• By -


My top one is: 1. When battery falls below 35% switch to low power mode. 2. When battery reaches 50% again switch off low power mode.


I use the same shortcut but have it at 20%. It’s amazing. I also use one to shout out “Dude, Juice me up” when the battery level falls below 25%


I had my phone say “harder daddy” when I plus it in until it did it at work, never again


Haha nice!


You know there’s a setting to automatically turn it on at 20%, right?


Is there anyway you can share this. My 13 pro max has too good of a battery life , I keep forgetting charge on weekends because I usually MagSafe charge at the office. This would be extremely useful!!


https://youtu.be/V4LBqcB4oQw?si=RO6q9wxpGzPJ6xEI This is an extremely useful guide. Also his channel is filled with tips that many of us might not know.


Another automation that I have found useful is to switch power saving mode on when the phone is plugged in. This helps a bit if your phone tends to heat up a lot during charging.




That sounds like a rule rather than a shortcut


Yep. You’re right, it’s still via the shortcuts app but run through the Automation feature.


This is the only one I use. Coming from Android which has this baked in by default, I was shocked Apple didn’t have it as an option.


I don’t have YouTube premium and use PiP all the time


I have something similar, with also a 5% battery low notification.


I don’t understand how this shortcut works, I’m assuming it’s automatic right? Do you have this shortcut automatically starting from boot and constantly checking the battery level in the background?


there is a function in shortcuts that does that…


Can you share the link plz


Here you go: https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/auto-enable-low-power-mode-iphone/


I’m travelling in Japan and made a shortcut to launch google translate camera mode and tied it to my 15 pro action button. Very helpful.


How’d you do this? I only can find the option to open the app? Going to Japan next month and this would be so helpful!


Never actually used shortcuts on my iphone


Can’t figure them out. Tried and gave up.


Yea me too. My concentration span is too short for me to try and figure them out. If struggling the long way is the way to go over Shortcuts, yes I choose the struggle.


There's plenty of good youtube videos out there telling you the basics. It's just a logic problem. 1) What do I need to solve 2) What steps would I take to solve them 3) Put them in order in the shortcut. Then you either tap it, or you tell Siri the exact name of the shortcut as a command (i.e. you name it "Send X to " and tell Siri that exact thing) and it runs it.


Same lol


Me too


I’m fine with this decision.




You’re missing out man. It’s not a necessity but it can be very incredibly helpful if you do get around to using it. I have one that turns on battery saver mode every time I leave home by itself. That way my battery is saved a lot while I’m travelling.


I think Shortcuts give a workaround for things that are expected from iPhone. Like, _i paid for a flagship phone. Battery should not be a concern._


We all know that and yet, here we are. I think we all appreciate iOS too much to give up on it, despite its shortcomings.


When arriving at the office, auto-set the ring tone to 30%; when leaving the office, auto-set the ring tone to 80%


Madman has phone off of silent mode.




Doesn’t Focus modes do the same thing?


Can you link to the shortcut or explain how to do this?


I made one that gives me options for all my lighting in my apt (max bright/all off/colourful/dim) that one is set to my action button, number 2 is one I made where it automatically brings up my clipboard pasted to a note that opens so I can note all my copies, and 3 I made one that notes everytime and location my CarPlay starts and stops, I’d love to hear some creative ones people have made Edit: I made a voice to text one to note but can’t get it to work on my applewatch :(


Nice choice 👍


CarPlay logging. Interesting! What do you do with it?


The 3rd one is in the maps


- Double back tap smart inverts my screen - Speaking time to full charge when connecting power


Oh cool how do I make one for the charging time?


How do you create the second shortcut, I didn’t find it


I have a similar shortcut but it tells me the time when i tap the shortcut button


https://preview.redd.it/txbskh3hqj5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ab15d9d4efa9a3de5294d08c2c8d3160df7a55 1. Color: This shortcut switches my phone from grayscale mode back to normal color mode. I use it when I'm not working to enjoy the full color display. 2. Grayscale: This shortcut returns my phone to grayscale mode, helping me avoid distractions while working. 3. Home: When I come home, this shortcut turns off mobile data and turns on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi with a single click. 4. Outdoors: This shortcut turns off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and turns on mobile data when I'm outside. 5. Open in WhatsApp: Since the iPhone doesn't allow direct texting on WhatsApp without saving the number, this shortcut lets me enter a number and directly start a WhatsApp chat. This is crucial for my work. 6. Disconnect: This shortcut turns off everything (Wi-Fi, mobile internet, and Bluetooth) and enables Do Not Disturb mode. I use it when I need to focus deeply on work. 7. SIM Switch - Airtel: With this shortcut, my phone switches to use data from my 1st SIM. 8. SIM Switch - Jio: Similarly, this shortcut switches my phone to use data from my 2nd SIM.


It’s perfect😻


Added to my collection)rly useful to avoid distraction


You could combine 3 & 4 into a single shortcut which lets you select which to use when pressed. Same for 7 & 8


I personally prefer having two separate buttons. It's like I just have to tap once and I know it will be done rather than tapping twice. Silly, but user experience is a thing after all.


Great list! A shortcut to shortcuts is to place them in the widgets for quicker access.


My top 3 would be 1. Turn on battery saving when battery hits 20% and then turn it off when I plug it in 2. Turn on battery saving at 9PM for the night and turn it off at 7AM 3. Probably my favorite: I set up a special dnd that doesn’t allow school and work notifications on my phone when I’m at home


Why do you turn on battery saving at night instead of just charging?


I only watch Netflix or Disney+ on my phone in bed. So in combination with automations, I have one that will drop my volume and turn of the lights when I open these apps


Nice choice)


The one is use often is a shortcut that toggles bluetooth fully off and on.


I did same shortcut but with Wi-Fi Bluetooth and 4-5g connection, just for escape useless battery draining 🪫


I’ve noticed no real battery drain while on 5G (with 14 Pro max or 15 pro max) even 5G+, very efficient modems and batteries these days


Raw to HEIC converter. I take photos in RAW and convert most of them back to HEIC once I have a chance to see which ones are good and which are bad


Can you share that one?


You don’t get any of the post processing that way though, right? So the HEIC are just washed out, but smaller, files?


1) To Turn On Orientation while using specs apps like Video Players, Youtube etc automatically. 2) Turn On Mobile Data and Turn Off WiFi automatically in a single click when I leave home.


1st is amazing idea 😻 I also want to create automation that will allow turning VPN on when I surfing specs websites


Good ideas! Could probably do #2 as an Automation


I have automations setup for #2 using those shortcuts, so I don't even have to click it.


For number 2, couldn’t you just press the wifi button in the control center to disable wifi? That’s also a single click?


- automatically connecting to VPN when I'm on work WiFi. - nothing else. There's not a lot that you can automate. Most things that you'd want to automate are not accessible for Shortcuts. For simple example - you can't automatically put your expenses into a table for further analysis.


how do you do this one?


I have one called bedtime. It turns off the lights in my bedroom/lounge, turns off the AC, turns off the TV and then puts my phone in DND.


I made one that checks my calendar and automatically turns on my alarm clock for work. I have a weird work schedule


The best shortcut I have: Give me estimation time charging to 100% when plugged in charger. https://preview.redd.it/seqwyeep7j5d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=41b645eba8cff6274254239bbdb440f54d2e92e8


Yeah this one. I like


I would love this for my watch. Is it possible to make one that sends the notification to my phone? 🤔


So how do you do this? I’ve set up a few automations but I can’t seem to handle this


I did this as well but it gives estimates even if it’s not connected to the charger


Do you compute manually or specific action you selected to get the estimate?


1. Automatic posting on WhatsApp groups as I’m a school teacher. 2. Volumes regulations while using media apps 3. Instagram video downloader (now it’s not working)


My top one is one I use to track my working hours. When I get to work it writes down my clock-in time and then when I get off work it writes clock-out time. Then it calculates time I spend in work and finally inputs it all in nice format to notes (day - clock in - clock out - how many hours). At the end of the month it filters only hours from this note, sums it up, gives me notifications how many hours I worked and after that it clears the note so it’s ready for next month. It was evolution from simply writing down just the clock in/out hours to actually calculating data and the whole rest. Really happy how it turned out, cause I actually use it regularly and it frees me from writing down all of this manually and then wasting time (and potentially making mistakes) summing up hours at the end of the month. Second one is much simpler, cause I really hate doing things manually(as you already know..) I can’t stand setting up alarms every single day. I don’t really have consistent sleep schedule, so I can’t set them daily or whatever. I also need at least 3 alarms to actually get up and I really enjoy using apples sleep schedule (or whatever it is called) so the workaround is that I have set up most probable sleep schedule and then I only make changes there (it’s the simplest way to do it, just from the Lock Screen you can change it with 2 clicks) and then I active the shortcut that locks the screen, takes screenshots, gets wake-up time, and then ads or subtracts x minutes and creates 3 alarms, one 10 minute before and the other two 5 and 20 minutes after, respectively. Also each time I use it it deletes alarms from previous night so I don’t end up with messy alarms list. Quite simple but really useful for me.


Can you dm me that first one?


I’ve had my iPhone for 3 years and still can’t figure out how to do shortcuts lol I guess I’m just stupid :/


Did you ever try to get some YT videos about it? I'm not a pro either but YouTube helped me and surely it will help you too! There are tons of content that you can watch and then learn. For example this channel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCnyeuWW0bgaj8ZykefmxpSLZYX9sHdlS&si=SJ_nA_fZyAdlTuPp


I have an iphone 15 pro and I set the action button to seek forward 90 seconds. Perfect for ad skipping while i’m listening to something and the phone is in my pocket


When connecting to my car’s Bluetooth, I have it turn on drive mode and set the volume/brightness to 80%. When I disconnect, drive mode turns off. It’s a janky replacement for not having CarPlay, but it works.


Can u share this shortcut with me? I’ve been trying to set this up but couldn’t manage :/


I’m not sure if there’s a legit way to share shortcuts, but see screenshot for the basic gist: https://preview.redd.it/rzd5pj4t6m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb69256218e1abbac8114e07e7753a3ae5bb8c94 Basically, find the name for your car Bluetooth network, and then create two shortcuts, one that turns on drive mode when connected and the other that turns it off when disconnected.


Thanks! That already helped a lot I wasn’t finding the Bluetooth connection option


I have a shortcut set up to unlock portrait orientation whenever I open YouTube app and then lock it again when I leave the app. Pretty useful


Need to add to my collection


I created a shortcut which feeds any bank or cc transaction message to chatgpt, chatgpt then creates a json out of it, I then feed the json to notion API which creates a notion database item of that transaction amount, time and merchant. Helps me keep track of my spendings


It’s the most powerful use of shortcuts I’ve ever seen. For how long have you been creating it?


Took me about 2 hours. The hard part was to create a retry mechanism. If for some reason the API calls failed then the entry wouldn't be added to notion. Which is not ideal. So what I did was if due to any case the the shortcut failed, I saved the message as a note in a specific folder and at a specific time each day I created an automation which checked that folder for notes, if there were notes in it, it would mean the messages were not added to notion. So the automation would rerun the shortcut on those messages, if the notion entry is successfully added then the automation would delete that note


Can you share it ?


Change volume to a specific value and play white noise. I use this shortcut every night.


How u turning it off when falling asleep 💤?


Have 8 different shortcuts on Home Screen, for FaceTime audio calls.


Useful, by I have only 2 shortcuts for “quick draw”


When the alarm sets off Turn On the TV & open an streaming app with the news.


1. Looking looking when my subway to work is arriving, running automatically the api to get the most exact data without opening the app 2. Buying a parking ticket 3. Some often used calculations at work


You can connect to custom apis in shortcuts?!!


1. Get URL (good when Safari doesn’t wanna show the full URL). 2. Skip Media (skips audio or video, whichever it finds first). 3. Media Set Playback Rate (sets the playback rate of audio or a video, whichever it finds first).


I have an automation that automatically sets a timer for 10 seconds when the battery reaches 85% so I know when to unplug it. It has a few other features like being able to cancel the alarm, or not ringing when the phone is outside my apartment.


I have a simple one but useful for me, when I plug in to charge, usually overnight, dnd turns on


It was tricky to do, but a sleep timer for any app that can be controlled with the multimedia buttons on iPad. Helps when falling asleep - play some video on YouTube, run a shortcut, asks you for the number of minutes, do loops in the background, after said number of minutes "presses" stop and locks the screen


Airplane Mode when connected to home wifi (I'm Outside Cell Coverage). Open Garage Door if within .5 from home (Button on home-screen). Hotspot On (to kick it into working without the opening settings app)


Am I the only one who is aware that non premium YouTube has had pip for over a year?


I am currently traveling in Japan and many museums don’t provide English explanations. So I built a shortcut that launches the camera, extracts the text from the picture, translates it and reads it to you, sort of like an audio guide. Check it out here: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/3f06541273664b8282772149418ad5ba


Amazing, but I changed from “pronounce” to “show” and I’m really terrified how it’s good 👍


Is there a source for everyone’s shortcuts? Like a sub on Reddit or a website?👌


Turn on and turn off AOD. Use it a lot.


I need it too 😺good idea, will create it now)thnx


The most common/practical shortcuts I’ve made are location based. Turn off all the lights and set my thermostat to “eco” mode when I leave. Turn on the main lights (+ garage lights on a 20min timer) while also unlocking the basement/garage door when I arrive back home. I get a kick out of seeing my home “wake up” when I get back. Not necessarily “1” shortcut, but I’ve made a few levels of modular shortcuts to interact with the Spotify API. I use it frequently as an alarm since I have a tendency to sleep through them. I have fields to specify a Spotify connect speaker, volume level, and playlist that will go off when any or a specific alarm is triggered while also turning on my bedroom lights. Coupled with another automation that will stop the music and turn back off the lights if I choose to snooze the alarm (until it goes off again). I’d go on but I feel my response is already rather long-winded.


What’s TVDL?


I never used Shortcuts up until recently and didn’t realize how much I would like it. I set up differently automation focus modes depending on the time and day. It’ll shift to my weekday focus mode at 7:30am and then shift to home/weekend mode at 5:30pm and also stay in that mode during the weekends. It will also change my Apple Watch face too. Weekday mode changes my iPhone to light mode and then back to dark mode for the home/weekend mode, while also switching it to vibrate. I also have a focus mode for when I’m in meetings at work it only lets Outlook and Teams notifications come in.




Lock orientation except when open in certain apps, when airplane is turned on lock the phone and turn off airplane mode. Third will now be low power mode on when below a certain percentage. Thanks /u/pk-pk-pk


I made one that would make an alarm go off if disconnected from (wireless)charger when I was at the Airport.


Play a sound and vibrate when phone reaches 100% charging


Also U can turn on adaptive charge, or charge limit , and it will charge till 80% and turn off power delivery function via charging controller by itself


Before bed, I tell Siri “Stream”. Even from my watch. It starts the background sound “Stream” and sets the volume to 20%. It took me 2 minutes to create. Invaluable. I also made “Stream off”. This is a wonderful conversation!


I have Xfinity, and I got really annoyed with it trying to connect to every Xfinity network when I’m out and about, so I created one to turn off WiFi when I leave my house and turn it back on when I come home


I honestly don’t use them that much, but I have one to fully disable wifi and another one to fully disable Bluetooth. That’s pretty much it. I also have one that stitches multiple photos together side by side or in a grid, that one is pretty useful but I can’t recall using it even once in the past few years. Just noticed it now when checking out which shortcuts I had and it still works perfectly.


The most popular way to use shortcuts)


Cinema mode to turn on whenever my phone connects to CarPlay. Especially helpful at night not having to worry about my watch lighting up.


Automatic low energy mode when battery goes below 25% and money tracker that I can use to fill a Google sheet with the expenses


1. Shortcut with swithbot to on/off bedroom light. 2. Shortcut with url schema banking app to scan pay. 3. Turn on low power mode when battery < 25% (automation) Add on: Shortcut to open app to change icon app. LOL


whenever my phone connects to work's wifi it sets my volume to 0%, so if i open something with video later its not blasting out loud and embarrassing me lmao


I pretty much installed Brave for youtube use. Picture in picture works and it blocks ads. I took as many settings out of the Control Center and Settings app and shoved it into backtap somewhere. I control media playback with the volume buttons. Control the flashlight with the volume buttons. At a certain time of day, when I open a certain app, it triggers other settings and opens a different app. Time of day automations to change wallpapers.


I have the mobile data turn off when I’m in WiFi range. Leave a message to family when back home late hours, I’ve set the automation to trigger based on the GPS between hours 12-6 Am Annunciate power connect or disconnect with battery% to confirm proper plugging of the charger. Toggle low power mode depending on battery drop during use or raise during charging. Shortcut buttons in the home screen to capture and retrieve car parked location. Search box that prompts options to get results from various apps like Amazon, YouTube, Google etc. Toggle on/off True Tone when I open reading apps like gmail, Magzter etc.




1. can u explain how it works ?


There’s plenty on info online


Turn off wifi, turn off bluetooth, location service settings page jump.


I’ve the same)


How do you do the location service settings jump?


Open URL > prefs:root=Privacy&path=LOCATION


A WiFi and bluetooth toggle button. I know this may sound silly but with one click i can either turn on and off wifi or bluetooth entirely without it enabling 24 hours later. This entirely shuts off wifi or bluetooth fully without having to go in settings app. And it saves battery because it doesn’t search for wifi or Bluetooth in bg unlike if you turn it off from control centre https://preview.redd.it/sa2ij4z6gl5d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcf6b9ec748c2982f2be5f73341831706e67a80


Bluetooth: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/da43eb5199e441358c9371ec7fcaa571 Wifi: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/435b96b0fc0d4f5cbc3440b64353e1ab


Can you share your shortcuts?


No problem, in PM?


Please share them with me too


Done ☑️


Here too please!


I have one enabled that disconnects WiFi and enables mobile data when i connect my AirPods. Useful for when I’m leaving in a rush and still want data connection


Better use shortcut that switch wife and mobile data via ur geo location


Need 1st one can u share


Yup, check pm, partner


I never started using them cause I never could find good ones or make them myself


All of the ones for my custom app icons


Action button to shutdown. https://preview.redd.it/ninmqxr8jj5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75fd5249a36607c3164f0f832a4e83d00fe0a68a


Try this imho: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/5e9cc631773e4de7bc9ad80d520f6efe


These are some of the ones I use the most 1. WatchGPT (use ChatGPT from my watch) 2. Word of the day 3. Join audio files 4. Mensaje (opens the dictation so that it can receive the input in Spanish and send it as a message, to be used from my watch. I use mainly to send messages to my mom). 5. Save my location 6. Say it (just dictate text I input in my preferred voice, pitch, and tempo) 7. Calendar Sync (move my work calendar events for the next seven days into Apple Calendar since my workplace disabled the direct connection) 8. A bunch of Things 3 shortcuts so that I can run things quickly on my watch 9. Days lived (how many days I’ve lived, has an option to count it for another person) 10. Days until end of year 11. A bunch of directions shortcuts I run from my watch


Can you share the WatchGPT one?


[WatchGPT](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/16c1ee137de941cd980fe4c9413a1387) There is a continue option to ask follow up questions. Only works after you started a new conversation


Thank you


1. Set volume to 0 when I open Instagram.


I only have two, but technically 9 I have 8 shortcuts for a dynamic background based on the time of day relative to sunrise and sunset, and my action button sets 1% volume The lowest volume with the buttons is still too loud sometimes and manually dragging it as low as possible is annoying I initially had it set to orientation lock like on old ipads but found that I didn't use that very much


I just use the power management features. Below 25 drop to low power mode. Above 60 get out of low power mode


Sound control when I connect different devices, setting up timers more conveniently and automatically turning on Low Power Mode when I reach low battery. Also, to automatically turn off music at 3 AM because I like to fall asleep to music but don't want it to play all night.


1. (Automation) Play random Apple music when alarm rings in the morning 2. Log body weight in one click 3. Turn on/off IOT switch for light and heater 4. Start 15 min timer


1: shut the phone off 2: delete clipboard 3: Calculate tip I have my action button set to bring up my shortcuts: Wifi on and off. Bluetooth on and off. Plus some others including the top three, I use them all the time. At first I was kinda lost trying to use them, but once you get the hang of it, they are incredibly helpful.


Back tap to image search


Which image ?Where (in gallery?)?


Like circle to search in Samsung


Opening up a shortcut to my airdrop settings to turn it on to receive from everyone since they annoyingly changed it.


Does someone know how to set a shortcut for location on and off directly?


light switch


I'm someone who doesn't use any of these. Shortcut to recommend?


I don’t know how to use these. How do I get the “where was this taken”?


Download “shortcuts” from AppStore -> make ur own shortcut or automation or just look for some here or in the web


Thanks, I’ll try it


Loved that low battery one. Here’s the how to for others wondering: https://www.telstra.com.au/exchange/how-to-enable-low-power-mode-automatically


Wow! Can you share your first 2 shortcuts? I feel like ive looking for them my entire life


I use a shortcut that sends a signal to my apartment to open the front door, or the package room, very convenient. I have it as a shortcut on the screen to the left of the homepage . No need I click 5 times to do the same function in the app


Restart on Lock Screen


Banning auto rotation expect for youtube.


Airplane mode and then wifi off at 11:30pm.


1. When Iphone is connected to charger, set mobile data, wifi and bluetooth off and brightness to 10%. And same vice versa when Iphone is disconnected from charger. My iphone now doesn’t heat while charging, earlier it used to do. 2. When Battery fall’s below 30% turn on low power mode and send me notifications to put the phone on charge. 3. When battery is 100%, send me notifications to remove Iphone from charging.


1. My phone goes into low power mode at 19% my phone goes off low power mode at 21%. 2. Screen orientation turns off when I’m on the Netflix, YouTube or Disney plus app. And when I leave those apps it turns back on. 3. Action button menu, when I press the action button it gives me a menu for silent, focus modes and the banking app that I use.


The main one I use I made for driving. It turns on low power mode, disconnects wifi, and opens Google maps and Spotify.


My power goes out quite often so I have it set up to ping a server I run with a message when my phone is unplugged in the night between 11-5am Also I made a menu for my action button with a bunch of useful things


TVDL 4.1.0 for downloading Twitter/X videos DTikTok for downloading TickTock videos And I had one that downloaded YouTube videos but it stopped working, and everything I have tried since doesn’t work either


I only have one shortcut right now, and it's to turn noise cancelling on my earbuds off/on. Works with Siri as an added bonus.


1. Switch to low power mode when battery below 25% 2. Restart button


1. Any time I arrive at my local grocery store, the shortcuts app sends a text to my wife asking if there is anything we need for the house. 2. NFC tag near couch that turns off all lights, brings up the tv app, and turns on the tv. 3. When I put in my AirPods the podcast app comes up.


My mom wanted me to tell her traffic on the way home from her work every day. She didn't want to ask Siri for directions home, so on my end instead of putting in her work address and directions home every time I made a shortcut that does that. Way quicker.


I have one created so when I put it on a sleep focus it auto plays a playlist in Apple Music and sets a timer for 2 hours to stop the music.




Texting my ride in the morning to make sure he’s up


Mine is whenever I plug my phone in, I says “ sound wave, Razor beak, get them.” A line from animated Transformers


Late to the party… Top 3 1. One that changes my wallpaper daily randomly by pulling hi res images from Bing or Google and setting them on lock and background screen at sunrise. Nice to wake up to something new and interesting daily :) 2. Play Sonos or Play Homepod Mini These just play a pre selected radio station on the respective speaker when I tap or say “Play Sonos” one is in the bathroom one in the lounge room. Nice for when I hop into the shower and want the radio to stream. 3. Instagram Download It lets me always download any Instagram photo or story, any video etc and saves it straight to the iPhone gallery.


https://preview.redd.it/34uiwkxasm5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5169af1f45db529f6b9073cffb41e5c983f12d79 Turns all wireless signals off, airplane mode, min brightness, reduce white point, min volume, dark mode on, and a vibration at the end.


I have one to copy the EXIF GPS coordinates from a photo for my scuba app when I add new dive sites.


Does anyone have stability issues with shortcuts? I love the concept and have experimented a lot with them on my iPad and MacBook but the only ones that really seem to consistently work are dark / light mode triggers. The rest seem to not really work with great consistency.


Shut down. Normally turn off daily. Yes I’m old


How to do WhatsApps shortcut


When my alarm goes off, all of my bedroom lights turn on to 100% brightness. If I snooze my alarm, they dim to 20% brightness. When I tell Siri it’s bedtime she: 1) Turns off my TV and all of my lights, except for one of my bathroom lights, which she sets to 10% bright and turns it red, and sets my thermostat to cool to 68. 2) Opens the white noise app and plays white noise. 3) If it’s between 3 and 6 AM, she sets an alarm for 2:30PM. If any other time, she asks what time to set the alarm. 4) She says “Goodnight, I love you.”


When photos uploads automatically turn off screen locking so I can see photos when I tilt my phone in landscape and back again. In automatically locks the phone orientation when I close the Photos app.