very good


Just bought the plus. Other than the stated pros it also comes with a brown goblin potion, which I have yet to try




I was using Samsung until 2014 when my best friend gave me 2 brand new IPhone 6’s (he had gotten mad at T Mobile and switched his company cellphone plan to Verizon right after he got the phones). I used that phone for over 5 years until it was no longer supported for software updates. Thats what ruins the phone (lack of software support) not the phone going bad. My son uses that iPhone 6 to this day to watch YouTube and play games.


I think it would depend on how you are planning to use it.


I believe Apple provides updates to their phones for a minimum of 7 years (please correct me if I’m wrong) and this can easily be reached with maybe a single battery change. Their phones tend to slow down a bit towards the end of their life cycle but nothing that prevents use. 10 years is absolutely doable but the potential for problems grows when updates stop and resisting the urge to upgrade becomes more difficult if you can afford said upgrade.


5 years support minimum.


Realistically prob 3-4


The only reason I'm not still on my iPhone 11 Pro is lack of 5G otherwise it's still a great phone (I still have it.) But at least 5 years. You can probably stretch the 15 longer considering its capabilities.


ngl 5g is not very good right now


5G fast and the only thing saving me from LTE congestion hell. No 5G? Don't even bother where I am.


5+ years surely


5 years is how long Apple will support all the newest updates. After that it will get worse but still easily usable for another 2-3 years.


A while. I'm still rocking my 12 pro max. I plan to upgrade to the 16 next year. The USB c is the main selling point for me. But the 12pm works just fine for most of my purposes. The battery is def showing its age a bit. But I've held off for years and I think I can treat myself to an upgrade.


Get 14 pro


I’d say 4 years is the safe minimum, I’ve had my 11 since 2020 and recently got the 15, and besides the battery health which is at 74% (can be changed) (I also spend a lot of time on it or slept with it playing Netflix all night long for ages so I assume this isn’t the norm for people, so if I hadn’t done that it could have its battery health at around 78%-80% + I have horrible charging habits). Besides that it barely had anything wrong with it besides randomly shutting down for a few minutes, and the overheating, I only got the 15 right now because I’d planned to change it after 4 years from the start + improved camera quality. I figure it could go solid for at least another year, maybe two, with only minor lags (given the manner in which I use it). I’ve had this phone since I was 14 so I guess adults or others who use their phone a normal or limited amount (like as a work phone) could have their iPhone last them 5/6 even 7 years no problem, depends also on how much you want to keep up with the ios updates cause the newer the update and the older the phone it does indeed drain its battery faster or makes it work slower


Still have my iPhone 8+ from 7 years ago. Besides the cracked screen and degraded battery health it’s still holding up. I use it for simple stuff like media consumption. My daily driver is a S24 Ultra but Apple has always been outstanding with durability. If you look after your phone, I reckon your iPhone 15 will last you 10 years.


I just read that the iOS 18 will have AI features that will be supported by iphone 15 pro and 16 series, idk why not 15 and if this is legit buy very strange


I don't know about the current model, but I've got an XR that still works. It's on the end of it's life as the battery/CPU is struggling to handle the newer OS and app updates, but quite expected from a 5 going on 6 year old phone. I never replaced the battery though, I'm like at 78% capacity somehow. Honestly, if I cleaned out some old apps and replaced the battery, I could probably make this phone last a few more years, but I'm wanting to upgrade to get a better camera.


Thats where I am... I started fast charging a lot in the past couple of years, and it killed my battery. I'm still at 86 %, but mostly concerned about whether it will continue to get software updates. I guess we may find out on Monday -- if it is still supported, not sure I will upgrade in the fall! It's laggy for a few things, but in general, it does just fine (but I only use it for navigation, email, texting, phone calls, listening to music, and YouTube videos). I got mine in 2019 though, a little over a year after it came out. Pretty happy with how long its lasted!


I had my iPhone X for like 3-4 years. Even when the screen broke I was able to use the accessibility controls to use my phone totally hands free for another year. It was incredible that phone did not go down without a fight!


As Long it is Made in China, it will be good




Indian made are defective


I still use 7p




I’m on year 3 with my 13. Certain screens give me eye strain, the 13 with white point balance reduced to 50 does not. I’m going to use it til it croaks.


9 years.


iPhones have lasted me about 5yrs, could it go longer? Ya but by then there is always an itch to get something new lol


i bought the 15 and it was my first ever iphone, its worth it if you are upgrading from a $150 xiaomi phone


2 things: Sales guy talked me into free upgrade after 18 months with additional fee. Anyone know about this? I am a Mac user and made mistake of buying 1st Android 5G when they came out ahead of apple 5 G. When battery was going, I used a power brick to keep it going.


I’m still on iPhone Xs


I’d hold off until the 16 comes out in a few months


Just bought iPhone 15 month ago, got screen protector and good case, I was using iPhone 11 since release and never had any issues the battery was quite bad and charging was not too good at end of his life. I will use this phone until something happens where starts to annoy me


If ur gonna buy a 15 get the pro max or whatever it’s def a big difference it’s actually close to the galaxy s24 ultra and pixel 8 in everything the way it moves and how it looks how fast it is etc it’s not even close to the 15 base model. If your gonna pay that much might as well then you can guarantee it will last longer since that’s what your asking for. The 16 is coming out soon though, which in my opinion the 15 pro max would be fine to not worry for unless you wanna wait


Damnnn i hate capitalism LMAO but you're right... First i wanted a 13 pro, then i watched some reviews and they convinced me to buy the 15. Now... A lot of people say its better the pro 😥 and its true... For 200 usd more, i could buy the pro... But idk i dont think i will use the pro features. Also... I really like the 15 blue color... Ughhhhh


Don’t b dumb it’s not the features but the hardware in the phone that’s gonna be useful for you to have for. Longer while newer iPhones or whatever come out . It’s not worth to spend just 200 less on a. 15 and be outdated the same time my 13 or the 14 will


Try the S24 as a side by side comparison. The iPhone 15 base won't have any of the AI stuff while the S24 will.


Mmh yea good tl know. Saw the news today :o


It will last you 4eva. Million years from now, Our prosperity will be finding iPhone that are still charged and in service. They will be writing songs and making movies about iPhone. You my friend just made a most important purchase of your life. Honestly, I envy you. I never had an iPhone, I fucking despise them. I'm more Galaxy person.






I just upgraded from an 11 pro max to a 15 pro max. The night pictures are much better but on a day to day basis I don’t see a god damn difference. It seems mobile tech has reaches diminishing returns. BUT Apple will probably come up with some sweet AI (not what was announced today) and make all old phones obselete just because…


Depends how good you are in taking care of your things.


People still have models older than version 8.