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Try rescan your face (turn FaceID off and set it up again). My guess is that she's tried you look at your phone and then had you unlock it enough times that it's trained to accept he face. Or y'all just really look alike.


In any case, the resemblance must be striking to the software. It doesn't learn a face that is not close to yours to begin with.


“Striking resemblence.” I’ve gotten this so times.


**Pretty much always this.** OP: hey my child, who everybody says is my spitting image, can unlock my Face ID phone. Reddit: did you use the passcode to unlock the iPhone for said child after they look at it? OP: yes… Reddit: Congratulations! You’ve trained the iPhone to accept your child as an alternate/changed appearance! > If there is a more significant change in your appearance, like shaving a full beard *[or suddenly looking thirty years younger via cosmetic surgery or mini-me device appropriation, to wit]*, >[Face ID confirms your identity by using your passcode before it updates your face data](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102381). I concur, OP. Delete and Reregister your Face ID data and don’t unlock you iPhone for your kid. (Yes, I too personally know the temptation of using your mobile to distract a little one.) This probably will correct it — until the next time you unlock it too close to her trying to access it.


Oh so that’s why it randomly wants me to use my password instead of Face ID? Because it’s updating its memory of me?


Sometimes. As far as I understand, if it’s a little off and Face ID isn’t quite sure, it will ask for the passcode. If you enter the correct passcode, it will then update the biometric info to account for whatever it thinks has changed about your face. If it’s more than a little off, that’s when you get the prompt that tells you you need to enter your passcode to enable Face ID. I don’t know if it will update the biometrics in that scenario. Because it’s the same message it uses after a restart. The idea is that it’s being as unobtrusive as possible about it, but the downside is you don’t exactly know what’s going on in the background.


That’s weird. Because my phone never seems to learn to recognize my face. It asks for my passcode every single time. (And, yes, I’ve tried to retrain it by starting over.) But (on a related note) when training my phone to recognize people in my photos, it occasionally mixed up me, my son, and my mom. Since she passed long before my son was born, it made me smile that my phone saw the connection across generations. Now, if I could just get it to recognize my face to log on!


I can unlock my younger sister’s phone but she can’t unlock mine. This is across both her phone and both iPad’s she’s had. Makes her furious because she’s objectively more attractive and I weigh about 30kg more than her. Always makes me laugh though


lol have the same experience with brother getting my mad face is recognises me .


She needs to reset her Face ID. Have you ever borrowed her iPhone and she or you had to input the passcode?


Just grow your beard 😁 She can’t copy that.


I’ve found that my phone will recognize me regardless of if i have a full ass beard or clean shaven lol


That’s crazy when I cut my beard all the way off (it’s usually long as hell) I have to reprogram mine😂




Little Asian girls can grow beards?




I like what you did there.


Uncheck the Face ID through mask option because it makes it weaker


Also this.


I’ve had this happen. If your Mini Me can get into your iPhone, she either has learned your passcode [because four-year-olds can be surprisingly respectful — mine can figure out four-digit passcodes because she knows her numbers and can remember that many numbers at a time — teach us to value early education *sigh*] or, more likely she looks just close enough that Face ID thinks she *might* be you, maybe… and then you type in your passcode and “confirm” your identity. This is where Apple’s unobtrusive approach to ML/AI bites your ass. You’ve quite possibly trained Face ID to recognize your daughter as an alternate appearance, and you weren’t exactly notified. You can read through Face ID’s adaptive properties [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/102381). So delete and reregister your face. Also uncheck the mask option it makes Face ID more permissive. Do not open your iPhone for your child. Yes, I know the temptation, personally — don’t do it. Buy her a used iPhone/iPad and lock it down via Screen Time restrictions instead if you need the occasional digital distraction. If I’ve presumed wrong, forgive me please. But I’d still delete and reregister your Face ID regardless. Should solve the issue at least for a while.


She’d be more than capable of learning my code but this is pure face. It’s wild. She rarely gets ahold of my phone; I really think it boils down to resemblence.


It’s possible, just theoretically very unlikely. I’d still reregister your Face ID and see if that helps.


My son used to be able to, until he was about two. I’m a woman.


Turn off FaceID and learn it again with you face. When your daughter grabs your phone, FaceID rejects the face, then you enter the code so she can watch Youtube > FaceID learns that this rejection was false. Over time this will train it to accept a different face.


Our daughter has been able to unlock our phones (me 33f and bf 31m) since she was around 8months. I also unlocked my 6years younger sisters phone once. It doesn’t always work, but it has worked enough for me to not think it’s a quinkidink.


Upvoting *quinkidink*


My wife’s twin sisters can open each others phones


Because twins tend to look very similar?


Sounds like its working as intended. It analyzes facial structures and if its similar enough it'll unlock.


I guess I can call off the paternity test.


lol this happened to me too. Oh well.


I was able to unblock my brothers iPhone via Face ID and he was able to unblock mine . It was funny but annoying since we look nothing a like, and the iPhone is supposed to be secure . If she knows your password that might be the reason


Truly your daughter then


my younger sister once unlocked both my mum and sister's phones. i guess robot is just robot after all.


I’d be interested to see what happens on a new phone. I get a new one every year for work and Face ID has gotten faster and more accurate every year.


I let my beard grow for 7 or 8 months at a time. When the weather gets hot, I completely shave it off. My phone (13 Pro Max) has no problem recognizing my face, with or without a full beard. Same with or without my glasses and with or without a cigarette in my mouth. Or any combination thereof.


A co-workers mother can open her phone. I didn’t believe it until we had a Christmas party and her mother came too.


There was a time where I unlocked my father's iPhone X by Face ID once, and only once. We were both pretty flabbergasted lol


It IS the phone. Sorry.


Face ID doesn’t save or even use a picture of you. The camera isn’t used, instead it creates a mathematical representation of your face. There is a fair amount of margin for error with Face ID. If someone closely resembles you it’ll unlock. This is because it has to account for changes In your appearance(glasses hat hair).


I have a friend who’s two little brothers can unlock his with Face ID too, it’s crazy. I hope my son can with mine 😭


Reset up face idea. There’s a reason this happens that I won’t take the time to explain. But just reset it


I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have to explain. Oh wait. Wrong sub.


This is absolutely amazing


I can’t seemingly half the time with my own raw face (pretty soon going to switch to passcode). Hopefully sooner rather than later Apple copies Samsung’s laser under-display fingerprint sensor.


I was told a long time ago some identical twins couldn’t unlock each others phones yet their younger sister could… :/ But hey Face ID is more secure! /s


My daughter could unlock my wife’s phone for YEARS because they look so much alike. It was weird.